Destiny - Of the 38 base shaders in Destiny 2, 22 of them are behind Eververse. That's 58% of the shaders. Bungie, this needs to change.

Of the 38 base shaders in Destiny 2, 22 of them are behind Eververse. That's 58% of the shaders. Bungie, this needs to change.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

When Destiny 2 launched, and people realized that the shader system had changed, Luke Smith went to Twitter to defend the system saying:

"Shaders are earned through gameplay: leveling, chests, engrams, vendors. We expect you'll be flush w/ Shaders as you continue to play." - Luke Smith


With D2, we want statements like "I want to run the Raid, Trials, or go back to Titan to get more of its Shader" to be possible.

Presently, of the 38 (not including Raid/Trials/Banner/Faction) base game shades available, 22 are locked behind Eververse. They are as follows:

  • Watermelon
  • Metro Shift
  • Frumious Blue
  • Midnight Talons
  • Noble Constant Red
  • Vanguard Magnus Gloss
  • Olomon Meteor Gloss
  • Veist Poison Shimmer
  • HAKKE History Polish
  • Suros Modular Shine
  • Tarnished Copper
  • Xenosilver
  • Dawn and Dusk
  • Arctic Pearl
  • Monochromatic
  • Golden Trance
  • Nebula Rose
  • Cerulean Divide
  • Bumblebee
  • Indigo Martix
  • Powder Blue


Luke Smith, you said you want players to want to go back to end game activities to find more shaders, right? Well, I can pretty much say, without reservations, that the best looking shaders in the game, and the most popular, are exclusive to Eveverse Bright Engrams. I would love to have all my gear covered in Midnight Talons, but I can't because the shader is exclusive to Tess and it drops randomly, and infrequently. I would love to do what Luke suggests, and run the Raid, or grind Public Events on Titan to get it, but I can't, it's exclusive to the MTX Loot boxes. Luke, if I want more Metro Shift, what activity can you point me to in order to acquire more? Do you consider loading up the PSN/Mocrosoft store an activity? I don't.

Luke said in his tweet "We expect you'll be flush w/ Shaders as you continue to play."

Flush you say? Well, explain how I've been playing since day 1 and I have only seen about 2/3 of that exclusive list drop. Explain why I'm still sitting on my 6 tarnished copper shaders because I'm scared to use them, since I've only had six drop in 4 months.

This is not a system that works, Bungie. Please, remove the exclusivity of these shaders from the bright engrams. Add them to activity rewards. Add them to patrol chests. Add them to more vendor drops. Hell, remove the consumable factor to them an keep them in your damned MTX store. Just please fix this issue. I'm so tired of having to manage my shader inventory, and constantly being out of ones locked behind real-money MTXs.


submitted by /u/danis5
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Bungie, the "Giving" exotic emote is at 3250 Bright Dust. Don't you think it could have been free?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:46 AM PST

This is the holiday season, for pretty much everyone in the world.

FYI, the "Giving" exotic emote is about giving presents, and it makes your Guardian offer a neon gift to somebody else. It has very little use outside of the holiday season, and it's ridiculously expensive. Think about it. A piece of armor is 800, so it's worth an entire armor set minus your exotic slot. I find it absurd.

I think Bungie missed an opportunity here. They could have gifted it to everyone for Christmas. It wouldn't have been out of the kindness of their Coldheart, it would have been pure optics, but we wouldn't have cared. At a time where everyone is angry at Eververse, it is yet another example as to why.

We have to pay the price of an entire armor set for an emote about offering a gift. Oh, the irony. Also, the flavor text on the emote is "You didn't think I'd forget, did you?" About billing us, you mean? No, Tess, I didn't think you would…

submitted by /u/OldSwan
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I hate Taeko-3, there, I said it.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:47 AM PST

I have found myself grinding strike missions for days, trying to do Dawning gifts and gather Paradox bullshit. In that time I have done the Savathun strike a few dozen times.

