Heroes of the Storm - Can we stop calling anything below Master/GM a 'cesspool'?

Can we stop calling anything below Master/GM a 'cesspool'?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:43 AM PST

I browse this subreddit at least once a day to keep up with anything happening, and the amount of derogatory terms used to describe non-Masters/GM is pretty astounding.

I get it, not being Master/GM means you don't quite have the map strategy/technical skill/draft knowledge or even simply the time to play compared to better players. Does this mean that anyone who is in the higher tiers should be name-calling and using derogatory terms to describe them?

Not that it matters, but I have been Diamond every season. Do I enjoy playing with people of lower ranks? Not entirely, but I know I won't call them a 'disgusting place for sewage' (cesspool).

submitted by /u/n8dawgregul8
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More placement corrections

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:29 PM PST

Any Other Diamond/Masters/Low-GM Players Tired of Being Called a "Retard" or Otherwise Flamed by People Who Play HOTS Professionally?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:27 AM PST

I am an automotive engineer. Imagine how dumb I would look if I started insulting hobby car-enthusiasts for how little the ACTUALLY know about cars, calling them retards, and complaining about the "low community knowledge-base". Everyone would think I was a huge d-bag. They would be right.


Note: I know we are having matchmaking issues right now, but this has been an issue for long before that, and lower level players are not to blame for being put into higher ranked games. It is no excuse to flame players in chat.


I am a normal person. I have a full-time job, and go to school on the side. However, when I am able and have some free time I like to play HOTS a good amount. We have a great game here :). I have worked my way up from first-MOBA to a peak in low GM last season, and as a result (despite admittedly still not being that great) have played a lot of games with pro players and streamers. That is where some really weird social things happen...


A lot of the professionals in our community kinda act like d-bags to the non-professionals in this game. Maybe it is not surprising that professional video game players aren't the best socially, but it just seems really bizarre. Like, is there no self-awareness that people who literally spend hours a day on HOTS as their career are usually going to understand the game better, and be better mechanically, then the other players when they queue up for a public game?


In a couple months I went from thinking:

"Cool! I'm on a stream! I get to play with people that I watch in HGC!!!"


"Damnit, I have to play on stream again. Better get the lube ready. Do I even want to turn on the stream to hear how bad everyone is again?"


It happens both on the in-game chat and on the stream. Maybe I am just being a whiner myself, but does anyone else find it weird that a relatively large portion (even 10% is a really big amount) of our professional scene acts this way?

submitted by /u/generalsnoop
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"I don't think I'm toxic (anymore)" - mewnfare

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:46 PM PST

Hey Blizz, we do love y'all and want this to work

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

Have a happy holiday, make sure you spend time with your family and friends. We know things take time to get right, and we know you're almost there. Spread joy not hate ✌

submitted by /u/OO711
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Best of Grubby | Beloved Streamer/Caster [2017 Edition]

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

I'm back with another HotS piece, this time featuring Zul'jin!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:24 AM PST

BadBenny reflection after HGC summit

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:46 PM PST

Whenever I get MVP as Sgt. Hammer

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:53 AM PST

December 12th Patch - 7 Days Later

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

Zerg Stitches concept art

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 10:49 AM PST

Found this concept art made by an artist related to Blizzard in 2010, back when HotS was called Blizzard All Stars.
Here it is on the Sons of the Storm page It's not the in-game one, which can be found quite easily, but an actual concept from 7 years ago, and a pretty cool and detailed one at that.

submitted by /u/Faleonor
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I'm Kaelaris (KLRS), ESL full-time esports commentator and host of various titles - AMA!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:32 AM PST

I will be updating the main body of this post from time to time throughout the day!

Hello all! I haven't done an AMA for a while, and although today is quite busy for me in the run up to Christmas, I wanted to give people the chance to have a good old chin-wag with me! My aim during this AMA is to give as much detail, insight and as fulfilling answers as possible to anything and everything. You'll have to pardon me if I fail to answer some questions that breech too far in to industry insider things or stuff of that nature.

So who is this KLRS fella? I'll give you the TL;DR to get you started. Been commentating and hosting esports for 7 years now, with my beginning in SC2. Since then I branched out and like to think i've worked well with many a publisher and dev team to bring as much as I can to broadcasts and advise / guidance in the background.. IN THE SHADOWS!

So, fire away!

It's 12:30 CET now so i'll give it a little time before I start answering (A sick excuse for having to put my laundry washing, once i'm done with that ALL GOOD!)

13:10 CET - OK I've started to answer questions, don't be surprised if it takes me a while to get to yours, I want to give each question the full attention it deserves!

14:21 CET - Ok my laundry is dried so i'm FOCUSED to answer all these questions. LETS GO!

19:00 CET - Still answering questions! I'll take this chance as well to plug some of my channels!

20:00 CET - Gonna take a break for a bit. Will be back to finish up more questions later!

00:00 CET - I finished answering for today. But if there are more questions by the time I wake up tomorrow, i'll answer what I can :)

Mods on the off-chance, please don't pin or anything, I would like this thread to go up or down organically :D

submitted by /u/kaelaris
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If the game doesn't have a surrender button, it needs to have consequences for people who don't end a game.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:35 PM PST

Finished a 45min brawl where they wouldn't turn in the last of the coins because they could just farm kills over and over. So every one just had to disconnect the game for it to end.

Even if it's a 5/5 surrender button it gives some option to not get a leaver penalty in cases like these or where someone is actually using a hack.

submitted by /u/DFxVader
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Well, I did it. Gazlowe level 200.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST


AMA, I guess.

Edit: Since lots of people are asking about builds, I'll paste them here.

