Diablo - I see a bunch of D3 players trying d2 for the first time. My question to them is, how are you enjoying it so far and was it worth trying?

I see a bunch of D3 players trying d2 for the first time. My question to them is, how are you enjoying it so far and was it worth trying?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:36 AM PST

I'm curious to see if it holds up the expectations with the perfect game we make it out to be.

submitted by /u/GrimReaperzZ
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What's this talk about a new dupe with vault / puzzle rings all about?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:28 PM PST

I've had a fair bit of spam about it in chat / vault games today. Is this something we need to be worried about?

Dupes don't affect the economy these days but it could create a lot of mats etc.

edit: 3 different people have mentioned there's a new bug when I spam about vault games today. Seems unlikely but you never know with diablo games.

submitted by /u/kodos78
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Necromancer VS BloodRaven (VIDEO) (Happy new year 2018!) from The Curse of Tristram

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:30 PM PST

Veiled Crystal Farm?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:37 PM PST

Does anyone have info or numbers on the fastest way to collect Veiled Crystals? If T13 Rifts, Speed 60 GR's or Bounty farming is the best/fastest way?

submitted by /u/karatekid181
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One feature I'd like to see is customizable chat

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

What I mean is that I want to be able to see communities and whisper at once, but without everything else. Or maybe I want party, whisper, and clan. Or whatever.

The point is right now you have to either pick one and miss everything else; or see everything, including the infinite spam of system messages.

submitted by /u/freet0
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Diablo 3 Hardcore S12 GR 127 Rank#1 EU 4man Zmonk perspective

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 12:43 PM PST

More Character specific stash space

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:50 AM PST

At this point I think I should be featured on the show "hoarders" I play every character and keep decent pieces. Its basically impossible to come back to Non season after a full season of gearing, it is a combination of my resistance to destroying good items and a genuine lack of enough space.

I believe each character should get at least 3 tabs of character specific space in the main stash. I would even pay for this feature.

submitted by /u/GordonsTheRobot
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To all new Diablo2 players - single player is better!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:32 AM PST

Dear /r/Diablo,
Single player is more fun than Battle.net. TL;DR - it's more fun to earn all levels and items yourself than to get rushed and to trade for gear.

I've played hundreds of hours of Diablo 2 LoD, created about 10 chars on EU West that could solo Hell Baal on players5, and then went to play single player, starting from scratch. In my experience, single player is better - a bit less entertaining but more rewarding and lasting longer.

Advantages of Bnet:
*bossruns - 8 players going for Diablo or Baal is awesome . You need some preparation (LAN client, finding actual teammates) to do bossruns in single player
*No hacking/editing. If you play LAN with strangers, God only knows what you will find in your game.

*PvM with a group can be fun if you are all equally strong. If one char is overpowered, the game stops being a combat game and turns into a "follow the guy, pick up the loot" game, which is boring.
*PvP... Can be fun but it is not what Diablo 2 is made for
*Trading can be fun, but you end up obtaining earlygame/midgame items too easily

Advantages of single player
*Self-finding items is more fun. First, it makes bossruns more thrilling, because your hopes and dreams of a good item are on the line. Trading is an easy way to obtain the stuff for your build, but it makes the game less interesting. One of the best aspects of Diablo 2 is the farming. Second, it makes you appreciate your items more. When I first found the Immortal King's soul cage in single player, 5-6 years ago, I felt more happy than when I traded for one on Bnet a few years before that. In single player you are poor, and when you are poor, the good items feel even more powerful and impressive and mysterious than when people are offering them on trade screens.
*You go through the whole game. First, you walk through the whole act, doing the quests. You experience more of the content, which is fun whereas on Bnet you get rushed through acts, then do tens of Diabloruns and/or Baalruns.
*You level up more slowly and consistently. You grow your char level by level, which means that the early- and mid-game are challenging and fun. You try to survive the act bosses on Normal using the shitty items available. You do bossruns on Normal so you can get items to survive Nightmare. Then on Nightmare you do bossruns and whatnot to be able to beat Diablo and Baal. Once you gear up to face them, you start preparing for Hell, where every monster is immune to something, and they regenerate like crazy, and basically you're stupid and the game drags you around in the mud. Do you catch my drift - you are building up for bigger and bigger challenges - and that's incredibly fun.
*Muling is easier in single player, because programs exist that let you do that. ATMA is one of them, and it lets you move items between chars without having to start the game. I know that inventory management in Diablo 2 is bad - there are Instagram thots out there who are younger than the game - but thanks to third party applications, its better in SP than on Bnet.
*In SP it's always you against the world. This is subjective, but I don't like it when someone clearly better than me joins my game and helps me with quests. When I was on the realms, it happened, and it made the game boring, because there werent any monsters left for me to kill and there wasn't any danger left in the game.

submitted by /u/sizarieldor
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Diablo 3 player started D2 for the first time...

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:10 AM PST

I have a question. I decided to roll a druid, but dunno which skill / stat to raise first. Any help?

submitted by /u/JoeRossu
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Noob needs advice on his Hota build

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

Hey guys i recently started playing d3 and my seasonal character is Hota Barb. I have been following guides and some of them have slight differences regarding stat preferences and such. So basically i was wondering, how bad is my build and what do i need to improve it!? Here is a link to my build https://www.d3planner.com/218754954

submitted by /u/FullCreamGoodness
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Do Wraps of Clarity still drop?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:43 PM PST

I have spent close to 3000 blood shards for them and no luck so far. Are they still in the game? I started playing my DH because I got an Ancient Yang´s Recurve and those bracers are the only missing part of my build =(

Is it just RNG being RNG?

submitted by /u/Ekudar
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Why do people still think, in almost 2018, that anything in Diablo3 has diminishing returns?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:10 AM PST

It simply doesn't. Neither CDR, nor RCR, nor Mainstat, not even Armor and Resist all.

submitted by /u/Cr4ckshooter
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"Shadows in the dessert" refusing to advance

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 02:00 AM PST

In Shadows in the dessert in Act 2, you must travel to 2 rituals and distrupt them.

I have done the first one, but the second ritual is found in a secret alter to the east of the howling plateau. I know where it is, i've explored EVERY possible location in the map and the entrace to it is blocked off by a few wooden planks, I've checked walkthroughs and it is the right place to go, but no events are triggering telling me to go there except for once after I finished disrupting the first alter.


submitted by /u/Noteblockcrew
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