I have come to realize I REALLY hate Taeko-3. I am guessing its the same person who does the voice for Amanda, but the acting is terrible... the dialogue is terrible... but what really gets me is this:

"We came down here as a squad of 9. Got picked off one by one." Thats 3 fireteams (which in an of itself is annoying because everyone knows thats too many for Bungie to allow in the first place. 3,4, or 6 is the rule, 9? Thats fucking chaos.)

Then when NolanNerdBot says "We're coming to rescue you" Shes like "No, I'm coming to rescue you." - excuse me, what? You already got 8 Guardians killed. Maybe you need to shut up and follow some orders for once. She says "Laying low is not in her playbook." I think she needs a new damn book. The the most cringe inducing line:"EMBRACE THE PRAXIC FYYURE"

One of the best strikes IMO, but good lord I want to mute the dialogue.

submitted by /u/ThinkingWeasel
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Don’t forget to let Bungie know how much we all HATE Mayhem

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:02 AM PST

That way we might get it added to the playlist... permanently!

submitted by /u/S0LWAY
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Ikora should have sent us to the Vault of Glass instead of the Pyramidion to search for the map of the Infinite Forest

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:07 AM PST

Repeating that strike was boring.

If Bungie insist on recycling content sending us to the VOG would have been a great throwback for Destiny veterans. It also would have also provided "new" (cosmetically speaking) content for those who never played the raid. Heck, it could have even provided a nice segue for Venus as a bonus patrol zone.

I definitely expected more from this $20 DLC but I digress. Based on what I've seen of this series, this is wishful thinking at best.

submitted by /u/MustardGod
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Banshee-44 has got to be the most useless gunsmith in gaming history

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

The guy still doesn't have any weapons for sale. When they updated the game to have vendors sell legendary weapons that rotate every week I thought Banshee would get the same treatment as Zavala, Shaxx, even Sloane, but sadly he did not. Even the clan steward Hawthorne sells weapons. She sells common gear,but you get the point. For a gunsmith, Banshee doesn't really do that much gunsmithing as I though he would

submitted by /u/ClydelFrog
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Why hasn't Bracus Zhan painted his ship chatreuse after he moved in?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:20 AM PST

Because the ship has 154 parts and he only has 8 consumable shaders.

But seriously Bungie, please bring back the D1 shader unlock system. The current system promotes a "apply a shader and never change it" mentality.

submitted by /u/kiwi_commander
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tower black screen is still a thing

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:15 AM PST


submitted by /u/RedditRyan_
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Will Bungie ever address WHY our matchmade fireteams are reset after every strike/crucible match?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

As a solo player, I loved this aspect of D1. It allowed you to continue to do activities with an anonymous team, communicating via emotes, and sometimes made friends with them after extended play sessions.

You could also have grudge matches in crucible in small scale formats like skirmish or salvage.

Not sure if Bungie is aware of this, but as a solo crucible player, resetting the search to 1/8 after every single match means I get thrown into quitter matches ALOT. This wasn't as much of a problem in D1 because typically some people would stay from the previous match.

Why Bungie? Why?

submitted by /u/Chundercracker
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I still have faith in Destiny as a series......but I’m losing faith in Bungie.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

I just finished watching the latest Destiny Comminity Podcast and of the 2ish hours of audio one throwaway sentence really struck me. I'm paraphrasing here but it was basically "we have faith in destiny, we're just losing faith in bungie".

This one little sentence basically summarises how I and maybe a lot of people feel about the game currently. I LOVE Destiny as a series. I stuck with the game almost exclusively through D1 through thick and thin, honestly enjoying every minute of it. Destiny 2 is mostly the same, when I'm playing the game I'm enjoying myself, I really am. BUT.....and there is a BUT....there is just something that's not right, something that leaves just a tiny little sour taste in my mouth, which unfortunately feels like it's intensifying with time.

Crucible is good enough for my personal tastes, I was never that big on it to begin with. The raid and lairs are good, basically all of the pve content is. It's just that I don't feel like I have the incentive or drive to collect items like I used to given that they are either exclusive to Eververse or just different shaped blobs on a stat package. The weapons themselves don't seem to tie into your build as much anymore and in fact my character builds and weapon loadouts have been basically set in stone for months. I wish there were more unique weapons and armor sets that existed throughout the game that would allow for more unique gameplay styled customisation. And I don't mean in the way that we get more armor but it all just comes from Eververse....I want it actually in game.

