Elder Scrolls Online - [Daily] Set discussion: Vampire Cloak |
- [Daily] Set discussion: Vampire Cloak
- [Media] Looks like the ESO team snuck in a friendly TES V: Skyrim joke (NPC looks so smug about it, too)
- [Media] This game needs more old people characters! I've seen a few "Gandalf"s, but never grannies!
- Happy New Life from the Imperial Legion
- PS4- Can't log into Cyrodil what's so ever.
- Vet dungeon level
- Tons of crowns, what to buy?
- How long does it take to get used to a rotation ? Pve dps
- [PC][Help] I am getting wrecked, long post inside, please help me
- poll what do you want in next dlc, and what do you think there will be?
- Me and Raz taking in the scenery
- [Xbox] NA Server. Did the game die off a bit?
- Looking for Warden Race Healer/Tank opinions
- [Discussion] Infused/Divines or all Divines?
- Shooting Star vs Rapid Fire Ultimate
- Returning Player, looking for advice on Stamina DK or NB
- A Breton Mag Sorc, how bad is it?
- [PC/NA] Anyone else Playing in Asia/Australia with 200ish ping all of a sudden getting 400+ ??
- TIL Your mounts can "die". :( The horse let out a painful dying screech on impact. Same with wolves.
- ESO Gold editions vs Morrowind
- VMA 2H on stam sorc?
- World's First Dragonknight 600K Maelstrom Arena Score - @LZH
- [PS4] Which campaign is my best bet for getting the skyshards behind the Pact (i.e., red) gates?
- Last stage maelstrom
- Coop questing?
[Daily] Set discussion: Vampire Cloak Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST Vampire Cloak Obtainable as: Jewels, Weapons, Heavy Armor Type: Overland Location: Rivenspire
Set Bonuses
Be sure to think about strengths, weaknesses, counters, and synergies in your discussions. Please vote based on contribution, not opinion.
Information about this set was provided by ElderScrollsBote. I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 08:51 AM PST
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[Media] This game needs more old people characters! I've seen a few "Gandalf"s, but never grannies! Posted: 20 Dec 2017 03:45 PM PST
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Happy New Life from the Imperial Legion Posted: 20 Dec 2017 04:00 PM PST
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PS4- Can't log into Cyrodil what's so ever. Posted: 20 Dec 2017 11:37 PM PST Not sure what's going on. Came home from work, ate, farmed some dungeons and tried going into Vivec PVP. When I get in the campaign, all I see is the black screen. Few seconds later I'm kicked out and I have to log back on another character. Not sure what's going on or how to fix this. I have tried this on all three factions but it keeps doing the same damn thing. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 10:34 PM PST Why do so many people que for vet dungeons when they haven't done the dungeon or under cp 160? It make me so mad... I seriously don't get it. If you don't know the mechanics don't que for a vet dungeon. If your under 160 don't que for a vet dungeon. Am I missing something? Why can't ESO change this. Even WoW had a gear check to que for "vet" dungeons. Why can ESO do a cp requirement? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 11:49 PM PST So I am an old player looking to return to ESO. Apparently when I quit playing, I forgot to cancel my sub. So yeah, I have 21,000 crowns and am curious what you guys think I should spend them on? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
How long does it take to get used to a rotation ? Pve dps Posted: 21 Dec 2017 02:34 AM PST So I was using magsorc, petsorc. I got 4 moondancer , Julianos , and ilambris . I was only pulling 27k on a pet sorc. I heard magblade dps was pretty height so I was wondering if I tried that set up on magblade , would my dps go up? It actually got lower. I think I average 19k so far. So I recently just tested a pve rotation on stam builds. On stamblade I got 20k , but on stam dk only 18k. Using hundings spriggan s velidreth. I disappointedly went back to magsorc because at least 27k is more than enough for regular vet dungeons ( did imperial city and felt bummed out we couldn't beat last boss, even I've experienced icp being a cake walk on my magsorc) Ok my magsorc, I'm now only pulling 22k dps now. This concerns me because I was on round 8 on maelstrom , and if my rotation is shoddier than before that maelstrom is gonna get way harder for me. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
