Guild Wars 2 - Please Anet add the option to choose a larger mouse pointer in game.

Please Anet add the option to choose a larger mouse pointer in game.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:53 AM PST

I know that the program Yolomouse is available for this purpose, but it would be really useful to have this option directly in game without depending on an external program. I lost count of how many times I risked dying or died in the game due to the impossibility of quickly finding my cursor. Thank you =)

submitted by /u/monzese
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New weapon set for wvw and pvp on tuesday!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

[Art]Rosam the Scrapper in Winter Wonderland

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:13 PM PST

When you think that nothing will surprise you anymore.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:42 PM PST

PSA? Be very careful when crafting Shimmering / Tenebrous weapons.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:14 AM PST

Turns out there is an odd issue with Shimmering and Tenebrous Guild Weapons. They are a beautiful set of crafted skins that need Guild Commendations and crystals from the Guild Hall to craft.

Part of their crafting Recipe are the Guild Weapons. Guild weapons are Soulbound on Purchase.

The Recipe for Shimmering / Tenebrous weapons is Account Bound on purchase.

I made the mistake of buying both on one character. I used the recipes on my warrior (costing me 20 Guild Commendations, I spent a total of like 55 with 4 recipes, 4 weapons). Then I wanted to happily start crafting, but I cannot. Because the Guild weapons are now Soulbound to my thief, having the sword in my bank does not let me use it in crafting.

Like so:


Don't buy Guild Weapons on alts if you want to use them in crafting, even though the recipe is Account Bound. It will bite you in the booty.

submitted by /u/Sold0ut
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Should we be afraid? [spoilers]

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:29 AM PST

Ok, so if you complete the last chapter you get into the secret Inquest base in Faranhur. There are 6 Inquest Containment Consols, that says the state of each dragon: dormant, active and extinct.

1st is Subject 8362-T- dormant state

2nd is Subject 23-C- extinct state

3rd is Subject 3-H- active state

then you got to the right side and...

4th is Subject 3442- A- dormant state

5th is Subject 7436- N- active state

6th is Subject 436- X- dormant state

So wait... If this tells us the states of the Elder Dragons, and most likely it is, so why the heck 3 are in dormant state and 2 are active?!

We killed 2 dragons...

Also the lab looks fresh and I don't think so there are errors in there...

Also if you put the letter like that: TCHANX and if C is extinct then it goes like THANX (thanks O_o).

That is so weird...

Also there is a 7th containment that is broken and it says:

Subject 1-S

Status: Error

Containment Seals Damaged.

Security Protocols Breached.

Subject Not Found.

So something escaped the Inquest's base... And the letter "S"...

I don't know... The Inquest are so freaking sneaky.

I am very glad their topic is back again so we can learn something more than this weird thing!

Anyway. I am very afraid... What if some people that say: 'Zhaitan is the death itself so it can't be killed' are right... Also we only saw that he felt down, but perhaps he saved himself in the last moment?

Also this 7th containment- could it be 7th dragon? I heard that this might be some kind of Ooze or Subject alpha, but if the Inquest led the research on the Elder Dragons in there, so would this be a 7th dragon? Or perhaps they prepared the place for 7th Elder Dragon... For Aurene maybe? To lead their research on her?

This "Subject not found" doesn't have to mean that something escaped, also how would something escape from this place, if this place is very well secured?

Perhaps somebody can explain why the Inquest state that only one dragon is extinct, not 2.

EDIT: Also if you interact with the Central Control Console it says:

Inquest Research Facility FAH-RA-NUR

Ley-Line Core Status- ONLINE

Please choose an option:

Last active transmission: ERROR: access denied


So the data are correct... The states of the dragons are not false...


EDIT #2:

Where does the central gate lead? Lion's Arch? Or somewhere else? I'm very interested in that, also there were 6 other portals that we destroyed while saving Taimi, that leaded to Caledon Forest, Gendarran Fields, Diessa Plateau, Mount Maelstrom, Metrica Province and Snowden Drift.

They're placed in 6 regions and 5 of them belongs to the 5 major races: Snowden Drift belongs to Norn, Diessa Plateau belongs to Charr, Caledon Forest belongs to Sylvari, Metrica Province belongs to Asura, Gendarran Fields belongs to Human and Mount Malestrom is a huge base of Inquest- the biggest lab is in there.

So Joko's targets are these maps... And 8th portal's destination is unknown.

submitted by /u/auroraeleonora
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Can someone please explain why I'm getting +4/5/67 for a win, -14/15/16 and getting matched up with silver players in platinum 2? it's getting really frustrating having games being won or lost by a landslide or having your entire team push far for the whole game :l

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

I've lost almost 100 SR at this point from matches that were incredibly one sided and it's really killing my enjoyment for PvP. I know the population is low, but is it really so low that silver 3 people are being paired with people 300-400 SR above them? and it weighs heavily against them and lightly towards them.

submitted by /u/optimus_pines
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My Reddit gifts secret santa rocks!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:57 PM PST

If there is no pride or accomplishment associated with mount skins, should we be forced to see the egregious particle effects on our own or others without sacrificing our video options?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:56 PM PST

