Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 11/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 11/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Holiday Pixel Art

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:41 PM PST

Instead of 20% bonus xp...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:42 PM PST

Give us RAIN for completing "Play With Others" missions.

Seriously, half the time I do these missions I get 0xp anyway. Rewarding players with Pure Drops of Rain instead will:

1) Populate the entire map so players don't have to launch the rocket my themselves.

2) Make Rain farming (which is like 50-80% of everyone's missions) more mission-diverse.

3) Help with the issue of funneling low level players into high level missions (or vice versa) because of RNG rain availability.

It's a simple fix that would breathe some much needed life into the matchmaking in Canny and Twine.

submitted by /u/IntenseSpirit
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Why so little rain, when it necessary for all upgrades.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 01:41 PM PST

There is never enough rain to accomplish anything. Need it for weapon, trap, survivor and hero evolution. Most I can find is maybe 6 or better and then have to play on the lower levels of Stonewood and Plankton to even find any. Lightening in a Bottle and Shards are plentiful, but NOT RAIN.

submitted by /u/Bohica_Badbuck
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Even though these recent patches introduced a whole host of server-related issues, at least it added this cool new consumable that spawns a poison cloud

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:28 AM PST

Optimizing Your Experience! (Texted)

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:05 PM PST

Hello Reddit! Ridentlor here (again)!

So, I was asked to do a texted version of the "Optimizing Experience" guide so, here it is!

I'll do my best to elaborate as much as possible without making anyone confused!

We will go through the basics, and every single point that you will have to know from aquiring, retiring and transforming!

Video I posted before being asked to make a texted guide:

  • Transformation

So what is transformation?

Transformation is a magical plane where alot of people don't care to look, like me they prefer screwing up by using their collection book.


Bad start sorry, I started writing and it ended up a poem so I just let it sit there.

Transformation is the best way to "shuffle" your Schematics, Heroes, Defenders and Survivors to get the optimal amount of experience out of them!

To even begin shuffling you are going to need some currency!

Which are the following:

  • Research Points: This is what you rack in daily to buy points in your "Reasearch Tier #", to Transform yourself a Trap or a weapon! Check out your Research tab or your stormshield in the map menu and you should be able to claim your research points right there by hitting "Collect"!

  • People: People cards are needed to transform yourself either a Hero, Lead Survivor, Survivor and most importantly, Defender...... NAH! I'm just pulling your leg, no one likes Defenders!

People cards are acquired by saving survivors in ANY mission, however the most efficent way of getting these cards by doing "Rescue Survivors" missions! As you will get a set ammount of People cards for each survivor you save, the higher level the map the more cards you will gain per survivor.

Got everything you need? Alright moving on!

Now when you have enough of the core currency for whatever you are planning on doing, let's take a quick break to talk aboooout!

  • Retiring and Recycling!

Don't get me wrong here, I'm all about recycling and retiring! I for one, love roman numerals, but there is a certain difference here between Retiring/recycling and Transforming I must make you clear on here, by either Recycling or Retiring a rare(blue) or higher Schematic/Survivor/Hero you will get "Manuals" these manuals are absolutely needed to evolve your stuff.

So if you do not have a stable base of either "Training Manuals(people)", "Trap Designs(Traps, duh)", "Weapon designs". Then transforming your bums off is not the right way to go right now. At least not in my opinion, you could do it in which order you want, I'm not your mom.

In addition to this, you will also recieve a certain set ammount of experience to that you will recycle or destroy

Heroes/Defenders: Hero Experience

Survivors/Lead Survivors: Survivor Experience

Weapon/trap schematics: Schematic Experience

Alright, got your currency? Got your Manuals/designs? Alrighty then, then hopefully we are ready to go!

  • Transformation!

Transformation can be explained in the way of cooking a dish! Only exception is that you can throw in whatever disgusting ingredients you want and hopefully they were good enough to land you the delicious meal you always wanted!

So start with opening up your Transformation tab, you will have a interface of different dishes you can create!

Start with picking the one of your liking and let's start transforming!

You will have six boxes where you can add whatever you want right now, it can be anything from the qualitys of the following:

Common - White

Rare - Blue

Epic - Purple

Legendary - Orange

Mythic - Look man, I don't care if you're a nigerian prince who wipes his *ss with legendary schematics, do NOT use mythics for transformation fodder.

Now you will have a bar to your right and there will be one number on each opposite side.

To your left is how many points you currently have on that tier and on the right is how many points needed to hit the next tier, there is a total of 4 tiers(Grey-Green-Blue-Legendary) quality is depended on which kind of transformation you are doing, if you're using a blue(rare) transformation you will not be able to go further than rare(blue).

So start using your Common/green items for starters, they give no manuals and are 100% safe to use without any drawbacks. (Manuals, make sure to have a couple).

So, the trick here is that you will create an item using your very own Schematics, Heroes and Survivors. You will recieve the same ammount of experience by transforming your items into a new item, as you would recycling or retiring it, thus creating another item that you then can use as transformation fodder, this will estimate in a 33% increase in experienced gained from everything, considering now that you are not overfeeding each transformation their required value.

Now the only thing that will probably hold you back is your "currency", schematics, heroes, defenders and survivors used as fodder can also become a problem in the future, but will not likely be your biggest problem.


Thank you guys for reading! If you found something confusing or just anything that I could add to make myself more clear, just tell me and I'll try to fix it asap!

