Smite - Developer Update: New Art & Gameplay Clarity

Developer Update: New Art & Gameplay Clarity

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST

Picture of Jungle

Hey friends, MLC St3alth here with another update!

Today I'll be grabbing two of our art leads and letting you take a closer look into the Season 5 Conquest map art direction.

Everyone has different toasters. Some might have little dials that toast your bread longer. Others might have colorful lights that shine for all to see. No matter your toaster, we want it to be able to run SMITE. Whenever we improve the art in any of our games, performance is always at the forefront of our minds. We want to make sure that everyone who is currently able to play SMITE will continue to be able to after the update.The team is focused on making sure the update will run as close to, if not smoother than, current SMITE on lower end machines while still looking awesome.

Without further ado, here is a message from SMITE Art Director, Chuk and our SMITE Environmental Lead, Christian:

With SMITE, we are always working to update the look of the game, and we alternate through the maps one at a time.

Last season, we updated Clash to its current Egyptian theme, and made some very conscious artistic and stylistic changes to the environment art.

The goals of this were:

  • Make the art more exaggerated and fun
  • Allow the background (the map) to be a little more consistent so Gods and abilities stand out from the environment
  • Decrease the overall contrast/noise to make the map more relaxing on the eyes

Since the redo, we found the new Clash map to be much more enjoyable to play on, and we set out to recreate that magic in the Season 5 Conquest map.

The artistic achievements we've been striving for in the rebuilding of the S5 Conquest map are:

  • Capture the fun look, consistent tone, and easy-on-the-eyes style that have been established in our new environments
  • Have very distinct visual themes, coloration, and context for all of the jungle camps
  • Have vertical landmarks that make it easier to navigate to the map
  • Bring back fog to make the Jungle more scary to be in, and to also give some visual basis to support the shorter character clip out distance

We used the concept of the "Risen Underworld" to give us a good context to have the two sides of the map be VERY visually distinct from one another.

Picture of mid lane/FG

This not only makes the map more interesting, it makes the two sides of the map much clearer and more distinct from one another. The rift down the center provides a cool way for us to landmark the center of the map. It also provides some context that makes the two bases being right next to each other slightly more believable.

Picture of Gold Fury area

We wanted very distinct areas that support the Major Camps, Gold Fury and Fire Giant.

Picture of buff nest

We've learned a lot about what makes Titans feel good over the years, and we redesigned them specifically to apply this knowledge.

  • The Titans are now lore inspired!
  • We made them ground based because flying titans make it harder to judge their position and hit area
  • They now only have overhand attack animations making it much easier to see who the Titan is focusing with its attacks

We made some other cool updates, synergizing the art and gameplay. The Phoenix wells now open and close reinforcing the state the Phoenix is in. We've also greatly improved the readability of weaker "reborn" phoenixes.

Chuk, SMITE Art Director

Christian, SMITE Environment Lead

That's it for today! What do you guys think? We're super excited to share this with you and are looking forward to hearing feedback.

  • MLC St3alth <3
submitted by /u/HiRezSt3alth
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New counter to loki ult

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

What are some of your favorite taunts/direct taunts in SMITE?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:33 PM PST

My favorites include:

Susano- "Sorry, sis. It had to be done." (To Amaterasu)

Hachiman- "Until you master your weapons; maybe stick with one." (To Ullr)

Ama- "Looks like someone is even hotter than you." (To Sol)

Hades- "You know that monster under your bed? That's me!" (To Scylla)

SPF 666 Morrigan-"Ahaha! Oh hello Dad Bod!" (To Bacchus)

And what may be the best...

Swagni- "I ain't got time to be dealing with no motherfuckin dragons and shit!" (To Kukulkan or Ao Kuang)

I know I may have missed a lot since there are plenty of gems out there.

submitted by /u/NegroKetchumX2
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Apophis doesn't care about your CC immunity

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

This Season 5 Conquest Map Art looks Amazing

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:17 PM PST

Nice Job

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:18 AM PST

HRX casters and analysts

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 11:22 AM PST

Lower the salt

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:20 PM PST

on the salt emote. It's too high up, I can't see it when I use it as the titan dies before the victory screen.

submitted by /u/checkingthefail
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Clans in Season 5 - "They need more"

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST

Alright, So, Let's get straight to the point of what I want to see in Season 5 of SMITE in terms of clans.