I remember the life the April update and the age of triumph brought back to D1, so I'm assured and hopeful that Bungie can turn the state of D2 around - I have faith they can do it. But with every new week and new Eververse themed event (the dawning) that faith gets a little smaller, a little less hopeful. This isn't meant to be another salty post. I'm literally on my way home from work and I'm planing to play destiny 2 all night. But I'm starting to wonder at this point whether that's out of habit or incentive to play the game.

Hopefully this wasn't just some salty rant, I'm just a little let down by the game's current direction and this is probably the first time acknowledging it (both to myself and I guess the internet haha). As a die hard Destiny fan I really do hope the series can improve its current direction.

submitted by /u/Grown_from_seed
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DMG04 Just Actually Recognized Eververse

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:21 AM PST

Actually kinda shocked they are accepting we don't like it. Whether or not they change anything is another. Also cool that they are recognising we really like Mayhem.

submitted by /u/Crusader3456
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We need Grimoire back, but NOT only because of Lore

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:34 AM PST

Bungie removed Grimoire from D2 because of the complaints that were poorly interpreted-all we wanted is to put Grimoire from the web into the actual game. But all the Lore reasons have already been mentioned. There is one more reason why Grimoire was so great. Endgame.

People heavily invested in Destiny had something to work towards. And it was perfect-it was exactly that kind of thing that a casual couldn't care about,but it was very rewarding for a hardcore player. It didn't offer any gameplay advantage. A casual player not having Grimoire points is something he couldn't care less for. But for people who live in the Destiny world, Grimoire was an amazing way to be invested past the normal grind and to try and "catch them all" even if they were meaningless points and cards. I often saw hardcore players discussing what they need to finish their Grimoire and grind Strikes or enemy kills because of that.

Of course,I'm not saying this is the only incentive we need. Of course there should be other stuff like Strike Specific Loot. But Grimoire was a great concept and I really miss it.

. . .

EDIT: There have been some valid points in this discussion that I would like to adress.

1) It´s neat to have the actual lore tab tied to a weapon/armor and be able to read it right there instead of having to go to a Grimoire collection.

2) Having Grimoire outside the game means you can conveniently read it when you aren´t playing.

The thing is, we can easily have both. A Grimoire Codex should be accessible in game as well as online AS WELL AS in the D2 Companion App. Bungie is trying to build a universe, then use all the resources you have Bungie. And we can have this in conjunction with the expanded lore on the weapon/armor feature. In addition to having a Grimoire Codex that you can read through whenever you want to, weapons and armor can have a button that brings up their correspondent Grimoire card when inspecting them without the need to access the entire Grimoire Codex.

Bungie, you managed to integrate Eververse into the entire game. Integrating Grimoire into it shouldn´t be an impossible task.

submitted by /u/Yourself013
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Infinite forest an exponentially lost opportunity.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:33 AM PST

I feel given the nature of the Infinite forest and what it proposes. There has been a lot of potential lost on the way it was presented.

The area itself is basically just an open space with very easy components to build. I'm not a developer but I know they must keep a supply of structures and aides to help generate worlds.

It could have been an infinite dungeon with which guardians could test their skills to see who can venture the deepest. Floors not unlike let it die. Or even a nephelim rift from Diablo 3.

It just feels for the amount of energy they clearly spent on this game. They could have spent the same amount doing other things that would be more productive.

I would love to visit Osiris standing outside and have him give me quests, missions, or even just some exposition as I run past.

I get there is expense in voice acting but there are a lot of people out there who would work inexpensively, with much flexibility and be able to provide consistent story content on an almost on call basis.

They could have created a massive labyrinth by which guardians could be exploring and picking apart, trying different methods to find new passages.

My request to Bungie is this. Play any game by From software and take notes on the little effort it takes to weave story into a game. Which Bungie has already done seeing as they have descriptions on all their items.