English is not my native language, sorry :D

submitted by /u/Ridentlor
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PSA: Dont craft traps atm - they might disappear from your inventory

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

Just crafted 20 traps in one map - they, and the materials for them, were gone in the next.

Be careful

submitted by /u/Egonostic
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So the PVE servers have gone to hell...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:12 PM PST

I haven't played in a while (Save the World) but good gravy, what happened to the servers?

Someone joining your game used to be a split second stutter, now its a giant 4-5 second freeze that gets you killed.

The basic game stutters constantly every 60 seconds or so... I love this game, but I'm confused why the stability has gotten worse over time...

submitted by /u/Hakunamateo
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Let's discuss Defenders, offer tips.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:29 AM PST

Optimizing Your Experienced Gained!

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

Hey guys, Ridentlor here!

So I just wanted to throw in a quick semi-elaborate guide on how to optimize your experienced gained, this is of course aimed at the newer players in game, but the sooner they learn this the better!

As I'm pretty new to making guides and such I would really appriciate your honest opinion about them, let the critique flow! :)

Hope you liked it, enjoy!

submitted by /u/Ridentlor
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Perpetual storms!

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

Is this ever coming back?

submitted by /u/Razzorr31656
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The Sarah Ninja Song!

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

My buddy made this song using recorded audio of ninja Sarah while playing the game. He is super passionate about the game and I just thought he should get a little recognition.

I don't normally post for other people, but he's not advertising himself and I believe in him so I took it upon myself. He has lots of other interesting songs as well. Please check him out

submitted by /u/Perky-Space-Nuts
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Switching missons on the maps is screwed...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:46 AM PST

You can't see the actual rewards of missions anymore, since it always shows another mission instead of the one you're on. It is possible to see them, if you go back and forth, but that's a rather annoying workaround. Needs to be fixed!

submitted by /u/BuddyJumps
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Founder Rewards Gone?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:32 PM PST

Decided to log in and suddenly I'm not getting my founders llama reward. Did something happen?

submitted by /u/Chairman_Wang
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In canny, base level 43. Upgrade question

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:19 PM PST

What level should I be planning to have my heroes, survivors and weapons in the short term (and what is the most important to level first?)

Currently have a couple of guns up to level 25/30 and 2 heroes at ~82 power (now sure what level that is)

Any area that should be a short term priority?

submitted by /u/Cpt_jarryd
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Winter map?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:54 PM PST

Is there going to be a winter map update or no? I remember hearing about the storm event but can't remember if it was happening or not. And when is the update?

submitted by /u/TripNichols
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Unsafe Deposit?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:58 AM PST

I'm near done with all my Vindertech quests, and I have a slight issue. I've done 30+ something missions and I haven't seen a safe but 4 times. Where are these on city maps? Do they pop up somewhere other than in attics on suburban maps?

submitted by /u/mihnt
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so this game is in its beta..

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:31 PM PST

I am new to this game, it is in beta. When it becomes the full game does our progress get saved? Dont want to play and then the full game releases and all my stuff and progress is gone!

submitted by /u/f8rch
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Is any of these weapons any good?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

I really need help from more experienced players with choosing my main weapon. This is what i have.


submitted by /u/MI5T
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Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:50 PM PST

In a recent Dev update video the question was asked as too if there would be a option to get what you want directly. Which they responded too saying that they had no intention of doing so but there are steps you can take to get what you want. And those being. A: Spending money on V-Bucks for llamas and during event you get event llama currency from buying llamas. B: Playing A lot during the events getting enough event currency for llamas. I took step B for the halloween event and managed to open roughly 50+ llamas and did not get all of the things from the event. Which sucked since i was doing almost 10 missions daily just to get llamas. And i managed to get 20 Epic Husks and Epic Lobber Cosplayers combined. It is frustrating when you spend so much time in the event getting llamas and just hoping you are lucky enough to get all the event items etc. They tell us there are steps for us to take however those steps do not even guarantee that you get all the items that you were trying to get. Hopefully one day they will try to care about the community instead of our money.

submitted by /u/powerhorder
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Idiot friend named my base..

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

Hello. I just recently got fortnite, and I was playing the tutorial. When I went to the bathroom my room mate decided it'd be a funny idea to name my home base a racial slur. And it seems to be stuck like that. Is there absolutely anything I can do? I don't want to play this game with that word popping up everywhere.

submitted by /u/TheVipersMemory
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Fortnite suggestion easy weapon select

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST

I think there should be a weapon scroll. I.e hold l2 and use the right directional pad to scroll and equip different weapons. This is a lot better than having to press the middle button and then choose the weapon then select which weapon to replace it over.

submitted by /u/brankoz11
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Epic Games Launcher Black When Open

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:17 PM PST

I've been trying to download Fortnite but with no avail, please tell me how to fix this issue please.

submitted by /u/Miksation
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Hey storm chasers !! An idea

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:03 PM PST

Not sure weather this has been proposed ever before but ..... presets would be amazing !! 1 preset for heroes ie- ninja with support heroes you have selected so you can rush in and kill full force. And 2 presets for survivor squads set how you want to play based on the mission you are about to undertake.

A man can dream right. Just as the dreams of being able to trade schematics 😻

submitted by /u/idOvObi
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Do daily loot pinatas accumulate over time, or do I have to log in every day to collect them?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 02:50 PM PST

Like, If I go on vacation for 4 days and don't log in, they aren't just gone are they?

submitted by /u/TheCommonFear
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