  1. FIX THE BUGS: There are some bugs in my clan section right now (created in 2015). The main annoying one being that when I upgrade a person from initiate to member, chat says "[X Name Man] has been promoted to @@rank_name@@" and it just posts it throughout the chat as this. The second being: Able to scroll down without stopping, Now idk if this is a recent bug, because it only started occurring recently, but when I scroll down my roster with the mouse wheel, if my courser is in the middle, then it won't scroll, but if it's off to the left side it will (not sure what's up here).

  2. INCENTIVE: Add an incentive to actually be in clans again. What happened to the shadow skins that were introduced in the clan chests? I'm not saying that you have to make the chests the same or make more shadow skins (although it'd be nice, and hint hint: make the abilities have a shadow effect) but I would enjoy having something to spend my clan honor on in some form or way that will last a plentiful amount of time.

  3. CUSTOMIZATION: I can't stress this enough, let me customize my clan more. Let me give specific permissions to my officers. Let me have a system that automatically brings up a person to "member rank" when they reach [x] honor and let me set that honor. Let me have a system that kicks players that have been gone for [X] amount of time and let me set that time and make certain people exempt to it.

  4. QUESTS: Put the clan quest, the one you can only see on the home page of a clan into the quests notification box at the lower right. This way players can see it and will know it's there rather than going through the hassle of looking for the quest on the clan page. + Add some more incentive then just clan honor and regular honor when you beat a clan quest, for instance : "If you participated in the clan quest, once it's complete you gain clan honor, personal honor, and a winner's chest (or something, maybe like 5 gems, idk just tossing around ideas).

  5. MAIL SYSTEM: While not directly talking about clan's in this matter, having a form of a mail system to send out clan wide messages, or messages to your friends that just went offline before you could send your important message to them, would be so great. I get it, maybe your scared that the toxic players will just bm with the mail system and spam, but you could set in road blocks like: "Only friends and clan mates can send mail to each other."

  6. While this falls under customization, I would love seeing a way to maybe where the officers or clan members take a vote to cycle through clan quests so you're not stuck with one no one wants to do and you give people that don't play that way a choice. Ex: My clan is sitting at a play 60 ranked games (i get what you're trying to do, I know you want people to play rank but still) and out of it being here for a while, out of nearly 200+ members (I just cleared out a lot of afk's, sitting at clan level 7) only 5 games have been played.

  7. Another thing I would like to see is a special flair or banner or highlighted name that shows up when you are an officer/owner/member/initiate that tells you who's who.

  8. I know there's more that can be added or fixed, but sadly I can't think of anymore, so if you have anything else you would love to see, post it in the comments so HR can look (hopefully) and change some things. The clan system is out of date and needs a bit of an overhaul.

submitted by /u/EndKnight
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Cosplay Skins

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

Does anyone else REALLY want more skins like Ragnatosker? I'd love to see something like an Aphro skin for Nemesis.

submitted by /u/dakotahblake
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Hirez fix your hitboxes

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:04 AM PST

Is it worth learning to play conquest?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:46 PM PST

I and a group of other players want to play conquest more but it seems like the only people who play even casuals are 10-20k FP higher and only play that mode. Is it too late to get into it without getting stomped for months?

submitted by /u/ayeitswild
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Monthly update on the SMITE Esports Wiki

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:14 AM PST

Hi reddit, its me again. About a month ago, we relaunched the SMITE Esports Wiki and since then I can tell you, the work didnt stop.

So far in the past farm we kept on updating current rosters, we created pages for Challnger Circuit noticeable players, like Joshy and Hynry and teams like Spacestation Gold and Apes in Capes for example.

