Grand Theft Auto V - PSA: Please mark any substantial Doomsday Heist Story Content as SPOILER

PSA: Please mark any substantial Doomsday Heist Story Content as SPOILER

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 02:43 AM PST

With the release of the Doomsday Heist Update recently, many people have been posting material regarding the new heist missions here on the subreddit.

Unlike other past updates that really haven't been story driven, the Doomsday Update has been the exact opposite of that, and to help players that have not taken part in the new missions as of yet, we ask everyone to please mark posts and comments that you think contain substantial Doomsday Heist Story Content as a SPOILER.

Remember, this involves elements of the new Doomsday Heists that include revealing plot material, so posting about the new vehicles and whatnot is totally fine. However, a video involving a mission walk through of one of the new heists, for example, is something that should be marked as a SPOILER.

If you not sure if your post/comment reveals a SPOILER or not, it's recommended that you mark it as one just in case or you can Modmail us to help determine if your content falls under this category.

Please note that if we find that your post/comment to reveal a SPOILER of some kind and you don't mark it as such, we can change it to show as a SPOILER or outright remove it depending on how much information you're potentially revealing.

submitted by /u/ApacheAH-64A
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Practicing those headlight stands

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

There should be a non-flying deluxo that costs way less.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 09:04 PM PST

It's actually a nice car but it makes an icon and people tend to be rather wary of them, even if you haven't added a missile launcher, and it still flies.

It could probably be a pretty neat entry-level car that costs... Way less than the 4 mill price tag of the Deluxo you can buy now?

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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We Need High Level Unlocks Beyond Just The Minigun

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:36 PM PST


Firework Launcher ammo?

Buy Molotov Ammo?

Stun gun?

Any other ideas?

submitted by /u/CodBeserkerBeast
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Today's dripfeed release is the Ubermacht Sentinel Classic

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:19 AM PST

Priced at $650,000 on Southern San Andreas

EDIT: Because I'm a filthy console peasant, here's a picture of my screen

submitted by /u/JollyGreenGI
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If there is someone spectating you during the act III finale you won't be able to quick restart, it forces you to continue

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:06 PM PST

Took my friend and me a couple tries to realise this. We were trying to do it as 2 people to maximize our pay, but there was this guy who kept trying to join and, when we died if he was spectating it forced us to continue and exit the heist. He kept joining to try and get in our heist but the guy sucked and we knew if we had him it would never finish. Eventually I discovered that if I block him on xbox live it kept him from spectating, but this was an annoying troll/bug to prevent us from doing the heist.

submitted by /u/TopazGlaceon
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A PSA for Akula and Yacht owners

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 06:25 PM PST

Was poking around the /r/rebl session tonight and I had a thought, so Demon and I checked:

A cloaked Akula will be shot down by an armed Yacht. So it cannot be used for covert insertion of pirate teams or whatever.

Just thought you'd like to know what kind of protection $3 mil gets you (or doesn't).

submitted by /u/axslayer33
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Don't underestimate the Chernobog!

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:11 PM PST

I'm-I'm not even gonna ask anymore...

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

It'll be short lived, but the armor gift is kinda useful

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 12:02 PM PST

It overstocks you on armor, and I have 50/10, but now the shitty armor can be used like snacks to fill the bar! That should get you through act 3, or the first few seconds of the avenger mission.

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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The "Facility" assistant clone should have a personal vehicle option ffs.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

She has the Pegasus one and gives snacks, so why the fuck not?

The only saving grace is you can put your priority 1 vehicles right inside the facility.

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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Extreme load times

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:11 AM PST

Trying to log into gta 5 and it's been taking 20 minutes trying to load into online after 20 mins I just have to restart the app it's ridiculous living in Perth Australia btw

Edit: can't even load into story also on PS4

submitted by /u/VapingApple
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Seems Weird, But Does Anyone Else On PC Get Micro-Stuttering With The Xbox Controller?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:41 PM PST

I haven't played in a while until this recent update, but I started using a controller for driving, flying, and some mission running. For some weird reason even though my FPS is very high I get weird Micro-Stuttering when using the Xbox Controller, it seems to go away after I unplug it and switch back to the Mouse and Keyboard. Does anyone else get this? I saw some posts somewhat similar on some forums, but those are years old by now, and I just wanted some more recent feedback. Thanks!