[PC][Help] I am getting wrecked, long post inside, please help me Posted: 20 Dec 2017 09:27 PM PST Ok I am going to put down everything so I can see where I went wrong. I played Skyrim like 5 years ago or something and so far I have died 100x more in this and I am only level 10. I watched a bunch of guides and stuff about character building but man I just can stay alive. I know my first mistake was ignoring the starter islands, I didnt know what I was doing and left right away. I also Ignored the starter quest because I could figure out how the interface worked and get back to it. I started on the main quest line right away and joined the mages guild right away. I am putting all my points into magic and wearing all light armor except one medium and one heavy as I was instructed in guides. I use all the storm calling skills up to level 15, destruction staff force pulse, wall of elements and all passives I have unlocked for Brenton, Light armor, destruction staff. I think I keep getting into areas that are too high of level? Idk It seems like I die everywhere lol Is this game just like that or? Can someone tell me what I should be focusing on? I try a little bit of main quest and die or mages guild and also die. I thought magic would be easy mode lol I think one of the issues I have is stamina. I keep running out and then dying but the sorc builds I have seen always just max magic and nothing else. EDIT: Ok I am crushing now, a few things were happening, most of my armor was broken, I didnt realized I hadnt leveled up my magicka in 6 levels, got the pet dino to tank for me so that ironed out my early game issues. And thanks to the helpful guides posted for later on I don't think I will have too much more rage inducing trouble. Thanks everyone! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
poll what do you want in next dlc, and what do you think there will be? Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:04 AM PST Hi So i made a strawpoll. What do you think will be in the next big dlc: https://strawpoll.com/sxsrhrz1 And what do you want in the next big dlc: https://strawpoll.com/9aeppw3s :) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Me and Raz taking in the scenery Posted: 20 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST
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[Xbox] NA Server. Did the game die off a bit? Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:32 AM PST Just got back into ESO after a good break. Use to play religiously for a long time. Bought Morrowind, and started up a new character. The last time I played (maybe 5 months ago) places were always so populated that I had to enter my own party chat just to tune out the 50+ people all talking. I've strolled around Morrowind, gone back to Davons Watch (Pact4lyfe) and been to a few other major cities. All had people running around, sure, but I haven't seen one huge crowd of people yet. Didn't Clockwork City just drop? Is everyone there? My question is, WHERE IS EVERYONE? I kinda miss the lag of running though the city and having to start my own party to drown it out. Now it's just....silence. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Looking for Warden Race Healer/Tank opinions Posted: 20 Dec 2017 07:34 PM PST I currently have a Nord Warden, but after much playing around I'm finding I don't enjoy dpsing, but I LOVE healing. I could see myself getting into tanking at some point, but not right now. I'm not happy with Nord as my race, so I'm going to get a race change with the crowns I've accrued. I see Argonians are probably best for both Healing and Tanking wardens... but I'm not a huge fan of how they look. I sorta prefer Breton. I know I can do whatever I want... but I'm the type of player who likes to be the best, or at least competitive, and not gimp myself because of race bonuses. Is it worth not looking ideal for the great bonuses I'd get for Argonian then? TL;DR - For healing/possibly tanking in pve is argonian THAT much better than breton for wardens? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
[Discussion] Infused/Divines or all Divines? Posted: 20 Dec 2017 09:19 PM PST For armor (specifically light armor) is big pieces Infused/little pieces Divines still the best option, or is all Divines now preferred? I know it could probably boil down to personal choice but what should influence the decision? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Shooting Star vs Rapid Fire Ultimate Posted: 21 Dec 2017 12:52 AM PST Hey everyone! Was wondering if I could get a clear answer for which if these ultimates would be better on a stamina Nightblade. Been reading other forums, and people are saying Shooting Star is better than Rapid Fire. Still learning and practicing my class, I'm bow/bow build atm. Hitting 15k at 160 CP no pots and such. I feel I'm improving little by little, go easy on me! Haha. But yes I would love to read people's opinions on here regarding these Ultimates. Thanks in advance for your replies! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Returning Player, looking for advice on Stamina DK or NB Posted: 20 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST Hey everyone, I'm looking to return to the game after quite some time (can't even remember when I last played). I don't want to jump back on my lvl 49 Magicka Sorc because I won't remember how to play (and I got bored of it at the time). I'd rather start a new character. I've been reading up on Stamina DKs and Stamina Nightblades and I can't seem to figure out which one I should try. Here's what I'm interested in:
