RimWorld Typical Tuesday Suggestion Thread -- December 19, 2017

Typical Tuesday Suggestion Thread -- December 19, 2017

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:12 AM PST

Please use this thread as a week-to-week suggestions box for Tynan, the /r/RimWorld mods, and game modders. Post whatever you feel would improve your RimWorld experience, but keep it civil! Before you post, please take a glance at the release notes and see if what you're suggesting has already been implemented. I am a bot, so I can't make jokes. If you'd like a Typical Tuesday joke, or if there are any problems with this post, please message the moderators of the subreddit.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Posted: 18 Dec 2017 03:30 PM PST

The Sixth Day of Rimmas (RimWorld Comics' Holiday Special)

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:58 AM PST

Do teenagers have sex?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:34 PM PST

Just a quick question. I'm uncertain, but my 15 year old kid doesnt seem like he's getting it on with his 27 year old girlfriend. He's not gay either. They like each other well enough too (around +60 for both).

submitted by /u/limit_concept11
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Two years in, my longest yet. My tribe has repurposed a vessel.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 07:24 PM PST

"Join us, young grasshopper!" "Wait, how do you know my name?" "What the fuck do you mean? That's my name!"

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 03:11 AM PST

Is it odd that I really enjoy this combination?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 02:18 PM PST

Any chance I can fix up my boy?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 05:35 PM PST

AJ got kicked in the head really hard by a caribou and now his default conciousness is 4/10.

When he smokes a doink or gets food poisoning he passes out and we have to take him into the hospital.

submitted by /u/adams_things
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Twilek Tribal Start -2nd Year (Star Wars + Medieval Mod)

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:39 PM PST

Showerthought: Everytime my colony grows, the amount of animals on the map lowers in square.

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 01:21 AM PST

That's the most worthless prisioner I never captured

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 01:00 PM PST

Does anyone else avoid playing on bogs simply due to spacing problems?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 05:44 PM PST

I'll admit that I'm super OCD about building - I go for 9x9 buildings, a 9x20 fridge, and a 20x20 storage room, with two-tile-wide spaces in between, and one door on any given 9-tile wall, right in the middle so it doesn't look "off". This method is what I've found to be the easiest way to keep your base uniform in appearance and with the most efficient functionality and spacing.

That being said, for me, bog maps are basically unplayable due to the inability to build on most of the map due to marshy terrain. There isn't even an option for, say, a pawn to dig out the terrain or add support beams on the ground tile to allow for building (which I'd imagine if this were implemented it would take a ton of time to do per tile, as a trade off to overcome the terrain issue).

Instead, your only option is to research a moisture pump, which operates at the speed of smell, and you have to spend a lot of time to unlock the research option to begin with. Also, there's usually quite a lot of bog terrain to use a moisture pump on. This inevitably leads to beginning a game, spending lots of time prepping and choosing colonists to make a balanced starting group, choosing a good enough bog tile on the map to spawn in, and then seeing the map and realizing your building method won't work here, so you have to go into Dev mode and get rid of the terrain yourself, which is basically cheating, but there's no other choice, since you don't want to start over, having come this far with starting the playthrough.

Rimworld is already full of things that SHOULD have options to overcome, but the game basically says "nah deal with it lol" (Overhead Mountain is the biggest offender in this category - get rid of that shit for the love of god), so marshy terrain and only one solution to get rid of it (moisture pumps you unlock mid-game) isn't a good design choice. Players should have more than one way of making the terrain buildable.

As previously stated, pawns should be able to dig out marshy terrain or add support beams to allow for building on bog terrain, possibly taking a while to do so, instead of having to deal with the annoyance until your moisture pumps are both researched and finished expanding.

submitted by /u/DarthGrandma
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Ancient Danger opened itself early - what's my game plan?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 08:17 PM PST

I'm pretty new to RimWorld and I got a message saying "an area has been revealed". I go to the location and one of those ancient danger areas has a hole in the wall with a dying man lying outside of it. Just inside is a megaspider and a hive. Further in, an empty cryopod, and way in the back, a bunch of really fancy-looking equipment that's all on fire.

