League of Legends - Full video with subtitles about which led me to ban. Don't believe people who try to fool you.

Full video with subtitles about which led me to ban. Don't believe people who try to fool you.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

Welcome TSM Academy!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:59 AM PST

Do you love beating your main champion?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:43 AM PST

I don´t know about you guys , but everytime i'm against my main champion i have a strange feeling that i need to beat him, need to smash him, and need to win that fucking match. I wonder if this only happens to me

submitted by /u/knoxx9
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3000iq J4

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:38 AM PST

During esl finals mm vs spg , spg Lurox just pulled out a 3000iq play to steal nash against kalista. https://clips.twitch.tv/CrackyPricklySandwichKappaRoss edit: youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtw9y_lXd3M

submitted by /u/Fizzrael
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G2 Wadid: "Europe feels like home now. I found my place because playing League with Hjarnan makes my life complete!"

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

Heisendong - A Tribute to "Big Bertha" (Ult Q nerf)

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:12 AM PST

Everyone is talking about C9 "downgrading" junglers this year, but I would say TSM MikeYeung is an objectively larger downgrade from svenskeren.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

I just can't help but feel like contractz and Sven are on approximately equal skill level when they perform while mikeyeung is a notch below both. Just my thoughts

submitted by /u/alm0stevil33
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Gilius disrespects MAD Lions in LVP finals

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:22 AM PST

Original tweet

In the LVP finals the Gaints player disrespects the MAD Lions mascot in the Spanish league finals

Edit: Gilius tweet

Youtube mirror

submitted by /u/byOsta
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Just finished our Clash tournament. This is amazing, I hope Riot makes this happen much more often

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:29 PM PST

I couldn't play Friday or Saturday, but we finally got a group going today. We won our Tier 2 bracket and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Our second game was insanely tough (we were down 2 inhibs while their second midlane tower was still alive) and it was really nice to have a actual meaningful ban phase and discussion. Also had some nice hilarious moments when the enemy banned certain champions "away" from us.

I really hope that Riot makes this happen more often. Somethings would be nice if they could be improved though

1) Pauses, our last game saw first our midlaner dc and then the enemy ADC dc'ed. We couldn't pause (it said "sending a pause request") It would be really nice to have some short pauses as an option, at least a one time option of 5 minutes that then have to run out before the game continues

2) Subs, I think a 7 or 8 man team is really fair, it can happen quite often that 2 people of a group just don't have time on a certain day

3) bugs: saw quite a few bugs! You can't exit the client or you will be kicked from the tournie, I had a permanent sound bug (the sound you have while waiting in queue... The entire time for 3 games) and some friends had some other minor tidbits.

4) Rewards were more then fine for a beta event, but it would be cool to up the prize just a bit (cost could also be upped as a trade-off) to make this mode even more competitive in all tiers.

Overall I had a blast over 3 games, really was the best thing I have experienced in LoL in a long time. 3 games of pure gaming, no toxic bs, absolute focus even when down a lot, everything being done for the win. This was the best thing that Riot could introduce

submitted by /u/Ynwe
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Muramana (The upgraded item) currently sells for 0 Gold

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:44 PM PST

Yeah, It... just loses about 100% of it's value upon upgrading.

Not sure what else to say, it is valued at 0 gold, and maybe you should be on the lookout for that, but then again, this implies that you stacked Manamune to full and only then wanted to sell it, which in turn implies that you actually bought Manamune...

Like, jeez, I did it to check something... Does any champion still even build this item? Ezreal dumped it, right? Jayce dropped it... Does Urgot still use it?

submitted by /u/looplolpop
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200 IQ Varus Juke

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

Atlantean Zoe [Skin Concept]

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:10 AM PST

Here is: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YWDYb If you like my art, follow me on twitter: @NeburaART

submitted by /u/the0utlander
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What if GP had a skin where he starts as a homeless and the more you farm the more he becomes a rich celebrity or something else

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:32 PM PST

You could buy him costumes and stuff in the shop with custom coins as he gets them with his Q. Choose his career as you farm and make him become the richest person on the rift! Of course, his abilities and dialogue would change to reflect his social status and so on.

The initial idea is from the Bumplank concept art that's been running for ages with a touch of ultimate upgrade. Other people thought of it too, it's too great an idea to let go!

Next step : find him a name!

submitted by /u/LastDreamy
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GAM Levi: "Contractz" (is best jungler in NA LCS)

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

Move will join the LMS' Machi Esports as its jungler for the 2018 Season

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

Best EU Jungler Gilius the Humble runs away from teamfight

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:36 AM PST

CloudTemplar's LCK 2018 predictions and roster analysis

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:37 AM PST

The off-season is over, and the Korean LCK teams have finalized their rosters for the upcoming 2018 spring season. Cloudtemplar (LCK caster, former pro jungler) posted a video on his youtube channel where he talked about the off-season, the new rosters, his opinion on each of the teams, staff changes, and his predictions for the next season. Check out his youtube channel if you have the time! He talked about all 10 teams, one by one, and I've translated his words to the best of my ability. For those of you not familiar with the LCK teams, I hope this post gives you some insight regarding what the LCK scene is like. For those of you who are, I hope this post brings you up to date on everything going on in Korea.

