Heroes of the Storm - Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | December 04 - December 10

Monday LFG Thread - Find people to play with! | December 04 - December 10

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST

Ever find yourself looking for more people to play with? Post in here if you are looking for a team for competitive play or if you are a team looking to fill out your roster! You can also check out our Looking For Group Wiki Page!

Previous LFG threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Hanzo Spotlight - YouTube

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:01 AM PST

Heroes of the Storm PTR Patch Notes — December 4, 2017

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:25 PM PST

Why do you join a ranked game if you aren't going to try your best?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:40 AM PST

Title says it all.

Had a master/diamond game this morning. Everything was ok (draft looked a little wonky, but w/e) and the game starts. Within the first 30 seconds, a comment about LoL was made, and one of the people took offense. He then says, 'I hope we throw' and proceeds to throw.

My question is, why do you play ranked and not try your best?

If you're in a bad mood, go play solitaire or another game that doesn't require 4 other people to be dragged with you. One of the guys on our team had lost 7 in a row, I felt bad for him after that.

submitted by /u/n8dawgregul8
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Reminder we should upload replays on hotsapi.net

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST

Hello, everyone!

In case you don't know, we now have some new sites where to read Heroes of the Storm data, but they need our replays! Check them to see some interesting features.


If you upload your replays on hotslogs.com, you are not contributing to the others, but you can send them to everyone with ease.


In the main window of the uploader, at the bottom right, you can see the check box to automatically send a copy of your replays to hotslogs.com as well. They aren't uploaded twice via your network, so the bandwidth load is the same.


submitted by /u/Elitesparkle
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Congratulations to the Fastest Teams to Escape from Braxis (Normal)!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

CavalierGuest to coach GFE in 2018.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

Bug: If Anub Cocoons Li-Li while she is using Jug of 1,000 cups, the ability is canceled but the cooldown keeps increasing.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:04 PM PST

I've been playing LiLi quite a bit after her rework (lvl 30), and I noticed this bug. It's very frustrating and quite honestly unfair. Is there any way I can give a big report to Blizzard or something?

submitted by /u/Blueburriee423
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[TL.net] Math of the Storm: 2018 Gameplay Update - Battlegrounds

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:07 AM PST

Prices for Christmas Event 2017

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:52 PM PST

Hi, here are the prices of some of the skins in the christmas event 2017


  • Greatfather Winter Malfurion - 600 shards

  • Season's Reapings Malthael - 150 shards

  • Winter Veil Kharazim - 150 shards

  • Winter Veil Lunara - 400 shards (old) / 600 shards (new)

  • Gingerdread Nazeebo - 1600 shards (old) / 2400 shards (new)

  • Greatfather Winter Stitches - 400 shards (old) / 600 shards (new)

  • Sugar Plum Sylvanas - 1600 shards (old) / 2400 shards (new)

  • Winter's Helper Valla - 2400 shards

  • Great-father Winter Rehgar - 400 shards

  • Winter Veil Jaina - 400 Shards


  • Reign-Deer - 400 shards (old) / 2400 shards (new)

  • Gingerboard - 600 shards

  • Special Snowflake - 400 shards

submitted by /u/enb141
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Chromie has changed the Mapsettings on Dragonshire :D

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:57 AM PST

Bug or Feature?

Chromie killed Nova in the right moment and disabled every objective and the camps for the rest of the game.


submitted by /u/Sproq
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Masters in the first MD10

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

Click to see the image [imgur]

  • I did 10-0;
  • 6 of 10 matches were against Silver and Gold players;
  • Only in 2 games i saw Masters players (at my side, of course);
  • I did not abuse QM/UD premade.

Fun fact: my most played account in this season is holding at Platinum 1 after 150 matches.

That's nonsense hitting Masters after beating silver and gold players in 60% of the matches.

I think that is not a fair system. Can we all agree on that?

Performance stats is a good start, but it wont fix the entire matchmaking, in my opinion.

10 games is a very small pool to dictate if a player is Bronze 0 or Masters 1000.


  • I play in Brazil server (minor region like AUS and SEA);
  • I'm not trying to prove that matchmaking is broken, but there's room to improve;
  • Love this game and i want it to get better.


  • There's a way to go back and printscreen of the loading screens? Watching replays inside HOTS don't show ranks.
submitted by /u/babunera
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The best Sniper of them all aka Kendric Swissh

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:24 AM PST

We've had a few days to adjust to Supportocalypse. How has the support tier list changed after the nerfs?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:33 PM PST

Supports were nerfed across the board in the last patch. Most received a flat 5% nerf to their health pool and regen, but some suffered additional changes - for example, Rehgar lost his Lightning Bond talent, which makes him less effective at waveclear and taking mercs.

I'm curious to see how the community feels the support tier list has been affected by these changes. My questions are:

  • What is your current ranking for supports in HL?
  • Who suffered the most and who came away relatively unscathed?
  • Are there any supports you feel are more or less impacted by the 5% health/regen nerf, based on the nature of their kit?
submitted by /u/erasedeny
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Garrosh is absurdly overrated below Masters

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:51 PM PST

Garrosh is my favorite hero to play, but I have to admit he's not really an optimal choice for most players. If I'm playing Hero League (currently Diamond 4), Garrosh only barely makes my own personal top 10 most effective heroes. And that's with plenty of practice playing him.


