Diablo - My first usable Primal Ancient replaced my best regular ancient with my first and only stat augment.

My first usable Primal Ancient replaced my best regular ancient with my first and only stat augment.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:30 PM PST

Tonight I got my first ever gem past level 100 and augmented my best item, my Blade of Prophecy. Then I decide to start leveling up some other gems to around 50~60 so that when I do join groups, I can at least level them up without it feeling like a waste.

I just purge all the legendaries I don't need from my storage chest, I'm only wearing like 4 ancient items that are good, desperate for ancient legs, belt, rings, gloves, chest,.. loads of options...

I do a random level 60 greater rift,.. got some nice "potential" upgrades,.. Blade, Ring, Necklace,... hit that book of cain.

A primal legendary,.. my first one that will actually fit into my build.

This game is tormenting me,.. the primal ancient, whilst I should not at all complain... is replacing my already best item I have,.. and I only about 15 minutes ago put my first ever Caldesann's Despair on it.... Arghhhh

submitted by /u/Sariusmonk
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D3GEM: the unfinished project for a Diablo 3 trading post

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST

A long time ago, when the expansion was not released yet, we were all living with the auction house madness and trading with items and gold was a thing, I started working in a website that would allow everyone to trade items very easily, providing a very powerful search engine, removing the 250 million gold cap price, adding different types of currencies (like gems), and avoiding the official auction house fee.

The main problem was, who would want to use an external website to sell their items when you can do it in a few clicks ingame? Who would want to add the affixes and properties of every single item? If the website was not very easy to use, nobody would use it. Remember that, at this time, the Battle.net API would not allow you to get the items from your character!

Here is where OCR (Optical Character Recognition) comes in. With some skill I was able to train an OCR system that was able to recognize all the affixes of any item from the game only with a screenshot. That way, you just had to upload a screenshot of your item and the system would read and fill in the information for your item. Just a few clicks, set the price, and publish it!

With that small tool, anyone could post that super cool item they got for any amount of gold or gems that they wanted and just wait for offers! Eventually, the website would reveal the Battle.tag so they can just meet ingame and finish the trade. Easy, quick and simple, it was going to be a success. No more complicated posts in forums that were not ready for trading,... a very specific system, efficient search and easy posting, securing every user with a Battle.net account, karma system, no spam, no scams...

However, this all changed when Reaper of Souls was published... Right when I had the core of D3GEM done, it was confirmed that, with Loot 2.0, all the trade will be removed from the game and legendary items would be linked to the account from then on. The project made no sense anymore and, when I was very close to have a first alpha version, I had to abandon it.

But I wanted to share this story with you, 4 years later, of what it could have been and with some screenshots of the website (don't mind the design!). I have an online version but given that it may not be secure enough I would keep it to myself. I can tell you it is still working even with some Loot 2.0 items :)

  • Frontpage: This was going to be the home screen while in development, just a simple tool to try the item identificator.
  • Item list: This was going to be the first screen, a list of the last added items and easy access to search and sell. Price was set to be gold and the highest rank gem at the time.
  • Item details: When you clicked on an item you would go to a screen with all the details, when it was posted and how to contact the seller.
  • Search results: Search function let you look for the perfect item, all the affixes were available as well as rarity, legendary item name, and type of item.
  • Selling an item, the magic gem: This is the fun part, to sell an item you had to add it to your stash first. For that, you had to upload a screenshot directly from D3.
  • Selling an item, selection: The screenshot was then loaded into the webpage and, with your mouse, you had to cut a rectangle where your item description was.
  • Selling an item, properties: The text recognition software would recognize the affixes and stats of your item and would add them to the system. Sometimes this wouldn't work that well, but there was a lot of room for improvement. The idea was that in just a few clicks, you had your item listed and published, no need to manually introduce stats and affixes. So far, it was not ready to detect the name, type of object and it's DPS/Armor yet. Also, for this example, fire damage only captured one number instead of the interval, but you could always edit and fix this.
  • My Stash: After adding the item you would see it in your stash. This was a very quick way to see all the items that you had in the system. Items with the black tag are currently published.
  • My Stash, details: Clicking on an item, you could see its stats and you could publish/unpublish it, or update its price and description.
  • Registration: The registration form was super simple, username, password, email, BattleTag to validate the account and the server in which you were playing. There was also a phpBB forum and the username was also registered and linked to the forum.
  • BattleTag Validation: One of the most tricky parts was to be able to validate the BattleTag. This was going to be used in order to keep a healthy community, your D3GEM account would be linked to your BattleTag so there won't be multiple accounts or scammers. At that time there was no way to link your account to Battle.net, just the Diablo 3 API in which you could fetch the account characters and some simple stuff. Therefore, the only way to confirm that your BattleTag was yours was to ask the user to create a character with a specific name and class. D3GEM would access the account data and check that information. If everything was right, it would link your D3GEM account to your BattleTag and activate more characteristics.

The website would run with no advertisments and people could choose to get a premium account to be able to post more items and to contact more people. There would have been a limited free account with a maximum number of published items or something like that, I didn't figure out all those details yet.

