Overwatch - Weekly Quick Questions Thread - December 27, 2017

Weekly Quick Questions Thread - December 27, 2017

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

In this thread you can ask all kinds of questions you always wanted to ask without feeling like a total fool.

No matter if it's short Google-able stuff or a setting/skill in-game that you don't understand or a hardware recommendation, feel free to try your luck in here.

Trolling or making fun of people in here will be punished extra harshly! Please report such behavior.

For the purpose of helping people, make sure the comments are sorted by "new" in this thread.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Reminder] Season 7 ends December 28th 4 PM PST (December 29th 00:00 UTC).

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:27 PM PST

Countdown | Time Zone Converter

"Season 7 ending soon" Announcement

"Aside from sprays and icons, you'll also receive a number of Competitive Points based on the maximum skill rating you achieved during the season."

SR Rank CP
1-1499 Bronze 65
1500-1999 Silver 125
2000-2499 Gold 250
2500-2999 Platinum 500
3000-3499 Diamond 750
3500-3999 Master 1200
4000-5000 Grandmaster 1750

As an additional reminder, Competitive Season 8 will begin December 31st 4 PM PST (January 1st at 00:00 UTC). Please note the upcoming changes to Season 8 listed here.

Countdown to start of Season 8.

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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5 Shots, 5 Kills, 5 Seconds.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:33 AM PST


Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:22 PM PST

I play Ana FFA A BUNCH, and 90% of why I do is sleep darts. These are my favorites

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:18 AM PST

Year of the dog victory poses

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:39 PM PST

Guys I had an amazing idea! What if for the lunar new year event, each hero had a victory pose to go with the year of the dog. They would have a victory pose of them with a dog from their native homes and/or personality types! Examples

Moira- Irish wolfhound


Tracer-Corgi (since the queen of England owns a ton of them.)


Genji-Shiba inu

Zarya-Siberian Husky


Orisa-The dog from her puppy emote

D.va-Korean Jindo

Zenyatta-Pug(buhdist monks in china used to keep pugs in their monistaries)

Mei-Tibetan Mastiff



Soldier 76- Golden Retriever





Mercy-Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

Torbjorn- Swedish Vallhund

Lucio-Brazillian Terreir

Phara-pharaoh (tan)

Ana-pharaoh (black)


Symmetra- Afghan Hound

Winston-Laika(the first dog to go to space)

Update: I started drawing sketches and I'm up to hanzo at this point

submitted by /u/Widows-baguette
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I've peaked as a Lucio main

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:52 PM PST

I thought only one Mei could get a snowball from the snow pile...

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST

Second point of Eichenwalde is fucking heaven for Orisa

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 05:31 AM PST

It gets funnier each time

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

Not many can McCree like I can

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST


Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

An Overview of Item Distributions & Important Dates

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST


A look back at the distributions among Heroes in Overwatch across various events. Maybe you're wondering who got the most skins or emotes? Well you'll find your answer here. There's also a little insight in the important dates sections that will allow you to get a sense of when a new hero or map might become available.

