Destiny - Masterworks - How to find, Stat boosts and information

Masterworks - How to find, Stat boosts and information

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:05 AM PST

Good Morning Guardians,

Master Chief Masterworks have finally arrived and are looking like a positive step in the right direction in adding some variety and more reasons to go after Weapons to get them enhanced and maybe even more suited to certain playstyles.

Adding something unique is maybe what a lot of us felt lacking so far but this is a great start to making that 10th Better Devils feel special

Below, I have tried to consolidate all the current information we have and also throw some SGA in there to help us get the best out of our new arsenal

As ever, if I have missed something or information can be added, please let me know.

"Yes Sir, I need a weapon"

MW weapons can drop from a variety of places and a weapon has a chance to drop as a MW aslong as your Power Level is above 250 and the Weapon is a Legendary.

Most notably -

  • Legendary Engrams (Including Cryptarch Engrams purchased)
  • Vendor Rank ups
  • Raid Weapons
  • Trials Weapons
  • Weapons from Milestone completions
  • Activity completion rewards e.g Crucible drops
  • Mercury Forge - Completion of Brother Vances Prophecy Weapons
  • Vanguard Gift Coins
  • Caydes Treasure Maps


  • Bungie have confirmed Raid / Trials Weapons have a high chance of being Masterworks

  • Unless it can be proven, the purchase of Weapons directly from a Vendor following this update DO NOT have a chance to be a MW because they are ready to go purchases. (If anyone has seen otherwise, please let me know)

"Thought I'd try shooting my way out—mix things up a little"

You can also upgrade your current weapon sets using a new currency item 'Masterwork Cores',

Upgrading / Re-rolling a Weapon costs 'Master work Cores' - These are only obtainable by dismantling MW Weapons.

Upgrade costs:

  • 10 Masterwork Cores
  • 25 Legendary Shards

Re-roll costs:

  • 3 Masterwork Cores
  • Legendary Shards

  • When upgrading to the MW, you have a choice between the gun tracking PVE or PVP kills. Once selected this will continue to be tracked on that weapon. If you re-roll it, the tracking will remain

  • If you get a Masterwork weapon drop you can switch it from PVE to PVP for the same cost as a Upgrade.

  • New information regarding Kill Tracking

I have yet to do any PVE, because I wanted to see how good increased reload is in PVP. My Vanguard Better Devils is tracking kills in PVP, despite the fact that I did not select the Crucible Masterwork.

Even though I selected the Vanguard Masterwork option, I am tracking kills in PVP and After a little more testing, it seems that if you select the Vanguard Masterwork option, it tracks BOTH PVE AND PVP kills.

Numbers Game

Possible stat boosts that can be applied with a MW Weapon -

Edit - From comments, it seems like different weapon types can produce different numbers e.g. Hand Cannon would get 5 Handling but an AR 10. Keeping my eyes peeled to confirm this or if you have seen this, please share and we'll get it built up together

Edit2 - Reports that these numbers can vary. We are yet to confirm if this maybe goes by Archetype, Power Level or is just RNG between getting a +5 or a +10. This comment states Stability and Range can be 5 or 10.

Masterwork Stat boost Weapons
Impact 5 points Sniper, FRs & Swords
Range 5 or 10 points All (Not including Rocket / Grenade Launchers)
Stability 5 or 10 points All (Not including Swords)
Handling 5 or 10 points All
Reload 10 points All (Not including Swords)
Magazine 10% increase (May be capped per weapon type) Note: Nameless M. got 1 extra bullet, Antiope 2
Blast radius 5 points Rocket and Grenade Launcher
Velocity 5 points Rocket and Grenade Launcher
  • These numbers add to the Base stat of the weapon itself to enhance it so you can either use it to improve a lower stat or enhance a more favoured stat of your preferred weapon.

  • If an MW drops, the Stat boost is already applied but this can be re-rolled for a random chance at another Stat to enhance your weapon


  • MW Weapons add the ability to Spawn Orbs on Multi-kills. These Orbs Spawn for the wielder of the weapon also, not just your Fireteam (Confirmed) - The Orbs which appear, are on the BODIES of the defeated enemies, they don't pop out of your ears like regular Orbs so make sure you follow up after a multi kill to get the benefits. A Multi-kill is where you defeat 2 enemies in quick succession, a Double kill effectively. The kills must be made by the Weapon itself and not a combo of Grenades / Melees / Teabags.

