Elder Scrolls Online - Tech Art in Tamriel: The Elder Scrolls Online's Character Tools and Pipeline

Tech Art in Tamriel: The Elder Scrolls Online's Character Tools and Pipeline

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:06 PM PST

Booty had me like

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:29 AM PST

you try to do something nice...

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:58 PM PST

so I was feeling festive and decided to try and give out my next batch of provisions to new player on stros m'kai and surely enough it got thrown back in my face on the very first person who responded. After taking about 150 free items based on his resource use he then decided I needed to be his opponent and wouldn't stop trying to dual me then started harassing me thru the zone chat allllll with my free items in his inventory. Of course he ended up being on a toon and shoved the Cameron throne in the chat (idk if that is something hard to get or something) saying I was afraid of a level 10 blah blah just disappointing. btw I'm 100% pve I haven't even tried pvp yet and I said I'm the first place. People are dicks man.

submitted by /u/spectre_phyxium
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ZOS, give us a heavy sack as a novelty furnishing!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:05 AM PST

Returning Player need friends

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:08 AM PST

I'm a returning player and I have been playing the game solo for 2 months now and I am not enjoying the game solo and really want to make a group and play together. I really love playing this game just not on my own. My ID is @Jumpy1995. I have a Nightblade and Warden both 50 and I'm 250 cp on Europe server PC and I'm from Scotland so just message me if you're interested. Thank you

submitted by /u/Jumpy1995
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Velidreth steal ults from backbar?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

I was just tanking vCoS and had War Horn on my front bar and Magma Armor on my backbar. I wasn't swapping bars and waiting for 250 ult for warhorn but she kept stealing my ults at 210ish. I couldn't figure it out because my ult wasn't ready.

I then realized I had Magma Armor on my backbar which only requires 200 ult. I wasn't swapped to that bar when she kept stealing ults.

Is this intended or is this a bug? Next time I will just put War Horn on both bars.

submitted by /u/Bipolar_Chihuahua
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Magicka Sorcerer build [Question]

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:58 PM PST

What is the BIS for Non pet magicka sorcerers who don't have maelstrom lightning staff.

submitted by /u/GoingUpInFlamez
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How do you make money?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:49 AM PST

I'm like level 24 and have maybe 13k my highest character is 34 and I maybe have 25k on her. Obviously selling items or stealing them and selling those isn't working. Outside crafting and dungeons is there a way to make money?

submitted by /u/ExoCayde6
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Fool's Errand feelin festive

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:07 AM PST

How are wardens on vet end game?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:32 AM PST

I just bought morrowind to try and get into the game I thought have a class that has 3 different skill sets would be a lot better than just one. I know everyone can play anything but they never had a skill tree for it.

submitted by /u/Nuka-Cola1
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Magblade pvp rotation

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:12 AM PST

So I'm have a difficult time killing players with my new magblade, and I could really use some help with my rotation, so here's what I'm running.

Race: dark elf (yes ik, it's a shitty race for magblade)

Gear: all light, except for one heavy, or is also all purple, except for inferno staff which is gold 5 shacklebreaker, all infused 5 necro, 2 impen and 3 spell damage Grothdar shoulders Inferno staff nirnhoned, shock glyph Restro staff powered, magic dmg glyph

Passive: all of them, except for mages and fighters guild and undaunted

Skills: Front bar- piercing mark, destructive clench, swallow soul, merciless resolve, mass hysteria, ultimate is soul harvest

Backbar- shadowy image, shadowy disguise, healing ward, crippling grasp, siphoning strikes, ultimate is soul tether

Cp: 405, they are distributed properly to the build I'm following

Mundus Stones: the mage

submitted by /u/NemensorZ
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[PC/Xbox] Morrowind $15 on Newegg

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:10 AM PST

Hey everyone,

If you go to Newegg and add either the PC or Xbox One Morrowind to your cart, proceed to checking-out and put in "EMCBCBG42" into the promo codes box the game will be reduced to $14.99.

