Heroes of the Storm - Grubby finds QM therapeutic |
- Grubby finds QM therapeutic
- Grubby finds QM therapeutic II
- Alarak announcer needs nerfed....
- Happy Holidays Heroes! from r/smite
- "B*tch Please" - Grubby, 2017
- Opinion: The game isn't broken. The decision to make the early game more impactful was deliberate and well-executed.
- Quackniix announces he is switching to flex to allow Mene to "hyper carry"
- What if endgames votes give +5% XP to the player?
- Samuro’s images can move down a lane before the gates open, allowing a swap right as they open...is this a bug or an oversight?
- An offer from a HotS HGC professional!
- Finished the Warcraft movie and really want... (#spoiler)
- Winter Veil (Christmas) skins for those who doesn't have it or the new ones
- Alexstrasza Sketch
- Interesting explanation why MOBAs tend to become toxic communities
- So I played a quick ranked game
- Ideas to improve Kael'thas low pick-rate talents. (And to make the talent tree more flexible and interesting)
- D.Va with Alarak plushie fan art!
- Disco Medivh skin from Hearthstone
- Sugar Plum Sylvanas Fanart
- 30% installed, playing on a crappy work laptop, on terrible WiFi...
- HL is still not fixed
- Reminder: Free-to-Play Hero Rotation: December 26, 2017
- TIL Samuro can use his Mirrorimages to swap to the front gates as the game starts
- Suggestion: Use bullet points for abilities
- Code for Free Hero - Jaina
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST
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Grubby finds QM therapeutic II Posted: 25 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST
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Alarak announcer needs nerfed.... Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST Recently bought the awesome Alarak announcer because it just seemed so hilarious. However, I discovered something. After I play games with him set as my announcer, I feel so much more angry with a loss and triumphant with a win. I think he is actually tilting me. I am more angry, sarcastic and blunt in games now. I am playing far more aggressively because of his taunting. Alarak is way too OP. Edit: Merry Chirstmas All!!! Edit2: "Awh, and you've lost another killing spree I see..." FUCKING TILT [link] [comments] | ||
Happy Holidays Heroes! from r/smite Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:39 AM PST Much love and happiness from the community. More power to MOBA and e-sports. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 04:19 PM PST
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Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:27 AM PST tl;dr the snowballing effect everyone is noticing is the effect of a deliberate decision to push players away from the predominant style of play, which was to gain experience and win objectives at least half the time until you win in a big team fight in the end game. The new direction is strategically more interesting and results in an overall more balanced game design even if it creates that always-frustrating snowball experience sometimes. A game, to be fair, should reward good performance equally among all the differing tasks that must be accomplished, and should punish bad performance equally among all those same tasks. One of my long-held beliefs about pre-lane rework HOTS was that the game relied too heavily upon making huge plays in the late game, a flaw shared with the game design of the United States' favorite gameshow: Jeopardy. In Final Jeopardy, contestants can play about half as well as the leader for the majority of the show, gamble with their full amount of points on the final question and double their points while the leader might not gamble enough or get the final question wrong, losing out on victory in the final moments. This is great for the audience as it facilitates tension up until the final moments of the show–it's not decided who's won until the last question is answered–but is a poor experience for the players because it enables the clearly superior player to lose based on their performance on a single task as opposed to their consistent performance throughout the game. In pre-rework HOTS, much like Jeopardy, there wasn't any way to secure victory until the endgame. Pushing lanes and gaining early experience advantages would help facilitate an advantage in the endgame, but never secured a win on its own. In nearly every match, wins were primarily won through team fights in the endgame and many of the other mechanics which make MOBAs strategically complex were unimportant by comparison. This was poor game design because it enabled negative experiences: one could play excellently for the first 20 minutes, but make a single costly mistake in the