League of Legends - Feels like riot are trying to ease us off URF, as if it was a drug.

Feels like riot are trying to ease us off URF, as if it was a drug.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST

Plain URF was by far my favourite, but even ARURF was a lot more enjoyabole than this. Each time they release it they make it worse, in my opinion.

It's like they're trying to make us hate it so we'll forget about it altogether.

Riot have really done it now, by far the worst version of URF I have played to date.

submitted by /u/SeanBrax
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Faker's only weakness discovered

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:08 AM PST

Apparently Faker lost every game to nasus Yearly review link

submitted by /u/YaaBoiiiVictor
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Comcast Shaco legendary skin

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:16 AM PST

Since the clown business didn't pay well enough, Shaco decided to change path and be a corporate scammer. It's the same thing anyway.

  • Passive : Being a comcast representative, Shaco is an untrustworthy human being and will deal more damage in your back when you least expect it.

  • Q : Shaco dissapears in a shroud of smoke with no remorse and leaves you in your debts while completely avoiding his responsability toward clients.

  • W : Shaco offers you a deal on the latest box with free sports channel (for a month) and high speed internet (sometimes) that is actually a trap box spitting bills on you and unwanted packages as you approach, leaving you in fear.

  • E : Shaco throws you a free fidget spinner for your subscription which puts you in a state of crippling depression as you recieve it and causes your movements to slow down for a while.

  • R : Shaco creates a clone of himself to do his bidding and take the blame for the shitty services you've been provided. Once you filled the clone with enough logic and common sense, it explodes into more new splendid box offers to try and make up for the past mistakes, which are actually more traps aiming at your wallet.


*then 450rp per month to use it.

submitted by /u/LastDreamy
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Likkrit says his suspension was an abuse of power, but doesn’t blame Riot for it at all

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:11 AM PST

FlyQuest Rounds Out Coaching Staff with Former IMT, SKT Coaches

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:06 PM PST

Can Nasus be a yordle?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

Hi guys, I now consider myself a Nasus main having played him for 11 games in silver 4 and think he would be better suited as a yordle.

  1. People will underestimate his power because he's small

  2. Dodging spells would be a lot easier because he is small

  3. There are no dog yordles as of yet

TLDR: Nasus should be a yordle

submitted by /u/-Xero
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Typing in Yordle in the champ select does nothing!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:41 AM PST

How can i decide which yordle i wanna play if i can't see them all laid out before me? As you can see i am clearly a poppy fan boy. #lovethetooth But as i was going into game with my buddies Someone said everyone pick yordles and im like cool. So all i wanted to do was see all the yordle champs to be able to pick one quickly i typed it in and screen was blank. All i want is to be able to find my yordles quick fast and in a hurry. I will continue to support this game as snowdown urf is fantastic but i am deeply concerned by the lack of yordle support.

submitted by /u/Volkex
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FYI: Disenchanting an Ultimate Skin shard does not even give you enough Essences to upgrade a 975 skin shard

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:04 PM PST

I feel like the Orange Essence Number have to go up its ridiclious that i need to disenchanting a Ultimate skin Shard (gives 650 OE) and need and extra 25 OE to upgrade a normal 975 Skin. What do you guys think? Should they up the value of disenchanting a bit more?

submitted by /u/zkzerorbz
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strawpoll - your favorite urf-mode

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:43 AM PST

I met my Fiance on League of Legends and decided to make a montage of most of the games we played together up until I proposed to her.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:54 AM PST

My previous post was taken down for not meeting the 1000 character limit so I guess it's story time.

Here's the montage

Someone requested photos of us! Here's us and our dog.

Doran's Ring

Originally I played League of Legends almost entirely by myself. It was a game I used to isolate myself from my problems and was effectively an escape for my depression and anxiety. I didn't really care to play with others and preferred to solo queue.

Over one summer a friend of mine was bugging me to make a twitter for networking so I made one. Within a few weeks I got a follow notification by someone with the name "Liquid_****". I'm going to keep his actual name private for obvious reasons. Anyways I assumed he was someone with Team Liquid (I was a fan of them at the time) so I shot him a message. It turns out that he was just a Liquid fan who was following people based on his recommended tab on twitter. Eventually we shifted conversation to talking about video games and realized that we shared a common interest in League of Legends. He invited me to play with him and some of his friends later that night. I had no idea that my future Fiance would be one of those people.