Here's the Hotslogs data for the win percentage of Garrosh from the current patch:

  • Masters - 59.1% (only Warriors above him are Rexxar and Zarya)
  • Diamond - 48.7% (only Warriors below him are Dehaka, D.va, and Chen)
  • Platinum - 47.6% (only Warriors below him are Anub'arak and Dehaka)
  • Gold - 41.8% (only Warrior below him is Zarya)
  • Silver - 45.5% (5 Warriors are below him)
  • Bronze - 33.8% (only Warrior below him is Chen)

Note - Cho excluded due to miniscule sample size


Now admittedly one week isn't the largest sample size, but when I extended the data back to November 5th (Garrosh had a small nerf on November 1) the trend held up. The only changes were that Silver and Masters win rates were a few % lower while Gold and Diamond win rates were a couple % higher.


My guess as to why Garrosh struggles until high ranks is that he has significant weaknesses to offset a significant strength (massive displacement) that is largely unnecessary when your enemies have poor positioning. There's plenty of Tanks that are easier to use, more versatile, and plenty capable of using hard CC to punish an out of position enemy.


Regardless of the reason, I think it is clear that Garrosh shouldn't be a priority ban/pick target at most ranks. I've personally had some of my easiest wins come facing an enemy Garrosh. I'm far more afraid of letting the enemy have a Sonya, Nazeebo, or Greymane. If you can bait your enemy into first picking Garrosh you could potentially ban or pick all three of these heroes, for example.

submitted by /u/BaronVonHoopleDoople
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Heroes of The Storm WTF Moments Ep.97

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:02 PM PST

AI on Haunted Mines gets confused.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:43 AM PST

Had a teammate leave the game, so I pinged their bot to follow me. Later, as I walked down to the mines, the bot simply rotated to the furthest south of the bot lane and stayed there. Then someone else left and I pinged them, this time resulting in the bot not leaving the mines and hugging the the most north wall. Pinged the bot again to not follow me and it suddenly found the exit.


submitted by /u/CalciumCommander
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Saved 38GB by Reinstalling HotS

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:04 PM PST

Several months back, I uninstalled LFD2 (~20GB) and scan/repaired HotS so I could have the peace of mind. But, now I somehow didn't have enough space to upgrade to High Sierra.

My 'system' usage was 100GB, so I poked around those folders, but 'get info' wasn't telling me the size of the large folders and manually deleting didn't sound like a good idea anyways. My next thought was HotS. I reinstalled and went down to 62GB system usage.

HotS is currently 14GB. Where does 24GB 38GB of crap come from? Patch updates that aren't deleted? I cleared my replay files a couple months ago.

Edit: I just realized I can't math. Net loss of 38GB does not math to a net loss of 24GB.

submitted by /u/qwezctu
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Got so lucky on Tracer, my new favorite hero

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:52 AM PST

BUG: Alexstrasza's >75% HP talents deactivating

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:29 AM PST

I've recently come across a bug (several times now), where as the title says, Alexstrasza's talents related to her HP level stop working. I haven't yet noticed any pattern where it would happen, but I know that entering the dragon form or recalling are two ways to fix that (however the recall doesn't fix it immediately, can't remember about the dragon form). It cost me a game today...

Edit: I forgot to add that the gold marker for 75% HP on your HP bar disappears as long as this bug is in effect.

submitted by /u/DarkAlatreon
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Why do you like the pve brawl better than playing vs AI?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:10 AM PST

Hello, I've been developing a game that is a top down game with focus on coop, very analogous to the new brawl. I'm just asking this here to try to better understand what people like and dislike about these games.

I feel like this sub has always had a consensus that playing vs AI is terribly boring (I personally enjoy it). But then the pve brawl comes up and it seems like the consensus here is that it's the best thing since french fries.

Why tho? Is it just different people giving these conflicting opinions? Or are there actually some of you who hate playing vs AI but loves the new brawl? If so, what exactly do you think one is more fun than the other? What would you change in vs AI mode to make it more fun like the brawl?

Edit: thanks a lot for all the replies. This was much more informative than I expected. I think I got the general gist of it.

submitted by /u/vibrunazo
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Leoric's swing.. terry crews sample?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:01 AM PST

So.. every time that i end up in a game with Leoric i'm reminded of this scene with terry crews (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AuIURhCoAA). The the similarity between sound that he makes when swinging that axe.. and terry.. is uncanny :)

submitted by /u/Pompoener
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Is there any way to get the abathur symbiote hat from blizzcon 2015 now?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:15 PM PST

I really want that hat and I can't find a way to get it, is there any way to still purchase it?

submitted by /u/Nephoryte
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The Level 100 Genji Montage - MrRocker

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST

[TL.net] Math of the Storm 2018 Gameplay Update: Battlegrounds

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

Chair League Holiday Tournament This Weekend

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:47 AM PST

Celebrate this year's holiday season with Chair League!


When: Saturday, December 9th with Semi Finals and Finals on Saturday, December 16th

Who: Teams of 5 who register

Why: HotS is amazing as a 5v5 coordinated game, having your games streamed with commentators feels awesome, and Chair League is a great way to make new HotS friends! Sign up now!

submitted by /u/BrunedockSaint
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