On top of this, some other questions would be:
Thank you all for the help! Even if you could just point me at some discussions about this topic I failed to find would be great. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
A Breton Mag Sorc, how bad is it? Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:53 AM PST I made a Brenton sorc purely because I wanted the most African American looking avatar. Also, my favorite style in mmo's is usually a range casters. So, I know a Breton is better suited for a Stam Sorc and I may give it a try at end game, but if I don't, how bad off am I for PVE and PVP. Is the difference so big, that I'll get kicked from dungeons or not be viable for end game pve and/or pvp? I'm currently lvl 13, so I want to come to terms with this asap and know what I'm in for. Thanks in advance! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
[PC/NA] Anyone else Playing in Asia/Australia with 200ish ping all of a sudden getting 400+ ?? Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:49 AM PST | ||||||||||
TIL Your mounts can "die". :( The horse let out a painful dying screech on impact. Same with wolves. Posted: 20 Dec 2017 02:46 PM PST
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ESO Gold editions vs Morrowind Posted: 21 Dec 2017 03:47 AM PST Hey, sorry in advance if there has been a lot of these posts. I have been struggling with Christmas presents this year so was thinking of getting everyone in my family ESO on Xbox One as a game we could all play together. I was just wondering if it would be better to get the gold edition first and then if everyone enjoys it maybe buy the morrowind seperately at a later date, or if morrowind is a lot better than the base game and it is worth getting that first and then maybe buying the DLC at a later date if everyone enjoys it? Thanks in advance for any help, and I hope you all have a great Christmas! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST Currently trying and failing to beat VMA and before I go through the stress of beating it, i was wondering if it is worth it to get the 2H weapon for my stam sorc. My plan was to run 5/2/3 set and use the 2H for the front bar weapon. I was thinking crit charge>uppercut>reverse slash as the basic rotation (obviously using bow DoTs and light attack weaving) this was just a basic idea. I figured with crit surge and hurricane up along with all of this would work well. Im loving the stam sorc play style because damage basically heals you. I also like 2H because of the gap closer and the execution. I was planning on using this is pvp more than pve if that helps Thoughts? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
World's First Dragonknight 600K Maelstrom Arena Score - @LZH Posted: 20 Dec 2017 05:14 AM PST
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[PS4] Which campaign is my best bet for getting the skyshards behind the Pact (i.e., red) gates? Posted: 20 Dec 2017 08:34 PM PST My character is part of the Covenant. I got the Dominion skyshards pretty easily, but so far I haven't had any luck waiting for either the Dominion or Covenant to take the keeps guarding either of the Pact gates. My home campaign is Kyne and my guest campaign is Sotha Sil. The Pact dominates literally the entire map on Sotha Sil, and they've also been performing strongly enough to hold the keeps on Kyne. Have prospects been any better on Vivec or Shor lately? These skyshards are the only PvE elements left for me to do in Cyrodiil, and I'm hoping it won't take weeks or months of waiting... [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 20 Dec 2017 06:46 PM PST I really don't understand the portal mechanic on the last stage it seems like every time I try to use one it never works and then when it does work it's completely random can someone explain it? Edit: 100 soul gems later and I finally beat it thank you everyone for all your tips 😁 [link] [comments] | ||||||||||
Posted: 21 Dec 2017 01:39 AM PST I last played Eso in 2014 and it wasn't a great coop experience. Quest progress didn't share, like picking up items etc, and sometimes you'd be stuck in different phases. How is the questing now? Was considering duoing the game with my partner, starting with the Morrowind content in Vvardenfell. Can you do the main Morrowind story as a group? Pretty sure you couldn't for the Vestige main story quest. Cheers ears. [link] [comments] |
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