Pokémon GO - DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

DEAR NIANTIC - ideas and suggestions for the devs

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

Hey Niantic! You guys made a game we all have a lot of feelings about...and this is our spot to express those feelings and make some statements about ways we think the game could be even better for us - and by extension, you!

If you want to complain about the game in a less constructive way please do so in the Salty Sunday - Rage Rants and complaints thread.

Here you will find ideas and suggestions - a mix of the positive posts and constructive criticism that reddit's Pokemon Go community have compiled and discussed and up/downvoted by importance and validity for us all. If there's one post on /r/pokemongo you guys should be paying attention to, it's this one, so please do.

Hey /r/PokemonGo Trainers! This recurring monthly post is for you guys. Sort posts by "top" to see what has been voted most important so far, but consider sorting by "new" as well to weigh in on the most recent ideas!

Please pay attention to the /r/PokemonGo rules for commenting behavior and civility, and use the report button when necessary to alert the mods to any post or thread that needs a review!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Does it bother anyone else that Skitty is the only Pokemon to have a thumbnail facing the wrong way?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:42 AM PST

Anyone else feel like this when it’s Partly Cloudy?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:52 PM PST

This way hooman, follow me!.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:16 AM PST


Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:14 PM PST

PSA : If you catch a male Ralts/Kirlia with good IVs, save it for Gen 4.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:15 PM PST

Favorite and rename it "For G4 Gallade" as Gallade is the final stage of a male Ralts/Kirlia (with Dawn Stone).


Hope this can help you !

submitted by /u/YuwainEverdeen
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[humor] - Mud-Slap OP

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:03 PM PST

I hit level 40 on Thankgiving and have been finding ways to keep me entertained. There is a guy that goes around every single night taking the entire town from like 10pm to 4am, so I went to some of his gyms and had fun.

One of his gyms was all electric. It also happened to be "Clear" outside so I decided to use my Rhydon with Mudslap/Earthquake.

Some of my buddies like to take "death pictures" when they make an opposing Pokemon Faint. Up against a Plusle, it happened to get an extra Mud-slap in, and... well... it made my dirty mind come up with a hilarious idea.

My new goal, at level 40, is to find the funniest pictures possible of making Pokemon faint. I'd say I'm off to a good start.

WARNING: Prepare to have your mind get dirty, and possibly grossed out. None of the photos are edited in any way.


submitted by /u/Raven_Paradox1860
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[Art] This might as well be the saddest thing i have ever posted...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:05 PM PST

[News] Niantic really needs to change the Extreme weather system. Saskatchewan just had "Extreme Weather" because it was "unseasonably mild."

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:20 PM PST

Left out in the cold :(

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:26 AM PST

Made a minor edit

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:17 PM PST

Grovyle attacking my Christmas tree [screenshot]

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:07 PM PST

[Idea] Alright Niantic, it’s time..... the time to allow the Go Plus to use Great balls and Ultra Balls (and hey maybe even berries)

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 02:10 PM PST

TLDR: 4 month of no fix bad, apologize please by adding feature that should have been there in the first place.

As all player with IOS 11 and a go plus know, it's been almost 4 months of the three buzz bug what can ruin players journey on busses or cars to be able to catch Pokémon or spin stops.

The fact alone that we paid for the plus should be enough but add onto that this issue that hasn't been fixed in 4 months?

I think Niantic should definitely add the feature of using great balls and ultra balls at least as a sorry if anything for this unprofessional display and lack of commitment to maintaining and improving an aspect of their game that isn't even free but paid for.

And there's incentive too!! So many people have given up on buying the plus simply because it's pokeball only.... add the bug onto that and buying the plus is a massive waste at this point. And probably nonexistent. Adding the ability to use great balls and ultra balls will bring back some of that income regardless if the bug is still active or not.

I think it's honestly a win win in all counts but the only hope is for them to listen (which I unfortunately doubt they will....)

submitted by /u/Barbalho
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[Art] Never forget Olivine City.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:01 PM PST

Blazin' Slakoth

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:10 AM PST

The weather has been bringing some interesting visitors to my apartment.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST

List of "Extreme Weather" triggers and what can be done about them (plz contribute)

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

The server side has been updated as of 2 hours after originally posting. Please check which ones still give warnings and which still lock you out

Pokemon go seems to be getting it's weather data either from accuweather or from the same sources accuweather gets its data. The notifications and alerts expire at the same time and the weather updates when accuweather does. If you have an extreme weather alert, please check accuweater and if it isn't already listed, add it.

Niantic can't just nerf spawns every time there is an alert. There's an alert every other day of the year. They make their money "alerting" us of stupid things so we click their notification and they get ad revenue. There needs to be a way for Niantic to be able to read the alert, and use it to decide what to do. If we can give Niantic a list of what to ignore/keep, they might be more likely to implement it.

