I've decided to make a Compendium of all the Bosses in Dungeon Run as well as their Hero Powers and some general tips for each fight (Obvious Spoilers) Posted: 11 Dec 2017 02:57 AM PST At this point I have encountered all of the 48 of the bosses in Dungeon Run and earned the Candle King cardback, so I decided I'd attempt to make a useful compendium of bosses to help everyone who isn't a tryhard like I am. I actually haven't beaten all of them, so I will keep this updated as I beat more and if/when you guys tell me what to include. Before we start, here are a few pieces of information to keep in mind: For the most part, bosses are encountered interchangeably in certain brackets. I will refer to these brackets as the first boss, the early bracket (second and third bosses), the middle bracket (fourth and fifth bosses), the late bracket (sixth and seventh bosses), and the last boss. This is signified by when you gain a new treasure in a run, as it is the game's way of prepping you for a harder challenge in the next boss(es). Some bosses can be found in multiple brackets. For example, Candlebeard and Pathmaker Hamm can be found in both the early bracket and the late bracket, albeit with slightly different hero powers. Conversely, some bosses can (seemingly) only be found in a certain spot in the dungeon. This is something I'm not 100% sure on yet, but so far I have seen a few bosses only at specific spots in the dungeon. Again, this isn't yet 100% complete so please comment on what you have seen and any tips you think are necessary! Now that's out of the way, lets get started. FIRST BOSS - Bink the Burglar: Auto-cast, 0 Mana: Gain a Coin. Bink is fairly rare and incredibly obnoxious to deal with, with his [[One-Eyed Cheat]] and pirate synergy, as well as other high damage minions like [[Tomb Pillager]]. Try to deal with his threats ASAP and always keep an eye out for lethal.
- Wee Whelp: 2 Mana: Deal 2 damage. As the other normal starting boss, this is also a fairly simple fight. The boss seems to always start with a [[Dragon Egg]] but since the fights are so short, it doesn't usually get popped from the hero power. Just keep the board under wraps and proceed as normal.
- Giant Rat: 2 Mana: Summon two 1/1 Rats. This is the standard starting boss and is fairly simple to roll over due to it's low health. and small minions. Watch out for [[Bestial Wrath]] and try to keep the board relatively under control.
EARLY BRACKET - Candlebeard (a): 1 Mana: Give a minion Charge. This iteration of Candlebeard is easy because of his low health pool and because giving his minions charge costs mana, meaning he can't charge his [[Pit Snake]] into your strongest minion without paying extra. Because of his incredibly low health, the fight shouldn't go past turn 4 or 5, so the scariest things you have to worry about are a Charged [[Magma Rager]] or a normal [[Piloted Shredder]].
- Elder Brandlemar: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Put a [[Counter-Spell]] Secret into the battlefield. Elder Brandlemar feels like Frostfur in that they are both relatively easy with smaller minions and annoying hero powers that primarily slow you down. Because his hero power is an auto-cast and he doesn't have a one-drop, the first two/three turns give you freedom to establish a board. The only thing to keep in mind is that you need to have an extra spell on hand if you actually want to cast anything ([[Mindblast]] is a good example of a useful spell at this point, so use your [[Holy Smite]] beforehand).
- Frostfur: 2 Mana: Freeze a minion. Another fairly simple fight. Early game she has some annoying spells like [[Arcane Missiles]] and [[Fireball] but due to the low health pool of the boss, its fairly simple to rush down. (Have you noticed a common theme yet?) She only really uses her hero power when she doesn't have any minions to summon, and since it doesn't impact the board state significantly, she should be an easy fight.
- Graves The Cleric: 0 Mana: Restore 2 Health to all minions. This fight is a fairly simple boss rush. He doesn't have much in the way of early game besides a super annoying turn 3 [[Injured Blademaster]] + heal. You should be able to push lethal early enough for this fight to be easy, though he does have a few late-game tricks like [[Mind Control]].
- Overseer Mogark (a): 2 Mana: Deal 1 damage to a friendly minion and give it +2 attack. This is probably the easiest boss in this bracket, simply because he has several eggs in his deck which greatly upset his early game if he plays them. The only really annoying card that I am aware of him using is [[Unstable Ghoul]] which can trigger one of his many eggs, but I believe he also has [[Raid Leader]] which gives him another way to activate them. Just rush him down, pretty simple fight.