Just a friendly reminder - all of this is Cloudtemplar's own take on the situation, he doesn't speak for the league on stream, and is his own person. Stuff can change in between now and the actual season, and he may have misunderstood some things. I also apologize in advance for any mistakes I make while translating this in advance.

edit: 2018 LCK spring roster

CloudTemplar's Predictions, Summary

Most people agree that there are currently 4 strong teams, 4 middle teams, and 2 weak teams in the LCK. For the 4 strong teams, I think that Longzhu and KT will do better than SKT and Samsung. SKT got weaker and Samsung stayed the same while Longzhu and KT got stronger. They're all good teams though, so it wouldn't surprise me if SKT and Samsung did better than KT and Longzhu. The 4 middle teams are a bit harder to rank. There are too many unknowns. Afreeca will probably fall off a bit without Marin, but the other 3 are similar in strength. BBQ might be amazing with Ignar and Trick, but they might just be middle of the pack. The two weak teams just look... weak. I think they should aim to get out of relegations.

Strong: Longzhu, KT > SKT, Samsung

Middle: BBQ> MVP, Jin Air > Afreeca

Weak: Kongdoo, ROX

Translation starts here!

I'll talk about the teams one at a time, starting with Samsung.

1. Samsung

Most of you have probably heard the news regarding Samsung by now, as the official posts have been released. KSV bought the team, and they're no longer Samsung. Some of you may be worried about this change, but I want to assure you that nothing is wrong. I personally think that this change will affect the team positively. All 5 starting members resigned with the team, and that speaks for itself. If you look at the teams that won Worlds, you'll find that the members rarely stay together after the win. They tend to split up into different teams. Winning Worlds doesn't just give you fame and honor. Winning Worlds makes your worth in the free market rise exponentially, and the fact that all 5 starting members decided to stay with the team speaks volumes about how they are being treated. Some subs, however, have left for other teams. They've left the team to find new opportunities, and I hope the best for them. The roster that won Worlds will stay with the team. To conclude, I think this change is for the better. Very good~! (TL: He says the words "very good" in English)

2. SKT

SKT has changed a lot during the off-season. The coaching staff had the biggest changes. The director Byunghoon Choi left, and Kkoma has taken on the role of director. (TL: I can't think of translation of the word '감독' that's better than director.) Analyst Rapidstar has also left the team, but they've recruited Bengi and Poohmandu to coach the team. The players haven't changed much, but the coaching staff hierarchy is completely different now. Both Bengi and Poohmandu were legendary players who were a part of the SKT legacy, and now it's as if they have become Kkoma's left and right arms. Change in staff makes a bigger difference than most people imagine. Bengi was famous for never tilting during games, and his presence will help the team out tremendously, even as a coach. I personally think that SKT's coaching staff is currently the best in the world.

The players haven't changed much compared to the staff. Peanut and Huni left SKT, and SKT acquired an up and coming talent, Effort, as their new support sub. He debuted during Kespa Cup, for those who were watching. The loss of two amazing players makes their roster look a little bit weaker, but that change is minor when compared to the change in staff. Bot and mid look strong as ever. Faker is faker, and a support sub will help strengthen bot lane. Bang has also overcome his slump, managing to achieve rank 1 in solo queue recently. However, it is true that the top and jungle laners look a little shaky. It's up to the coaching staff to make this roster work. They probably will, as they are SKT.

There's something I want to clarify before moving on. I just said that Untara and Blank look shaky, and some people might disagree with that. I'd like to explain my reasoning in detail. From an objective standpoint, both Untara and Blank are talented players. Untara has a very strong laning phase, and is one of the best solo queue players out there. However, he lacks something crucial. He lacks confidence (TL: bravado, balls, nerve, guts. You get the idea). He has great mechanics, and he understands the game well. However, the best top laners have always had that extra something. Moment to moment decision making, mechanics, teleport timings, etc. are all very important as a top laner. But the very best have always been confident. Top laners live on their own island, and they have the right to move independently from the rest of the team. If a top laner listens to their team too much, he or she will never reach the very top of competitive play. The best top laners do whatever they think they should do. Of course, you need the skill to execute your plans as well. Untara has that skill, but isn't confident enough. It's more of a mental problem than an in-game one. Blank has also played very well as a sub during these past years. I'm just worried that he won't be as good as a main player. Blank has high highs and low lows. As a sub, that's an excellent quality. He plays when he's doing well, and is subbed out when he's not. If he has no sub, however, the team will have to stick with him through the highs and the lows. In the end though, I believe that the coaching staff will work everything out.