Apart from that, we are working on updating the team portal as well as the player portals. Additionally in order to prepare for the rosterpocalypse of season 5, we made preseason roster swap pages

We also working on updating previous information on non eu/na regions. As of now, SEA, OCE and LATAM have all their major tournaments updated on the wiki, and we are working on putting on the Console and Brazil tournaments as well. Note: if you can contribute to those regions, as in providing info about players, or filling missing schedule, it would be much appreciated :D

Going into swc we are planning to bring back an old feature on our wiki: with including team rosters, picks and bans, end game scoreboards, gods and players stats, and a game-by-game vods. Additionally, our goal before s5 stars (apart with keep updating new information) is to add teams/players biography, and we welcome anyone who wants to help.

I would like to also thank Cityofcyn for joining and being an active editor, and to NicerChile, Legatum's support player, for helping me with gather and sort LATAM info.

Anway, have a nice day reddit, and always be nice ingame :D

PS: if anyone wants to know how to edit, just make a gamepedia account, go to the page you want to edit, click on "edit source" and follow through (you can also use existing pages as a guide).

PSS: forgot, if you also have interviews/articles that you can add to players/teams, it would be lovely!!! <3

submitted by /u/CaptainMaclagman
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S4 Ranked Rewards Revealed Tomorrow!

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

Making a god Concept Live (Taking suggestions)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:06 PM PST

If you look at my past History, Concepts are a fun thing that I like to do when I come up with a really cool ability or partial concept

Come watch, Give Suggestions, And remember... this is all for fun



submitted by /u/Drover15
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Dear Hi-Rez Improvements to the matchmaker in season 5 will be more hype than a new map.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:49 PM PST

PS4 server problems

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 05:54 PM PST

Anyone else having problems connecting to the servers? I load up the game login and it won't load my profile then kicks me saying "you have been returned to the login screen due to a loss of connection to the game server" it was working fine earlier

submitted by /u/Baka-Slaya-
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Morrigan uses her own emotes even when transformed into other gods?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 06:53 PM PST

Can someone confirm this? I think this is the case, and if so, its a nice touch by hirez

submitted by /u/Helix6126
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Seriously, the problem with DND needs a fix.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:52 PM PST

I don't know how many patches ago we have this problem, but I am getting tired of this.

People refuse to take the lost after I win a duel, or even after I don't say anything they are just whispering shit around.

If I am in DND, is because I don't want nobody to whisper me, not even my friends.

Another thing is, BLOCK is not working, everyone who is whispering me trashtalking is being blocked, even tho being blocked, they can still whisper me. Makes no sense.

End of the rant.

submitted by /u/GottaLoveSoloQ
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[God Concept] Lelantos, Titan of Unseen Wind - Stance Switching carry Assassin

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:16 PM PST


Titan of the Unseen Wind


Role: Jungle, Solo


God Explanation: Lelantos is a Stance Switching Assassin who, during early-mid game, unloads his Killing Stance Kit on enemy god to kill them and then uses his Stalking Stance to quickly flee. Late game, his kit provides attack speed and other stats to help him perform as a carry.


The hunter stalks its prey behind trees and branches, unseen and unknown. He watches and waits for the opportunity, pounces and kills them in a second, and then slips out unseen. That is the patient hunter, that is Lelantos.

A minor Titan, son of Coeus and Phoebe, brother of Leto and Asteria, Lelantos is not a popular Titan, but a titan none the less. There are no tales of his accomplishments, no temples to honor his might. Lelantos is the unseen titan, one that goes unnoticed until it is far to late to care. He is a silent hunter, and one that does not appreciate being watched. So his appearance on the battlefield of the gods is quite the unexpected, dreadful surprise.

It is unknown as to why he steps foot on this battlefield, but one thing is for sure, he will do it silently, and like a gentle breeze, he will bring with him a massive storm.


in Stalking Stance, Lelantos is a translucent white entity of air in a vaugely humanoid shape. He has long hair which flows down to his shoulders, and his body contains several light-blue swirls.

In Killing Stance, his body is more solid and bright red, a raging storm cloud akin to the one on Jupiter. He has dark red eyes and lightning streaks across his body often. When in combat while in this stance, the storms of his body rage more violently.

Recolour: Blackstorm In Stalking Stance, Lelantos is a translucent grey entity with red swirls. In Killing Stance, he is a pitch-black storm of destruction, with red lightning streaking across his body.