- Pathmaker Hamm (a): Auto-cast, 1 Mana: Deal 1 damage to two random enemies. Pathmaker Hamm is relatively simple but can be incredibly annoying to go against with bad luck, as almost all his cards are RNG - based. However, he doesn't normally have much in the way of board state, and he can end up hurting himself/his board via [[Mad Bomber]] and [[Madder Bomber]], so he should go down soon enough if you just remember that face is the place.
- Seriona: 2 Mana: Give a minion -1 attack. Of the early bracket bosses, I believe this one is the hardest because of the dragon synergy and high-value minions, as well as the damage reduction ability. She plays cards like [[Twilight Whelp]], [[Netherspite Historian]], [[Twilight Drake]], and [[Twilight Guardian]], which can really upset tempo
through smart trading (lol blizzard AI). It is worth noting that she actually has a [[Deathwing, Dragonlord]] but that requires her drawing it and you not beating her before 10 mana. MIDDLE BRACKET - A. F. Kay: 2 Mana: Do Nothing. Kill her ASAP. Attack her with no remorse. You have a turn after she draws up to her maximum hand-size to kill her. You have more turns if you have a way of killing a full board of high-health minions (think Wand of Disintegration),
but I'm not sure what she might have after that as u/enjees has pointed out, she is able to consistently lay down her hand even after you clear it. *Note: So far, only seen as the 4th boss. - Battlcrier Jin'zo: Passive: ALL Battlecries trigger twice. Jin'zo has some annoying tools under his belt like [[Iron Juggernaut]] and [[Coldlight Oracle]] that can hurt you severely if the game goes too long, as well as cards like [[Defender of Argus]] that allow him to contest the board. Obviously, you should try to exploit battlecries as much as you can, while taking this as a normal fight. So far my only loss to Jin'zo was when he milled me out through Coldlights, so try to kill him before you run out of cards/get comboed by mines.
- Blackseed (a): 0 Mana: Transform a friendly minion into a random one that costs (1) more. This guy can be a pain in the tuckus in the early game, as he always has a minion that is 1 above yours (without the extra mana treasure). However, strong AOE/removal cripples him via making his hero power completely useless until he builds a board up. Furthermore, I believe the highest cost minion in his deck is [[Dopplegangster]], so he won't get anything too strong right away unless you are super unlucky. Prioritize killing his highest cost minions first, and he should go down pretty quick.
- Brimstone Warden: 5 Mana: Silence your minions. This fight is one of my favorites because of how much of a puzzle it can be to prevent him from getting to 5 mana. He starts with 4 15/5 Golems that have deathrattle: lose a mana crystal, so your goal is to kill them one by one so he doesn't get to 5 mana, or that when he does, he doesn't have any golems to silence. He has some annoying minions like [[Shieldbearer]] and Pit Snake, which make it even harder to touch the golems before he silences them. As long as you prioritize the golems correctly, it should be easy, but you can get unlucky and only get slow cards that prevent you from killing them in time. *Note: So far, only seen as the 4th boss (which means you normally only have 30 health, or two golem hits).
- Elder Jari: 1 Mana: Gain 3 Armor. Elder Jari is a late game druid with lots of armor stacking, strong taunts and big late game minions (think [[Tyrantus]]). One of the best things to do against her is to try to rush her faster than she can get to 10 mana because of Ultimate Lul and how much value it gets her. Another thing is to try to save your removal for cards like [[Ancient of War]] and, if possible, Tyrantus.
- Fungalmancer Flurgl: 2 Mana: Give your minions +1/+1. This boss has been fairly rare in my experience, which is unfortunate because he seems to be pretty easy. Most of his minions are murlocs like [[Bilefin Tidehunter]], [[Murloc Tidecaller]], and [[Murloc Tidehunter]], so its important to keep the board clear so that he doesn't buff his minions to the point of being threatening. Luckily, because of his low stat-ed early game minions, you can lock him down pretty fast.