Overwatch Additional Skin Totals

  • Showcasing which Heroes have received additional skins from Events or Bonuses.
DOOMFIST 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0E 0L NEVER (3)
GENJI 1L 1E 0 0 0 1L 1L 1E 3L ANNIV (3)
MCCREE 0 1E 1L 1L 1E 0 1L 0 2E 3L HALLO (1)
PHARAH 1L 0 1E 1E 0 0 1L 2E 2L ANNIV (3)
REAPER 1L 1L 2L 1E 0 0 0 1E 4L HALLO (1)
SOLDIER: 76 1L 1L 1E 1L 0 0 1L 1E 4L WINTR (0)
SOMBRA 0 1L 0 1E 1L 0 0 0 1E 2L WINTR (0)
TRACER 1L 2L 0 1L 1E 1L 1L 1E 6L ANNIV (3)
BASTION 1E 1L 0 1E 1L 1E 1E 1L 4E 3L WINTR (0)
HANZO 0 0 1E 1L 0 0 1L 1E 2L WINTR (0)
JUNKRAT 0 1L 1L 1L 1E 0 0 1E 3L WINTR (0)
MEI 0 0 1L 1L 2L 0 1L 0E 5L HALLO (1)
TORBJORN 0 1E 1L 1L 0 2L 0 1E 4L HALLO (1)
WIDOWMAKER 1L 1E 1L 0 0 0 1L 0 1E 3L SUMMR (2)
D.VA 1L 1E 0 0 1L 0 1L 1E 3L ANNIV (3)
ORISA 0 0 0 0 0 1L 0 0E 1L UPRIS (4)
REINHARDT 2L 0 1E 0 1L 1E 0 2E 3L UPRIS (4)
ROADHOG 0 0 1L 1E 1L 1L 0 0 1E 3L WINTR (0)
WINSTON 1E 0 0 1L 1L 0 0 1E 2L YEAR (5)
ZARYA 0 2L 1L 1E 0 0 1L 1E 4L HALLO (1)
ANA 0 0 1E 1L 1L 1E 0 0 2E 2L WINTR (0)
LUCIO 0 2L 0 1E 0 0 1L 1E 3L ANNIV (3)
MERCY 0 1E 1L 1L 0 1E 1L 0 2E 3L SUMMR (2)
MOIRA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0L 0E NEVER (1)
SYMMETRA 0 0 1E 1L 0 1E 0 1L 2E 2L HALLO (1)
ZENYATTA 0 0 1E 1L 1L 1L 0 0 1E 3L HALLO (1)


  • Skin Quality
    • E = Epic Skins
    • L = Legendary Skins
    • (#) = Number of Events Past
  • Shorthand
    • SUMMR = Summer Games
    • HALLO = Halloween Terror
    • WINTR = Winter Wonderland
    • YEAR = Chinese New Year
    • UPRIS = Uprising
    • ANNIV = Anniversary
  • BONUS Includes:
    • Preorder Bonus Skins
    • Origins Edition Skins
    • BlizzCon Skins
    • Nexus Challenge Skins
    • Lore Based Skins



Every Single Hero will receive a skin based on the current 12 teams featured in the Overwatch League! That's 312 Home Team Skins.


  • Some facts about the distributions.
Most Legendary Skins Tracer (+6 additional) 10
2nd Most Legendary Skins Mei (+5 additional) 9
Most Epic Skins Bastion (+4 additional) 6
Most Highlight Intros Tracer, Roadhog (+2 additional) 6
Most Emotes Mei (+4 additional) 9
Has Legendary Emote D.Va, Orisa, Zarya 1
Only 1 Event Legendary Skin Pharah, Orisa, Reinhardt 1
Zero Event Legendary Skins Doomfist, Moira 0
Zero Event Epic Skins Doomfist, Mei, Orisa, Winston, Moira 0
Zero Event Highlight Intros Doomfist, McCree, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Bastion, Orisa, Winston, Zarya, Ana, Moira 0
Zero Event Emotes (excludes Dances) Doomfist, Genji, Reaper, Sombra, Tracer, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Mercy, Moira 0


  • A chronological list of the main features added to Overwatch.
Date Description Category
MAY 2016 Launch of Game [Game Feature]
JUN 2016 Competitive Play [Game Feature]
JUL 2016 HERO: Ana (Support) [Hero]
AUG 2016 Summer Games [Seasonal Event]
SEP 2016 MAP: Eichenwalde (Assault/Escort) [Main Map]
OCT 2016 Halloween Terror, Leaderboards [Seasonal Event] [Game Feature]
NOV 2016 HERO: Sombra (Offense), Arcade, Ecopoint Antarctica (Arena) [Hero] [Game Feature] [Arcade Map]
DEC 2016 Winter Wonderland [Seasonal Event]
---- ---- ----
JAN 2017 MAP: Oasis (Control), Year of the Rooster [Main Map] [Seasonal Event]
FEB 2017 Capture the Flag, Game Browser [Game Mode] [Game Feature]
MAR 2017 HERO: Orisa (Tank) [New Hero]
APR 2017 Uprising [Seasonal Event]
MAY 2017 Anniversary, Castillo (Arena) Necropolis (Arena), Black Forest (Arena) [Seasonal Event] [Arcade Map]
JUN 2017 MAP: Horizon Lunar Colony (Assault) [Main Map]
JUL 2017 HERO: Doomfist (Offense), Highlight Recording, Lootbox Update [New Hero] [Game Feature]
AUG 2017 Summer Games, Deathmatch Mode, Château Guillard (DM) [Seasonal Event] [Game Mode] [Arcade Map]
SEP 2017 MAP: Junkertown (Escort) [Main Map]
OCT 2017 Halloween Terror [Seasonal Event]
NOV 2017 HERO: Moira (Support) [New Hero]
DEC 2017 Winter Wonderland [Seasonal Event]
---- ---- ----
JAN 2018 MAP: Blizzard World (Assault/Escort)?, New Base Loot?, Year of the Dog? [Main Map]? [Seasonal Event]?
FEB 2018 ??? ???
MAR 2018 HERO: #27 (?) ???
APR 2018 ??? ???
MAY 2018 Anniversary [Seasonal Event]?
JUN 2018 MAP: #18 (?) [Main Map]?