3. KT

Just like Samsung and SKT, the core roster hasn't changed much. Rush has joined the team, and Ucal is now officially playing. The difference here is that the coach has changed. Easyhoon(not the player, a coach with the same name) has left, and Sonstar joined as the new coach. I personally think that KT was the team that disappointed the most in 2017. They didn't qualify for worlds with some of the best players in the world. That's why 2018 is important for KT. I am hopeful for the team, and think they will do well in 2018, as the 5 main members are happy, and the atmosphere is extremely positive these days. This may not seem important to someone watching, but having fans and being loved by the community directly effects skill. It's hard to play well when everyone is talking about how bad you are, and how you're not qualified as a player. Having a lot of loving fans that care about you helps the professionals be more confident, practice more, and play better overall. In that aspect, KT is blessed. They have a huge fandom, people love them, and they are skilled. There are also lots of KT memes. The KT community is just so amazing, and teams with good communities usually do well. It's easy to tilt and to have infighting when you're underperforming, but KT withstood that process very well.

People also have divided opinions about Rush, as a lot of Koreans don't know about him. Just think of him as an aggressive, mechanically talented jungler. He is famous in the west as a skilled player. I also think that Score may need a sub from time to time. Score is an amazing, talented, symbolic player who is crucial to KT as a team and as an organization. But there are games when he doesn't perform as well as he usually does, especially during important games, and it will probably help to have a trusty, reliable sub like Rush to back him up. KT is looking good this spring season. (TL: Hyping KT? LUL! I WILL NOT GET EXCITED)

4. Longzhu

All the subs except for Rascal have left, and their coach changed to former player Sin (also known as Acttosin and ActScene). Many people don't know who he is, but he used to be a pro jungler, famous for his Lee-Sin. He has experience coaching in China. More importantly, Longzhu acquired Peanut as their new jungler. Old ROX fans welcomed the change with open arms. Pray, Gorilla, and Peanut have reunited under the Longzhu banner. Khan and BDD are also skilled players, so people are hyped. It's not like Cuzz played badly either. He just needs a little more experience. I hope that the two junglers improve together. Overall, Longzhu's roster just looks powerful.

Longzhu's loss at Worlds was a bit of a shock to everyone, including me. They were just so much more powerful than any other team. I think they lost the first game because of lack of experience, and the next two games followed suit. This years Longzhu looks just as strong, but with more experience. BDD especially looks powerful, even when compared to the other members of Longzhu. I have huge expectations for Longzhu in 2018.

5. Afreeca

Afreeca also had a significant roster change. Marin left the team, and the coaching staff changed as well. They also have a lot of new players. Summit, Ruby, Amy, Jelly. A lot of fresh players, and 2 new coaches. The way I see it, Afreeca's biggest weakness was their unreliability. Both their ban-pick and in-game skill changed wildly from game to game. It was as if they rolled a die before every match, and that number determined their skill for that match. They could beat the best teams, but they could also lose to the worst teams. The new coaches will ban-pick reliably, which eliminates the first problem. I think that Afreeca's plan is to reduce in-game unreliability with subs, but I'm not exactly sure how they'll manage that. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Summit will also have to perform as a top laner. There's nothing else to say other than that he'll just have to do well. Summit didn't show us his potential during the Kespa Cup, but I hope he improves. A downgrade is inevitable when a player like Marin leaves the team. Afreeca rose to prominence because of Marin, but Afreeca also hit their limits because of Marin. I think Marin leaving Afreeca mutually benefits both parties, and they probably agreed on that. I hope that Summit can carry the weight that Marin carried on his shoulders.

6. Jin Air

The biggest difference is that Wraith, Yaharong, and Justice joined the team. Jin Air also has a new coach, Sang-Chul Kim. If you look at the main roster, they have Sohwan, Umti, Yaharong, Teddy, and Wraith. I think they'll do well. If Teddy performs as well as he did last year, and synergizes with Wraith, the bot laners look all right. Sohwan also seems to be performing well, and I believe he is about to reach the peak of his career. The mystery factor is the mid and jungle. They may perform, or they may flop. It's up to them to make things work. Still, I think they'll do a lot better than last season.

7. MVP

The easiest team to evaluate. Nothing changed. MVP's roster has been together for years, and their teamwork is amazing. MVP has been getting better year after year, and 2018 may be their year. They do have a glaring weakness, which is foundation. They have great teamwork, but each individual player isn't very skilled when compared to the best teams. It's their limiting factor. If each individual player was just a little bit better, they'd be so much stronger as a team. They make the best of what they have, but they have that one glaring weakness. Still, they're a nifty team, and I wish them luck.