The code only seems to work with these two options on Newegg. Hopefully this is helpful to someone.


Xbox One

submitted by /u/fansty909
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Is templar with bow skills good for new player

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:18 AM PST

I am sick of my main charecter dying alot and alot in solo dungeons, i started templar build. I am now lv 7, and able to take down a troll with triple or quadriple of my hp easily. Due to using healing for magica only, and basic attack of bow. Sometimes i dont dodge the red line, because i want to maximize the usage of single target healing.

I am not doing any quest except traveling to quest event that is going now. (Got stuck on finding the second object for the quest despite walking toward all stone fall for the castle forgot the name.)

Is it better to use the stamina for the bow skill damage, and magica for healing skills?

submitted by /u/kingfey2008
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Haven’t played in a while what do these symbols mean

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:25 PM PST

Hi there I'm on na Xbox and I haven't played in a few months and am getting back into the game and when I went to my bank most of my armor pieces have a magnifying glass next to them and others have a blue circle with arrows coming down from it, what do these symbols mean exactly? Thanks in advance

submitted by /u/ChillDill00
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[PC][Help] Buying the game, please help me with some basics I couldn't find online

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:14 PM PST

Hey all, I was hoping people here could give me some help. I want to make a Thor like character that does lightning damage and also Melee. I dont want to carry around a staff tho. Can I shoot magic with one hand and use a hammer in the other? And if anyone has any basic build advice that would be awesome, I am starring at the character creation screen and I am not sure how best to proceed. Thanks!

submitted by /u/DawdlingScientist
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Betnikh Bot Train

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:42 AM PST

Last night, I noticed a couple dozen pets swarming around and chasing down wolves. I reported the bots. They were gone this morning, but replaced by an entirely new group of bots. Is this a year round problem in this area? It's a bit of a hinderance with the New Life Festival.

submitted by /u/CheckeredHero
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Mud balls in Skywatch.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:39 PM PST

If you hit a guard with a mud ball during the New Life Festival quest, bounty, yo.

submitted by /u/MattyGoodfella
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Dual Wielding vs. Two-Handed?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:12 AM PST

I'm new to the game, and I guess I'm confused. I've been using a two-handed weapon for my character, but I just learned that most one-handed weapons do almost as much damage as a two-handed one. If I were to dual wield, wouldn't that make my damage output almost twice as high, with no detriment?

submitted by /u/031-ExuberantWitness
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Winter daily reset time

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:05 PM PST

Is it 20 or 24 hours? Zone chat isn't asnwering.

submitted by /u/Theresa_Barkskin
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Noob frustration

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:39 PM PST

Is it normal to spend hours a day just searching for things like iron or oak? I can't seem to find what I need for the daily crafting writs. And I can't find a guild store that sells the lower level materials. I'm getting disheartened.

submitted by /u/sassylittlespoon
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Amazing load screens

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

Does anyone know the directory location for these amazing load screens? Need to use them as wallpaper STAT.

submitted by /u/appsbyaaron
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Leveling up to 50?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:52 PM PST

So the question is pretty much leveling up in the Elder Scrolls now I noticed there is a lot of quests and I've been reading that a lot of people have been finishing the main story Quest around level 15? That seems a little bit odd to me so pretty much what is the quickest way for me to level to do all the side quest to grind mobs? just I'm a complete and total noob the last time I played was when the game launched if anybody can give me a little bit of beginners Insight on how to level up that would be perfect thank you

submitted by /u/Madhardcore
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Minor quality of life improvement suggestion for future updates

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:02 AM PST

Can we please get an extra stat on our character sheets for physical and spell penetration? I can't imagine it would be hard to implement and it would be really helpful, especially on console since I'm sure there are PC adding that do this already

submitted by /u/Celebrimbor96
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Soul assault vs ball of lightning ?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:26 PM PST

The other day, someone soul assaulted me, I BoL'd away, and to my surprise, the orb left behind ate it.

Is this intended ? Please tell me this working as intended.


submitted by /u/ghost_sanctum
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