  • A list of specific dates featuring main content.


ANA SUPPORT 07-12-2016 07-12-2016 07-19-2016 58 Days
SOMBRA OFFENSE 11-04-2016 11-07-2016 11-15-2016 120 Days
ORISA TANK 03-02-2017 03-02-2017 03-21-2017 127 Days
DOOMFIST OFFENSE 07-06-2017 07-06-2017 07-27-2017 129 Days
MOIRA SUPPORT 11-03-2017 11-06-2017 11-16-2017 112 Days
HERO #27 ??? ??-??-2018 ??-??-2018 ??-??-2018 ??? Days
  • Average: 122 Days between Hero Releases


EICHENWALDE HYBRID 07-28-2016 08-17-2016 09-01-2016 102 Days
OASIS CONTROL 11-04-2016 11-29-2016 01-03-2017 125 Days
HORIZON LUNAR COLONY ASSAULT 05-31-2017 05-31-2017 06-20-2017 169 Days
JUNKERTOWN ESCORT 08-21-2017 08-29-2017 09-19-2017 92 Days
BLIZZARD WORLD HYBRID 11-03-2017 11-15-2017 01-02-2018* 106 Days
MAP #18 ??? ??-??-2018 ??-??-2018 ??-??-2018 ??? Days
  • Average: 123 Days between Map Releases
  • Date for Blizzard World is Expected


2016 - 2017

Highlight Intro Tracer, Junkrat, Lucio Genji, Reaper, Mei Widowmaker, Symmetra Tracer, Roadhog, Mercy Torbjorn, D.Va, Zenyatta None
Emote Bastion, Luico, Symmetra Reinhardt, Winston, Ana McCree, Mei, Zarya (L) Junkrat, Mei, D.Va Pharah, Soldier: 76, Hanzo All Heroes (Dance)
Epic Skin Genji, McCree, Torbjorn, Widowmaker, D.Va, Mercy Pharah, Soldier: 76, Bastion, Hanzo, Reinhardt, Ana, Symmetra, Zenyatta McCree, Pharah, Sombra, Reaper, Roadhog, Zarya, Lucio Tracer, Bastion, Junkrat, Ana, Mercy, Symmetra Bastion, Reinhardt None
Legendary Skin Tracer (x2), Zarya (x2), Lucio (x2) Reaper, Junkrat, Roadhog, Mercy Tracer, Mei, Torbjorn, Winston, Zenyatta Mei (x2), D.Va, Reinhardt, Roadhog, Winston, Zenyatta Genji, McCree, Tracer, Torbjorn (x2), Widowmaker, Orisa, Mercy Genji, Pharah, Soldier: 76, Tracer, Bastion, Hanzo, Mei, D.Va, Zarya, Lucio, Symmetra

2017 - 2018

Highlight Intro Pharah, Hanzo Roadhog Reinhardt
Emote Ana Mei, Torbjorn Orisa (L), Zenyatta
Epic Skin None None None
Legendary Skin McCree, Reaper, Soldier: 76, Sombra, Junkrat, Widowmaker, Mercy McCree, Reaper, Mei, Torbjorn, Zarya, Symmetra, Ana, Zenyatta Soldier: 76, Sombra, Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, Roadhog, Ana



  • Widowmaker - Noire (Legendary Skin)


  • Pharah - Security Chief (Legendary Skin)
  • Reaper - Blackwatch Reyes (Legendary Skin)
  • Soldier 76 - Strike Commander Morrison (Legendary Skin)
  • Tracer - Slipstream (Legendary Skin)
  • Bastion - Overgrown (Legendary Skin)