Before an hour has passed, Van Winkle bleeds out and all the stuff has burned up. I am not very interested in going and fighting something called a "mega spider" that handed the ass back to a sci-fi man who had a whole room full of "psychic shock lances" and the like at his disposal.

The problem is that the hive says in its info box that it will produce more hives over time, and oh look it's going to spawn something in less than 2 days.

My colony has 2 people and the starting weapons. The third one is in prison until the drug addiction they spawned with wears off because she was trying to murder the others and only one of the others is capable of violence, which means if I leave her loose then we're one bad fight away from screwing the colony badly. At this point I'm having enough trouble maintaining a food supply while keeping away the repeated alphabeaver raids and the occasional 1-man knife-wielding raiding party.

Needless to say I'm a little peeved that I signed up for a progression from "Cassandra Classic" and now there's a death monster wandering around my backyard. I have no idea what opened the vault or how but now I'm afraid of an army of bugs and their hive city annihilating my fragile ecosystem.

I'm generally trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible, but I like these particular misfits and I'd like to keep this one going if I can. What is the best way, if any, to contain this situation?

submitted by /u/Mr_Wallet
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Does anyone else think the "scream" Deer do when they die is extremely satisfying?

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 06:02 PM PST

When you hunt them, or when they come in as a manhunter pack, they have the most annoying manhunter sounds (ueee ueee) and they try to run down your colonists with their 5.0 movement speed and crazy numbers. When you finally kill them, they do the scream (UEAAHH) that's the most satisfying sound in the game for me.

Basically, I hate deer and I love to hear them die. just rimworld things.

submitted by /u/AzulCrescent
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Fire at will boys...Fire at will.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:59 PM PST

I just got done building my Mortar Defense, and the test subjects arrived shortly.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

Note to self: cut down on prisoners...

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 05:32 AM PST

My best Cass Extreme run so far...

Posted: 19 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

Still ongoing all because of granite deadfall traps. Those things are lifesavers. Entire raids can get sent home before they even reach you.

submitted by /u/Ronar123
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You raided the wrong colony, fool!

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

Requesting help comparing different horses.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:39 PM PST

There's now a standalone mod adding horses. Yet there's also an AnimalCollabProj, which has horses as well. While it's obvious that only one should be used, I got curious about their stats. Unfortunately, I have low free time on my hands. Can anyone assist me in comparing stats of these two different horses? Just posting pictures with their information box should be enough.

submitted by /u/Garr_Incorporated
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Twilek Tribal Start -2nd Year (Star Wars + Medieval Mod)

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:39 PM PST

I've looked and cannot figure out which mod is making my cooking priority messed up.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:04 PM PST

Now i'm only assuming it's a mod as i have the supplies and the jobs and priorities setup. I don't know if there is a way to check a log and see what mod is messing me up.

Even when my cook is set to 1 on cooking he doesn't do it unless forced.

The Mods: https://puu.sh/yJxqg/c1909f495d.png



submitted by /u/AlexCail
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The ultimate automated powerplant. The cultivator

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST

Interesting bug/mod effect(?)

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST

I have the "Enlighten" mod installed that leads to characters having enhanced movement and manipulation in brightly lit areas and a movement penalty in darkness due to them moving more carefully.

I just noticed an unexpected, yet entertaining effect of this. I recently rescued someone from an escape pod. They were severely wounded but after patching them up, they were able to walk not long afterwards. However, due to the "dark environment" effect lowering their movement and doors counting as dark areas, they cannot move through doors without collapsing.

Not that I'm complaining or annoyed by this, I just found it funny.

submitted by /u/chamolibri
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I feel like this was named after a person.

Posted: 18 Dec 2017 06:45 PM PST

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