RimWorld Lost 54 colonists out of 56 in the span of 1 day

Lost 54 colonists out of 56 in the span of 1 day

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:13 PM PST

My colony of 15 years had 56 people (Randy Extreme). Randy decided to drop a poison ship right in the middle of my base, which was dealt with with surprisingly 0 deaths. I think the chemfuel I had stacked around it and the orbital beam targeter I used made it pretty easy. Unfortunately, Around 20 of my colonists were downed.

I immediately commenced triage and mass casualty management. Things were looking good as the last of the bleeding colonists were patched up. Then a massive raid came immediately afterwards.

I thought I could handle it. I had pretty strong defenses (although I had not replaced the turrets I lost from the poison ship). But nope. 3 doomsday rockets and my defensive line was shattered, the defenders of our dream lying dead in pools of their own blood. My original colonist, who had survived for 15 years, had simply disintegrated from the explosions.

I still had 30 colonists alive, but most of them were incapacitated in the hospital. I tried to go-juice them to get them up, but couldn't get there in time. 8 colonists made their last stand in the colony courtyard. They died. My safe room, for which I had made for such an eventuality, and stocked with food and medicine, remained unused. It couldn't. Not after so many gave their lives.

The pirates set my hospital on fire and left. The dozen survivors, unable to move from their beds, were burned alive. The raiders didn't bother taking anything, not even their own wounded.

Over the course of the day, the wounded from both sides bled out and died. Then my caravan of 2 people and a muffalo came back from their trip. They beheld the death of their family and friends, and the total destruction of their home. It was too much for them. They weren't here to prevent it. They promptly lost their minds.

It was too much for me too. I decided to take a break from Rimworld for the time being, so that I can play my Steam backlog.

RIP Hatsville

submitted by /u/limit_concept11
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I prefer to instill fear in my prisoners in a way the game doesn't recognize yet.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:43 PM PST

I present to you: two lvl 20 builders

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:57 AM PST

Wumbo Thrumbo

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:00 AM PST

He likes to explore as well!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

"Why couldn't you sleep?" "Oh, a panther, grizzly, 3 muffalos, and some dude named 'Tofu' kept me up.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:35 PM PST

Bill and Saul - Snow and Poison

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST

Not what I would do after that

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:51 PM PST

No big deal, just going to finish off ISIS

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:38 PM PST

Why are the great outdoors so ugly?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:54 PM PST

Trees, mountains, herds of muffalo, maybe a discreet bloodstain or two... BOOM, 'ugly environment'

submitted by /u/DonCarloGesualdo
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9 year old colony, no mods or killbox Randy Rough

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:55 AM PST

Anaesthetise pets loop very annoying, bug?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:13 AM PST

My muffalo has an infection that has proven very annoying to take of. First off all he's capable of walking so my doctor can't tend to him during the day. No problem, I'll anaesthetise it, then I can tend the infection. What followed was 3 hours of my doctor taking the muffalo to bed, fetching the medicine, dropping the medicine to go take the muffalo to bed and so on.

I then tried setting the muffalo to receive doctor care without medicine which resulted in a much faster loop of my doctor being interrupted mid anaesthetising and the muffalo wandering off and being rescued over and over.

The only solution I can think of is to wait til the muffalo is a asleep at night, but it's 9am and I'm fairly certain the infection will kill it by then. I could also beat it to unconsciousness but that seems likely to just make the problem worse (is immunity gain speed affected by other injuries?)

Any other solution? Open to any mods that sorts this mess out.

Couldn't find anything about anaesthetising pets on google.

submitted by /u/vimrick
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Nelson decided to put himself out there. It didn't go as planned.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:42 AM PST

Why use an infinite chemreactor?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:39 PM PST

Boomalopes are just better then the chemreactor being faster and be able to breed for more products and cheaper.

submitted by /u/zachattch
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The masterpiece of McCoy...going insane (with toads)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

Of all the places for it to land...

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:19 AM PST

When sappers use your infestation trap to get into your base

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:49 AM PST

Is there any reason to having a horseshoes pin if you have a billiards table?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:38 PM PST

Why is my geothermal generator not venting heat through the ceiling?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:40 PM PST

List of gods for Call of Cthulhu mod?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:56 AM PST

I've tried looking everywhere I can think of but I can't seem to find a comprehensive list of what gods there are to worship or what benefits they offer. I'd just like to know what I might get before I buckle down and start worshipping a god I don't want for a week

I guess while I'm asking this, are there any mini-mods that add MORE gods to the list?

submitted by /u/DoomTrout
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We all have pawns, but who are the King and the Queen of your colony?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:38 AM PST

Think in terms of chess.

The King is the weakest piece on the board, but if you lose it, it's game over. If your King is in check (danger) you must prioritize saving them.

The Queen is the most mobile/powerful piece on the chessboard. If they die, the game isn't over, but you'd never willing sacrifice the piece if you can avoid it.

Who is the King and Queen of your current, or previous colonies?

submitted by /u/Comrade__Questions
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Maximizing growth

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:35 AM PST

What have you guys found to be the best strategies for downing enemies without killing them outright, or the least lethal way to take down raids? A barrage of small caliber bullets, blunt weapons, controlled temperature extremes, etc?

submitted by /u/fmmg1778
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