Minecraft - We created a short animation showcasing how Minecraft can be used as a creative tool.

We created a short animation showcasing how Minecraft can be used as a creative tool.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

My sister made this Minecraft inspired shirt for her boyfriend.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:06 AM PST

Santa Gets Sucked into Black Hole

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:07 AM PST

white mansion on the water (Full album in comments)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

A very proud moment! My 8 y/o nephew built his first house all on his own :D

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:23 AM PST

First time making a tall ship. I think it was a success! [OC]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST

Getting back into Minecraft after a couple years, this evening I've been making this to dust myself off :)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST

Western farmhouse with Cactus. Due to new changes to Melon and Quartz Pillar textures, this build will soon not work.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:22 AM PST

First day of progress on my Minecraft City!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:25 AM PST

A castle I've been building (album in the comments, criticisms and thoughts are appreciated)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

A quick terrain I just made

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:08 AM PST

I made a Charmander. Modeled after the lego version.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:10 PM PST

Mod/Pack/World rehosting sites are dangerous and evil.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:42 AM PST

Minecraft creators make content. They post said content on nice sites they have control over, like PlanetMinecraft or Minecraft-Forum. Rehosting sites, which are not named to avoid witchhunting, are cancer and steal traffic. Here's why.

Wall of text inbound. TL;DR at the end.

Here's a rundown of how they work:

  • They'll browse Minecraft-Forum or PlanetMinecraft for the coolest mods, resource packs, worlds and other cool stuff, and take what they can. The latest versions are downloaded, uploaded to their own download server, the splash images and review videos are ripped and they're uploaded to their own site.

  • A howdy doody Minecraft user looking for a mod will stumble upon these cheap sites, download their item, and go on their merry way. Convenient, probably safe, and everyone is happy. The rehosters get ad revenue and the end user gets a nice product.

  • The content creator itself sees their creation increase in popularity over time around the net, but they're not getting a revenue increase. No new patrons, no new ad revenue from Adfly, no substantial traffic increase on their pages, nothing.

Now they're asking "Where's this all coming from? Where's the money I should be getting from adfly links or any new subscribers on PMC?"

The end user doesn't know it exists. It's not linked anywhere.

A good equivalence to this would be a YouTube mirror that rips content, gets their own ad revenue, but the Youtubers who create it don't see their own ad revenue go up. Every site that has done this in the past was shut down with hard fury, but since we're decentralized there's no power to stop them from doing exactly this. If a user like MatrexsVigil, who creates Pam's Harvestcraft (which actually relies heavily on donations, or did last I checked) had this rehosted (it is), there's a lot of traffic that's gone away from a great creator that could reduce the lifespan of the mod and other content. Some sites will properly link this and are actually a good thing for the author, like https://www.topminecraftmods.com, but rehosting sites, names redacted to avoid witchhunting, are horrible.

I've recently discovered one of my abandoned WIP resource packs, a RWBY themed pack, was uploaded to [Rehosting Site]. They don't use their own mirror and just linked the Mediafire link I posted on PlanetMinecraft. The PMC page shows only 776 people clicked "Download" on the PlanetMinecraft page, but 21217 people have downloaded it from MediaFire's perspective. How could this be?

I checked the [Rehosting Site] listing on that pack and quickly figured it out. 50190 views on the [Rehosting Site] post, posted by some admin, with only 5159 views on the PlanetMinecraft listing that the original author, me, posted. That's 20,411 downloads completely stolen away from the original post.

Now let's say I do this full time, but offer a free download link. I have a blurb in the description that says "Donate so I can keep going, or support me on Patreon to help me out so I can keep making cool stuff for you for free!" [Rehosting Site] will make sure this isn't ever listed.

If I'm an avid mod/pack/world creator and rely on donations and patrons to live and make Minecraft my full time job, rehosters could put me out of business and force me to make it a part-time job, or even make me abandon it altogether. We've all heard the tales of Youtubers being put out of business from the Adpocalypse, but this could be happening to our favorite mod authors without us even knowing.

While I realize this may be overplayed and I may be saying it's more of a problem than it is, but seeing as 96% of one of my projects downloads were siphoned off from me, it's a real possibility this is a cancer to be addressed by the community as a whole.

Please check out http://stopmodreposts.org/ for more information about rehosted mods. They sometimes contain broken outdated versions of the mod, have malware injected into them, or other dangerous things that can harm your computer and steal your personal information.

Please have a civilized discussion in the comments. This seems very witchhunty, so all site names are redacted, but the statement stands. This needs to end.

TL;DR: Rehoster sites steal mods and projects, credit the user with a "Credit: thisguybutwe'renotsayingwherefrom" at the end, and will either use your own download mirrors while avoiding traffic to where you originally posted them, or use their own mirrors that you have no control over. This harms content creators and harms the content you consume.

submitted by /u/infered5
[link] [comments]

Long needed upgrade for my autosmelter (GIF may take time to load)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

Need help finding an old post here

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:51 PM PST

I remember this build I saw years ago here. I didn't have an account back then, I just browsed the front page mostly. The build was made on a server with all the players built in large scale on an island of blocks built to 16x16 size. I don't remember much else but it's been bugging me forever. Thanks

submitted by /u/TheMoonLord
[link] [comments]

It's taken me over a year to figure out how i want this tower to look

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST

[WIP] Westworld build of ilmango's simple gold farm

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:25 PM PST

Mushroom Island Base Help

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:13 PM PST

Honouring a True Hero - Capfan67

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:43 PM PST

Render a MCPE map

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:31 PM PST

Working on a nether portal room,any tips?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:52 AM PST

Little Cozy Modern House

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST

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