- Gutmook: Passive: "Whenever your opponent casts a spell, draw a card. It costs 1." OR "Whenever your opponent casts a spell, summon a Tunnel Trogg."* Gutmook is type of boss I feel like I could write forever about. More of my runs have been ruined in the middle because of him than any other boss. All of his minions are super annoying to deal with: all of the troggs in the game, the infamous 4 mana 7/7, [[Hoarding Dragon]]s, and [[Totem Golem]]s. On top of that, he has strong removal with [[Crushing Hand]] and [[Lightning Storm]]. Because of these factors, it is important to have as strong an early game as you can while casting as few spells as possible, which is a tall order especially for some decks. Weapons are useful in this fight because of the ability to remove a threat without casting, as well as Cloak of the Magi which allows you to make your spells remotely viable to use. All in all, this is one of the toughest fights in a dungeon run and WILL ruin your run at some point or another. *Note: As far as I know, he gets a random hero power each fight, but its possible that its based on the bracket you encounter him in. I will update this further if I find out anything new.
- Kraxx: 2 Mana: Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions. Kraxx is a simple fight because of his relatively low-impact hero power and seeming lack of early game board presence. He does have fairly strong clearing ability through hero power + [[Sleep with the Fishes]] and weapons, but he should go down easy enough. Fun fact from u/CartmanSimpson: He won't use his hero power if you have a Wax Rager on the field. Wax Rager makes this fight that much easier.
- Lyris the Wild Mage: 1 Mana: Add 'Arcane Missiles' to your hand. Your number one goal against Lyra is to constantly 100% of the time keep the board cleared. Her deck is entirely [[Flamewaker]]s and high-power fatties like [[Archmage Antonidas]], [[Ragnaros, the Firelord]], and [[Arcane Giant]] so combined the Arcane Missiles, your board and face can get combo-ed fairly easily. Beyond just clearing the guys, this fight is a walk in the park. *Note: I've only ever seen her as the 5th boss.
- Mushhuckster Max: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Craft a Custom Mushroom Potion. His hero power creates a 1-mana Kazakus potion every turn, so he has lots of utility in the early game but a lack of board presence. You should try to exploit this by swarming or waiting until his potions are less effective. It's worth mentioning that because his hero power is an auto-cast, he is essentially down 2 mana every turn, so his minions will be significantly slower than yours. Furthermore, its possible that he is getting a potion randomly instead of discovering one because of Blizzard AI, so you may be able to get through this fight incredibly easily.
- Russell The Bard: 2 Mana: Take control of a minion with 2 or less attack. Russell has some rogue-ish tricks like [[Backstab]] and his obviously annoying hero power, but doesn't have a lot in the way of overwhelming you. Because of this, the fight is fairly straight forward, with your goal being not play minions he can steal or playing too many minions so stealing one doesn't matter (lol captured flag paladin). A cool little easter egg is that he sings the entirety of the Kobolds and Catacombs song if you don't do anything on your turn for a long time.
- Spiritspeaker Azun: Passive: ALL Deathrattles trigger twice. Azun is quest priest who's goal is to outvalue you with strong deathrattles like [[Sylvanas Windrunner]], go to 40 health through Amara, and play all of his deathrattles again with N'Zoth. Your best bet is to kill him as fast as possible so he doesn't reset his health, as well as exploit the global double deathrattle. Over all, its a simple fight as long as you don't let him out value you.
- Thaddock the Thief: 1 Mana: Return a friendly minion to your hand. Thaddock is an annoying quest rogue with a bunch of Battlecry effects like Vilefin Tidehunter that slow you down, while also have a bunch of ways to bounce minions to his hand. The most important thing to look for in this fight is a way to kill the minion he has decided to play 5 times, as it can completely screw him up if you kill it at 3-4. The second most important thing is to constantly push face when you can, as Thaddock has plenty of utility to keep his minion safe while he plays it 5 times so it can be hard to kill it before Crystal Core comes down. If this is the case, your best bet is to just rush face and try to kill him before he completely rolls over you. Also remember that Gloves of Mugging/Orb of Destruction are pretty good cards.
- Waxmancer Sturmi (a): 1 Mana: Summon a 1/1 copy of a minion. Waxmancer Sturmi in this particular bracket isn't too bad. She primarily gets high value from cards with on-going or deathrattle effects such as [[Savannah Highmane]] and Sylvanas, so try to prevent her from making a copy when possible. Another tip is to avoid summoning minions you don't want her to have like other deathrattle minions, or minions with divine shield. Overall, Sturmi goes down quickly if you manage her board correctly.
