Pokémon GO - [Art] A familiar music plays in the distance...

[Art] A familiar music plays in the distance...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:59 AM PST

[Art] And there they go...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:43 PM PST

[Complaint] Niantic, PLEASE allow us to use more than one rare candy at a time.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:17 AM PST

I decided to burn some of my enormous stash of rare candies on a few legendaries. What a horribly tedious process. Click rare candy, click pokemon, click okay. Click pokemon, click okay. Repeat this process literally 200 times.

To make matters worse, in my hurry, I accidentally applied (at least) one of the rare candies to a Mankey that was next to Mewtwo in my inventory list. Incredibly annoying.

We already can mass apply potions, mass transfer pokemon... please Niantic, let us mass convert rare candies next.

submitted by /u/NewtonPippin
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[Humor] Unown To Me

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:15 PM PST

[screenshot] I thought birds came from eggs, not beans!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:23 PM PST

A surprise under the rain!!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:13 AM PST

Decrease the raid egg timer to 30 minutes and make the raid spawn timer 1-2 hours instead of 45 minutes.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

It just doesn't make sense some people only want to do certain raids so let's make the raid eggs 1 hour long and the raid spawn shorter to 45 minutes. Shouldn't the raid spawn be just as long if not longer than the egg?

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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[Idea] Exclusive Raids should only be reserved for Mythical Pokémon, moving forward

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:13 PM PST

I can understand Mewtwo, but I think moving forward, exclusive raids should only be for mythical Pokémon and never any regular legendary. Mythical Pokémon are like Mew, Celebi, Jirachi (gen 3), Arceus (gen 4), Victini, Genesect (gen 5), and so on.

When a particular generation of Pokémon are released, that will determine what mythical Pokémon that exclusive raids are going to be for the next few months that follow.

I think the regular legendaries, like Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (gen 3), Dialga, Palkia, Giratina (gen 4), Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, (gen 5), and so on should always remain as normal level five raids.

I see this because everybody who played the original Pokémon games, all had the opportunity to catch legendary Pokémon, but Mythical Pokémon were usually only received through events, hence should be received through exclusive raid passes.

This will also prevent some unhappy players if their favorite legendary was "exclusive only"

I would be pissed of come time generation five and Reshiram was exclusive raid only.

So I think following the original games, making mythical Pokémon the only ones that will show up in exclusive raids "event" is what should happen.

Do you guys like this idea? Yay or nay?

submitted by /u/Arceist_Justin
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Milwaukee County will pay $83,000 to Candy Lab Inc. and not enforce it's park rule.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:07 PM PST

[Suggestion] Even more extra stuff: Rise of Rayquaza (global event)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:39 PM PST

[Story] Suicunes presence was felt over here

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:56 PM PST

On November the 1st (which was the first real day Suicune started hatching from legendary eggs over here) we had some pretty hard hail all day. Not the worst of all time but at least the strongest in all year.


Cut to today, and at 1600 GMT -5, just as Suicune is supposedly leaving, we get the strongest rain we've had in a while too. It's kinda magical, a lot of people are talking about it.


I know it's not much but I wanted to share it.

submitted by /u/Corronchilejano
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A no-frills Ho-Oh raid in NYC (360)

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:02 PM PST

Maps on Pokemon Go have been updated

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:08 PM PST

[Art] "...Yeah, you better run".

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:54 PM PST

[Story] Just hit 40 and this game helped out in various ways

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:38 AM PST

For my personal take, this is probably one of the best apps I ever used on a fitness level, losing weight and having fun in the process without really thinking but as I was climbing that ladder to the level, I realized a huge change within me, I'm becoming more and more social as the days goes by.

Before this game, I was a complete introvert, never spoke to really anyone besides my closest family and stayed in my bubble, binge-watching pretty much anything to pass the time. Once I caught wind of this game, I thought it was too good to be true, a game that literally let you go out there in Realityland and catch Pokemon? SIGN ME UP, but even then I would catch things but never really talked. I use to have a crew that we would run up and down the inner city area and I would barely say a word, a few statements here and there but all and all, you had to check to see if I had a pulse to put it bluntly. As I was raising in levels, I was beginning to feel more and more confident but at the same time, humble, meaning I would express myself more but I was willing to help the people who were beneath my level because I always remembered what it was like to be on the short end of the stick in situations like this so at any given moment, I would give advice to those who ask and need it, just to give them an edge on the game.

A lot of ups and downs along the way, including that event we should never EVER speak about again, but in the end, it was really worth it. Met some great people that I would never have thought existed in this crazy world, learned many things along the way including tips on helping yourself catch them all (Excellent throws... I still can't get it to do right...) but more importantly, it helped with my mental and physical strength. Lost a few pounds, gained more energy like I was still in middle school even though I just turned 30 and now, I look at society in a more positive light. More confident in my actions and way of talking but at the same time, quick to lend a hand to those who really need it. I lost count on how much times I helped people catch some legendaries when they was getting frustrated and was ready to give up. I would walk over to them, give them a prep talk, and even show examples on how to curve throw, but in the end, this game, despite its flaws, helped out me out in various ways and I hope it does for many others in the future.