Maybe perhaps have more focus in the stories they tell there. Instead of writing at times that feels like they smoked too much of something.

Then play Neverwinter online and see how they do an RPG system for free. Still add content and still have micro transactions. Also see how the same lay out could apply to their game. It's not the best but it's a better example I feel.

Then check out Diablo 3, and Final Fantasy to see about better gameplay, skill diversity and ability trees.

All I'm saying is they have gold in their hands and they are turning it to copper.

submitted by /u/Leviathan3333
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It's time for Bungie to add some type of Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx, Archon's Forge, Sparrow Racing to Destiny 2.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:29 AM PST

We need some form of community event other than Public Events. Those prior activities were fun and easily repeatable.

Destiny 2 needs a shot in the arm.

submitted by /u/TheBandit_42
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Bungie, with all those hints towards Greedy mechanics, shady methods etc, you might soon reach a break point.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:01 AM PST

This might sound like another complaint post, but actually wants to be a deep consideration.

In these last months there have really been a lot of weird stuff going on; many loyal fans belive its all a coincidence (Exp throttling and cutting non-CoO owners from old content they paid for, just to name a few); many others, like me, think you have pretty much gone insane mode in order to earn as much money as possible.

Just now i saw a cospiracy post around not being able to dismantle shaders at once, so players might not realize how much bright dust they are sitting on... and yeah, while it did seem a bit eccessive in the beginning, it makes sense and feels quite plausible, considering what you proved to being able to think and do.

I just feel the need to warn you out, keep going down this road, and in future you might be in the situation when no one will ever trust you, due to how much stuff you managed to mess.

Every single action you will take, might end up being analyzed over and over again, and even the most genuine thing you will do might be considered an attempt to screw your fans. Your, actually still great name, BUNGIE, might end up seen as a big bad scam company none bothers to buy from.

Its a break point that, once reached, is quite hard to be forgotten

submitted by /u/ZerOMrk
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A Response to Luke Smith’s “The Vision for D2” - 7 Months Later

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 05:25 PM PST

I'll keep the intro brief. Back in May when D2 was revealed for the first time, Luke Smith gave us his (Bungie's?) vision for D2. I'd like to address the first major point he made which was "A World That Pulls You In" because there is more than enough to talk about here. My aim is not to sound salty, but to use the things that Bungie formally stated and hold them accountable to it.

1.) "A Story You Can Relate To"

Despite all the criticism that the storytelling, writing style and dialogue has received, the overall point of "A Story You Can Relate To" in my opinion, just doesn't fit with a game and universe like Destiny. Most of us as gamers play fantasy games to escape from reality and enter an entirely different one, immersing ourselves into a world or universe that is foreign to us, but one that we want to understand and explore. The same can be said for an incredibly rich fantasy based movie or book. No matter the medium of which a fictional story is being told, the only things truly relatable within a story like Destiny are the emotions that the characters reveal. Let the characters themselves cause us to relate to the emotion that they display throughout a deep lore enriched story, not a safe, animated-Disney-movie like narrative with cliché story arch's to it. As it's been pointed out many times, the D2 story was extremely safe and quite frankly in my opinion, was one not worth telling.

2.) "Characters You Want to Hang Out with, Work with, and Be"

Bungie, do you remember that Zavala Story Trailer you played right before Luke Smith came out on stage back in May? I'd argue that there is more interesting story packed into those 2 minutes and 42 seconds than the entirety of D2's main story and mind you, this was for a character that we've known for 4 years now. That trailer made me appreciate Zavala's character so much more. It gave me an idea of where he'd been and how he got to where he currently is. Destiny needs more of that kind of storytelling except x100. That is someone I want to fight next to and hangout with, characters with established, rich history but with a future of many more stories to tell.