What are your thoughts?

submitted by /u/PM_Me_Funky_Sounds
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New Expansion Question: Knock back/down spam?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST

question for the latest expansion

so in Heart of thorns, it felt like everything and their mother had knock backs or knock downs. as a result it felt less like fighting the enemy. and more like fighting to stay on your feat. and enemys seemed to always run away if you got to close for melee

as a result, i began focusing on ranged builds just to be able to fight without it being frustrating

does this latest expansion keep that knock down spam. or will i be able to be a melee character again

submitted by /u/Arenta
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Will we ever get to speak with The Pale Tree and Zojja again?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:29 PM PST

It's been 2 years and we haven't heard about those characters yet :(

submitted by /u/Sodenia
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Help! I can't seem to stay alive in Path of Fire.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:16 PM PST

So as the text says, I just started PoF after finishing the original storyline and cannot seem to keep myself alive if facing more than 2 or 3 enemies. I play a Guardian running Greatsword and Sword and Focus most of the time, with Dragonhunter thrown in there sometimes too. I didn't have any trouble in Orr at the end of the main story, but now even simple fights I am having to use a fair amount of healing to stay alive. What am I doing wrong?

submitted by /u/blaze_kai
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Just a reminder that you can still join this year Secret Toymaker!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:23 AM PST

Still problems in VB meta

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:48 AM PST

Doing VB meta at night, we get to the bosses, we kill two or three. Then the whole map gets pushed to character select. We go back in, lost all participation and tier progression. This is a known issue for tier IV but this was a tier II/III map and we got kicked 3 times in the space of 10 minutes (from 20 minutes left till daybreak to 10 minutes left if that helps).

No error codes, just the prompt saying the game lost connection to the server.

submitted by /u/Evolushan
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RECLAMATION OF MAGUUMA: ((North American Servers))

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:24 AM PST

RECLAMATION OF MAGUUMA: Join us as we tour the jungle of Mordremoth! WP's, HP's, MP's, POI's, Vista's, Event's. Any level is welcome, RP friendly. /sqjoin Brother Drake

10 am PST/ 11 am MST/ 12 pm CST/ 1 pm EST. The 10th of December. Goes for about 8 hrs or so. We should have a listing in LFG as long as the group isnt full.

submitted by /u/Brother-Drake
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Pulling Deimos for the 30th time of the night be like:

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:00 PM PST

Domain of Istan Gold Farms with Custom TacO Markers

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:20 AM PST

Guild Wars 2 - Refund Confirmation

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

So here is the deal, i bought HoT + PoF expansions from the GW2 website however after a few days, i noticed an odd email with a refund confirmation.

Strange thing is that i didn't start a refund, but when i opened a ticket with Anet, they weren't much more helpful in the matter, all they could tell me is that the money will be refunded to my card withing 2-3 business days.

Now i'm sitting here, with the keys removed from my account, with a pending refund thats still coming back to my card and with no way to purchase the game through other means such as Paypal, since i'm from Europe Moldova and paypay isn't accepted from my country.

Anyone had any similar issues when buying the expansions, any advice what i can do and why this even happened?

submitted by /u/LawfuI
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Path of Fire 15% off with Pre-order items!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:51 PM PST

Path of Fire available here is 15% off from DLGamer which is an official store. It also includes the pre-order items and a key for a $10 game as well!

submitted by /u/Jkhahuy
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Looking for guidance in Conquest pvp

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

I'm a new player looking for suggestions on what specs to play. I have a lvl 80 boost but can't decide what to use it on. I'm looking for something mobile and w/high dmg. Preferably with a decent amount of defensive tools and dueling potential. I think I'm looking for something that can +1 and roam around the arenas efficiently. The class doesn't necessarily have to be meta or op. As long as the potential is there. If someone could do a top 5 or something as a starting point that would be amazing. Thank you all in advance :)

submitted by /u/Mhozi
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Is there a bug with the Houndskin Mantle?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

I was really excited to get this item because I enjoyed how it fit with my armor.

When I previewed it to dye, it looked like this:

However, after applying the dye, the texture seems to lose a lot of detail, and looks really bad:

I'm not really sure of the reason for this, and I haven't run into this issue with any other item.

submitted by /u/notzish
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[Bug Report] Found a pretty huge, kind of creepy bug in VB...

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:52 PM PST

Trying to understand gearset management

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:00 PM PST

So I'm getting into end game as a Druid. (I love playing healers) and I'm trying to understand gearset management. From what I've experienced and read so far... ( please correct me if I'm wrong here ) I will need two sets of ascended trinkets ( and eventually ascended gear ) one to put agony infusions in, and another for healing infusions for raiding?

Again, correct me if I'm wrong but... that sucks?

submitted by /u/benjamreynolds
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What the heck is wrong with their marketing team? [Discussion]

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:30 AM PST

It seems that they didn't listen about feedback or don't care enough. No wonder that everyone thinks he/she can do a better job as a player. PS: Yes, I know that the team is supposed to be new, which makes me wonder who they hired.

submitted by /u/xRaidhunterx
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