- Whompwhisker: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Both players Recruit a minion. Unless your minions are super expensive to cast, the best way to deal with Whompwhisker is to ignore his minions the best you can and focus on killing him as soon as possible instead. He will constantly out-value with his minions assuming you don't have things like [[The Lich King]] in your deck for him to drag out. As such, just try to SMOrc him and kill his taunts when they come up. Alternatively, try to out-value him, but not all decks have huge annoying minions.
LATE BRACKET - Blackseed (b): 1 Mana: Transform a friendly minion into a random one that costs 3 more. This fight can rely heavily on him getting bad evolves off, but since it costs mana he can't do some of his turn 1/2 two combos he pulls off in the first fight. This can hopefully give you the space you need to create a foothold before his minions get too strong. Beyond RNG, cards like Dopplegangster are a high priority target as it can give him up to 3 8- mana minions without being kept under control as well as [[Saronite Chain Gang]]. As a result, you should focus on AOE and board control more than anything else for this fight.
- Bristlesnarl: Auto-cast, 3 Mana: Reduce the cost of the cards in your hand by 1. The goal here is to rush him down quickly and establish a board before he dumps his hand out. Its a bit hard because of his health pool, but just having good board control by the time he actually casts something is good enough to get through.
- Candlebeard (b): Passive: When you summon a minion, give it Charge. This guy is going to face, hard. AOEs are valuable here, as you can very easily become quickly overwhelmed. Taunt minions are also incredibly valuable here, as they force him to make trades he doesn't really want. His deck is the same in both fights, so expect poisonous shenanigans and [[Magma Rager]]s.
- Chronomaster Inara: Auto-cast, 10 Mana: Destroy 3 of your mana crystals. Take another turn after this one. Since her ability is an auto-cast at 10 mana, it essentially only gives her minions windfury at the cost of 3 mana crystals. As a result, she is essentially a win-more boss that makes it incredibly hard to come back from. Not only that, but she has several special cards that let her combo off in some circumstances. One spell summons a random legendary minion for 1 mana, while another makes all of her spells cost 0 for the turn, and the last is a minion that puts a copy of any spell you cast into your deck. The most important thing against Inara is removing her special minion and praying that you don't get destroyed by RNG.
- George and Karl: 2 Mana: Give all of your minions Divine Shield. AND 2 Mana: Summon 2 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits. This boss can be tricky at first because of their mechanic which allows them to switch between them. They have different hero powers, and switching between them allows them to cast both hero powers in the same turn as well as gives them two attacks with a weapon. At this point in the run, though, your deck should be strong enough to control the board before they flood it with recruits and buff effects like [[Quartermaster]]. Keep the board down for an easy fight. *Note: I've only ever seen George and Karl as the 6th fight.
- Gnosh the Greatworm: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Destroy the minion with the highest attack. His hero power makes this fight a bit slower. However, he plays some very low attack minions that don't pose a huge threat as well as troggs that you can use to eat a hero power. As a result you can beat him up pretty quickly. Furthermore, as u/BakuchiDancer pointed out, if you have him eat a poisonous minion he dies instantly, making this fight super easy.
- Gutmook: See the Gutmook section in the middle bracket.
- Ixlid: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Summon an extremely deadly spore. This fight is entirely about how well you can block some 1/1's from hitting your face. The best way to clear them is probably hard removal, but using divine shield minions might work well too. Its worth noting that this boss plays lots of buff spells like [[Mark of the Lotus]] and [[Mark of the Wild]] that make his minions that much harder to deal with, so this fight is can really be based entirely on your opening hand. However, he only has 20 health so you can rush him down fairly easily or you can use something like [[Potion of Madness]] to win on turn 2/3.
- Jeeru: Auto-cast, 1 Mana: Both players draw 3 cards. I guess this is technically a mill deck because of the excessive amounts of card draw, except she uses spells like [[Starfire]] that make her mill faster. Try to empty your hand when you can so you don't lose as many cards, and don't freak out when you both start taking damage from fatigue. *Note: I've only ever seen her as the 7th boss.