As far as a character I want to be, well, in the current state of the game, I'm not even sure if I want to be my character. Going back to the Halo days, silent, user-controlled characters were kind of your calling card. The thing about that though, is Master Chief had a reason to be. He was kidnapped as a child, forced into Spartan training, had massive body augmentations done to him and became a weapon of mass destruction at the whim of his superiors. He was brainwashed into following orders and killing enemies without asking questions. My guardian on the other hand, what is the reason behind being a literal mute? Sweeper Bot literally has more dialogue than my character does... Not only that, but remember in D1 when I killed a main Raid boss like Oryx? I became recognized back in the Tower amongst my NPC peers as "the slayer of Oryx" That shows me that my legend was actually growing! None of that is even mentioned in D2. No, in D2, I meet up with Saladin during Iron Banner and he doesn't even address me as an Iron Lord even though I played through RoI. My own Guardian is boring, and there's nothing I can even do about it. That's definitely not a character I want to be.

3.) "Enemies You Want to Face"

I'll be honest; I'm unfavorably partial to the Cabal. To me, all the other enemy types are far more interesting, especially the Hive. I understand that they are necessary in the Destiny universe and they have their place, but all that was added to them was a different faction name, war beasts, and cleavers. Yawn. Also, Ghaul did something that no other enemy has ever done before, he took our light, but did you have to make his boss fight so uninteresting? I killed him solo within 15 minutes the first time I played through it and realistically, I didn't even kill him, the Traveler did. As far as the other enemy types, they're literally all reskins from Destiny 1. These are enemies I've already faced for 3 years, and while yes they are all interesting in their own right, for a sequel I expected more. Admittedly, I'm excited to see what the mysterious triangle ships bring us, but this will obviously come at a $40 entry fee into the next major expansion next fall. With that being said, you've given us enemies that have such incredible history (outside of the game) but are so bland to actually fight anymore. Just one new enemy would have been nice, but I digress.

4.) "Building Environments and Experiences That Make You Want to Seek Around Every Corner"

This is one of the more disappointing things about D2 for me. In retrospect, I'm honestly unsure of what Luke Smith meant by this, because everything meaningful in each world is marked on it's map. Remember all the hidden collectables in D1? Dead Ghosts, Calcified Fragments, Dormant Siva Clusters and Iron Medallions. These are the things that get us to turn over every rock and explore every crevice in the worlds you build! Especially when an Exotic Quest is tethered to finding them! Or even hidden missions within a mission, which would earn you an activity specific Exotic or heaven forbid an activity specific ship or shader! I'm yelling now aren't I… Anyways… Bungie, you make such beautiful worlds, you create such beautiful music that pulls us into those worlds even more, but then you leave us high and dry with truly nothing exciting about exploring. Want to know what's behind that huge boulder? A smaller boulder. Want to know what's in that cave? A Lost but now Found for the time being Sector, a trash mob, one uninteresting ultra or major, and a bigger chest with stale rewards. Anything else you might ask? No. Why? Because it says so on my map and is the same result every time I go in there. This does not make me want to seek around every corner, I'm sorry Luke.

All in all, after reviewing what was said back during the initial reveal, the hype that was generated by Bungie about these statements was not met with the actual implementation of them. Honestly, I can say that I fundamentally disagree with the vision of D2 on almost every front and I haven't even once mentioned Eververse until, well, now. But that my fellow Guardians, is an entirely different conversation. If you made it this far, thanks for reading! Would love to know your thoughts!

Edit - This kinda took off huh? Thanks for the discussion everyone, at work right now but I'll try and find time to read everything!

submitted by /u/Nuuge20
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Best thing in Destiny 2....Valus Thuun using Death From Above to obliterate Khartion, Archival Mind.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

Superfly Snuka would be proud.

submitted by /u/TheMaestro55
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Bungie please bring back the “ride along” streams. They were far more interesting than your “reveal” streams.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

To the newer Destiny players there was a brief time when Bungie had what they called "ride along" streams where Bungie artists would play Destiny with Deej and they would discuss the art behind the planets and aliens. They would stop at certain significant areas and talk about where their inspiration came from for the design. For me, it was extremely interesting and it gave a more deep appreciation for the game. I will I'll love to see these return. Given how much negative press that has been surrounding this game it would be nice to hear from the designers behind the game and finally hear some passion about Destiny from Bungie.

