Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | December 11 - December 17

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | December 11 - December 17

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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OW is introducing in-game notifications of actions taken for reports you make! Now the question is, for HOTS, when?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

[Fan Art] My wife dressed up our Stitches.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:57 AM PST

Heroes of the Storm Trailer - Thor Ragnarok Style

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:59 AM PST

They changed the season 3 rewards...

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:04 PM PST

"Update: The mount images shared when this blog was originally posted contained more variations than were intended as ranked rewards. We have updated the images above to show only the 2017 Season 3 rewards and apologize for any confusion this may have caused. "

God damn it man... I was really happy with the rainbow one.

Edit 1: Image ref. (I don`t even know what the article is about) - https://blizzardwatch.com/2017/09/01/heroes-2017-season-3-dates-rewards-announced/

submitted by /u/Banedy
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The Night 'Fore the Update: A HotS Christmas Carol

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 03:48 PM PST

'Twas the night 'fore the update, and all thru the Nexus,

Not a damage was ticking, not even Naz hexes.

The patch notes were ready to soon be released,

So reddit could argue who got nerfed the least.

The Overwatch characters all sat there grooving,

Awaiting the archer whose Q charged while moving.

Sylvanas baked cookies for Stitches to bite,

While Auriel hung up her angelic lights.

When out on Cursed Hollow there rose such a clatter,

I quit my AI game to see what's the matter.

I asked the sly Raven to cut short his curse,

To see how the Nexus had just been immersed.

And what I saw next made the Gravekeeper stutter.

Diablo himself no low growls could mutter,

As way out in mid-lane we all saw with wonder:

Malfurion riding a reindeer Lunara.

I knew by his horns and his Moonfire bright,

It had been no mere chance that he came on this night.

Lunara, for her part, was Level 20 at least!

I could tell by the Galloping Gait of her feet.

Then, suddenly, hoisting them lighter than air,

Malfurion pulled out some updates to share.

"No longer will Aba die to you, Valeera!

Your outline is darker! The towers can hear ya!"

And so did all Bronze league sigh out in relief.

No longer would they fear the Horde's own Van Cleef!

But still wily Zeratul lurked in the shadows,

Ready to show off some new Heroic powers.

And then, in a crashing, I heard on the roof,

The tower shots firing all the night through!

It seemed like they might just keep shooting forever,

If Gall hadn't finished them with Twisting Nether.

I also then noticed, as I cleaned up the rubble,

I no longer felt like I lived in a bubble!

My perspective was broadened! I saw the whole lane!

Probe's rifts rung the Tribute 'fore anyone came!

Regen globes were twinkling! They went up for grabs!

The Knight camps gave all the Spell Armor they had!

And though Kel'Thuzad mourned the sidewalls for his E,

We all couldn't say what the changes would mean.

When all the dust settled, Malfurion cheered.

"The PTR's over! Your updates are here!

We'll all have a good time! The fun never ends!

Maybe someday we'll even get some buffs for Chen!"

And with that, Chen himself bust out all of the brew.

The party had started! Everybody knew!

The meta was shifting! Double healers were done!

Even Hammer looked past her winrate and had fun.

And so with the updates we queued for HL,

Sure that now we at last would 'scape MMR hell.

But sadly, no amount of performance weight

Would stop Illidan diving ten thousand years late.

And with that, good Malfurion picked up his sack,

And promised us after the break he'd be back.

But before he and Luna pranced off of my screen,

He called back: "We'll see you in 2018!"

submitted by /u/synchronyxia
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If Blizzard doesn't like two support comps, can they stop pairing two supports against 1 support in QM?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

Genji appeared in all hero spotlights since he came out

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

Specifically in the "How to play against this hero" parts. Just wanted to point that out.

submitted by /u/dltkddnjs
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Bakery - As fast as possible: advanced mounting

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:49 AM PST

[TL.net] Math of the Storm: Stealth Updates!

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

Justice for the KappaPride horse!