  • Anomalies in Nightfalls count for Double Kill Orbs also - Kill 2 Anomalies in quick succession to spawn an Orb

  • Dismantling a Masterwork Weapon has chance to give between 1 - 3 MW cores to use on other Weapons to upgrade them to a MW (Requires 10 to upgrade / 3 to Re-roll an already upgraded weapon - Includes cost of 25 Legendary Shards)

  • Infusing a MW into a non-MW will result in you losing the MW. The Weapon now boosted, will NOT be upgraded to MW also

  • MW Weapons are highlighted with a Gold Border so you know immediately if it's a Master Work

  • Rerolling your MW will NOT reset the Kill Counter (Confirmed)

  • u/Aercus made a decent Post regarding Drop rates, here's some info taken from there for those of you who like to be told the odds. NeverTellMeTheOdds. All credit to him and those that participated in his sample -


Average Reported Droprate is 10.2% (+/- ~1%) for masterwork Legendaries per gunsmith engram! Data collection has ended as of 1144 gunsmith engrams reported.

The Last Word

As I've mentioned, this is a big step in the right direction for adding a unique addition to Weapons and having more of 'My own' feeling to things. Especially since they can drop so you now have a clear goal at chasing something you want or by upgrading it yourself and rolling it to be yours

Hopefully this will be built up and can in future be considered for Armour also to really add more to it Please add base stats to change so us Hunters are just Mobility Monkeys! along with more synergy for the current Mod system

Extra points if you can guess the reference theme

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a MW Better Devils to hunt down

Happy Holidays, Guardians!

Thank you for the Gold kind Dude or Dudette! Honestly not necessary but I appreciate it all the same

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. - J. R. R. Tolkien

submitted by /u/RiseOfBacon
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[Spoiler] While i dont personally agree with many complaints on this reddit, i now know what it feels like to have something you loved about this franchise destroyed

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:58 AM PST

I am of course talking about the new saint-14 quest line, i have been following this since the first discovery of his body, and i knew about the leak quests and honestly i was hyped as fuck. I was even more hype when i received the quest today after finishing the sword verse, i grinded for a couple hours and finally finished the entire quest line, and im appalled at this sorry half assed return of one of the most beloved lore characters. The entire quest the return of saint is hyped us as being an amazing thing, osiris tells us he can sense him in the forest, i knew that he was likely in the tomb but when i saw his giant pool of light i thought, this is how we will revive him, i was however met with a 2 second speech about how saint 14 was cool, and a rest in peace, and then im rewarded an emblem and a shotgun whos lore tab hints at so much more i know will never happen. What could have been a return of an amazing character, the introduction of a new event, and something that makes this expansion at least a bit more redeemable to those that hate it, you offscreen yet another legend, thanks bungie.

submitted by /u/Yare_Yare_Dawa
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Xur will NOT be appearing on Mercury - dmg04

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:32 AM PST

Xûr will not be making an appearance on Mercury. Far to bright for his liking.

Keep an eye out on Friday for your favorite snake faced vendor.

submitted by /u/TheLittleMoa
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Add a Broken ornament to Ikora Rey's gear

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

Basically an ornament that makes it look all busted up like at the start of the campaign.

I have a friend who would love this.

submitted by /u/Battleshiplid
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I've got to hand it to you Bungie, the new grinding incentives have got me excited to get home and play the game.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Obligatory "should have been here at the start" out the way, because it totally should have been here day one. The new armour ornaments, buying gear sets from vendors, masterworks, the forge weapons at mercury are all great changes that really excite me, never have I wanted a full ornamented gear set more than now. An excellent round of updates Bungie, keep it up.

submitted by /u/Spiraxia
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Warlock Glide seriously needs a buff to speed

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:46 AM PST

I've mained a Warlock since day one of D1 and barely even touch my Warlock now in D2. Glide is painfully slow making everything from PvP to simply patrol extremely aggravating due to its slower maneuverability.

