Smite - BaRRaCCuDDa doesn't need no vision

BaRRaCCuDDa doesn't need no vision

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:51 PM PST

Since there are going to be new Ullr players because of the skin, let me give pro tips.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:13 PM PST

  1. Make sure to switch to your melee before you recall to fountain.

  2. The new skin is new and shiny, but good Ullr players only use Survivor with the voice pack. You want to constantly go "Wow! You're great! Cancel that" everytime a teammate misses an ability. If you miss anything, and they try to say stuff back, go on a rant about how your god isn't ez mode and you have to do intricate combos and then challenge them to a duel.

  3. If anyone is doing better than you, challenge them to a duel. Be persistent.

  4. Let's talk builds. Some people play other adcs and try to import that to Ullr. Real Ullr players just build Trans and a bunch of penetrating hanmers. You aren't there to hold down your attack button. Basics are just a thing you use to chain between abilities.

  5. Some players use their axe to start their combo. A real Ullr player will use it as the final move as he uses his leap to dive the enemy tower 3 minutes into the game and then finish the enemy with a thrown axe.

  6. If you're in conquest, don't get distracted by the rest of the map. The only thing that matters is the enemy adc and your lane. If you have more kills than the enemy adc, you did your job. If anyone asks you to rotate or help other areas, challenge them to a duel.

  7. When the game ends, challenge the other 9 people to duels.

submitted by /u/Go4theEyesBoo
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I got a line on the Ullr skin! Whoop whoop!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

So pleased and I couldn't think of anywhere else to post my excitement! This is especially a big deal as I'm an Ullr main. The line is, "I have mastery over fire and ice, it appears you only have mastery over salt."

Thanks Hi-Rez and I can't wait to see people use the skin!

submitted by /u/10000Tales
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Huh, Hirez ACTUALLY isn’t going to get feedback from the pros.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:34 AM PST

What if for the Non Announcer pack lines, your teams titan spoke?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:22 PM PST

SSJ Janus

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

Please stop trying to emulate SPL players

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:40 PM PST

Just because something works in the SPL does not mean it's going to work in casual, or even ranked. The actual pros have the following on their side:

  1. Constant voice communications with their entire team. They all know each other, their strengths and weaknesses, what Gods and role they usually play, what they're going to be building, where they're going to be and when, everything.

  2. Many, many hours of learning the ins and outs of the game to a level that far surpasses most SMITE players.

  3. Much, much better foresight than the vast majority of SMITE players.

  4. It's how they make money, so they're going to take it a lot more serious than even that one special type of tryhard we all love to hate that will flame you for having just one item they don't like.

  5. They all know their roles like the back of their hand, and never have to fill in for a role they aren't good with.

  6. They just more raw skill than most SMITE players, period. They can use the more difficult Gods with no troubles. They know exactly when to use their relics and abilities.

Your average player just can not pull off the stuff the pros do. Please, please stop trying. Do what works for you. If you see someone select a God that isn't usually in SPL, don't automatically tell them to switch Gods. If you see a funky build, don't automatically assume the player is trash.

Overall, just keep in mind that the SPL and casual SMITE are two wildly different entities. It's the same game, sure, but the tactics and strategies used in the SPL are not always going to work for you. It's a bit like the difference between driving in a city and NASCAR. While they're both doing the same thing, driving, the shit you do in NASCAR is wildly different.

submitted by /u/GreatSaintDemonbane
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Queue popped, but didn't. Looked and saw this. Generally curious if anyone is in the same boat.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST

A barraccudda Thank You post!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:32 AM PST

I just wanna thank Barra, you've had such a great impact on my life. Whenever I feel bored or sad or mad any type of emotion, First thing I do is check if you're streaming, like idk about everyone else but you legit can't be anything other than happy when watching Barra's streams.

I got the amazing chance to also meet him at S3 worlds and it was my main goal to go there to meet him and watch some amazing smite. The main thing I remember asking him is "How are you guys doing your draft and know what to pick into their stuff?" And he instantly just said "they keep giving me Jing Wei and Sol" and idk why but that just made my day. It was an honor to meet you. Unfortunately i wasn't able to get a SWC ticket this year because I was late to buy them. And if you are seeing this Barra THANK YOU! And idk if you remember me but here's the picture we took

submitted by /u/jordba9
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Merry Early Christmas - Take these free skin codes I don't need <3

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:39 AM PST

Welp Christmas is coming up, so I figure as a early present i'll give a few skin codes out here.

Oni Musha Hachiman

  • APHMSH06A63A7112?

Druidstone Geb

  • PCL17128D349B7112?

Figure out the ? , its easy, just a number!

And don't worry if your not fast enough, I will return in 4 hours right here in this post and give out

Shadows Over Hercopolis: Trickster Bundle

  • ???????????


Primal Shaman Ganesha

  • ???????????

And as a final gift, over on the dankest SMITE montage channel, im giving away Chaos order Hel and Definate bellona, found here:


Primal shaman Ganesha

  • PXL1319DCCB07111?