My specs for anyone interested:

  • Core i7-7700k (4.5GHz Boost) Stock

  • EVGA GTX 1080 SC

  • Team T-Force Dark 16GB DDR4-3000MHz RAM

  • Gigabyte Z270X-UD3 Motherboard

  • Samsung 850 EVO 120GB SSD

  • Western Digital Black 4TB HDD 7200RPM

  • Western Digital Blue 1TB HDD 7200RMP ( Game is installed here )

  • Windows 10 Professional 64-Bit

submitted by /u/69Mooseoverlord69
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I think a drone is in the making for GTA Online

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

inside the facility behind your Avenger around the area where you move your vehicles, check around for a wing, camera and other parts that looks like it belongs to an unmanned drone, kind of like an UAV drone, maybe we getting a drone, maybe Im wrong.

submitted by /u/DANG3RFIP
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Rockford Hills Mansions.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 01:45 PM PST

It would be amazing if R* could make some of the Rockford Hills Mansions accesible for players to buy. I always loved that location and it's houses.

submitted by /u/gabsi136
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PSA, If you were afflicted by the issue that permanently reduced your hangar capacity, be in contact with R* support!

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:34 PM PST

Conversation with support as follows, Initially somebody doubted me when I posted about it, but here's my convo with support. It seems that the glitch has been patched, but I had to do this myself and the destroyed lazer was never expunged from my hangar's inventory and I had to do something myself. They may be able to erase the vehicle from their end if contacted. (The "Code" blocked parts are Support's response)

[REDACTED]. (Rockstar Support) Dec 3, 10:50 EST Hello [REDACTED], It;s perfectly understandable that you are upset about not being able to use the lP-996 Lazer in your account. We have reviewed the video thoroughly and as per our investigation, the vehicle is showing destroyed in your account. Hence, we request you call the MMI in order to retrieve the vehicle. However, if you face any difficulty in accessing the vehicle from the MMI, please get back to us with a video while accessing the MMI so that we can assist you further. We appreciate your understanding. As soon as, we have the information, we will look into it. Best regards, [REDACTED] Rockstar Support 

[REDACTED] Dec 3, 19:45 EST

There, trust when I say I've tried everything, the jet is not accessible. Video included.

[REDACTED] (Rockstar Support) Dec 4, 06:02 EST

Hello [REDACTED], We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. Your case has been escalated to the proper department for further review. Please note, cases are addressed in the order they are received. We appreciate your patience. Best regards, [REDACTED] Rockstar Support 

[REDACTED] Dec 16, 15:02 EST

I submit this because it may be relevant to my issue, but I was able to reclaim the lost slot in my Hangar by buying a new vehicle.

Attempting to pull a vehicle from Pegasus into the hangar wouldn't work when I had 19/20 aircraft, but I was able to buy an aircraft to expunge the broken destroyed lazer from my hangar.

In order to do this I had to buy the least expensive aircraft that can be directly delivered to your garage, the ultralight. I then sold it, the 20th slot of my hangar was freed again. This consumed 300,000GTA$ as you lose money when selling; which I'm wondering if support could give me back.

At any rate, I'm going to avoid using the personal aircraft system for the time being until the bug is further understood or patched.

[REDACTED] (Rockstar Support) Dec 19, 02:15 EST Hello [REDACTED], We would like to inform you that the issue was resolved in the latest patch. Please let us know if you still face the issue. We have also provided GTA$300,000 to your account to compensate for the losses. If you have any other concerns or queries regarding the game, please feel free to contact us. Have a good day! Best regards, [REDACTED] Rockstar Support 
submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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If you use your OAW on a person using invincibility hacks it'll claim to have "Missed" and refund you.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

So that's nice, I found this out because I had just got some money from a friend and two pisswillies were blowing everyone up in a hunter, so I guess you could say I was feeling generous. Funny enough the splash damage killed his not invincible mate but not him

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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Rockstar Confirmed Pretty Sweet once again! The Sentinel Classic, modeled after the BMW E30.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:43 AM PST

BUG: The Act 3 Finale will take stickybombs from you

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 12:13 PM PST

I painstakingly unlocked the extra 5 capacity, the mission, instead of filling your stickybombs, sets the number held to 25, which will TAKE some if your capacity is raised to 30 by the gun range challenge.

submitted by /u/LawlessCoffeh
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Akula or Hunter?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

Looking to get a new helicopter but can't decide which one is better. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/TheMuffinat0r
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after the last update, it is no longer possible to use the fov mod (dsound.dll)

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:35 AM PST

After the last update, if you use a mod containing the dsound.dll file, the game crashes: this means that currently the 'fov mod' is not usable. How to do?

submitted by /u/mattex39
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Sultan RS please explain, its has the RS badge but isnt the two door upgraded RS?

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:14 AM PST

Could have sworn these were supposed to be "homing" missiles...

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:56 PM PST

I have a question about the Vigilante and the Deluxo.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:24 PM PST

Do you have to pay to resupply on missiles or do you get them filled up when you return to your garage?

submitted by /u/BUMBEENO212
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