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:50 PM PST

For those of you who don't know, the 2017 season 3 ranked rewards have been changed, the unfortunate consequence is that probably the greatest mount of all time is not making its way to the nexus at the present moment, and with the 2018 season 1 rewards already announced (notably missing the rainbow horse) the future is looking grim...

The mount, in all its glory.

Please Blizz, release the mount to the market with the upcoming patch, even if we have to spend our shards to do so. :)

submitted by /u/FlazeHOTS
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None of my friends play HotS and I'm feeling really happy about this so I felt like sharing. I love this game. Thank you Blizzard for making a MOBA that is actually fun AND strategic at the same time.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST


Diamond Starcraft player, just getting into Heroes for the first time. Sorry for the fluff post. I just don't have any friends that play and I just felt like sharing, because it feels good. My goal was diamond and I achieved it.

submitted by /u/RareCandyRx
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League is gonna add In-game tournament mode. WC3 and SC2 already have it. How about HOTS?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 06:56 PM PST

Who else here giggles every time you see people talking about "edging" for lootboxes?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:31 AM PST

HGC Copa America 2018 Update

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:04 PM PST


HGC Copa America posted their update for the 2018 season. I had to rely off Google Translate but it looks like they're announcing a new Open Tournament format which will have more constant competition and encourage new teams to participate.

The big news however is this "Intercontinental Clash" between LATAM and ANZ. The translation says the top 2 LATAM teams will be flown to the Clash to face off against ANZ. I assume it's 2 from each region and possibly held in Australia.

Hopefully we'll get an English announcement soon, in case something has been lost in translation. Either way, this should be an interesting change.

submitted by /u/ethyr_
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Anyone feel like Greymane's build is getting stale?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:15 PM PST

Greymane is probably one of the best and most reliable heroes in the game. He works well in almost any comp and has the benefit of range and close combat. He's a god damn sweetheart. I can't help but notice his build is becoming pretty linear. It is essentially:

-Cocktail talents 3-4-7 -Go for the throat at 10, bullet if the team picked two heavy tanks -Running wild at 13 -Alpha killer/executioner at 16 (admittedly, this is where the build varies) -Hunters blunderbuss at 20

I'm in no way saying he in is dire need of a rework, but maybe play with the benefits of the other builds to make those more viable. I don't know, I would just say across the board, it seems his build remains pretty consistent, no matter the enemy team comp. Edit: Grammar

submitted by /u/SiNBooty
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Massive updates in HOTS Meta! Hero level information.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 12:30 PM PST

Hello, last time around you guys asked for more information about the individual builds and heroes, here you go!

There is a new tab with data arranged by heroes. By clicking on the hero you can get a lot more information specially about the pick rates in different maps and heroes typically paired together and against.

A lot of information which took me months to learn is now available to everybody. Its quite interesting to see data confirm what I have observed in competitive.

For instance:

  • How Auriel is typically paired with a strong DPS which can work as her battery such as Valla, Guldan and Cho'Gall.

  • How Sylvanas and Murky are awesome in Haunted Mines since they can push very strongly if the team goes to the mines and don't defend the lanes.

  • The awesome synergy between Illidan and Abathur.

  • How Falstad is more picked in large maps in which he can take more advantage of his mobility.

  • How Kael is more picked in on Tomb of the Spider queen since he can burn the queens pretty fast.

  • How Gazlowe Gazlowe is more picked in maps which he can set foot in an objective and setup towers like Sky Temple.

  • How Tychus is typically used against Cho'Gall due to his %life based attack.

  • How Dehaka is most picked in large maps with bushes around the objectives.

Obs 1: Just an observation regarding the hero pick data. The only thing that is recorded is the final lineup and not the order of pickup. So when a hero shows up in the enemy team, it could be either to counter but also due to natural team composition. Like its natural to see tanks in both sides.

Obs 2: Heroes with little information just means there are no significant pick rate correlations. For example Raynor which is a quite average hero with no real significant synergies or weaknesses. Maybe slightly favored towards Morales due to her stim pack ult.

Thanks for all the messages of support and people sharing my website, this is an awesome community.

submitted by /u/deimos_z
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Has anyone else landed a "perfect" zombie wall?