Stats: Numbers in parentheses are the amount gained per level

Health: 470(+80)

Hp5: 9 (+0.5)

Mana: 200 (+25)

Mp5: 5.5 (+0.38/lvl)

Physical Protection: 14 (+2.9)

MagicalProtection: 30 (+0.9)

Movement Speed: 350 (+0.5)


PASSIVE: Quick Killer

Lelantos passively gains 20% Movement Speed. When enters combat, he gains 5% attack speed and loses 2% Movement Speed every second up to +25% Attack Speed and -10% Movement Speed at 5s. Upon leaving combat he will lose Attack Speed and gain Movement Speed at the same rate.

Basic Attack

Damage: 37(+2.5/lvl) +100% of your Physical power

Attack Speed: 1.0 (+1%/lvl)

Progression: 1/1/1 Damage and Swing Time in Stalking Stance. 1/1/1 Damage and 1/.5/.5 Swing Time in Killing Stance

ABILITY I: Seek Prey / Sunder Prey

Ability Type: Dash, Line

Effects: Self / Enemies

Killing Range/Width: 70/8

Stalking Stance: Lelantos dashes forward, passing through all entities. If Lelantos is facing a visible enemy god when this ability is used, he will dash faster.

Killing Stance: Lelantoa shoots a dust gust of wind as a projectile forward in a line, blinding, applying a bleed and reducing the physical protections of the first enemy hit.

Preying Dash Length: 60/65/70/75/80

Preying Dash Speed: 40U/s

Preying Increased Dash Speed: 100 u/s

Killing Bleed: 15/20/25/30/35 +10% of your physical power every .5s for 4s

Blind Duration: 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2s

Physical Protections Lost: 10/20/30/40/50

Protection Lose Duration: 4s

Preying Cooldown: 16s

Killing Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

Cost: 50

ABILITY II: Divine Gust / Siphoning Cyclone

Ability Type: Area

Effects: Enemies and Self / Enemies

Killing Casting Range / Ability Radius: 55 / 15

Stalking Stance: Lelantos summons divine winds from his body that pushes outwards. Enemies hit are pushed up to 20 feet away from Lelantos. Lelantos also gains movement speed for 2s afterwards.

Killing Stance: A Cyclone explodes into existence at Lelantos ground target location, dealing damage to all enemies in the area. After a .7s delay, the wind disappears quickly, creating a vacuum in the air, dealing damage again and stunning enemies.

Stalking Movement Speed: 5/10/15/20/25/30%

Killing Damage Per Hit: 40/70/100/130/160 +45% of your physical power

Stun: 1s

Preying Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s

Killing Cooldown: 16/16/15/14/14s

ABILITY III: Unseen Form / Wind Slash

Ability Type: Transform / Arc (Right to Left)

Effects: Self / Self and Enemies

Damage: Physical

Wind Slash Size: 20 Wide. 16 Long

Preying Stance: Lelantos quickly transforms into a ball for .5s, during which he is immune to all damage and crowd control and is untargetable. He then gains invisibility for a duration, which he loses if he uses an ability or basic attack.

Killing Stance: Lelantos swings his arm in an arc, two great winds soon follow .2s later. With a .2s delay between each wind. The first wind damages and slows, the second one damages and reduces healing. Basic attacks against enemies who are hit by both winds deal increased damage.

Invisibility: 2/2.5/3/3.5/4s

Damage Per Swipe: 50/80/110/140/170 + 50% of your physical power

Anti-Heal: 50%

Slow: 20%

Bonus Basic Attack Damage: 25%

Wind Slash Debuffs Duration: 3s

Preying Cooldown: 18s

Killing Cooldown: 10s

Cost: 60/65/70/75/80

ULTIMATE: Switch Stance

Ability Type: Stance

Effects: Self

Lelantos switches between his two stanes, each stance granting different buffs.

Preying Stance: Lelantos assumes a gentle form of soft winds. In this stance, all entities can pass through him, and he gains bonus protections and damage reduction.

Killing Stance: Lelantos assumes a destructive form of red raging winds. He gains bonus physical penetration and power.