Anyway, this was my story, I hope you found it interesting and if you want to know more about this just let me know!

submitted by /u/RandomMan00
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Median XL 1.2 Mod for Diablo 2 is released

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

Is there any way to save player 2 progress in LAN games?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:24 PM PST

We were playing on LAN with a friend, but only the player 1 progress was saved.. Is there any mod or something? Thanks!

submitted by /u/SnakeHaveYou
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Need Some Sader Help

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:00 PM PST

... the question is in regards to condemn sader. Specifically the rune reciprocate and it's exact damage calculation. The rune says, "50% of the damage taken while the explosion is building is added to the damage of the explosion."

So how exactly does it work? Is it going to deal half my life total, like 500,000 if i take 99% of my life in damage?

How does it calculate how much damage happens? Will it deliver that damage as condemn damage and affected by all my other multipliers?

Has anyone tried some condemn play with a zmonk and the sader running "Laws of Justice: Protect the Innocent?"

Is there anything there that could make it more viable in groups than it already is?

submitted by /u/himthatspeaks
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New Player Question

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:52 PM PST

So I used to play on the 360 but now have recently upgraded to the One. That being said, would I please be able to get an explanation of what "Seasons" are broken down barney style?

submitted by /u/tallginger89
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Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:00 AM PST

Does anyone still play? I can never seem to find anyone and I'm not exactly certain of how to actually do online play with D3.

submitted by /u/edavis88
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Seasonal character

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:48 AM PST

New player here, would it be worth it to start a seasonal character right now even tough were already ≈2 months into the season? I would like to get the cosmetic reward but idk if I will have time with this much time left ?

submitted by /u/Goldarrak2
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How to start off with D2

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:03 AM PST

Hey guys

So basically i've never been a big fan of Diablo franchise but got REALLY into it by the time D3 was released. Recently bought a copy of D2 due to everybody saying how much better it was then D3

Now i have no idea how to start off with the game (which class, build.. etc.) so i guessed i reach out to you guys to get some more information of veteran players.

Any kind of Information or tips are welcome:)

submitted by /u/Lee747
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GR 111 n6m4 cold game play solo season 12

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:57 PM PST

Another Silly Question :)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

Does anybody put gems on their followers?

submitted by /u/midget-jen
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Game change idea

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:35 AM PST

Take the nemesis concept from console and port to the pc and change it where it's a hardcore only option.

This feature could be a rare spawn similar to a rainbow goblin or something of the like.

The feature would be a monster where it is the the very thing that killed a friends hard core character or your own.

It could be an arcane torrent a pool of acid a box or a monster. It would have a hit box and life as a boss and when defeated it dropped one piece of gear that was on the hard core character it slew.

Thoughts? It could be a fun ask / wishlist item

submitted by /u/Eric-1375
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Challenge 26 Rift: From nothing to RANK 69 in 16 minutes with NON-DASHING Monk!

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 10:45 AM PST

Maybe 3 new Shard-Types ?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

Its an idea im thinking over quit a while now ..

We could add 3 new Shards:

  • Shards of Pride (Optikal Augments)
  • Shards of Honor (Rune Augments )
  • Shards of Might (Skill Augments )

(keep in mind the names or pure placeholder ^ )


The Basic-Idea of them, is that they only could drop frome GR-Guardians 90/100+ and could be spent on upgrading our Skills and Runes directly, for the cost of X-Shards + X-Paragonpoints. The Drop-Cap shouldn´t be too low, so that you really need some Gear and Paragons on your Hand to even gain this Shards.




It´s quit simple ... You have to choose, whats more important and to have something to grind for ;) Your Paragonpoints ... or a better Skill/Rune


My Basic Idea was to scale it like this:


  • Shards of Pride

You can Augment your Skills with a new Look, for ~250Paragon and 1000 Shards (If its even possible)


  • Shards of Honor

They should enhance your Rune´s with additional Powers:

~500 Paragon + 500 Shards for 0,1% CDR/RCR/CC/IAS/AD up to a max. of the normal Affixes on the Gear. So for CDR it would be 8% (This would only effekt this one Rune of the Skill, but not the other ones of the same Skill, as long as they are not Augmentet themself)


  • Shards of Might

They should enhance your Skills directly with a higher Weap.-Dmg or better Proccoefficient Maybe this should also scale in 2 Steps, so that it wouldn´t become too mighty:

~1000 Paragon + 1000 Shards for ~10-100 Weapon-Dmg. depending on the Skill up to a spec. max. maybe of 3 Augments. ~2000 Paragon + 1500 Shards maybe for 2 additional Augments of the same Skill.


With this, you could nearly always improve your Char. have quit a lot to grind ..... AND maybe (hopfully?) we also could get rid of some of this 5k+ Paragon-Toons out there.


So Guys.. whats your Idea? (pls dont flame too hard :D )

@ /u/Nevalistis Is a System like this even possible with D3, to spent your Paras, for better Skills ?

sinc. ~ Balbero ~

submitted by /u/Opsul
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