I played a few games with him and his group of friends and talked to them all semi frequently. I ghosted for a bit due to depression and would pop back in to talk to the group of friends every so often. One day I was in a call on Skype with most of them when one of them left for the night. My now Fiance mentioned that the person who left (who was her boyfriend at the time) was incredibly emotionally abusive and manipulative. She was borderline crying and felt trapped in her current relationship and I felt horrible for her. I shot her a message telling her that if she ever needed me we could talk; and so we did.

Through the next few months we kept talking and she left her abusive ex and started to date me. We ended up giving each other the emotional support we desperately needed. I tried my best to build her up from where she was to ultimately get her to start to feel okay with herself again; and in turn she did the same for me.

We kept on playing together and eventually we hit a bunch of milestones in our relationship. Our first "I love you's", meeting each other's parents, until I decided to pop the question. Marriage. And even though I'm hardstuck inconsistent platinum garbage, she said yes; and I couldn't be happier.

submitted by /u/actioncop_
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Teemo’s Adventure – Riot Games preparing to launch mysterious new game in China

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

2018 Academy League Spring Split

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:36 PM PST

I wish this time we can actually create custom games with ARURF

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Like, i really would like to play with all my friends instead of only 5 including me, and playing agaisnt friends who are playing it FOR FUN would be a way better than playing it agaisnt people who shittalk you or goes afk or just bm.

Edit: I guess that's not happening :(

submitted by /u/Droven1
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A Vietnamese fan cosplay Faker "The Unkillable Demon King"

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:41 PM PST

You don't even need to be alive to use the Guardian Keystone

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST

PSA: Extra AD/AP from transcendence works in ARURF

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:07 AM PST

Any CDR you build gets converted into AD/AP, including the 10% you get from hitting level 10 and having transcendence. Just thought I would let everyone know :)

Edit: Proof

submitted by /u/SuperLimes
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Atlantean Zoe V2 [Skin Concept]

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST

Here is: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YWDYb

Thank you to the ones who give me supportive feedback! I also want to apologyze for some of my attitudes in the last post. We artist have bad days too, but even if I have reasons to be pissed, I should never let my darkin control me. It only makes the situation worse! Anyway, thank you again for your supportive feedback!

If you like my art, follow me on Twitter: @NeburaART

submitted by /u/the0utlander
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Xin Zhao's new E range might be a little much?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:24 AM PST


Xin tried to E our Sion and took a one way trip to the wrong Nexus.

submitted by /u/Mujona
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Patch 7.24 made Jungle Zyra viable; here's how to play it with the new Runes Reforged

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

Here's The Entire NA LCS Teams And Players Roster For 2018 compiled with all player headshots.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:48 AM PST

Hi LoL - I had a 100+ minute talk with Sjokz in our native language, which I translated into English and condensed to a few pages. We talked about living in Berlin, being a woman in a men's world, travelling the LoL-globe in these exciting times and much more.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

You might remember last year's post in which you upvoted quite a few questions. I asked her those questions and published them on YouTube (here's the post with timestamped questions). I finally got to translate and summarize our entire conversation to English.

If you liked this interview/chapter, you might be interested in 29 other talks I had, mostly with Belgians (and one Dutch guy, the founder of The Correspondent) ranging from politicians to artists and entrepreneurs. I'm incredibly grateful for your input on my previous topics here, so here's the full PDF of the self-published book.

Finally, a big shout out to /u/sjokz who is just as lovely, interesting and passionate as you'd expect. She's on Twitter and Instagram.

Edit: I didn't mean to portray any (political) opinion or statement regarding the "being a woman in a men's world"-quote. It simply is a thing we talked about from a personal point of view.

submitted by /u/krokodilmannchen
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[Column] Meet the Junglers of the 2018 EU LCS!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

Metaphor on his time in MLGB and his plans future

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:23 PM PST

Aphromoo: "Hexflash is fking busted......"

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 05:16 PM PST

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