Titans have strafe lift allowing for easy back pedaling. We all know how better control is amazing for Hunters. And yes, sure Voidwalkers have blink but the most decent double jump for Warlocks being locked to one subclass is pretty unfair considering what the latter have.

Bungie please, for the love of Ghaul, bring blink to other Warlock subclasses or give a slight buff to glide's speed.

submitted by /u/wlfsct
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Massive Breakdown of Curse of Osiris Weapon and Armor Lore, Collected and Organized

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:50 AM PST



In the wake of the Iron Lords' untimely deaths and the chaos that threatened to topple the fledgling City from within, the one known as the Speaker made his bid for power. To create the illusion of democracy, the Speaker established the Consensus, an oligarchical body of representatives from the City's leading political factions and the three Guardian classes. For the Titans: Saint-14, the right hand of the Speaker. For the Hunters: Tallulah Fairwind, first in a long line of ever-changing representatives. And for the Warlocks, the already-legendary warrior who had studied with Felwinter and Nirwen themselves: Osiris.


Osiris stood at the far end of the Underwatch, his back to her. "We need to talk," she said. Sagira turned. He did not. "I'm surprised you came alone. Have you finally learned confidence?" "Yes." Ikora clenched her fists, then released them. "Not from you." He crossed his hands behind his back. "I know why you're here." "I should hope so." "This meeting was prophesied. As is my impending banishment." "Then you had ample warning." "This is ridiculous!" Sagira snapped. "We're at war. Osiris does what you all are too scared to do, and you banish him? How're you going to win against the Darkness without him?" Osiris held up a hand to silence her. "Ikora knows," he said. "She pretends otherwise, but she knows." "Winning by your terms is no victory." Ikora's hands were fists again. She unclenched them. "Goodbye, Osiris."


The unenlightened wonder at my so-called "fixation" upon the Vex. They believe our gravest existential threat is the Hive, for those beings have made a pact with the Darkness itself via the medium of the Worm Gods (according to Toland, at least, and I see no reason to doubt him in this). But Darkness is not merely absence of Light. Darkness is an entity unto itself. Put simply, Darkness is not Nothing. But the Vex? The Vex seek neither Light nor Darkness. They seek Convergence, the reduction of all life to its simplest, most meaningless form. An entelechy of zeros and ones. "Evil" is a word for sentimentalists and fools. But, in the ontology of the sentimental, the Vex are more deserving of the term than the Hive. Given a choice between Darkness and Convergence, I would choose Darkness. It is a logical choice. Yet for this they banish me.

Physically, I am beneath the surface of Mercury. That is what Sagira's sensors say. The Vex hollowed out the planet, replaced its molten heart with cold right angles. But that is not what I see. I see infinity. An infinity of possible worlds, so perfectly simulated as to be indistinguishable from the experiences I once called "reality." I can touch them, taste them, pass lifetimes in them! They grow within this machine like fruit upon a tree—no, a forest of trees, its fractal expansion nigh unmeasurable. I said that to Sagira and she replied, "Sounds like a challenge." This Ghost of mine knows me too well. It strikes me now that I could find in this Infinite Forest a reality in which Ikora accompanied me into its endless mysteries. What an awful, destructive machine this is. I must know everything about it.

Compartmentalization. Isolate the pieces of a network, so that 1) each subnet may operate independently, and 2) any harm that befalls one subnet will not necessarily befall the rest. The Vex learned this lesson well. Many subnets, many equations, all executing toward the same answer: convergence. They gambled that eventually, one of their subnets will achieve it. Speaking in purely mathematical terms, it's a very safe bet. In that conceptual framework, you see how the Forest, "infinite" in so many ways, is still only a small fraction of the Vex's true capabilities. Imagine the decimal two-point-one repeating. Its precise value is incalculably infinite, and yet you know that beyond its irrational depths waits two-point-two. Two-point three. Two-point-four…