  • Bastion - BlizzCon 2016 (Epic Skin)
  • Winston - BlizzCon 2017 (Epic Skin)


  • Genji - Oni (Legendary Skin)
  • D.Va - Officer (Legendary Skin)


  • Reinhardt - Balderich & Greifhardt (Legendary Skins) [Eichenwalde Map Lore]
  • All Heroes - Sit & Laugh Emotes
  • Ana - Pillow Spray
  • Mercy - Moira Counterpart Spray
  • Tracer - Finger Gun Emote (added to compensate for she already had a Laugh Emote)
  • Reaper Shrug - Emote, Spray, and Victory Pose


  • Bolded Values are the largest for their row.
Icons 42 27 33*2 22 12 25
Sprays 25 35 53 50 25 25
Voice Lines 50 50 23 23 48 48
Victory Poses 16 7*1 13*3 7 6 0
Highlight Intros 5 4 3 3 3 0
Emotes 4 5 5 3 3 24
Epic Skins 6 8 7 6 2 0
Legendary Skins 13 12 12 7 8 11
Total 161 148 149 121 107 133
  • 1 HALLO - R.I.P. Victory Poses (except Reaper) removed from Loot Boxes.
  • 2 WINTR - Unknown if Old New Year Hats are still available.
  • 3 WINTR - Bastion & Sombra Toast Poses are not included in count. [See Blue Post]


  • Bolded Values are the largest for their row.
    • Common = Sprays & Voice Lines
    • Rare = Rare Skins, Icons, Victory Poses
    • Epic = Epic Skins, Emotes, Highlight Intros
    • Legendary = Legendary Skins and Certain Emotes
Common 75 85 76 73 73 73
Rare 58 34 46 29 18 25
Epic 15 17 15 12 8 24
Legendary 13 12 13 7 8 11
submitted by /u/Sages
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Zenyatta's worst nightmare

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

My aim is horrible. Thank you Blizzard for letting me enjoy a multiplayer FPS and feel useful

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:31 PM PST

I'm guessing that there are quite a few of us out there who start to realize, our skills aren't the same as it used to be. I'm about to turn 25, pretty young or at least I'd like to keep believing that, but my gosh how my gaming skills worsened.

My aim is bad, my Widow shots (it's not a drinking game but maybe I should copyright that...) frequently involve my hand making the mouse jump, I can't tracking a moving target (though the many shapes of characters and their movement skills may not be the best testing grounds for this...), I know I'm horrible at these characters and it makes me feel... old damn it. I used to be a Lee Enfield god in Call of Duty 2, a quickscoper people accused of cheating in CS1.6, and now I'm happy if 1 out of 5 shots hits somebody.

But what I lost in precision and reflexes, in Overwatch I can make up for with the strategic insight, the situational adaptability, knowledge of maps and character specific tricks that came with experience (preorder player who recently hit lv300, rarely playing after season 2), and I feel, no, I know, I am useful, despite these setbacks.

I can hold the shield of german engineering to protect those who can aim. I can heal those in need to keep a frontline alive. I can cut off healing from our enemies. I can divide their attention to buy time and damage for my team as our enemies keep turning around to catch a certain spanish shadow over and over again. I can create masterfully dirty traps of deathstar themed laser party, and ensure should anyone bite the dust, he/she gets back to us in no time. And the list goes on.

Unlike in Battlefield, Call of Duty, Counter Strike, Titanfall or many others, Overwatch rewards those who are willing to put the interest of the many before their own. And I have so many ways to do that, and not be any less effective than those with godlike hitscan aim (my projectile math feels are quite good though!).

However, Overwatch also gave me bad trust issues. I'm the one begging for 5 that I can't heal and tank at the same time, one of you Widow/Hanzo/Genji/McCree who either do high or precisely 0 damage, please pick one, I'll fill the other role. If I'd get a dollar every time people like that listen to reason, I would have starved to death already. It's so bad and so widely accepted ("It's quickplay!" "No, it's Overwatch, I think you bought the wrong game") that I exclusively play Mystery Heroes for the past 6 months now, because I'd rather put my trust in RNGods than get grey hair 30 years sooner than I'd like.

