Street Fighter If you're not able to check in with the sub every day, r/StreetFighter cuts a podcast every week to cover all the best posts you might have missed.

If you're not able to check in with the sub every day, r/StreetFighter cuts a podcast every week to cover all the best posts you might have missed.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:51 AM PST

Check the links in the comments if you want to check out any of the threads talked about on the podcast.

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Please give as much feedback as you can to the format. I want this to benefit the sub as much as possible and help people find valuable content.

Video Format

submitted by /u/Joe_Munday
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Let's see r/SF's tier list for Season 2!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:18 AM PST

I wanted to do this to see the communities opinion on where characters stand. With AE coming out in less than a month, I figured now would be a great time to get everyone's last and final opinion on their thoughts of character strength in Season 2 before the entire meta gets changed for Season 3! Go to the link and drag and drop the order of characters you think are top to bottom tier.

View current results here:

edit: 16 Responses so far, let's keep them coming!

edit 2: Up to 62! Feel free to discuss your own views like others have below! Maybe you might convince someone and influence their list as well!

submitted by /u/iThrow_UGA
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momochi's long thought on japan's progamer licence

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:02 AM PST

Menat Pixel Comeback

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 08:17 PM PST

Giving some free redbull codes

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:57 AM PST

Good luck to everyone :) I put one number in parentheses to avoid the bots picking the codes.







submitted by /u/-skualo
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It's moments like these which makes Street Fighter & FGs so amazing & entertaining ( Best of 2017 )

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 10:56 PM PST

SFV:AE Team Battle Mode

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

Still can't update at all, 2200d, 2200f, don't know what else to try

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:24 AM PST

Introducing Team Versus Mode for Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition!

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

Unranked but Unrelenting: How I Got to Platinum in 9 Months

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 12:10 PM PST

In April 2017 I found myself laid up with a serious illness. Bored out of my mind and desperate for a way to entertain myself, a chance viewing of an SFV tournament on Twitch inspired me to pick up the game.. I was utterly hopeless that first afternoon, barely able to do a DP motion much less cancel it from a normal. The game seemed fun but the competitive aspect is what really appealed to me. At a time when a sickness made me feel powerless and weak, the idea that I could practice and improve in a codified environment that literally put a number on how good you were relative to others really appealed to me. The day I got the game I set a goal for myself: gold rank by 2018. Last week I bested that goal by getting to platinum a scant few weeks shy of the new year


For many, getting to platinum is no big deal. It's widely considered the start of serious play in ranked SFV. For others, it seems like an unreachable height. I don't think I'm some godlike entity for doing something thousands have done before me, nor do I believe I am a fighting game savant for doing it in less than a year with no prior fighting game experience. My only aim in writing this is to share how I did it in the hopes that it will help people who are aiming to rank up and improve in SFV.


If you are among those people and are expecting some arcane tech that will help you rise up, you will be disappointed. There are no tricks here, just a simple list of the principles and practices that I put in place to help me achieve my goal:


Mindset, mindset, mindset

Your attitude is by far the most determining factor in your success..not genius, and most certainly not talent. I've watched enough Naruto to know you don't have to be a ninja genius to become Hokage. Your mental outlook can compensate for the lack of smarts and raw skill, but the inverse is not true. It doesn't matter how naturally gifted you are, no innate ability or intelligence can ever make up for a bad attitude.


What makes a good attitude? Honestly that's up to you to decide. Humility, confidence, caution, recklessness all have a place in the mental game.. The only thing I can tell you is what won't work: salt.


Salt is the mind-killer. Salt is the little-death that brings total obliteration.


Don't get me wrong, frustration and anger are inevitable, and it is ok to feel them and let them fuel your drive to improve. Blaming character balance, game mechanics , or luck will never help you..


discard your wins and cherish your losses, they have much more to offer.


Character Commitment

Let's get this out of the way: Tiers matter. If you disagree, let us examine the case of Human Smoke and Scorpion in Ultimate Moral Kombat 3. Scorpion is a solid mid-tier character with a lot of good tools, but Human Smoke has literally everything Scorpion has (same normals and specials) plus an extra launcher combo. He is the same character plus something very useful, how could you ever argue that Smoke is equal to or inferior to Scorpion? Thus...tiers!