"I've misplaced Osiris again," Sagira told a Goblin. The Goblin, being a Goblin, shot at her. She dodged with a sigh, and continued through the Forest. "If I was Osiris, where would I go to celebrate Panoptes becoming scrap metal?" The answer, when Sagira finally tracked him down, surprised her. Osiris hovered, cross-legged, at the center of a ruined Lighthouse. A dead sun loomed in the lightless sky. Arrayed on the ground below to the horizon, yellow Vex eyes pierced the gloom. Sagira zoomed straight to Osiris's side. "I thought we averted this future!" Eyes closed, Osiris shook his head. "Many equations lead to this answer." A sound like a drumbeat, but with the impact of an earthquake, shook the Lighthouse. Sagira darted through the crumbling chamber. "What do we do?" Another bone-rattling drumbeat kicked up clouds of dust. Osiris floated to his feet. "We start over." BOOM. Through the window, a shadow eclipsed the Vex eyes. "But first," he said. "You'll have to rez me again, old friend."


We in the Lighthouse follow a man haunted by visions of apocalypse, who doesn't turn away. Osiris doesn't close his eyes. He doesn't even blink. He put aside his Vanguard duties, his students, his very life, to bear this curse. And why? Because it is the only way to become strong enough to save you from the enemy. You in the City who condemned Osiris, who cast him out and cursed his name, do you not understand that the prophecies are curse enough? Anyone can see the signs if they just truly look! Osiris preserve us, I am blind and I recognized the signs of his lost prophecies coming to bear! But none of us, not even his most faithful, have seen the things Osiris has seen.

The Lost Prophecies


It started because of his Lost Prophecies. A misnomer—the prophecies were always accessible to those who cared about them, but the Followers proclaimed them "lost" to a City that had censored all Osirian material. And even then the City didn't truly lose them, for when the Speaker ordered me to destroy Osiris's writings, I placed the documents in my private library instead. I don't believe in burning books, regardless of my opinion of the author. As to why he had to write the prophecies in iambic couplets? Simple: vanity.

-- Ikora

It's not been easy to gather this foresight. Prophecies are tricky things: they change the future they foretell. When a seer shares their knowledge of a coming event (any event, whether good or ill), there will always be those who gather to prevent it. Say too little and your meaning is lost. Say too much and you have made the task of your enemies easier. You must say just enough so that the few who can listen will hear. I have done all I can. The rest is up to you. You must trust in me. You must trust in yourself.

-- Osiris

  1. Two siblings cleaved by time and space, reflections never found alone. The ending of the eldritch race—a path long seen but never known.

  2. To Tower comes a war in red; an orphan sounds the empire's call. Mortal angels mourn the dead while lightless light wraps night in pall.

  3. An army meets, and stands, and falls. Three nobles wage their hopeless war. In shifting madness, evil crawls. One stands above the battle's roar.

  4. A charnel but effulgent orb—beacon in a loathsome dark— Fêted, fetid corpses rise—a too-long-absent gibbous spark.

  5. A visitor ignites the sky, and in the truth of light it dreams: Above the dead and yet-to-die, a legion's blade with fire screams.

  6. Amid the endless death one flew—unnatural all-consuming need— And in the space between the two, accursed comprehension freed.

  7. A spark of knowledge with each fall, the purpose of the endless youth. No longer shunned, dark's nameless call now brings about tenebrous truth.

  8. They sowed the First, now reap the Last; forever narrows to a line. Where Light will fade into the past—when all's converted, nothing shines.

  9. A sacred eye that speaks in lies—upending futures in its path. The way before us to the skies shall see itself in ancient wrath.

  10. See who's robed as if a god, who stands with pride above the rest! Destroy this ancient nameless fraud! Destroy the one whose death was blessed!

  • A tale that's different from the rest: the thread unfurls against the clocks. The one the Speaker loved the best must have a perfect paradox.

How to interpret the Lost Prophecies? The theory in vogue right now with the Followers of Osiris is that the first five verses refer to the Black Garden, the coming of Ghaul, the Traveler's awakening and Ghaul's subsequent defeat. It's a convincing interpretation, even conceding that prophecies are much easier to interpret in hindsight. There's just one thing: if Osiris used the Infinite Forest to develop his prophecies, and the Infinite Forest cannot accurately simulate Light, how did Osiris predict the Traveler would wake? The forest's very inability to predict this very thing is what prevented Panoptes from breaking ground with its apocalyptic calculations. I must assume: 1) Either verse 5 does not refer to the Traveler's awakening, or 2) Osiris has prophetic resources at his disposal other than the Forest. What they are I have no idea.