*EDIT 2*

Shadows Over Hercopolis: Trickster Bundle

  • PXTB17A45AF0711??
submitted by /u/jeremyian23
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When The support baits are just right

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:40 PM PST

When I mute a person I don't want to get any messages from that particular person

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

Why is that even a thing? Why can blocked people message me?

Especially these messages though

submitted by /u/Tabofren
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Most Underrated god

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST

Have you ever been jumped on by a Hun Batz, followed up with a basic attack that procs Hydra's Lament and his Crit Passive? Because if you have, you know that Hun Batz is capable of dropping a shit ton of damage in half a second, Possibly even your entire health bar. Not to mention his team fight Ult, and his ability blink.

submitted by /u/Lil_Zurk
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Janus and Ymir have their Twitch skins...

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:49 PM PST

So maybe throw in a Reddit skin? I could only imagine the voice pack. What god would be good for it?

submitted by /u/Lil_Zurk
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Thank you smite team

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

Thank you all for being so wonderful and pouring love and time into this game, we might disagree with some of y'alls decisions but y'all never try to actively screw us over and change everything about the game. So please never go down the road that paladins is going down right now, stay wonderful!

submitted by /u/alecmelton
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24 Hour Stream With A Giveaway!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:58 PM PST

Hey everyone! I'm TheEpikAsian, I'm a college student and a small streamer on Twitch. I've been playing Smite for a little over 3 years now (my ranked stats don't show that, but we'll ignore that), and have been trying to make a name for myself as a streamer. I'd also like to try and become a bigger part of the Smite community.

Tomorrow I'll be doing a 24 hour stream to try and raise some money for my plantar wart removal. My goal is to raise 100$ and if that goal is met, I'd like to give away some free gems. :) Come by for some a lot of Smite (and probably some other games) and troll builds galore. I will make support Artemis meta. No need to donate! I'd love to see some new people and just chill! Stream starts at Noon (PST) tomorrow (December 15th). Hope to see some of you there!

Follow me on Twitter for updates! :

Edit: Added my Twitter and added the time zone.

submitted by /u/TheEpikAsian
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When kukulkan is fed (Awfullmasterhat)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

Dance ideas for gods who don't have them yet

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Just as the title says.

There are still a number of gods who don't have dances yet such as Zeus, Ao Kuang, Odin, Cu Chulainn, Sun Wukong etc

What dances would you like to see and given to whom?

submitted by /u/AquilaTempestas
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Calls me a brat but pinged everyone on the team constantly like an addict sheesh. How often do you guys encounter these? :^D (Repost with blurred name, I feel silly)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:18 PM PST

[Concept] Always wanted a choo choo-kulkan skin (artist in comments)

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:10 PM PST

Xeno's great Escape

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:40 AM PST

Kind of new to conquest, i need tips ):

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 05:59 PM PST

When i started playing this game i started on pc but moved to xbox. I main joust. I almost never played conquest on pc and i don't play conquest on xbox unless i have to do it for a quest or something. I want to start conquest but whenever i play i have no clue what to do. I don't know how to rotate and people get mad at me, this makes me want to give up trying to learn. I'm around level 105 so i know i should probably have conquest games, and be fairly decent by now and at my skill level people are less likely to tolerate that in conquest. I would like to play carry, or jungle. I heard jungle is the hardest role though. I also read somewhere to watch streams, but the only ones i know usually play mid and each game is different for them

submitted by /u/TacoxPrincess
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I'm not a pro, just a guy with 1000+ hours, here is my feedback on current conquest

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:00 AM PST

  1. There is little risk for rotating. If you rotate and fail to do anything, you aren't punished too bad. You won't miss much if any miss xp or gold. You can wander through an unwarded jungle because their jungler is humping a lane and doing the buddy system thing and you probably know where he is.

  2. Junglers are spending more time in lane than jungle. Assassins aren't being picked as much because they excel at finding that one stray guy and bursting him down. Now everything is grouping up in lane, which they are less effective than a warrior or guardian.

  3. Certain ADCS are just good at EVERYTHING. Good early, mid, late. Good clear. Have steroids. Good team fight ults. An escape. There are over a half dozen ADCS that fit this description. ADCS do so much damage even early and don't have a lot of counters aside from kill them before they kill you. I miss the season 3 legion helm.

  4. Solo lane isn't solo and duo isn't duo.

  5. Healing is either laughably useless (guan, terra, etc) or its outright insane(Hel eating an ultimate and instantly healing it back and then hitting you for half your hp or Hercules going raid boss mode) Sure anti heal is a thing, but it takes a while to get online. Everybody has to build multiple items they normally wouldn't just because of 1 god that got picked.

  6. CC and escapes are just too important.

submitted by /u/Go4theEyesBoo
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Discordia - Another Frustrating god

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:13 PM PST

Yet another frustrating god to play against. Her massive AOE's and CC on a short cooldown + long range poke makes her a huge pain in the ass to play against.
I find this game less and less fun to play. It's like HiRez wants people to stop playing it.

submitted by /u/captainfashion
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