Reason What should be done about it
Any 2 alerts or notifications Remove. If one is important, use that. 2 unimportant ones should both be ignored.
High Surf Advisory Change to notification done :3
Winter storm watch Change to notification
Winter storm warning Extreme weather
Winter weather advisory Remove (Literally defined as enough to inconvenience but not serious)
Blizzard Extreme weather
Ice storm Extreme weather (Can't walk, bike or drive)
Black Ice Advisory Change to notification
Wind Advisory Change to notification
Special weather report Remove. It's usually something unimportant like "first snow" or "unusually calm"
Avalanche warning Change to notification
Forest Fires Change to notification
Inversion Keep Extreme weather. (Do not fuck around in one)
Smallcraft advisory Remove (seriously?)
Flash Flood watch Keep as notification (not currently extreme)
Flash Flood warning Up for debate
Frost advisory Remove
Freeze advisory/watch Ignore
Free warning Set as notification
Wind chill advisory/warning Keep extreme weather
High wind advisory Remove
High wind watch Notification
High wind warning Up for debate
Anything hurricane Extreme weather (IDC if it makes landfall in 2 days. Stop playing and prep)
Anything tornado Extreme weather
Anything sever storm Extreme weather
Anything flood related Extreme weather (You don't want to get trapped)
Special Marine Warning Notification
Red flag warning Remove
Excessive heat Up for debate
Rip Tides Remove
submitted by /u/pikaras
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Extreme weather pop-up for a wind advisory, in Kansas of all places. So in other words we’ll never have a windy weather boost.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:29 PM PST

Slaking is the perfect example of why CP should go

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:13 PM PST

I like the way Niantic handled Slaking. In case you don't know, in the main series games, Slaking can only attack every other turn. This was translated into a 0 damage quick move in Pokémon go.
I think it's time to abandon the silly CP system, it way oversimplifies Pokémon and makes it so only a handful are viable. Show me raw stats (level attack defends hp) and I can make my own decisions.

submitted by /u/SirLucksalot
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Alert! Fake dev update is going around. Saw this in my local raid group

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:50 AM PST

Fix Your Extreme Weather, Niantic.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:12 PM PST

Today, for a very slight moment in time, Niantic deserved praise. For the past week, SoCal has had wildfires littered across the valleys, and this has been ongoing through tonight, and has been going on as the weather system was dropped in PoGo.

For a few regions, the extreme weather was understandable. People have been evacuated from areas, and others are in present risk of being set on fire in the imminent future. However, the entire region has had the blanket of "extreme weather" put upon it. I am not in an area where I am in present risk of being set on fire. And as Gen 3 dropped I was excited to see all the new spawns, only to have it hampered by the decreased spawns extreme weather brings. It's been a pain.

I've expressed this issue before, and others have agreed with me. We aren't in present danger, yet Niantic insists on it, for no good reason. I can't recall where, but there were whisperings of 8 PM PST having everything fixed. And as 8 rolled around, I remembered this whispering, and lo and behold...


Even though it was more of the same, types were being boosted! It opened the opportunity to have things change in the future, and Niantic finally showed they can fix an issue hampering a large player base. I even made a post here thanking Niantic for their work!

And then not an hour later it's extreme again. There's nothing else to say now beyond the following:

Fix your shit, Niantic.

submitted by /u/x1echo
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Think the Extreme Weather is Popping Up When it's actually mild/shouldn't show up? Or even just don'tlike it shutting you out of the possibility of "Snow" because your region puts up travel advisories about road conditions? Report it as a Bug! [Link to Niantic's Bug Report Page]

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:16 PM PST

A Sincere Thank You to a kind Trainer

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 01:16 PM PST

I have been playing Pokemon Go since the beginning, but I'd still consider myself to be more on the "casual" side of things. That being said, I have had the goal, like many, of completing my pokedex. Even though the news gens have been added, the one pokemon I always wanted to catch was Porygon. I had never caught, encountered, or hatched one. That changed today.

I was on my college campus when I spotted a Porygon raid. Obviously because I had never seen a Porygon in this game, I set off to try to battle it. I got extremely disheartened however, when I remembered it was a tier 4 raid. Since I don't take the game super seriously, I dont' have max CP or even close to max CP fighting types. Aside from fighting types even, my highest CP pokemon is about 2400. I proceeded to battle the Porygon, knowing the uphill battle that lay ahead. I lost 3 times, on account of time up. I was really sad, because I realized that possibly my only chance of catching a Porygon was circling the drain. I went into the pokemon selection screen one last time, just to make myself feel like I tried.

That's when I noticed a second trainer was in the lobby with me. We were both level 30, but just that one extra person was enough to beat the Porygon, and I finally caught the one pokemon I had been seeking. I just wanted to say thank you to that trainer. I don't even know if you visit this subreddit, but your help with catching that Porygon today made my day a lot better.

submitted by /u/Gage_V
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Fed nanab berry to a skarmory, threw an ultra ball at it, ball goes into the ground (like sinks in), pops up, skarmory disappears and screen becomes untouchable...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:11 PM PST

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