Let me help you. Please don't be like that.

submitted by /u/_Constellations_
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So I realized something about Sombra and the community's opinion about her.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:10 PM PST

So lately I have been watching Overwatch videos about certain strong combos like RoadRisa, or Orisa/Bastion and when I look at the comment section. There's always that one person who says "Sombra is that character that can shutdown some of these strategies down" which is true.

Then there are a lot of people who say "its better to have damage than to have her on the team." Then there are some people who understand Sombra a little and say "Well if there are no health packs around the area there's no point for Sombra."

As a diamond top 500 Sombra (PS4) I come to realize that if everybody knew how to play with Sombra or gave her chance and didn't call her a throw pick...

I think Sombra would have probably been nerf already if this was the case.

I recently had somebody throw the game because I picked Sombra to deal with Tracer. "We don't need Sombra to deal with a Tracer just get a McCree instead to deal with her." Like sometimes its really hard to believe some people are ranked where they are when they say stupid shit like that. Yes I understand McCree can deal with Tracer but Tracer can dance and deal with him a lot more easier than Sombra.

A lot of people really don't understand that if you focus Tracer as Sombra and play the back lines and wait for her to attack your healers, they will get off Tracer. 90% of the time when I focus Tracer they get off Tracer or just come for me which is fine. Since I rather have her go after Sombra first than our healers.

Another thing I realized is that even after all this time some people didn't know that Sombra gets rid of the shields even in characters health bars.

I remember I was told to get off Sombra because we didn't have enough damage. Now usually I get off Sombra when I know its not working but um...I'm not going to get off Sombra when the opposite team has a Zarya, Lucio and Zenyatta on their team. I explained why I wasn't get off and the reason for it and they still didn't understand. That's like telling Reaper we don't have enough range get off Reaper even though the opposite team has 3 tanks.

For season 6 & 7 Mercy/Zenyatta have been the support meta for a long time and will get stronger thanks to the Zenyatta buff that's coming in. I get that Moira has brought something to the table and was suppose to change up the support picks but she hasn't done as much. Don't get me wrong Moira has been having a lot of success but one common thing I keep hearing when playing competitive even when we have Mercy/Moira is that we need a Zenyatta. So far usually when the Moira switches to the Zenyatta the match completely changes around. A lot of people talk about how Mercy is the only one controlling the meta she isn't. Most of my games won in competitive was because of having Zenyatta.

The reason why Mercy/Zenyatta is stronger that Mercy/Moira is because of Discords Orbs, Transcendence and for the fact that Mercy will get Valkyrie more because Zenyatta can't compete with her heals allowing her to gain more Valkyrie.

You are probably wondering what does this have to do with Sombra?

Well the thing is Sombra is really great at shutting down Zenyatta and hacking Mercy out of Rez and her ability to fly away. The thing that gets me is that the team will never notice the little details of why it was so easy to kill Mercy. Even when I'm on mic at times people don't notice. But the opposite team will. I have been solo Graviton 3 times in a match. I watched my kill cam everytime and saw I was the only one ever in it. While your team thinks you aren't doing anything the opposite team is wasting a team wiping ult just for Sombra...3 times!!! Means you are definitely the only problem the team sees when it comes to Zarya doing that.

But I would like to weirdly say that I'm actually kinda happy that the community doesn't seem to understand much about Sombra because we all know if they did the community would have been crying for nerfs or their new way of how to get people nerf. It's not fun. LOL.

submitted by /u/Mac_Chappy
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Winston Approved!

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

When you tab out to stop Windows from updating but Genji thinks you're a free kill

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST

Does anyone think that doomfist should have the original doomfists as skins?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

I could see how this may be problematic but i think it would be cool to get the original doomfists as skins.


submitted by /u/cloud-stone
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Brains > Brawn

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 11:41 AM PST

This is now my home... - Moira fanart by lion's Wings

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:19 PM PST

Biotic Orb ruins Symmetra’s existence

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:10 PM PST

Symmetra has always been in a rocky spot but the new Moira change has made her completely useless; and this is coming from someone with 87 hours on Sym. Its really frustrating to have Biotic Orb destroy Symmetra's entire kit mostly by mistake; so many times the damage orb is sent with the intent to kill a teammate but ends up slurping all of my turrets.

When Moira was first introduced this wasn't the case, so I don't know why this was even added. If there's a Moira there is absolutely no point to play Symmetra. At least with her other counters, like Winston, they're intentionally going after your turrets but people don't usually use the Biotic Orb with the intent of destroying all of Sym's turrets. That's honestly the one of the most annoying parts about it. This just makes Symmetra unfun since her entire kit is essentially nullified.