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:32 AM PST

I tossed a desperation zombie wall around Brighwing while she was channeling a tribute on Cursed Hollow before getting zoned (spiders were on cool down). She was perfectly in the middle so the zombies didn't interrupt her channel and just stood around her like chumps. I got flamed by my teammates for not interrupting and tried to explain to them what happened but they didn't believe me. Has this happened to anyone else.

At work right now, will try to post vid later.

submitted by /u/Sanderander
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The Edgelord's Golden Collection™

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

All heroes

Close to level

I saw some edgy posts in the previous days so figured to share :> 74 heroes less than 240k to level, 60 heroes less than 200k, 30 heroes less than 100k. I don't play AI so it's too troublesome to edge closer as most wins give over 240k xp with stim.

My "main" role is wave clear as I mostly play QM nowadays in more or less random parties (for XP) which would explain the mass specialists at the top. Someone's gotta do the dirty work :)

submitted by /u/Ougaa
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This is Team League

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST


A serious game mode. The highest level of competition.

submitted by /u/Balint197
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[Fan Art] Ladies Alexstrasza and Jaina

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 07:27 AM PST

By the Numbers - GCWC 2017

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 01:11 PM PST

How to Turbo Win at the Expense of Your Soul

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 05:34 PM PST

"I don't belong in Bronze League!" Well, maybe you're right.

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

"I'm in MMR hell."

"I can't climb out of Bronze with these trash teammates."

"I don't belong in Bronze League!"

And so on. We've all heard the complaints. We've all seen players complain that they're giving up on Hero League because Bronze is full of frustrating, awful teammates.

This is not a "git gud" thread. Let's assume, for the sake of argument, you really don't belong in Bronze League. You're good enough to be in Silver or better.

Instead, the problem is with your expectation of pace.

I landed in Bronze 3 after placement matches this season. I'm currently Bronze 1 and will try to plow my way into Silver 5 tonight.

I'm over 50 matches deep getting as far as I have with roughly a 60% win rate.

Sixty percent sounds very decisive on paper, but when you're living it over one evening of play, it doesn't feel that different than 50%. Got two wins in a row? Why get confident? Probably two losses right around the corner.

With a 60% win rate, assuming 30 minutes per match (matchmaking, draft, play), for every 5 hours (give or take) at my computer, I'm going to be about net +400 league points.

If that pace holds, I need to invest about 12.5 hours of play per rank I hope to go up.

Now imagine the climb at a 55% win rate.

Imagine it at 52%.

And if you only play Heroes for 12 hours each week.

Or 6 hours each week.

If you're frustrated because you don't belong in Bronze League, cast off your expectations of a meteoric rise out of Bronze. There's only one way to prove that Bronze doesn't reflect how good you really are: put the time in. Over the course of hours (that get played over weeks), you can absolutely reach the rank that reflects your skill.

On the eve of a the season reset, I wish you all the diligence to queue up again. Show everyone the rank you deserve.

submitted by /u/BandanaRob
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"Unspoken rules" everyone should know about HotS

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

These are obviously non-serious, but have some truth. Probably.

Feel free to add your own

  • If there is Varian pick on draft, and he says nothing, there is 98% chance he will go dualblades (goes to 100% if he only says "dps")
  • If there is one person that doesnt pre-pick there is high chance it will be nova or murky
  • If enemy team Alarak is appearing god-like on lower leagues he is most likely just AI because the player couldnt handle Alaraks awesomeness.
  • Enemy team Garrosh is always better than your teams Garrosh
  • If you dont see enemies on minimap, they are coming for you
  • Chromie AI cheats
submitted by /u/Inksrocket
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Everyone believes that performance based matchmaking tomorrow will place people higher, “where they should be”. Mathematically 50% of you are going to be wrong

Posted: 11 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

Get your popcorn ready. Most people think they are a league or two below where they should be, and that this is their saving grace. For half to overperform, there must be half that underperform. There is a median... this isn't master league for everyone. Get a ton of popcorn for the salt on Reddit tomorrow!

submitted by /u/XXLepic
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