League of Legends - Patch 7.24 Bug Megathread

Patch 7.24 Bug Megathread

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:59 AM PST

Greetings Summoners!

With every new patch Riot introduces to balance out champions and items there are some unforeseen issues that creep up and cause disruption during gameplay. We have noticed that these issues which eventually get fixed clutter up the subreddit immediately following the patch.

We want to avoid this by having a single Megathread which will be posted after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

Note only bugs caused by the 7.24 Patch should be reported below.

Pre-requisites to be noted before reporting a bug

  1. A bug must be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.

  2. Steps to recreate the bugs can be submitted if possible. This helps rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

  3. The bug must have been caused by the latest patch.

Format when reporting a Bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

Server: The server you encountered the bug (NA, EUW, EUNE, TR, RU, BR, LAS, LAN etc)

Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

Description: Describe what was the bug that occoured.

Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occouring.

Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above.

Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

Example Bug:

Server: EUW

Type of Bug: In Game Bug etc

Description: Zeds R(Death mark) Does not apply secondary damage

Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

Reproduction rate: 2/10 (happened 2 out of 10 times)

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Launch a game after selecting Zed as your champion.

  2. Attempt to use death mark.

  3. Observe the result.

Expected result: The damage should apply after a short delay, amplified by damage dealth during the effect.

Observed result: The damage will not apply properly.

• System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

If you don't know how to format comments on reddit Click here

- **Server:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

From this megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up up in the main body of the thread, however note that rioters will be going through the comments.

submitted by /u/kathykinss
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There are NO level-up rewards after level 175

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST


The rewards you get from lvling-up to 175 are the last ones.

Reaching LvL 176 and higher won't give you any champion-capsules.

submitted by /u/luiluilui4
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Thank You Biofrost

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Rush joins kt Rolster!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:34 AM PST


The official kt Rolster twitter page just posted a tweet regarding their signing of a couple players and a coach. One of them being Rush (Former TIP and C9 jungler).

It appears his long search and training in korea has paid off right now.

They also announced Ucal (High challenger mid) officially joining, and a new coach, Sonstar.

Edit: on a side note, Rush and Ucal over the last couple months have been playing A LOT of duoq so maybe this has been something in the works for a while.

submitted by /u/roxonsoda
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/dev: Upcoming Party Changes

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:41 AM PST

Blitz Esports response concerning their relationship with Riot Games.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

IreliacarriesU has been invited by Riot to test out the new Irelia and maybe have some input on the Rework.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:48 AM PST

I think this is an awesome move by Riot, this will probably guarantee us a clean rework of Irelia. Discuss :) https://youtu.be/vJ5ePH5s9sw

submitted by /u/mo1098
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TSM Press Conference: 2018 roster talks about hopes for next season

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:39 PM PST

FlyQuest Locks in Three Members of the University of Toronto to Academy Team

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:08 PM PST

Peanut: “The most impressive player I’ve ever met was Sang-hyeok (Faker).”

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:07 AM PST

Team Liquid LoL | Thank You Dardoch

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

[Fanart] What if Lulu and Veigar swapped outfits?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:40 AM PST


Always wondered how this would look like.. so decided to give it a try by drawing them in each other's outfits. I don't exactly know how veigar looks exactly without all the stuff covering him, but stemming from his omega skin.. he's furry?

So are all male yordles fuzzy?

submitted by /u/cinamoncune
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Today 5 years ago, Nami swam her way onto the rift!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Hard to believe it's been five years since League's finest aquatic champion (and let's be real we don't actually need the aquatic signifier anywhere in that statement) made her debut. Let's see some love for one of League's perennially least broken champions.

submitted by /u/OrderlyAnarchist
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Suggestion: rename the rank 1 player to King/Champion so that Challenger tier actually makes sense

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:08 AM PST

The name challenger never actually made too much sense to me, but if riot made this simple change it could be like all the challenger players are trying to "dethrone" the king. As reddit challengers we all have a stake in this and this change will probably make our rank 1 grind a lot more rewarding.

submitted by /u/TheEbolaMovement
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Champion Concept: Imaqtpie, the Fugleman

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:03 PM PST

[Passive] The Club
Every 3 minutes, Imaqtpie invites his RICHEST ally to the Big Dick Club. The members of the BDC have their attack range increased by 50, but their gold income is lowered.
If ally's gold drops below 100, he will be instantly kicked from the BDC and cannot be invited until the next month.