Also its even more annoying since Sym already has a small player-base as is, so there isn't much discussion on the change to Biotic Orb as there were for nerfs of other characters. This, accompanied by the fact that Sym's Shield Generator doesn't track any stats, makes it really hard to justify playing her. I really hope Blizzard does something about this because Moira, a healer, nullifies Symmetra completely with just one ability.

Edit: Sym is one of my mains so I'm not like a turret only user; I use all of her abilities so I'm saying her turrets are the only thing she's good for its just that they're the central part of her kit.

submitted by /u/Husbaano
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Blizzard, Let me transfer my console unlocks to PC. After more than a year and a half since the game's release, its time.

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:51 PM PST

I finally caved and bought OW on the PC since its $20. I've spent hundreds of dollars and more than a year of effort getting unlocks on the console though. I sure as hell am not going through that process again. I don't need my levels, I don't need my rank (afterall, pc play is vastly different from console), I just want my skins, and emotes, and sprays and stuff. Any further lootbox investments I make will continue to be on the console as that is where my investments have been until this point, all in hopes of the day when I can access it all on PC as well.

All that stuff I sank money into on one platform. I can guarantee you I won't be investing again on the PC as I have on playstation just to get stuff I already have on another platform. That's just dirty business towards the playerbase. You've brushed over a year and a half after the game first began, there's too much to lose now for players that decide to switch platforms.

I get there might be complications with sony, or microsoft, with regards to a shared database for the game. But you are BLIZZARD. The biggest gaming name in the world. You have a lot of pull to make platforms bend the knee to your desires. You both make a lot of money off each other, so get together, and work out how to make this in the best interest of each of your companies. If the framework isn't there, then build it. You have the skill, and certainly have the money.

If games like rocket league and others can do it. You guys don't really have an excuse to not do it. So hop to it. For the players.

submitted by /u/Tkwan777
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Tampa Bay Convention Center Cosplay

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:12 PM PST

"I'll deal with Symmetra in a sec."

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:57 PM PST

Trust me, I saw this on Reddit once...

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:35 PM PST

Introduction To: The Los Angeles Valiant!

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:56 AM PST

I, /u/shomman and /u/seagull_no1_fanboy are collaborating to create Team Overviews for those of you wondering about what exactly these Overwatch League Rosters are, if you are new or not that into Overwatch Esports yet, then this is for you!

Los Angeles Valiant

The core of the Los Angeles Valiant is made up of the "Immortals" Overwatch team, who were champions of Season 0 Contenders, but struggled afterwards due to some shifts in their team organisation and shot-calling in preparation for the Overwatch League.

Valiant's Twitter - Immortal's Franchise



1. Pan-Seung "Fate" Koo - #1 - Twitter / Twitch

Fate (Formerly Immortals, Mighty AOD) is a Korean main tank player known for his Winston. He joined Immortals along with his teammate Kariv from Korean team Mighty AOD in mid-2017. Together, they bring great synergy as a tank-support duo. Fate has proved the excellence of his Winston, but his Reinhardt has rarely been put to the test, as he played the hero only 8.5% of the time on Immortals. Fate Never Dies

2. Seb "numlocked" Barton - #6 - Twitter / Twitch

Numlocked (Formerly NRG, Envision) is a British main tank player who comes from the troubled NRG roster which saw much hype and fan excitement, but which partook in only 2 tournaments before disbanding with much downtime before and after. Despite the negative and at time vitriolic actions of the fans of NRG, he performed excellently with Envision in Contenders Season 1 and Dreamhack Montreal, taking 3rd-4th and 1st place respectively, and demonstrating his capability especially on Reinhardt, but also on Winston. 200IQ Reinhardt Player


1. Christopher "GrimReality" Schaefer - #0 - Twitter / Twitch

GrimReality (Formerly Immortals) is an American DPS player specialising in hitscan. While he was the Tracer player for much of Immortals' runs in Contenders, he has demonstrated a particular skill for Soldier: 76 and McCree play. He may be sticking to these two heroes to allow SoOn to play his specialty hero, Tracer. Grim was on the Immortals roster for over 17 months and will undoubtedly continue to display his hitscan ability on Valiant. An example of his McCree