disproportionately impactful endgame, nullifying all that time and energy spent strategizing effectively; one could master every mechanic and strategic decision in the game, but lose due to a single costly mistake in a game-ending team fight. The lane rework established the ability to secure victory based on the mistakes of your opponent in the early game, and increased the relevance of previously less-important mechanics such as wave management and securing merc camps. Blizzard made the conscious decision to make early strategic victories into match wins as opposed to having early strategic victories be facilitating conditions for an endgame advantage where small mistakes could still easily blow a big lead. The trade-off here is that it's very frustrating to effectively lose a game based on early mistakes, and then be stuck playing this nearly unwinnable game for the next ten minutes. That seems to be the chief complaint everyone is repeatedly making on this subreddit for the past couple weeks. People don't like snowballing because it seems to run counter to what was a formerly very satisfying status-quo, that the losing team could always come back. That tension was exhilarating, especially when you made a come from behind win! But that's not what they want to have designed as game designers. They want a game where every strategic decision is weighted more evenly, and the gameplay at each point in the match is as impactful as at every other point in the match. [link] [comments] | ||
Quackniix announces he is switching to flex to allow Mene to "hyper carry" Posted: 25 Dec 2017 02:06 PM PST
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What if endgames votes give +5% XP to the player? Posted: 25 Dec 2017 01:43 PM PST We can no longer +1 ourselves, and add a little reward to the appreciation of your favorite player of the game and obviously, we can vote for everyone [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:45 AM PST
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An offer from a HotS HGC professional! Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:16 PM PST Hey community, many of you know of me, but many of you probably don't. I'm erho, I've been playing this game for over 3 years and playing it professionally for about 2 years. Currently I am a flex player for team Old Gods. I'd like to select an individual for a free 2 hour coaching session live on my stream. The requirements are simple; if you're new and just started playing I'll help discover the ropes coming from a player who has been to national and world level competitions. Please send me an inbox or reply here as to why you would love to learn from one of the very best! Some disclaimers! -We must be in discord voice chat during our session -This will be live streamed -Ask tons of questions and we will have some fun. There are some activities we will do to help discover what HotS is all about as well as play some games -The selected or selected(s) will are welcomed to invite a few of their friends -Time and date will be determined on our mutual schedules I look forward to hearing from you guys here on reddit, and eager to make you become the gamer assassin you've always wanted to be. Love, erho P.s. if you are a reddit lurker and would prefer to contact via email feel free to email me or message me in discord. You can find my discord link on my twitch.tv page and my business email on my twitter. [link] [comments] | ||
Finished the Warcraft movie and really want... (#spoiler) Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:01 AM PST A fel-corrupted Mediv skin. He could have green portals and his q could be creepy and shit. Need this in my life [link] [comments] | ||
Winter Veil (Christmas) skins for those who doesn't have it or the new ones Posted: 25 Dec 2017 02:58 PM PST There is some artworks of subscribers of russian-speaking HotS fan-community called Tavern of Heroes. I'd like to share them with global community: https://imgur.com/a/gviIo (More than 30 arts!) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys!) [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:18 AM PST | ||
Interesting explanation why MOBAs tend to become toxic communities Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST
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So I played a quick ranked game Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:07 PM PST No changes to basic and heroic abilities. lvl 1 lvl 4 lvl7 lvl 13 lvl 16 Just some ideas I came up with. I think Kael's best talents are at a pretty good power level and what he lacks (besides a more comfortable meta) is more flexibility and valid options. If anyone whats to discuss this I would like to hear what you think. Edit: Spelling; added a couple of "(This effect has a x seconds cooldown)" to active talents. [link] [comments] | ||
