Elder Scrolls Online - Workshop Wednesday - Give Crafting Tips, Offer Services, Help Your Fellow Crafters!

Workshop Wednesday - Give Crafting Tips, Offer Services, Help Your Fellow Crafters!

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Workshop Wednesday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Workshop Wednesday is a thread aimed at all things crafting, from sharing tips and knowledge, providing assistance, or offering crafting services to others.

Got a way to get more of those pesky crafting mats into your inventory? Have a rare recipe you're willing to produce for others? Just want to help with crafting as a whole? Let the community know here!

Crafting is a deep system in The Elder Scrolls Online with multiple professions, so be sure to participate in the thread whether you're a crafting novice or a master at sweetroll baking.

Please keep in mind the 'no personal attacks' rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

In addition, please be careful about posting in-game information about your account name/characters for conducting crafting business. We recommend contact information be shared privately to keep your account secure.

We look forward to your contributions!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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[Media] Argonian Defense Strategies - Detachable Tails

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 11:51 PM PST

[Media] When you stand in red to kill yourself in-game

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 12:23 AM PST

BOAT�� team’s first VHoF clear!!!

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:46 PM PST

Deconstruction of Transmuted items

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

If I change the trait of a ruby ash Fire staff to nirnhoned and deconstructed it would I get a potent nirncrux from the deconstruction.

submitted by /u/GoingUpInFlamez
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[Discussion]Dungeon Keeper & Guildhall Siege in Homestead

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

The idea came across my mind and I felt urged to share it:

Wouldn't it be awesome to have traps, NPC spawners, offensive & defensive siege engines in homestead, so that we can play Tower Defense, Dungeon Keeper and Guild vs Guild siege?

In addition, we can add a leader board to show the most popular and best rated player-created dungeons, as well as the most impenetrable guild stronghold that withstands the most full-scale assaults. It would be definitely fun!

submitted by /u/MaxTW
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[All] What is your favorite region?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 02:32 PM PST

Perhaps include why as well? I'd love to see the specific reasons you like it so much.

Edit: Thanks for all the replies folks, I was so glad to read through all your reasons for loving the places you do!

submitted by /u/Evilparkman
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how is playing a templar healer in pvp cyrodil?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:09 AM PST

Hello, I have both 50 level templar and sorcerer. Im only CP155 so nearing 160 cp and I have to admit that Im still not entirely sure whether to play in pvp a templar and be a dedicated healer or being a dmg with mag sorcerer. I guess that is something I have to figure out on my own but how is healing in pvp? There is something to it when you see someone being beat but by someone and then you come arround saving his ass (at least that is what I imagine it would be like in this game - havent pvped much yet) but what will be easier for me if Im only CP 160 fresh?

Playing on xbox btw

submitted by /u/Trhanec
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[PC] Not Spooky Enough

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:43 AM PST

What to do when ganked?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:29 PM PST

I'm not very experienced in PvP, so I'm still kind of at a loss at what I should do if I'm ganked by a nightblade or any other class really. I'm a magplar if that matters, not a vamp either.

submitted by /u/Roxulbox
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Old Imperial Edition Exclusives ( Collectors Edition )

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 02:47 AM PST

I am thinking about returning to the game and now Im planning to buy the imperial edition to my account but I have some questions before that. Is there any exclusive Imperial Edition items that is not available rightnow? For example, there is Morrowind collectors edition that includes exclusive items and I believe there will be a time where we can not obtain them simply. I'm a bit weird like I have to have everthing related to the name of Imperial or their style if Im going to play as an Imperial. I checked the images on google and saw nothing about extra items at all. The only thing I see is that play any race, scuttler vanity pet, treasure maps and 5 days early access. Can you guys PLEASE tell the every item that was available back in the days for pre purchase or collectors pack or whatever? And also please mention that if they are still available. Thank you all for the helps. Thank you.

submitted by /u/IhaveQuestions--
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What is the endgame content?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 07:37 PM PST

Hey guys, I've given Eso many chances in the past however, I never reached max level. I was just wondering what the endgame was like? How does gearing work? Is there raiding similar to wow? What is it that keeps players online once they've reached max level? I need to get myself into an mmo again and Eso is on my list. Thanks :)

submitted by /u/Tenesty
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Is there any special significance to 300 cp?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 06:42 PM PST

On AlcastHQ they have CP 690 builds and CP 300 builds. I understand the former is the cap, but what about 300? Unless I'm missing something it seems pretty arbitrary. Why would I not work toward the 690 build to begin with?

