Hearthstone - Korean Hearthstone players couldn't bear the realities and did this

Korean Hearthstone players couldn't bear the realities and did this

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:39 AM PST

Can't wait to use this tech card against hunters

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:48 PM PST

Yugi finds a new card

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:27 AM PST

"To My Side" is the worst Hearthstone card ever released.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:24 PM PST

What is the logic behind this garbage, slap in the face to hunter card? It gives no benefit whatsoever and forces you to run a minion-less deck.

This is coming from someone who plays a 4 minion Yogg and Load deck as my main deck.

Team 5 gave Hunter to its interns and it's a damn shame. This is the worst card I've ever seen and it offers no benefits at all. The only thing it takes care of is card consolidation and also forces you to run absolutely no minions. What?

It's a shame. A damn shame.

EDIT: I want to make clear that this is the worst card in the context of how Hunter has been treated in the past 3 years. While the card alone is absolute catpiss, the fact that Hunter has never been given a unique identity that does anything besides beast minions is an absolute disappointment. Given the whole story of Hunter card history, this is the most lackluster fail of a card to date. What's next, 2 mana 4 damage "Double Arcane Arrow"? We already got Swipe's awkward cousin, I don't know how Hunter could be made more of a joke class.

submitted by /u/WarnerHS
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Foolproof Plan for 800+ Dust

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:39 PM PST

So I think I have found a silver lining to To My Side. Hear me out...

When the expansion releases, everyone who gets the card should create a hunter deck and hit ladder immediately.

For everyone else, if you see To My Side played at all, concede. Just do it.

Soon Blizzard's metrics will show that every hunter runs this card and their win rate is astronomical. Clearly it is dominating the meta. What else can they do but nerf the card? Them we all disechant for full value since no one actually wants this card.

Bam! Value!

submitted by /u/yosoyelsteve
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A viable alternative for "To My Side"? (x-post from r/customhearthstone)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:45 AM PST

Neutral Epic Revealed by CAVAD gaming

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

New Hunter Epic Revealed by Biyouxia- To My Side!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:02 PM PST

To My Side!

Card Type: Spell

Class: Hunter

Cost: 6

Text: Summon an Animal Companion, or 2 if your deck has no minions

Source: www.zhanqi.tv/biyouxi

submitted by /u/Zipper_Man
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New Card: Murmiring Elemental Revealed by Asmodai

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:57 AM PST

Designer Insights with Ben Brode: To My Side!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

People are laughing at To My Side now, but just you wait until this archetype gets support in next sets

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:09 AM PST

New Hunter Legendary Weapon LEAKED!!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:03 PM PST

Pooper Scooper ==> Steaming Pile

Good card or Great card? Discuss

submitted by /u/Gatekeeper1310
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[K&C] New Druid Rare Card Revealed by Sequinox: Greedy Sprite!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:03 AM PST

Blizzard really outdid themselves on the new Hunter legendary weapon.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:50 AM PST

I can't wait to play this in my Control Reno Hunter!

submitted by /u/SirDuckson
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Guys! I figured out what the Legendary Hunter Weapon will be!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:26 AM PST

Just look at how amazing This card is!

submitted by /u/Watermelon86
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None of you are seeing the true potential of ’To My Side’

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:11 PM PST

> Make an insane control Hunter deck, with 2x to my side & crushing walls, the rest being random garbage. (Remember to include minions)

> Give your opponent your awesome control hunter deck with King Togwaggle, and receive a netdecked tier-1 highlander Priest deck

> Watch them concede because they had no space for 'Ransom' to swap the decks back, since they had absolutely no reason to play their control cards against ur shit hunter deck

Easiest legend ever. Enjoy

submitted by /u/Vanhiz
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Blur - Jade 2

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:46 PM PST

Vicious Syndicate should get a card reveal next expansion...if not this one.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:19 PM PST

Vicious Syndicate produces some of the best analysis in the hearthstone community, yet they didn't get a card reveal. Why? They produce top quality Hearthstone content. A few of the website that got card releases where awful and I am sure they paid for them. I just don't understand why a website that provides mostly free analysis for all players and writes weekly reports didn't get a card reveal. It's a shame.

submitted by /u/BurlyBaldMan
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The Easiest "To My Side!" Fix

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:19 PM PST

Beasts. It should have just said "if your deck has no beasts."

You could still play Putricide. You could still play Medivh. You wouldn't have to worry about overpowering aggro without beasts, and we could have FINALLY had a second viable Hunter archetype after all these years.