That said you don't have to pick a high tier character to succeed, you don't even need to pick a mid-tier character. The only thing you need to consider is if your character has a unique game plan and the tools to execute it. In the current SFV meta (season 2.5) Juri is considered rock bottom, with Ryu not far behind, but to Juri's credit, she has at least a few unique traits. Meanwhile there is almost nothing Ryu can do that Guile can't do better. One need only to look towards Daigo to see proof of this.


The takeaway? Pick whoever you want, but try to set yourself up for success. The best characters are like a good essay, they have a succinct thesis. As an exercise, I will list three characters, in one sentence tell me what their game plan is:






See my point?


Most importantly, just pick one and stick with them. You can't truly learn a character and all they have to offer unless you spend hundreds of hours with them. Find one, and put a ring on it.


Now Watch and Learn!

We live in a golden age of free information and instructables. If it weren't for youtube and twitch, I would have never learned the game. If you are serious about the game, there is literally no excuse for not constantly digesting content. Watch streams, tournaments, combo and tech videos. Watch everything you can and do it deliberately, if you don't understand something, then rewind it until you do.


One of the most amazing features of SFV is the replay function. All you need to do is know the CFN of a player to be able to watch all of their videos. Find out the handle of your favorite pro and watch all their videos, dissect everything they do (frame by frame if you have too) and try to write down or at least make a note of the things you notice they do that you don't. Steal their tech, copy their style, do what they do because there is a reason they are pros. The only thing more important than watching a high level player of your main, is watching your own replays. This goes back to what I said in the mindset section; you are going to have to swallow some pride, watch the beats, and hold those Ls. If you subscribe to my mindset philosophy, you will soon realize your loss is entirely your fault, revisiting those defeats will be the only way to move past them.


Practice makes Perfects

As far as I'm concerned, practice mode is street fighter, competitive matches just prove who is better at it, and that all comes down to how you use it.


Practice mode is much more than a safe space to practice your flashiest combos and blow off some steam. It's where you sharpen the muscles and hone the senses in search of the single most important quality in gameplay: consistency.


Street Fighter is a chaotic game. Even the best players in the world do not wield total control over the battlefield. With hundreds of thousands of possible interactions between characters and moves, you can rarely say you know for sure what will happen next. With so much of the game out of your hands, there is no excuse to screw up the things you have absolute control over. Don't just spend your time in practice mode (and it should be a lot of time) doing cool combos, do the drills shared in Gief's Gym until your eyes bleed. Bread and butter combos, anti-airs, hit confirms, counter-hit confirms, blocking high and low, late techs need to be more than muscle memory, they need to be coded into the fabric of your being. To succeed you must be able to pulls these off consistently so you can capitalize on every opportunity that presents itself.


One last note on this: consistent > optimal


While you should always strive to make the optimal move consistent, until you do, err on the side of caution and do what you know will work. Sure you will be losing 20-50 damage here and there, but I would rather do that than drop the combo and not get anything.


Know the Matchups

If characters are like essays, each with their own thesis statement, battles are like debates between two ideas. The only way you can successfully argue your point, is if you understand the other one's strengths and weaknesses.


I generally try to learn a little of every character, often just the basic combos and frame traps, only that I might recognize and better understand their actions when I fight them. If you don't want to do that, then at very least watch the terrific and delightfully in depth character guide videos produced by bafael. They will at very least, give you a good sense of what these characters are capable of and what their game plan is.


Still, an argument is only as good as the person making it. Character knowledge is great, but nothing beats knowing the opponent. You are going to need to develop the skills to quickly assess the person you are playing. Are they a maniac or ultra-conservative? Do they not know some fundamental concept like meaty pressure? Do they just want to command throw you a lot?


Try to figure out what they want to do, and then don't let them.