submitted by /u/sbrozzi
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When you know how the argus cutscene works

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

Masterworks should track both PvE and PvP separately.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:24 AM PST

I don't understand why Bungie decided to separate the two. If the perk pools were differentiated and geared towards PvE or PvP, then the current Masterwork weapon system would make more sense. As it stands now, a MW should just track kills in both activities with separate counters.

submitted by /u/_eyrck
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So The Farm's pretty much useless now - Why not make it into an LFG/LTS Base of Operations, with Raid, Trials, Nightfall kiosks

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 05:29 PM PST

It's quite apparent that guided games hasn't worked out as intended.

Would it be possible to alter the farm into a base for people looking to group up or sherpa others through activities? Have separate kiosks for Raid, Trials, Crucible, Nightfall, Strikes, Patrol etc.

You also have the benefit of the farm being a must go to location during the campaign, so all new players will come across this new social space and have no issues finding new guardians to run with. For higher content such as the raid or trials, just implement a system that doesn't allow kiosk access until they reach the required light level.

Just a thought.

Edit: Wow, didn't expect this to get so much traction. Thanks for the kind comments folks. A lot of great ideas also. This was just a random thought at 3am while trying to get to sleep. For sure, there's a lot more Bungie could do with it. It would be nice to have a social space dedicated to grouping up and helping others. The general idea is there, hopefully it might help to create something good in the future.

Thanks again!

submitted by /u/MkivOdyssey
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Bungie, if you're going to split shader stacks based on what they dismantle into, you NEED to tell us which stack turns into dust or shards.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:33 AM PST


With inflated Eververse prices, I'd much rather dismantle the shader stack that gives dust rather than easily obtainable shards/glimmer.

It sucks having a 50/50 shot and dismantling the wrong shader just to find out which is which.

Final Note: Yes, a better solution is for Bungie to stop being so damn stingy and make them all stack the same and dismantle into bright dust.

submitted by /u/DayOneTitan
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You keep bringing old exotics back to inflate the size of your content releases, so give me my damn Sleeper Simulant back, Bungie.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:55 AM PST


I could give a damn about Hard Light. I want my charging ricocheting laser weapon that killed me all the time when i accidentally fired it inside a weapon of light bubble.

submitted by /u/SuperficialMaster
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Please improve Guided Games for raids or get rid of it

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:39 AM PST

I haven't tried it in anything else yet, but my clan's experience with it for raids is horrible.

We tried seeking 2 guardians to teach the raid lair. Wound up getting paired after about 10 minutes (the speed was nice) but the players we got were so uncooperative.

One player refused to join party chat. We joined them and they just breathed into the mic without speaking. If you have some issue preventing you from talking that's fine, but you can at least respond to messages. After hoping they were just having headset issues, we load in and they refuse to engage with anything. No platforms, no enemies, nothing.

The second person had been banned for bad behavior, so he was playing on one account but using a second console to party. This obviously wasn't ideal, but we figured we could give the guy a chance. When we had party issues and had to resort to fireteam chat (after roles had already been assigned) they just quit playing and sat in a corner emoting.

There has to be a better solution than just matching well intentioned players with dregs who actively halt the activity. If there is going to be a clan oath we get rated on maybe we should have oathkeeper ratings for individuals as well. Almost any system would be better than this.

submitted by /u/Hattrickher0
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Your second character of the same class does not get the well-rested buff or powerful gear from doing milestones

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:59 AM PST

I don't know if this is common knowledge, but if you have two characters of the same class only one of them will get the well-rested buff and be able to get powerful gear from completing milestones (the other gets normal level gear from powerful engrams).

I recently decided to play through the game again, and since I enjoy playing the warlock the most I decided to make another warlock even though I already had one. After completing the milestones on my first warlock I realized that the second warlock does not get powerful gear or the well-rested buff. In addition, you also don't get bright engrams for leveling from 20 to 25, only after you reach 25.

So if you are planning to replay the game, do it with a class you don't already have.

submitted by /u/Athena2525
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