Protections: 10/15/20/25/30

Damage Reduction: 2/4/6/8/10%

Physical Power: 30/35/40/45/50

Physical Penetration: 10/15/20/25/30

Cost: 0

Cooldown: 3s

Recommended Build and Level

Warrior Tabi, Jotunn's Wrath, Brawler's Beatstick, Executioner, Qin's Sai, Mantle of Discord.

Leveling Order:



Lelantos unloads his kit onto an enemy and uses AA cancelling to kill enemies quickly. Around mid game is where his abilities should hurt the most, but late game he transitiions into an AA assassin like Bakasura.

Gods that can counter him are ones with easy escapes and high crowd control, he excels in 1v1 scenarios but has difficulty in larger team fights. His best counters are Artio, Khumbakarna, Da-Ji and Bakasura. The first two have great peel, the latter have Damage over Time (Da Ji) or a cripple (Bakasura) and good close-range combat.

That's my Lelantos concept, please leave your feedback, i always appreciate it!

submitted by /u/CheesyDorito101
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How to play Awilix?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

I recently began using her and I'm not sure whether I should build her as a basic attack god or an ability damage, so what does the community think?

submitted by /u/realtgreat
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Is transcendence dead?

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

Mainly ADC's, do you still include this in your build, or do you go straight into devo gloves?

submitted by /u/Capenhogen
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So Many Wasted Worshippers! Game time rounding and so much lost. Spread to word for more timely surrendering etiquette

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:06 PM PST

Not ranting just something I noticed and wanted to see if anyone else has noticed this

Put aside win bonus and let's look at worshippers earned by game time

So they say it's .2 worshippers per minute of game time but that's not really accurate

It's in reality a base of 1 at game start. Every 5 mins another worshippers gets added to end game reward

A 10 min surrender is 3 A 5 mins surrender for disconnect is 2

A 15 min game yields 4 And 20 yields 5

A hyper joust that ends in 2 minutes is 1 worshipper

But everything is rounded down to the nearest multiple of 5

So a 19.59 min game and a 15 min game both yield 4 worshippers

Now I play all the casual modes and love getting gods mastered. One of the things that keeps me addicted to smite is the constant progression

But I'm seeing during events with worshipper boosts as I pay attention so many games end around 18,19 mins. Or 24 mins. Or 29 mins

So many mins gets rounded down and over time it's dozens or hundreds of hours getting rounded out

There's nothing we can really do about it, there's no way hi Rez will change it after 5 years

But I notice so many times people throw up the f6 at 19.30 and it's like just wait 30 more seconds

I don't want this to be a discussion about surrendering, sometimes u will and sometimes you won't but when you do, I wish the community would be more aware of how the time works cuz missing out by a few seconds really sucks and it adds up when u start paying attention you'll see how much is being lost

submitted by /u/Murphys_Lawyer_
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Most of the time I miss them. But when I hit them I barely make it on time.

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 08:02 PM PST

Smite Season 4 Community Choice Awards Nominations NOW OPEN (Plus Gem Giveaway)

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:05 PM PST

Hey everyone! So as Season 4 winds down, I thought it would be a great idea to have the Community Choice Awards! These awards will range anywhere from Player of the Year all the way to Redditor of the Year. This is just a fun way for the community to come together and vote on some of the best moments and people from this season throughout all of the community. Nominations are write ins and will decide who gets to be at the final voting next week for each award.

A special thing coming to the Community Choice Awards are trophies! I am working closely with a local trophy shop to have trophies made for each category winner and I will be shipping these trophies to winners, as well as a few commemorative giveaway trophies featuring Smite for those just participating in the voting!

Finally, the nominations, as well as the final voting will feature GEM GIVEAWAYS! The last question of each survey will ask for either Reddit name or email for entry. Once each individual survey is over I will randomly choose winners to receive gems. Thank you everyone for an awesome year and best of luck to all in each category :)

Edit: I accidentally posted this yesterday and decided it would be better to post today when I had more time to monitor everything.

Edit 2: if you have already completed the nomination form yesterday, I already have your forms and there is no need to redo the form. Thank you :)

submitted by /u/Real_sg4bomb
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Old School Arachne Pluck vs Loki

Posted: 21 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

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