8. BBQ

Bless, Totoro, and Part left the team. In a way, that was expected, as they didn't see much spotlight. They also have another coach, which will improve their staff's proficiency. Far more importantly, they acquired Trick and Ignar. BBQ is getting ready for winner winner chicken dinner. Both of those players are well-known, proven players. Especially Trick, he was the best jungler in Europe for years. Some misinformed people might believe that being the best jungler in Europe doesn't mean anything because the Korean teams are so much better. That's just not true. Trick is an amazing player, and is one of the best in the world. Ignar used to be a mechanically gifted player skilled only at unpredictable plays back in the day, but has since proved himself to be an amazing player, especially at Worlds this year. To be honest, both Trick and Ignar could have gone to better teams if they had wanted to. BBQ isn't exactly the definition of a prominent Korean team. However, they chose to go to BBQ, which means BBQ plans rise to higher heights in the future. I assume that Trick will be the main jungler, with Bono as the sub. Traditionally, BBQ's biggest problem was lack of shotcallers. Each individual player was skilled, but they lacked players who looked at the big picture and controlled the pace of the game. The shotcaller's position differs from team to team, but most teams have either the jungler or support do the shotcalling. They have the most free time, and also move around the most. They don't need to farm cs, so the jungler and support have more time to think. Those are also the roles of the two new players. Trick and Ignar will make this team great again. In 2018 spring, BBQ is the biggest dark horse

9. ROX

I think ROX will struggle in the coming spring split. They didn't acquire any new veteran players, but they lost Shy. Their coach also changed. I'm worried for them, and don't see them performing well. Personally, I'm attached to the ROX tigers. Be it Shy, Hyun-Jong, or Sangyoon, I'm very close to them. I was there for their fan meetings, and went to congratulate them when the team was first created. I want them to do well, but don't see that happening. ROX's biggest problem is that they don't have a leader to guide them. They lack a charismatic, strong leader. They need a player like Ambition or Marin, but they don't have one. If a team doesn't have a leader, it's easy for a team to turn into 5 individual players that happen to play the same game. Neither Sangyoon nor Key have the leader trait, which leads to a lack of leadership. They could improve, but the road ahead of them looks rough.

10. Kongdoo

Kongdoo defeated Ever8 Winners to land a seed in the LCK. Punch and Guger left, with U Jun and Han joining the team. They also have a new coach. The team does look stronger than before, with Roach, U Jun, Edge(Han), Ssol and Secret. However, I don't see them doing well. Just like ROX, they lack leadership. I always put emphasis on the harmony between veteran players and up and coming players. A notable example of this kind of harmony is Longzhu Gaming. The veteran players are usually the leaders in a team, leading the newer ones. They are usually the shotcallers. They're also the ones that cost a lot of money. When rebuilding a team, newer players are plentiful. Young, mechanically skilled players who excel at solo queue aren't hard to find. The problem is finding the veterans. There aren't many of them, and they cost too much. But a veteran can change the atmosphere of a team singlehandedly. Kongdoo needs a veteran to lead them.

submitted by /u/yoonitrop12
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A Bronze player who is matched against Diamond players

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:31 AM PST


As you can see his MMR is "quite a bit" higher than the average.

Apparently he dodges the queue multiple times before reaching 100 LP, because otherwise you will get promoted to the next tier by force as soon as you reach the promotion series, AFAIK.

His op.gg profile. Also, his IGN means "Bronze number one."

submitted by /u/yokohummer7
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Kat Evolved 200 IQ outplay

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:08 AM PST

In 90minutes, European Scouting Grounds is live with the final day! w/ Wickd and NicoThePico

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:34 AM PST

Hello everyone,

We are going live in 90minutes with the 2nd day out of 3, of our European Scouting Grounds!

We have Wickd and NicoThePico drafting teams out of the 15 players, and will compete against each other in a best of five series!


Casted by: Mike "Wickd" Petersen Daniel McHugh Henning Eklund Hosted by: Daniel Vorborg

List of participants can be found here: http://copenhagenflames.com/participants/

submitted by /u/vorborgd
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Trick2g bodies Master Yi and Garen

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:02 AM PST

ADC Thresh Pentakill 2vs5

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:32 AM PST

Attack speed on thresh actually feels so good. The initial hit can do like 3/4ths of a squishies hp bar too lol.


-- Also here's a playlist of pentas me/my friends have gotten. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4h6jQThNMU&list=PLLO36snVAQO3JQdjj3u0DgXyDdpvedEAy

submitted by /u/Harua_
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This happend during the ESL Winterfinals 2017 in Stuttgart. I saw that live in the Arena. What do you think? Truely awesome!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

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