Learn Dota 2 - All 158 Standard Hero Builds Item, Ability, Talent tooltips have been revised (approx. 3318 changes)

All 158 Standard Hero Builds Item, Ability, Talent tooltips have been revised (approx. 3318 changes)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

2016 Post

Every year, I try to review all tooltips either to correct inaccuracies to better tighten some language and advice when opting for XYZ item or ability build order. After two months of work: I've managed to overhaul all tooltips for all 158 guides (about 2307 items, 632 abilities, 316 talents: approx. 176,170 words in tooltips reviewed, revised or rewritten).

Lastly, I've pushed some final hero build changes to wrap up 2017: in total, 8228 changes were made this year compared to last year's (2016) 4371 changes

Some key notes:

  • Removed all General Hero Descriptions (too much work to update, served little use and usually outdated)

  • Revised, re-written or clarified Ability Descriptions to be more accurate to how the current abilities work

  • Most abilities now indicate if it can hit invisible units, dispel certain debuffs/buffs or has True Strike

  • Talents with ambigious names (eg: "Cataclysm") now have ability tooltips explaining what they are and how they work

  • Items that were removed from a hero build in the past 5 years have now had their tooltips text wiped to avoid confusing new players

  • Reduced # of tooltip descriptions for items to focus more on the items that have unique synergy or value

  • Cleaned up some verbose or wordy text tooltips that ended up repeating the original ability default text (ability & items)

  • Added "combo cheat-sheets" for items that helped with a hero's killing potential (e.g: Morphling's Ethereal Blade to 'shotgun' enemies with magic-damage)

  • Add Textbox toolbox to hasten future annual item description updates (so I don't have to rewrite and re-uniquely create texts for each item that serves the literal same purpose for different heroes)

  • Added notes to disassemble item to make other items in the future (e.g: Mask of Madness)

  • Specified items like Radiance and Mask of Madness to USE THEM TO HASTEN YOUR FARM, instead of wasting everyone's time by trying to fight with 1 core item...

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This latest update was made possible thanks to the feedback from the following community members. Sincerest thank you to:

B. Jacobson

This project continues to be made possible by the contributions from this patreon campaign:

Alfred Vogl, Cam Connor, szymond70, Loke Nielsen, Teruyo, Stepan Dyachovskiy, Chhatra Sule, Simon B, Dylan Lauritsen, Thane Brimhall, Mathew Buhler, Sean McMurray, James, Leonardo Lambertini, Sutas, Bartlomiej Jan Pasek, Michael Carmody, Alexander Scheurer, Joshua Goodwin, James Sarjeant, Jordan Parker, Kenneth Sologaistoa, Hamad AlZayani, DaChrisse, AE89l4, Jeroen Koenders, Alan Meng, Jade Wardle, Dice, Vodka, Andrew Krigline, Garbarise, Andrew Heckathorn, Captain Marvelous, Katilyn McDougle, Benjamin Richter, dsrtfx_xx, Michael Kaeser, Lowe Schmidt, Tony Heugh, James Merrill, Guitaringegg, JimmaDaRustla, Daxdiv, Ryan Goss, Nate Hubbard, The WLD Crew, Matthew Nami, AD2L, tale, Jesse Jorgensen-Price Ramona Fielding, John Killilea, Anna-karin, Mads Grau Kristensen, andy nelson, Oscar Swahn, Christopher Garcia, Korbinian, Kevin Janssens, D Kash Money, Swaroop Jegde, Anagh Kumar Baranwal, Jesse Ruth, Luke Mirman, Jose Cacho, Eric Barett, JJ Sigler, Mr Magnificent, Ian Lunderskov, Unfun, Douglas Hitchcock, Nick Mayo, Paul Martindale, Liam Metzeling, Stefan Chladek, George Azarias, Christopher Dickson, S J, Tyler Reid, Hursha, Aaron Bell, Cooper Johnson, Samuel Enocsson, slashershot, Igor Dolgiy, Josh Laseter, Gerald Callow, zyberspace, Kjetil Kultom, Steve, Joshua Rodman, Moe Foster

submitted by /u/TorteDeLini
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What's the difference b/w Luna and Sven (and when to pick one over the other)?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:30 PM PST

As far as i can tell both heroes play rather similarly, especially in the early game - both are decent-ish laners with some kill potential, both have an in built farm accelerator and both go Treads>MoM to farm stacks and get items. As for differences, I kinda think Luna is a bit better at split pushing whereas Sven can join fights and blow people up, but then he also has no mobility/escape and gets kited while also being quite a bit more dependent on his ult to fight when compared to Luna, who pressures towers earlier and better, which makes me think the latter hero is better overall.