I hope somebody finds this useful. This community and others like it have been a tremendous resource for me as I developed as a player. I firmly believe in the good fighting games can do, it is like playing chess and dance dance revolution at the same time, and that is very good. Go and get better.

submitted by /u/crashed_panoz
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Valle's (very brief) thoughts on SFV and traditional fundamentals

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:19 AM PST

Does Street Fighter usually go on sale during Steam sales?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:03 AM PST

Hey, bought the game myself a couple of months ago and have a couple of friends who are interested in getting into it, figured it'd be a nice christmas present for them but I'm not keen on spending full retail price for both (we usually buy eachother meme presents for like £10 or less)

Does SF usually go on sale with the other games? I have no idea because I'd never played it before this year. Cheers.

submitted by /u/JoshRaven
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First time player looking for advice

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST

Hello 👋, im a new player in the Street Fighter franchise and im looking for advice. After a long time of being homeless and being without a job I finally was able to purchase a game after years without gaming. My friend who I attended high school with (we're both 21) dropped out of the medical field to compete in local street fighter tournament's in Texas. Obviously being his friend, I want to beat him & show that I can match up against him, problem is the last I played a fighting game was about a decade ago. (Marvel v. Capcom arcade version) I still own my xbox 360 and decided to purchase Super Street Fighter II Turbo Remix & I was looking for advice for each character. I know I could always go to youtube to get tutorials but I felt like I needed real input from the community & like minded people. (P.s. I plan on getting Street Fighter 3 online edition & Street Fighter 4 ultra edition)

submitted by /u/Dudeson53
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I'm learning Kolin. Here are my (WIP) notes for those that may benefit from them.

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 03:42 PM PST

Which Street Fighter 1 characters would you like to be playable that are not in 5 so far?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:55 AM PST

Retsu, Geki, Joe, Mike, Lee, Gen, Eagle, and Adon are not playable in SFV. Ether it be in 5 or a future SF game which one would you like to be playable. Personally I would like Retsu or Geki. Retsu for his past with Ryu and Geki for his possible connections to Vega and Ibuki. Also Geki was on E3 2017 poster.

SF1 characters

submitted by /u/liubei12
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State of the game

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:29 AM PST


After hearing about MvCI is being questioned if it should even be at the next EVO... How is SF V doing overall? compared to say Injustice 2 etc... I am thinking about getting the game on PC (since I have an old 360 Fightstick)

submitted by /u/xsabrewulf
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Who will be your team for the new Team Versus Mode and pick a name for it.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:06 AM PST

I really hope they add this mode online. My five characters will be Ken, Ed, Guile, Cammy and Karin - Blonde Pride! (I know Ken is fake blonde lol)

submitted by /u/thegrudge2007
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I seriously can't get enough of Turbo on SNES.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:16 AM PST

All I do is beat up the A.I. with Ryu, but it's fun for some reason. I think I'm even learning combos, now.

submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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Aulbath should be in the game

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

He would be cool

submitted by /u/bo-boo-boom
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SFV Arcade Edition... New abilities?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

I just watched the Arcade Edition trailer and it says new abilities...

are these just new abilities from the new V Triggers? or do characters have new supers etc?

submitted by /u/xsabrewulf
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[Daily General Lounge] Here is a collection of general information & useful resources. Casual conversations, quick questions and answers are welcome!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 04:06 AM PST

This thread provides a place for everyone to ask simple questions and chat about anything reasonably on topic. To new players and new members of the community alike we encourage you tap into all of the resources of this sub.

  • If you're a new player looking for players around your same skill level, check out the New Challenger, the go to place for new players trying to level up!

  • If you want to learn how to play and become a better player at Street Fighter V, you must check out the useful resources below:

  • Just want to chat? Come visit our Discord server!

Street Fighter V Character Data & Move Lists

Rashid R. Mika ChunLi Ryu Ken
Cammy Laura Zangief Karin Nash
M.Bison Birdie Vega Necalli Dhalsim
F.A.N.G Alex Guile Ibuki Balrog
Juri Urien Akuma Kolin Ed
Abigail Menat Zeku

Character Discussion Index for character specific combos, tips and matchups

General FAQ

  1. I'm new to SFV and this is overwhelming! What do I do?
  2. Where can I find a basic overview of each character?
  3. What does _____ mean?
  4. Where can I find combos?
  5. How can I stop being bad?
  6. Are there other Fighting Game communities?
  7. Where can I find replays?
  8. Can my computer handle Street Fighter V?
    • Click here to see Street Fighter V PC Recommended Specs!
  9. What's Footsies?
  10. Execution problems?
  11. Advanced Techniques?
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Frustrating SF Moments: Getting hit by the missed dp into dp mixup

Posted: 20 Dec 2017 01:07 PM PST

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