If I was to give a moral to this story, I would say, determination and compassion can get you very far in this game and everything similar to it. I have came across some jerks in the process but I learned that it's not worth it, that's just the unfortunate side of society but just to help out and give people that extra push to be the best is more than enough reason why I log on everyday just to Catch 'Em All.

So in the end, despite the monumental mess ups, I want to say, Thanks Niantic for this app, it may be just a game, but the lessons learned from it will carry on, even if the game doesn't last forever.

submitted by /u/Reynagade1126
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Did Niantic just update the map?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:39 PM PST

From one second to the next many more paths/paved backyards... appeared in the game. Any official words on that?

submitted by /u/FaquarlX
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[Art] Ho-Oh Raid at the Warbirds.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

Me and the Myrtle Beach South Carolina Raid group did a raid at the Warbirds park yesterday. It was an awesome experience as not only I got to see the A-10 Warthog in real life. But I got to learn about all the military's service around this park.

The tower is actually right on top of the A-10 so I decided to snap this picture and place Ho-Oh on top of the plane. (I wish I knew how to do reflections and shadows in the 3d software so I could've made it looked more real = D )


submitted by /u/Marhfg
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[Story] Today I finally soloed Alakazam and I caught a 100%

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:00 PM PST

For the last weeks I tried without success to solo Alakazam, I was getting frustrated but I decided to spend some dust and power up my team, today in my college an Alakazam Raid popped up and I tried again and finally managed to defeat him, also I was lucky to get the easiest moveset for Alakazam (Psycho Cut / Future Sight) This was my team:

  • Gengar: Shadow Claw / Shadow Ball, Level 39
  • Tyranitar: Crunch / Bite, Level 39
  • Houndoom: Snarl / Foul Play, Level 32
  • Tyranitar: Crunch / Bite, Level 30
  • Tyranitar: Crunch / Stone Edge, Level 34 [Unused]
  • Scizor: Fury Cutter / X-Scissor [Unused]


I tried dodging just with Gengar and it worked well, I was able to get atleast 8 Shadow Balls, and I defeated Alakazam with 6 seconds left. When I went to the catch screen I got it in the first ball with Pinap Berry and after checking the appraisal I discovered that it was a 100% Alakazam!! I'll also try Omastar and Machamp.

submitted by /u/cdanigc
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Niantic, thanks for the iPhone X optimization, but...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:18 AM PST

Can you please zoom a little farther out so I don't do this when I go to throw a pokéball?

submitted by /u/Redmanabirds
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[Suggestion] Allow players with spent passes to rejoin a raid up to 10 minutes after the timer ends

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:48 PM PST

In the current system the 5 minutes of the raid are essentially useless due to the high risk of players crashing and being unable to rejoin the raid. Recently I've either personally or seen other players lose 10 raid passes this way. We plan a raid. People are slow to respond and or slow to get there because they don't know what it is til it hatches. Often I can't get the group all there til 5 minutes before the end, and by the time the lobby countdown is over the timer is nearly up. Invariably someone's game crashes entering or during the battle. If the raid has ended that player can't get back in so their pass is lost. Worse, if you are short on manpower this may cause the entire group to fail and gives no chance for another try.

My suggestion is to give a 5-10 minute window after the raid during which anyone who has spent a pass may continue to rejoin the lobby and or catch the boss. This would particularly help with the game being extra buggy recently, but it also helps with any number of general errors which can make it so a group needs to back out and try again. Simply extending the raid timer wouldn't work as well because players may just start the raid later and still have the same issue. Many players, particularly new players have to learn the hard way that they need to start a raid before the last minute. This change would mean we have a real 45 minute window to do the raid which is needed due to travel time for many players and would prevent a large number of lost passes and customer service tickets.

submitted by /u/elffromspace
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[Screenshot][Meta] Y'all need to chill

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:20 AM PST

[Bug] After Signing Out, Can't Sign Back Into PTC Account Without Restarting App

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:27 PM PST

This is new behaviour with 0.83.3 on Android that was not seen in 0.79.4.

As stated in title, after I sign out of the game, I can't sign back in with any PTC account.

Always get message saying "Unable to Authenticate. Please try again."

Have to completely close the app and restart it before I can sign back in with a PTC account.

Google accounts are not affected.

submitted by /u/InvisibleSoul8
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Unable to login with google account

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:36 PM PST

I got a new phone and when I try to login i get a circle and then unable to authenticate please try again is there anything I can do to remedy the problem?

Running Android, tried uninstall and reinstall and hard reset the phone

submitted by /u/ashender90
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My screen keeps shutting off even during battery saver mode.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:04 PM PST

Does anyone else have this issue? and how do i fix this? i have a IPhone seven plus and my iPhone and Pokemon Go are all updated

submitted by /u/dapub5
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