D.Va with Alarak plushie fan art! Posted: 25 Dec 2017 03:54 PM PST Not much to say here. You guys have been an amazing community so far despite all the ups and downs. Happy Holidays! Play to win! Bring glory to the highlord! *Stay warm and grind! [link] [comments] | ||
Disco Medivh skin from Hearthstone Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST Medivh need some new skins! Please Blizz do disco medivh, he looks really awesome [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 06:34 PM PST https://blur33.tumblr.com/post/168780096770/sugarplum-sylvanas-is-the-best-thing-ever-happened The skin is soooooo good in every way, but have no-to-zero fanarts. what a shame. :( [link] [comments] | ||
30% installed, playing on a crappy work laptop, on terrible WiFi... Posted: 25 Dec 2017 08:42 AM PST ...and it's running like a damn champion. It's deep into Christmas Day and I am on vacation in the UK visiting the family. Tech is pretty low here, only my crappy rental work laptop and my Switch to keep me occupied (I guess my phone too), so I thought I would install Heroes and see how it works on low. Shocked at how well it runs, 60FPS, graphics look superb, and the games only 30% installed lol. The models looks great even in their basic forms, and the game runs like a dream. WiFi is spotty but the latency allowance seems good enough that I have won 3 games in a row so far. Good job Blizzard, if at least this game runs superbly on the most bizarre and low spec of equipment, and not just speed wise, looks great too. I really wish more games did this 30% install to play thing. [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 05:28 PM PST I am still seeing players that went from Plat 5 all the way to masters 1k. Here is a game I recently played. https://i.imgur.com/SKmASqN.png This player was terrible. I'm guessing he played during early/late hours and got extremely lucky. Why should someone that was barely in plat and losing more games than he won in that division the previous season get catapulted all the way into masters because he was lucky? [link] [comments] | ||
Reminder: Free-to-Play Hero Rotation: December 26, 2017 Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:43 AM PST Tomorrow free rotation: Malfurion Valla Gazlowe Johanna Thrall Dehaka Diablo Ragnaros Azmodan Lúcio Falstad (Slot unlocked at Player Level 5) Alarak (Slot unlocked at Player Level 10) Ana (Slot unlocked at Player Level 15) Medivh (Slot unlocked at Player Level 20) Just a reminder to not buy those heroes if you want to, as they will be free to play tomorrow. [link] [comments] | ||
TIL Samuro can use his Mirrorimages to swap to the front gates as the game starts Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:39 AM PST https://clips.twitch.tv/FastBrainyRamenWoofer Now the main question is.. Is this intended or is this actually a bug? Since alot of Abilitys start the game on Cooldown. [link] [comments] | ||
Suggestion: Use bullet points for abilities Posted: 25 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST What do you guys think of using more concise bullet points to help describe abilities? I did this for lvls 1-10 of Murky. What do you think? Bracketed parts are my additional (requested clarifications) Level 1 Talents: Fish Eye Egg gains: • +100% health • +300% sight radius • True Sight Passive: +45% mount speed for 5 second after spawning from Egg. Egg Hunt • Cast untalented Slime upon death. • [Non-aggro] Passive: Stealth for 5 seconds after spawning from Egg A Fishy Deal • Pufferfish minion kills grant 1 Bribe. • Max 32 stacks of Bribe. • Does not work on bosses [or healing camps]. Level 4 Talents: Slime Time • 15: +125 Slime bonus damage [(total X?)] • 30: +30% Slime slow [(total 50%)] Tufferfish • 50 Spell Armor • +50% damage to Slimed targets. Living the Dream • Every 15s: +5% Spell Power • Max +15% Spell Power (45s) • [Resets] on death. Level 7 Talents: Black Lagoon • +30% radius [(total ?)] Slippery When Wet • +50% movement speed • -2s cooldown [(down to ?)] Time to Krill • 7 DPS for 4s • 7% slow for 4s • Up to 5 stacks per enemy Hero [(35% slow and 35 DPS)] Level 10 Talents: March of the Murlocs • 110s CD • 0.75s channel time • Murlocs jump on first Structure or Hero they find • Each Murloc slows its target by 15% for 5s [clarify movement speed? attack speed? both?] Octo-Grab • Stun target enemy Hero • Become Unstoppable • Deal 1 DPS to target enemy Hero [link] [comments] | ||
Posted: 25 Dec 2017 09:22 PM PST Got this code for Jaina with Overwatch and not going to use it. The code is: 0612-839856-73824-234348-6766. [link] [comments] |
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