So as far as drafting goes, when do I pick Sven over Luna? In which scenario would Sven, given his worse ability to teamfight and provide early pressure, would be worth picking over Luna? Am I wrong in my assessment and there's something that Sven does and Luna can't which I missed out on?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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What Youtube playlist would you recommend for someone starting out in Dota 2?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:21 PM PST

Is there a Youtube personality who is known for teaching out Dota 2?
For example WarOwl from CSGO is a known example of what I am looking for.

submitted by /u/Most_Intriguing
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How is Venge the highest winrate hero in sub-2k?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST

Genuinely confused and curious about this one. I see the hero has incredible versatility, being able to function both as a support and carry, but at the same time I often see stupid items builds on her like a hybrid of support and carry - I'm talking things like Tranquils>Force>SnY>Pike, and I'm not sure if people at this level really know how to use swap to its full potential. So, is having a +dmg aura really THAT good? Does it have something to do with her innate tankiness? Or am I missing something else that allows her to perform really well at low level pubs?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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How to choose bkb vs linkens , looking for advice

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:34 PM PST

3k player here looking for input from some 5k+ players on what things go into choosing a linkens over a bkb , because for me bkb seems to usually be the better choice ... granted if you are vs a seeker with a hard immunity piercing disable such as a beastmaster initiation i can see the argument for linkens , but in my mind bkb almost always feels like the superior choice can someone help me understand what situations its not ?

submitted by /u/digglezzz
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Magic Sf or right click sf (4.2-4.5 bracket)

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:28 PM PST

I used to play this hero alot before then manacost on razes nerf and armor nerf . And was thinking about picking this hero up again . Any idea how to play this hero now? Like if i go right click , what are my timing, how do i deal with the manacost on razes . Do i still go pt ,ROQ ,bottle into sny hurricane pike? And if i go magic , i feel like dagger and euls are pretty much the cores item , but it cost alot and doesn't give any stats. How do i play around it?

submitted by /u/CheahNz
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Strong laning heroes?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:22 PM PST

Hi, I've starting playing dota about two months ago and I am confused on what people think are strong laning heroes. How do you determine if a hero is strong in the laning phase or not? Thanks

submitted by /u/FilthyCasualGamer42
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New to dota and am curious on how to reliably control chaos knights ult illusions

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:15 PM PST

When I click on them it lets me control one completely but I lose control of the real me. That makes it pretty much impossible to control all of them and meat the same time. How do people do it?

submitted by /u/Dovah2121
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When to spend gold

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

I've noticed a lot of higher mmr players hold their gold for quite a while. They get like 3+k before spending it even at 15-20 min point. As a mid 1k player, the second I get above 1k im looking to spend it that early in the game.

So I guess my question is, when should I be looking to spend my gold vs save it and why? Thanks learndota2.

submitted by /u/8for8m8
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How do you deal with a ranged safelane carry as an offlaner ?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST

I've always had problems with a ranged carry as I mostly pick melee offlaners. When the enemy picks ranged carries such as drow or medusa, it's really hard for me to lane against them. Should I just bring more regen or is there another way ?

submitted by /u/haddakhudad
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Whenever I use BKB Silencer Can't 'W' me, but Clinkz can. Why?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:41 PM PST

Didn't check Drow yet but you get my point.

submitted by /u/Gilladriel
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Just got DOTA2. Could anyone explain what a beginner should do/learn?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST

Just got the game. ANy tips/tricks or guides for newbies?

submitted by /u/Tiedie3018
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Playing carry is just so darn hard!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:51 AM PST

All of my carry games recently have ended in a quick failure (less than 40 mins), most of them losing because I've been thinking the same question:

"Should I fight, or should I ignore them and just farm?"