- Lava-Filled Chamber: Passive: After a minion is played, deal 2 damage to it. This fight is incredibly annoying but ultimately fairly easy. The chamber has lots of high damage removal like [[Volcano]] and [[Lava Burst]] and smaller removal like [[Lava Shock]]. It also has cards like [[Fire Elemental]] and other fire based minions, but they are few and far between. As long as you save removal for bigger threats and be patient, this fight can be easy win. However, as u/AngryBeaverEU pointed out, he is running a lot of annoying burn cards like Fireball and [[Pyroblast]]. I have seen it use Pyroblast to kill a minion but unless you have a non-stop stream of big dudes coming out, you should expect him to burn your face at least once. Healing is advised because of this
- The Mothergloop: Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Give minions in your hand +1/+1. u/DemocraticNiCo - "I've played against The Mothergloop a few times, lost a couple and won twice. I'd say it can be one of the hardest non-final boss. First of all, the longer you linger, the more insane it gets. Even if you have a lot of AoE, you'll eventually face 11/11 Dopplegangsters and 12/13 Saronite Chain Gangs... The best advice would be to try and go for the throat and end the game early. It will often not play anything for two or three turns, and it has few actual removal spells, so swarm it down. Save hard removal for the taunts so you can push for lethal."
- Overseer Mogark (b): 1 Mana: Deal 1 damage to a friendly minion. Give it +5 attack. Like Hamm and Candlebeard, this guy is the extreme version of his early bracket version. He has a lot of eggs which prevent AOEs as well as give him a target to buff fairly often. A good idea would be to keep his minions at 1 health so he can't trade them in, but he is also running [[Rampage]]. Slow and steady management of his hero power is ideal here. Also because his power is cheaper, you want to get minions on the board before turn 3 so that he isn't running a 5 attack egg into your face every turn until you deal with it.
- Pathmaker Hamm (b): Auto-cast, 2 Mana: Deal 2 damage to three random enemies. This is Hamm on steroids, with a lot more board control. The bosses at this point in the run start with an extra mana crystal which means he can start AOEing your board that much faster. Take this fight slow and try to stabilize as much as you can. The longer the fight goes, the closer to death you are unless you are a Priest or Warrior, so try to going quick or save your heals for when you need them.
- Tad: Auto-cast, 0 Mana: Summon a random minion from your deck. It is not a random minion. You can either rush him down due to his low health for an easy fight, or you can fight through his nonsense to get a special reward, your choice. Here is a hint: try to keep his health as high as you can. Here is a list of all the minions in order from u/Sabreblade. *Note: I've only encountered Tad as the 6th fight.
- Emerald Hive Queen
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Starving Crab (A 3 mana 4/1 that does 5 damage to Tad at the start of his turn)
- Flamewreathed Faceless
- Earth Elemental
- Cairne Bloodhoof
- Swamp King Dred
- Ragnaros the Firelord
- King Krush
- Tyrantus
- Trapped Room: Passive: Whenever you reveal a secret, summon a 3/3 Sawblade. While it isn't part of it's hero power, the boss starts with 5 random secrets already on the field. As a result, this can be one of the hardest encounters in a run, because any wrong play can set it off. One solution is to pray that the secrets it has on at any given time don't hard counter whatever your solution is, but this is really not worth banking on. The more common solution is to wait and keep passing the turn until you can deal with an army of 3/3's. In the mean time, a [[Secret Keeper]] or [[Ethereal Arcanist]] could come down, but you should still wait until you can deal with the army.
- Treasure Vault: Auto-cast, 5 Mana: End the game. This fight is incredibly rare and incredibly easy. Rush down the chests the best you can. Use any and all tricks you got; Vorpal Dagger, AOE, everything. This will win you the run, easy.
- Voodoomaster Vex: Passive: All Battlcries and Deathrattles trigger twice. This fight can be a complete stomp or an unmitigated disaster, depending on your deck. His deck is designed to exploit the double effects, and if yours can't exploit them too you might get stomped. Of course, if you are running something like Jade or Deathrattle Priest then this can be a stomp in the opposite way. A good rule of thumb is to control the board as much as you can, especially because the bosses are getting to a point where you can no longer run at face and win in 6 turns.
- Waxmancer Sturmi (b): 3 Mana: Create a copy of a minion. This fight can be one of the hardest to come back from, as well as one of the hardest to set up a board on. The copies that Sturmi have all the same buffs as the original, so deck types like buff priest might have a hard time. Not only that, but Sturmi still runs cards like Sylvanas and Highmane, so bigger threats should be dealt with as soon as you can so she doesn't get a new one every turn. However, she is susceptible to a mass of smaller minions because she won't want to copy any of them and her only AOE is [[Unleash the Hounds]].