[Q] Know Your Place
Imaqtpie yells "SCHMALKET" in a straight line, dealing 100/120/140/160/200 + (4.20% of his bonus AD) and slows enemies by 60% for the 1,5 sec. If cast against Rengar, he will be stunned instead.

[W] Angel's Entrance
Imaqtpie summons his angel Lisha for the next 5 seconds. During that time, she sings and makes some food for him. If this ability lasts 5 seconds, Imaqtpie takes the food and heals for the 20% of his maximum health.

[E] Laugh Offensively, Slay Enemies Relentlessly
Passive: Enemies with "Doublelift" in their nicknames will spend 15% more time dead.

[R] The Shepherd
Imaqtpie prepares himself for a 2 seconds and then launches the 3 minute commercial break. Enemies affected by the break will blindly follow him during that time and receive 15% more damage from the BDC members.
Enemies affected by blind effect (Teemo Q, Graves W) will be immune to this ability.

submitted by /u/kerr4ng
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Thorin's Thoughts - Blitz Esports' Connection to Riot Games

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

Rush Signs with kt Rolster, “We expect him to show a new style at kt.”

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:54 AM PST

All-Star 2017 1v1 Power Ranking

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

The Dive: All-Star 2017 & Patch 7.24 Preview (Season 1, Episode 32)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

Frozen has reportedly signed a contract worth $200,000 a year

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

With Jankos soon joining G2, here's an example of what kind of banter we can expect from Perkz and Jankos.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:21 AM PST

Most detailed map idea/concept I have seen.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:52 AM PST

I was looking through the forums and came across this : http://polycount.com/discussion/149722/league-of-legend-environment-fanart

I cant imagine how many hours went into this but it will probably never be made which really sucks since i could see myself playing it. Really sucks :(

submitted by /u/theonemat
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If The River Was Actually A River

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST

I feel like with the recent patch 7.24 alterations to kleptomancy, Riot should provide us with the loot table for it.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:33 AM PST

In patch 7.24 Riot made the following alteration to kleptomancy:

SO MANY ITEMS Loot table mechanism updated to decrease variance in loot over time.

Which doesn't really give us any insight into how they changed kleptomancy. It's very vague and hard to interpret without being given the actual percentages associated with the drops.

submitted by /u/NSAFedora
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12/6 PBE Update: 2018 Season SR Banner & More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:54 PM PST

Due to the new darkin lore, all 139 champions have been updated with darkin names

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:16 PM PST

  • Aatrox, the darkin

  • Aahri, the nine-talied darkin

  • Aakali, the darkin of shadow

  • Aalistar, the mino-darkin

  • Aamumu, the sad darkin

  • Aanivia, the cyrodarkin

  • Aannie, the dark darkin

  • Aashe, the darkin archer (not to be confused with Vaarus)