Edit: Thanks folks!

submitted by /u/AxonPotential
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Zenimax Please Remake The Racial Passives

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

To all devs, please make this happen. This will make this game much more greater than now. We are FORCED to play limited for that reason and its not only that. We were FORCED to change our races when you made changes to the stam DK. Yes, the poison DK. I wanted to play Dunmer stam DK but I cant now because I cant min max my character if I do. Some may disagree with the idea ( Simply most of them picked their current characters according to those PASSIVES, not all for sure ) but THAT DOESNT MEAN THEY CANT CHANGE YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS PASSIVES INTO SOMETHING COMPLETELY A DIFFERENT THING. So do you feel the DANGER now? I want to play a stam nightblade Dunmer but I cant. Even if I play magicka DK as a dunmer who is going to give me their word about not touching my character? Because I and alot of people here dont want to change their races or classes to the meta EVEN IF THEY ALLOW ME TO CHANGE IT FOR FREE. The character has its own value to Us, to players. I dont see a single harm on this idea. This thing is keeping me sad for two years and Im here to ask for this update. If you want them to imply this SMALL UPDATE please upvote this topic so they can see it simply. PLEASE, Zenimax. For the players and for better TESO. Thank you all.

submitted by /u/IhaveQuestions--
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[PC] [Warden] Does "Lotus Flower" (and its morphs) proc green balance passives (e.g. maturation & accelerated growth

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 08:41 PM PST


If I'm a warden using lotus flower (or one of its morphs e.g. lotus blossom):

Lotus Flower

Embrace the lotus blessing, causing Light Attack to restore Health and your Heavy Attack to restore Health to you or a nearby ally for 20 seconds.

Would this proc either (or both) of the two green balance passives:


When healing you or an ally with a Green Balance ability, grant them Minor Toughness,

Accelerated Growth

When healing you or an ally under 50% Health with a Green Balance ability gain Major Mending,

I mean technically you're healing them via Lotus Flower (a green balance ability) but it's not 'direct' like Fungal Growth etc.

Does anybody know?


submitted by /u/D1gb1ck
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Whats the best way to earn money over 1 month thats enugh to buy DC overlook

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 01:54 PM PST

DottzGaming lays down fire for the Devs in his first Fireside Podcast. Check it out!?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:46 AM PST

Which Undaunted Chest should i open as a Stam Nightblade?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 12:59 PM PST

Im about to reach CP 160 and would like to know which Chest should i open ? I have 8 Keys.

submitted by /u/ilikecookieslawl
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MagPlar DPS / Warden Healer for vTrials

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:32 AM PST

So, I'm CP600 and I'm starting to play vTrials. I play mostly ranged DD (High Elf PetSorc) or Healer (High Elf Templar)

I was thinking to respec my templar as Ranged DD and make a new Argonian Warden Healer

MagPlars DD are so rare and I'm not sure how well they perform

  • Is MagPlar DPS that bad? They still provide shards and have faster ress
  • For healing in vTrials, is it better 2 templars or 1 warden + 1 templar?
submitted by /u/Gibus043
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So Xbox has and mouse and keyboard support now .. would that help with getting my dps up , etc?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:35 PM PST

Sometimes when I try to animation cancel, either the animation cancel doesn't go off, or the skill I was trying to cancel doesn't go off.

I've heard mouse and keyboard out performs but idk. It uses an adapter so idk if the input lag / precision would still be the same though.

submitted by /u/ghost_sanctum
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[XBOX] - Bought a used copy of Morrowind, need clarification

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 03:03 AM PST

Last week I bought a used copy of ESO morrowind at gamestop. I am under the impression that the disc is the base game and there is an access code for the morrowind expansion (let me know if this is wrong). I was hoping for the base game to see if I would be interested without a big financial commitment. They sold me the morrowind edition disc, letting me know the disc is just the base game. Since installing, I seem to have access to Vvardenfell and other Morrowind content. Even more weirdly, I have the Dwarven War Dog pet, which I found is part of the pre-order edition. I bought this used last week. I can't seem to find much on if this is a common occurance. I'm concerned that maybe ESO will charge me through the xbox store as I have access to something I never purchased. If anyone has experience with this, will my access be revoked at some point, maybe with an update or such? I quite like the Warden character, but I'd rather not invest the time to build it up if there is a chance it will be deleted. Same concern with questing in Vvardenfell. I didn't want to bring this up with customer support in case they just delete the thing from my account. This happen to anybody else? TL;DR Bought used copy of ESO Morrowind with no access code. Have access to Morrowind content. Want to know if I can be billed through Xbox store for this somehow or access will be revoked shortly.

submitted by /u/gasexplosion
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[PC] Just about to start, character advice?

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 04:36 PM PST

I'm just about to finshing DL the game and was curious fi you guys had a fun, starter character and build to try out?

submitted by /u/Leimrey
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LF: Warden stamina build

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:58 AM PST

Any recommendations/links to a good builds? Just hit lvl 50.

I'm a solo player and having a hard time figuring it out..

submitted by /u/WchaUp
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New player looking for friends and group play (PS4/NA)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 01:56 AM PST

Hello all and happy holidays, I'm looking to round up some new friends for some fun adventures and group play on PS4! If you want to add me I'm NextFubuPlayer, just send me a message along with invite.

submitted by /u/BanditKief
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Noob here

Posted: 26 Dec 2017 05:02 PM PST

So I just bought ESO as I love elder scrolls games but, I'm not a massive fan of mmo's. I sank a good 100+ hours onto black desert online however and was just wondering is this game as grindy as bdo at late game and also how does it compare to bdo?

submitted by /u/durkelel
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