LAST BOSS! (You made it, yay!) - Azari the Devourer: Auto-cast, 0 Mana: Remove the top 2 cards of your opponent's deck. The first final boss is a mill/demonlock. Most if not all of his minions are demons, and he has some good synergy cards like [[Mal'Ganis]] that can upset your tempo. Of course, if it hasn't been upset by his annoying hero power. Because of it, this is probably the hardest match-up for control style decks, as well as decks using [[C'thun]], because he can remove a lot of your toolkit by doing nothing. However, you can easily drag him down by establishing a board early and keeping cool while he mills you out (easier said then done, I know, but some bosses screw with certain deck types.)
- The Darkness: Auto-cast, 0 mana: Summon a 5/5 Darkspawn. (You start with 3 candles in your hand that cost 0 and destroy all darkspawns.) Of all the final bosses to get, this one can ruin an ending the easiest. It has very few minions in its deck; instead, most of the cards you will be facing are annoying removal cards like [[Entomb]], [[Psychic Scream]] and [[Twisting Nether]]. As such, tempo and swarm decks can have a really hard time with this fight because there is always a 5/5 on the board and your minions get removed as fast as you can lay them down. If you have enough board control, fatiguing him out is your best option as he has four [[Looming Presence]]s, but of course you have to last long enough to get there.
- King Togwaggle: 3 Mana: Find a Treasure! Some people claim that this is the hardest boss, while others say he is the easiest. It can be best defined as an RNG party, where he can lay down an entire hand of legendary minions on turn 2 (boots of haste + kobold statue) but in the next run he doesn't really do anything until after you establish a board. The best way you can assure a victory is by having enough AOE and single target removal to deal with any OP treasures he gets, while also having enough of a board state to hit face when you can.
- Vustrasz the Ancient: Auto-Cast, 0 Mana: Deal 1 damage to all enemies for each missing Master Chest. Vustrasz is the bane of AOE damage users and board wipes. Not only that, but his deck focuses on buffing minions, which he conveniently has 5 of to start with. The goal here is to kill his other minions when you can, as well as ignoring the chests as long as you can. It is not smart to play any cards like [[Brawl]] or Wand of Disintegration because they uptick his passive so that you start taking 4-5 damage a turn. Minions are your friend for this fight: just focus on killing him before he throws his chests at your minions/face too many times. As u/Slogo has pointed out, if he gets any bonus chests like if you had a [[Marin the Fox]] in your deck, you can kill the extra chest and not take any extra damage, as the game only checks to see how many chests are there and you take damage if its less than 5. u/Linguotgr has pointed out that berserk warrior card like [[Grim Patron]] can make this really easy: just kill a chest and get an army of Patrons. (Fun fact: My only loss to this fight was when he used a [[Drakonid Operative]] to get a copy of Wax Rager)
- Xol The Unscathed: Passive: At the end of your turn, get a random beam spell. Xol is by fair the boss that has given me the most trouble. It is a discard lock, which means you will eventually get swarmed unless you can get it to discard the portal before it is played. The boss's deck does have four [[Howlfiend]]s so it is fairly possible to trigger it, however, you have to fight through a random effect every turn. The line the boss says signifies which one she got into her hand, and so you want to play around them as much as you can. If you can keep avoiding the beams and manage to get her to discard the portal, you win. Otherwise, try to just rush her down as much as possible. Here is the list of effects:
- Fatality (Destroy all damaged enemy minions)
- Freeze (Freeze a random enemy minion and its neighbors)
- Flame (Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions)
- Flummox (Take control of a random enemy minion)
- Fatigue (Destroy 1 of your opponent's mana crystals)
- Fear (Shuffle a random enemy minion into your opponent's deck).
I apologize for the long post, but hopefully there is enough good information here to help you out with a boss or two. As I said at the beginning, feel free to tell me anything you think I should add. Last but not least, remember to keep having fun and have a great day! :) EDIT: Thanks everyone for the great feedback! I've made a few changes to incorporate everything that has been said, EXCEPT for updating Gutmook. I have some homework that I need to get done so I will be updating his sections later tonight but the section that is up now should hopefully help you get through both fights. submitted by /u/Phaose [link] [comments] |
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