2. Brady "Agilities" Girardi - #3 - Twitter / Twitch

Agilities (Formerly Immortals) is a Canadian DPS player known for his superb Genji play. In particular, he has been known to get great value from his Dragonblades. He is regularly brought up as one of the best NA Genjis, if not the best. Aside from playing for Immortals, Agilities also represented Canada in the 2017 World Cup and helped the team reach second place. His Dragonblade effectiveness is clearly demonstrated in this play, which won him Esports Play of The Year at the 2017 Golden Joystick Awards

3. Ted "silkthread" Wang - #9 - Twitter / Twitch

silkthread (Formerly Counter Logic Gaming, Denial Esports) is an up-and-coming American DPS player that has not previously found a team to call home, primarily operating as a ringer for the aforementioned teams, or as a trial member. Despite this, his mechanics have been well displayed to be top tier through his excellent ladder and ranked performances, as well as these pro match ring-ins. He has primarily played Tracer in the past, but is also very capable on Genji, McCree, and even D.va. Here's his Genji in action in the Pre-Season

4. Terence "SoOn" Tarlier - #99 - Twitter / Twitch

SoOn (Formerly Rogue) comes from the late, great French team Rogue, who were amongst the best in the world in their hey-day and SoOn was an integral part of it. Often in contention for one of the best Tracer players in the world, his constant backline pressure, and especially his knack for hitting pulse bombs helped Rogue win 3 Monthly Melees, the PIT Championship, the Overwatch April Rumble and TakeOver 2. While regarded by many as a one-trick of sorts, he has also been a top tier Reaper and McCree in the past, and occasionally Widowmaker, but the Rogue strategy meant that he was on Tracer the vast majority of his playtime. He is particularly known for his excellent delaying on the objective. He and the rest of Rogue represented France in the 2017 World Cup. An example of his Tracer prowess


1. Stefano "Verbo" Disalvo - #3 - Twitter / Twitch

Verbo (Formerly Immortals) is a Canadian support player specialising in Lucio. Previously he was the primary shot caller, however he now acts more as a captain and irl Lucio, helping to keep the team's spirits up while still shotcalling. On occasion Verbo played Ana and Zarya for Immortals.

2. Young Seo "KariV" Park - #7 - Twitter /


Kariv (Formerly Immortals, Mighty AOD) is a Korean flex-support player, known especially for his Zenyatta play and handsomeness. In addition to his excellent Zenyatta, Ana and Sombra play, he has displayed a great Widowmaker and Soldier: 76. Here is an example of him using Ana's kit to her full extent

3. Benjamin "uNKOE" Chevasson - #24 - Twitter /


uNKOE (Formerly Rogue) comes along with SoOn from Rogue, where he gained notoriety for his superb support play, particularly on Ana. He was sometimes touted as the Western equivalent of South Korea's and Seoul Dynasty's Ryujehong. In addition, despite the plethora of hitscan talent on Rogue, uNKOE was also an incredibly good Widowmaker. Long range sleep and 1v1 tracer


1. Kang-Jae "envy" Lee - #10- Twitter / Twitch

envy (Formerly Immortals, Rhinos Gaming Wing) is a Korean off-tank player, who can play Zarya, Dva, Roadhog and even Orisa to a high level, as well as pulling out the occasional Soldier: 76. envy has been noted for his excellent team protection on D.va, while other D.vas may focus more on fragging. He does frag hard on Roadhog though

2. Indy "SPACE" Halpern - #16 - Twitter / Twitch

SPACE (Formerly Arc6, Cloud9 EU) is an American off-tank player who proved his superb off-tank talent and skill while on the Arc6 Roster, to the praise of his teammates. He is not 18 until halfway through the season though, so he will not be able to play until then.


1. Dong Wook "Ookz" Kim - Twitter

Ookz helped Immortals scout Kariv and Fate as well as Envy who he previously coached on Rhinos Gaming Wing. He also helps the players in dealing with cultural differences.

2. Henry "Cuddles" Coxall - Twitter / Twitch

Cuddles formerly coached Counter Logic Gaming and is from the UK


By u/shomman, u/Seagull_No1_Fanboy

Thanks to liquipedia for images and u/involving for wonderful editing.

Also thanks to u/0koopatroopa0

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