They were that fucking close.

submitted by /u/YourDailyDevil
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Azure Drake was sent to the HoF because of how often players used it in their deck. Bonemare is already on track to blow AD out of the water after only 3 months.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:10 PM PST

I have countless Arena losses where as far as I'm concerned my only mistake was not drafting having a chance to draft Bonemare.

submitted by /u/Epitome-of-Vapidity
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The reason why To My Side was released

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:31 AM PST

The intent is to provide Hunter players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different companions.

As for cost, we selected initial values based upon data from the Beta testing and other adjustments made to milestone rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at Lifecoach's opinion on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via preorder. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.

submitted by /u/MetroNey
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Can people really not see the potential in "To My Side"?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 02:19 AM PST


Most of this subreddit seems to be shitting on "To My Side" before the expansion has even been released. Has everyone forgotten the frozen throne card predictions? These "reddit analysts" rated top cards like Moorabi and Ticking Abomination as unplayable before the expansion was even released.

The fact is, people are rating this card as bad without even comparing it to other cards. Let's compare it to the 3 mana hunter staple [[Silverback Patriarch]]:

To My Side - Costs 6, can summon a 4/4 misha Silverback Patriarch - Costs 3, summons a 1/4 monkey

Although "To My Side" costs twice as much, we can see it is 4 times as good since each misha kills four patriarchs. Being 4 times as good for only twice the mana clearly makes "To My Side" insanely better over the only good hunter legendary Silverback Patriarch (you can even include two!).

We can also compare it to other cards, such as [[Leeroy Jenkins]]. Leeroy is essentialy a 5 mana 4/0, since you have to deduct the 1/1 whelps from Leeroy Jenkins. A 4/0 obviously immediately dies, so Leeroy is equivalent to a 5 mana do nothing. Clearly, "To My Side" is infinitely better than Leeroy.

Other powerful 6 mana cards, such as [[Spreading Plague]], are also clearly weaker than "To My Side". Because you're running no minions in your deck, Spreading Plague is a 6 mana do nothing. However, "To My Side" is a 6 mana do something, which is obviously better.

Furthermore, playing "To My Side" gives you the upside of getting a bonemare target for turn 7. It perfectly curves into bonemare, the perfect mana cost for this card. In fact, if "To My Side" costed 3 mana, it would probably become too much of a noobtrap, as unskilled players would make the mistake of dropping it turn 3 rather than saving it as a bonemare target.

Since hunter has historically been known has the fatigue class, you can even get away with running a 28 spell + 2 silverback patriarch deck when using "To My Side". You will often get draw both patriarchs and play "To My Side" with its crazy upside.

I've even gone to the trouble of creating an entire deck based around "To My Side". This "big hunter" list cuts the traditional silverback patriarchs in favor of "To My Side". It includes incredible lategame cards such as [[Ultrasaur]] as well as the 1 mana [[Tracking]] to help you dig for tools to survive early game. Currently, the meta is a little too fast for this deck; however, I believe that with the new expansion, slower decks will begin to see play. The win condition of the deck is to deal 30 damage to your opponent. (Replace silverback patriarchs with "To My Side").

Big Hunter

Class: Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Mammoth

2x (1) Tracking

2x (3) Silverback Patriarch

2x (7) Bonemare

2x (7) Core Hound

1x (7) Don Han'Cho

2x (7) Grotesque Dragonhawk

2x (7) Ravenholdt Assassin

1x (7) Stormwatcher

2x (7) War Golem

2x (8) Eldritch Horror

2x (8) Giant Sand Worm

1x (8) Marin the Fox

1x (8) Medivh, the Guardian

1x (9) Blood of The Ancient One

1x (10) C'Thun

2x (10) Faceless Behemoth

2x (10) Ultrasaur

2x (12) Arcane Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

submitted by /u/FunInteractive
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Inb4 Blizzard Printing Card Like That For "To My Side" Synergy

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:08 AM PST

“To My Side” makes me worried about the hunter legendary weapon

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:57 PM PST

I'm afraid we're going to get some really crappy legendary weapon that's going to summon terribly statted beasts like piranha launcher (cuz that saw so much play) or is going to be some low attack weapon that has a deathrattle that plays a random hunter secret and re-equips itself.

It's probably going to try to synergize with To My Side, but idk how you can make that card redeemable

submitted by /u/Yaldrik
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We're missing the silver lining of the To My Side reveal.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

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