This game is a great example: https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/3642194435

After the laning phase, I always had no idea when to fight or push. When I just ignored a teamfight at mid when I was farming top, Sprit Breaker criticised me for not joining the fight when they lost that fight. Because of that, my mind became wobbly and I farmed and joined fights at the wrong times. As a result, the enemy snowballed into victory.

So, how do I know when to farm and when to fight?

Even though carry is not my best role (support and roamer is), I still want to learn how to play that role (mostly because Sven is my favorite hero). Is my support and roaming playstyle affecting my carry performance?

submitted by /u/axl2468
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Hero Spamming: What Heroes and How?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:28 PM PST

So I think spamming 1-5 heroes will really benefit me as a low MMR player, but I constantly get bored and try a new hero out. I have over 1000 games and I have 1 hero over 60 games played.

So how do people do it without getting bored? Does it depend on the heroes?

I feel like picking a hard to learn hero will keep me interested, I tried earth Spirit with quickcast (never used it before) and the first game was a disaster. Any suggestions on other heroes?

I don't feel I've chosen a role yet so any suggestions for any positions would be nice!

submitted by /u/KappaLion
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Can someone explain Doom Aghanims to me?

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 10:07 PM PST

When do you want to get it? What makes it good? I don't really get the 900 distance thing. Doesn't doom work no matter how far they are?

Also, when / why would Doom want 100% cleave talent? He's not really a fighting hero?

submitted by /u/newp
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How do you take away information from pro replays?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:30 AM PST

By pro replays I mean high mmr pubs.

When I play, I don't know what I'm doing right or wrong 99% of the time. How do I see what pros are doing right or wrong?

submitted by /u/Zombii-
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How to win HG against a Sniper and Tinker [Morph]

Posted: 25 Dec 2017 10:30 PM PST

First things first, I'm in the 3k bracket. I just lost a game as Morphling ytd to a Sniper Tinker defending HG, we(or rather I) managed to take down two lanes of races but was unable to take down the last lane.

A few questionable fights later and suddenly they were at our ancient knowing it down and handing us a loss.

Could any kind soul review the game and give me guidance on how to do btr? I had 8 death counts which is way more than usual and many of these were retarded deaths I could have avoided. The opposing Sniper was initially underfarmed but managed to play catch up..

Also, the two lanes of raxes we're only obtained through me ratting them while they were distracted by my team. What else could I have done to ensure a victory?

Opendota: https://www.opendota.com/matches/3640656319

submitted by /u/esperboy
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Help me dissect my own failures

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:10 AM PST

I've wanted to learn Anti-Mage a long time ago but didn't really got to using him effectively. So I tried using him on a Ranked game (bad idea) and BS countered me so I lost a few deaths to him. So let me know what I was doing wrong and what I was doing right.



Please no harsh criticism. That doesn't really point me to the right direction, you'd just be wasting you're time trashtalking me. Constructive criticism with harsh comments are welcome though.

submitted by /u/switjive17
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Can you still kill rosh near entrance of pit in a way where rosh walks back to spawn every 3-4 hits?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 03:20 AM PST

In the past it was super easy to solo rosh with an armlet because he would simply hit you 4 times, and even if the 4th was a bash, he'd spend a second walking back to his spawn, so you could 100% consistent armlet toggle even if bashed.

I tried it a bunch in a test lobby and it seems like he'd sometimes walk back a tiny bit if I stood in the very right of the pit, but it was precise positioning and not very useful.

Did they patch it? If so, can you still consistently solo rosh early on huskar? I feel like with no tricks you have a >30% chance of being bashed when low and dying, which is kinda game losing if rosh is low.

submitted by /u/Lord_Vectron
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What is the best hero to steam-rolled in Turbo?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:30 AM PST

I have a lot of success with Void. Thread - Mom - Dps Items. Just wondering if any of you is willing to share your iron-clad-winning -recipe of any hero in turbo. Thanks!

submitted by /u/whitebeard89
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