Grand Theft Auto V - GTA Online Has Become A Lazy Overpriced Cash Grab - GTA Discussion

GTA Online Has Become A Lazy Overpriced Cash Grab - GTA Discussion

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:29 AM PST

Hollywood meets GTA

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:52 AM PST

Only in Rockstar’s universe does “compliments of” not mean “free”

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:25 AM PST

Why hasn't RockStar purged the online leaderboards of obvious cheaters?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST


It's pretty fucking obvious that blatant cheaters are sitting on top of the online leaderboards.

I guess R* doesn't really care, so long as they sell their shitty shark cards.

submitted by /u/lolmusic0954
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Bought the hangar workshop on black Friday sales, now it's gone.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:18 PM PST

As per the title. Bought it for half price this weekend gone. Purchased a plane tonight and Ron called me saying it would be great if thete was a workshop on-site. I thought it was a stupid glitch because I had already purchased it. Only it wasn't a glitch. I don't have my workshop anymore. I'm 100% positive I bought it because I worked for a few hours to make enough to buy it. I also bought the mobile operations centre and splurged on the yacht (because at 2 mil it's not terrible, even though there's not much to use it for).

I thought I was sitting pretty because I had been thrifty picking up some deals that would be of good use. Anyone else have something like this happen? Is there any way to rectify this?

submitted by /u/Pharmerguy13
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Last i played the online, my experience was terrible.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:20 AM PST

I logged in after some renewed interest in this game about 2 months ago. The first thing i noticed was that the apartment i was in had about 100 clones of me in different outfits walking around and all my cars were gone.

I took a step outside, got in a car and blew up everything i touched. Obviously there was a hacker in this game.

So i back out, search again for another server, and am placed in a server by myself, where i remain for about half an hour alone, before i search again. This time i got into a game with people who were begging the hacker to give them cash.

I quickly uninstalled. Has there been any big improvements since then? I really enjoyed adversary mode and open world roaming back in the day....

Its really a shame that the cops and robbers mode from gta 4 isn't in this game.

submitted by /u/GreatWork123
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The $4,750,000 question... Hydra or Buzzard (or your own suggestion, who knows) for legitimate, peaceful, CEO cargo/import/export/gunrunning?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:39 PM PST

Edit: I went Buzzard. It was even £400,000 off. CEO jobs are now ridiculously fast. No more trying to take down three choppers at once that have made off with crates and realising I'm all outta rocket ammo... Thanks for the input!

submitted by /u/TheGruesomeTwosome
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Now that we can customize jets, planes, helicopters, flying motorcycles, MOC’s, offices, apartments, etc....

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:18 PM PST

We should have the ability to customize bicycles too! Nothing crazy like mounted weapons or anything. Just being able to change the colors, bike rims and tires, choose different/lighter frames, and adjusting the suspension, would be awesome. I doubt it'll happen at this point, but that's the DLC I personally want to see.

submitted by /u/X--Henny--X
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When you've been waiting 4 years for something...sometimes you get a little over excited.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:17 AM PST

Cocaine Lockup Not Producing???

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:20 PM PST

I bought a a clubhouse and then I bought the cocaine lockup. I got a full supply in the cocaine lockup but it's not producing anything, even though I have my workers, and I even have one of the upgrades! The supplies are depleting though. HELP

submitted by /u/CodBeserkerBeast
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Your car is bomb-proof. You are not.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 04:31 AM PST

Returning after a long hiatus on a new platform

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:38 PM PST

Looking for tips to help ease the grind (both rp and money) being that I have done a lot of it before. I havent played since the release of the zentorno so I have a lot of content to experience just am now trying to reach it. Looking to make friends/join a crew as well PSN TeaNMuffins

submitted by /u/TheMuffinMan1291
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(gta online) Greatness

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:59 PM PST

Is it possible to hook a white shark onto an aa carrier?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:28 PM PST

I bought both thinking the aa carrier needed the shark, I also don't want to use the shitty truck it comes with


submitted by /u/Vinhnee
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