Bomb build: smelter, RRR/ARK, hyperfocus, grav, fusion, extra bomb, bigger grav.

Robo build: smelter, RRR, hyperfocus, robo, fusion, extra turret/turret range, mechalord.

submitted by /u/AManApart123
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Can we have the option to report minions please?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

Yes, those little devils that ruin and very few times "Carry" our games, though the ones that truly carry the game are either Mercs of Catapults.

Anyway, the point is that those little bastards just trolled the shit out of me, I was running away from Genji as Lunara and he uses deflect, yet the stupid minions attacked him and he killed me, those minions DID IT ON PURPOUSE, I KNOW IT. and is not the first time they do that! Sometimes they intentionally die to give exp the enemy team and they act like bots.

Please give us the option to get those stupid minions banned, thank you.

submitted by /u/I_FAP_TO_KAELTHAS
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Constant cycle of hate

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

Is everyone doing OK here? I have been playing heroes of the storm since open beta, and have been a frequent viewer of this sub, but never a poster. This past July I decided I needed to take a break of video games to focus my family and work; it has been good for me. I still come on to this subreddit and love to read the news of what going on in my favourite video game, and with not playing, I have a bit of an outside perspective of the community. We as a community seem to be a little irrational in the last few months. With the support nerf freak-out.(happens with any type of change, to any group of heros) The placement matches hate, which again you can see any time a new season starts. Any hero that is deemed op or up. I get it even as an outsider, there are some things that need to be fixed. But where is the unaltered joy we have for this game? For every appreciation post there is, there are 3 that have something to hate. Do we play this game to enjoy it, or are we trying to make it a grind to get through? My main question is, from the beginning, is everyone doing ok?

submitted by /u/timmydee21
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This is actually third year in a row that HoTS becomes really bad in 1-2 patch after blizzcon

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 06:54 PM PST

2015 - Tyrande stunlock meta for about 1-2 months

2016 - OP Ragnaros mirror matches 20mins+ matches in Braxis, and Varian point-and-click 1s stun.

2017 - Ranked mode mess.

Personal opinion is that this is a good thing as hots dev is not afraid to bring something new to the table every year, but it sucks because those issues aren't really fully resolved until Jan/Feb because of holiday season.

submitted by /u/bluntfaith
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Another maintenance is coming, but no specifics yet.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 07:45 PM PST

I get that ranked is broken, but do we really have to be greeted with insult?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:57 PM PST

So after the reset me and my friend won most of the placement matches and ended up masters, even though we were plat before. Now we stumbled upon people that started insulting us right in the beginning of draft.


I get that there are issues this season, but we didnt cause them, so could you, all mighty masters, stay polite please?

Also, just to clarify, i dont know if its another issue or not, but in those placements we played with and against players who were masters or grandmasters before (allies inspected, enemies had respective portrait) and won almost all of them anyway.

submitted by /u/Radiatorcz
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Why is everyone I que with a GM alt

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 03:35 PM PST

Since the new matchmaking I've been told I'm playing with so many its unreal. Do people lie on the internet?

submitted by /u/rlyply
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Stop trying to carry your team

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 09:47 AM PST

I, like most people playing this game (especially on this sub) feel like I've been in a league below my actual skill level for a while. For the longest time I was trying to break out of silver by "carrying" my team assuming I'm the most skilled player. Recently it occurred to me that it doesn't matter whether or not I'm the most skilled player if everyone else on the team also thinks they're the most skilled player. In a situation like this I have the most game impact picking whatever hero will support/save/blend with whatever hard carry someone will inevitably pick instead of going for the hero that will wreak havoc on the enemy. I still get my amazing chromie/gmane games occasionally, but if I save this for a situation where it really fits in the comp I'm almost guaranteed a win and mvp. Using this strategy I've seen my win rate go up hugely and I feel like I'm making forward progress. So if you're trying to climb the best way to carry is usually to not carry.

submitted by /u/IrishBehemoth
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HGC Oracle - Episode 7

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

I made this when I started playing Overwatch, and it feels relevant again with the release of Hanzo :)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 05:34 AM PST

Ep.026 Trollin HGC - This Justing! , With Special Guest: Roll20 Esports - Justing. LIVE in 3 hours!

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

Ep.026 Trollin HGC - This Justing! , With Special Guest: Roll20 Esports - Justing. LIVE in 3 hours!


Hosts: LiQiuD, & Bahgz Guest: Justing
Time & Date: Tuesday 12/19/2017 - 730PM EDT (430PM PDT) (230AM CEST)


  • ANZ League News
  • Transfer Window Changes
  • Justing interview
    • Blizzcon
    • GCWC
    • Player Summit
    • Community Questions!

Can't watch live?
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TrollinHGC

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6jk-E98gDpZa7lSCKu69jw

RSS Feed: https://trolls.gg/trollinhgc?format=rss

TunIn: http://tunein.com/radio/Trollin-HGC-p1004251/

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/trollin-hgc

Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/m/Iqicmrnkrhbyostn562j7ezl4oa?t=Trollin_HGC

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/trollin-hgc/id1247083669

submitted by /u/Bahgz
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[Suggestion] At the end of a match, display core kill shot in the killfeed

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 04:46 PM PST

If you're confused by the title, what I mean is include a line in the killfeed for the player that gets the final killing blow on the enemy's core. It's not up there for long once the game is over, but I think it would be interesting to see which player (or minion, mercentary, etc) actually ends the match.

If you need further explanation why I think this would be cool, I play mostly Abby, and recently I've loved watching the killfeed for my credit on those sweet, sweet hat kills.

submitted by /u/Gl0balCD
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