  • Aaurelion Sool, the starforger darkin

  • Aazir, the darkin of the sands

  • Braad, the wandering darkin

  • Blitzcraank, the great darkin golem

  • Braand, the burning darkin

  • Braaum, the darkin of the Freljord

  • Caaitlyn, the darkin of Piltover

  • Caamille, the steel darkin

  • Ccaassiiooppeeiiaa, the darkin's embrace

  • Cho'Gaath, the terror of the darkin

  • Coorki, the daring darkin

  • Daarius, the hand of darkin

  • Diaana, the darkin of the moon

  • Dr. Muundo, the mad-darkin of Zaun

  • Draaven, the glorious darkin

  • Eekko, the darkin who shattered time

  • Eelise, the spider darkin

  • Eevelynn, darkin's agony

  • Ezreaal, the darkin explorer

  • Fiiddlesticks, the darkin of doom

  • Fiiora, the darkin duelist

  • Fiizz, the darkin trickster

  • Gaalio, the colossus darkin

  • Gaangplank, the saltwater darkin

  • Gaaren, the darkin of Demacia

  • Gnaar, the missing darkin

  • Graag burp as, the rabble darkin

  • Graaves, the outlaw darkin

  • Hecaarim, the darkin of war

  • Heeimerdinger, the darkin inventer

  • Illaaoi, the darkin preistess

  • Ireelia, the will of the darkins

  • Iveern, the darkin father

  • Jaanna, the darkin's fury

  • Jaarvan IIVV, the darkin of Demacia

  • Jaax, darkin at arms

  • Jaayce, the darkin of tomorrow

  • Jhiin, the darkin virtuoso

  • Jiinx, the loose darkin

  • Kaalista, the darkin of vengeance

  • Kaarma, the enlightened darkin

  • Kaarthus, the darkinsinger

  • Kaassadin, the darkin walker

  • Kaatarina, the sinister darkin

  • Kaayle, the darkin judicator

  • Rhaast, not Kayn

  • Keennen, the heart of the darkin

  • Khaa'Zix, the voiddarkin

  • Kiindred, the darkin hunters

  • Kleed, the cantankerous darkin

  • Kog'Maaw, the mouth of the darkin

  • LeBlaanc, the darkin deciever

  • Lee Saan, the blind darkin

  • Leeona, the radiant darkin

  • Lissandra, the ice darkin

  • Luciaan, the darkin purifier

  • Luuluu, the fae darkin

  • Luux, the darkin of luminosity

  • Maalphite, the darkin of the monolith

  • Maalazhar, the prophet of the darkin

  • Maaokai, the twisted darkin

  • Maaster Yi, the wuju darkin

  • Miss Foortune, the booty darkin

  • Moordekaiser, the iron darkin

  • Morgaana, the fallen darkin

  • Naami, the darkintide

  • Naasus, the curator of the darkins

  • Naautilus, the darkin of the depths

  • Nidaalee, the darkin huntress

  • Noocturne, the darkin nightmare

  • Nuunuu, the darkin rider

  • Olaaf, the berserk darkin

  • Oriaanna, the darkin of clockwork

  • Oornn, the darkin below the mountain

  • Paantheon, the darkin of war

  • Poopy, the darkin of the hammer

  • Quuinn, darkin's wings

  • Raakan, Xaayah's darkin

  • Raammus, the darkin armordillo

  • Reek'Saai, the darkin burrower

  • Reenekton, the butcher of the darkins

  • Reengar, the darkinstalker

  • Riiven, the darkin exile

  • Ruumble, the mechanized darkin

  • Ryyze, the darkin mage

  • Seejuani, the darkin of the north

  • Shaaco, the darkin jester

  • Sheen, the eye of darkin

  • Shyvaana, the half-darkin

  • Siinged, the mad darkin

  • Sioon, the undead darkin

  • Siivir, the battle darkin

  • Skaarner, the crystal darkin

  • Soona, the darkin of the strings

  • Soraaka, the stardarkin

  • Swaain, the darkin tactician

  • Syyndra, the dark darkin

  • Taahm Keench, the river darkin

  • Taaliyah, the darkinweaver

  • Taalon, the darkin's shadow

  • Taaric, the darkin shield

  • Teeemo, the demon darkin

  • Threesh, the darkin warden

  • Triistana, the darkin gunner

  • Truundle, the darkin troll

  • Tryndaamere, the darkin king

  • Twiisted Faate, the darkin card master

  • Twiitch, the darkin rat

  • Uudyr, the spirit darkin

  • Uurgot, the dread-darkin

  • Vaarus, a diverse darkin

  • Vaayne, the darkin hunter

  • Veeigar, the tiny darkin of evil

  • Veel'Kooz, the darkin of the void

  • Vii, the darkin enforcer

  • Viiktor, the darkin herald

  • Vlaadimir, the crimson darkin

  • Volibeaar, the darkin's roar

  • Waarwiick, the uncaged darkin of Zaun

  • Wuukong, the darkin monkey

  • Xaayah, Raakan's darkin

  • Xeerath, the darkin magus

  • Xiin Zhaao, the darkin senschal

  • Yaasuo, the unforgiven darkin

  • Yoorick, the darkin shepherd of souls

  • Zaac, the secret darkin

  • Zeed, the darkin of shadows

  • Ziiggs, the darkin hexplosives expert

  • Zileaan, the chronodarkin

  • Zooe, the darkin of twillight

  • Zyyra, the rise of the darkin

I'm not sorry

submitted by /u/Bitesizedio
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