Osiris's Philosophy

From the journals of Ikora Rey:

When I studied with Osiris, he would often tell me: "I see failure in your future." No matter how hard I worked, no matter how strong I became, always: "I still see failure." I think now what he saw was Io. When I lost my Light and retreated from a ruined City, when I arrived on Io to find only silence, I too thought I had failed. Even after Ghaul's defeat and the Traveler's waking, I told my friends I thought the Traveler had tested me, and that I had failed its test. But now I'm not so sure. Perhaps what Osiris saw for me—what I experienced on Io—was simply that I needed help. That most human of conditions. I needed to be in a fireteam, and to be a fireteam for others in turn. How like Osiris to see that and name it failure. I won't make that mistake again.

From Brother Vance's writings:

To be a Guardian! How I longed for it. After the near-death experience in which I lost my eyesight, I even believed that I had become a Guardian, that the great Osiris had granted me my dearest wish. How young and foolish I was! But now that I am thirty, and wise, I know better. I wanted to be a Guardian, but what I needed was to feel like I was enough. Like I was equal to the great task of life. That I was heroic. And THAT, my friends, is the beauty of Osiris's teachings! That if you work, if you strive, if you suffer for the sake of improvement, you CAN become better! It's a hard life I've chosen, full of sweat and pain and darkness. But I have never been so free!

Excerpt from a letter written by Lord Shaxx to the Speaker, dated three years ago:

I do not appreciate wasting time that should be spent forging Guardians into their best selves. But since you have seen fit to launch a formal investigation into my beliefs, I will explain them as simply as I can for you. I am no "follower" of anything. I believe thanatology is just an excuse for insomnia and that Ahamkaras are for cheaters. I find the Acataleptic belief that Darkness is incomprehensible to be pessimistic nihilism, and its opposite—the Osirian position that Darkness must be understood—to be misanthropic narcissism. But I will also take good ideas where I can get them. And Osiris's belief that Guardian minds and bodies can be sharpened as one sharpens a sword is a damn good idea. You've seen the results in the Crucible. Do I really have to say any more?


I never found Osiris, but I've killed enough Vex to end a war. And they, in turn, struck a fatal blow: they completed a Mind with the sole function to drain the Light from me. It worked very well. Don't worry (not that you worry much). It took them centuries to build, keyed to the unique frequency of my Light. And I sit atop its shattered husk. I mourn that I will never reach the heights you have. To me, you represent everything a Guardian can become. Yours is a thriving City. So different from mine. My whole fourteenth life I fought to make my City yours. I never finished. All I have left is this weapon. The Cryptarchs say you crafted it yourself, built it out of scraps and Light and sheer will, inside the Infinite Forge. I'll make sure it finds its way back to you. When you gave it to me, I swore I would make it my duty to follow your example. I'm still trying.

-- Saint-14

submitted by /u/Mercules904
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The Aeon Cult gloves have lore that all go together.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:16 AM PST

It begins with the Hunter, with the opening [ bracket. It ends with the Warlock, ending with the ] bracket.

  • [ (we followed [the Path) crumbled beneath (our feet] became [one mind) can absorb (the truth] is that Osiris understands [nothing) can describe the joy of shared (thought] you knew what they were didn't [you) haven't lived as they (do] you wish to find [your future) is (predetermined] individuals will never find [answers) lie in forbidden (places] bound by [shared dreams) will reveal (your nature] is to [destroy)

  • your sense of (self]-preservation coddles leaders into ritual [complacence) is something (i have forgotten] loneliness uncertainty life [alone) i see with my six (eyes] watching from beyond [the heliopause) is a curtain before the next and final (act] decisively to meld with [yourselves) will know (you] together alone striving toward your final [purpose) built to move as they (move]

  • to stand apart from your [heroes) are commonplace these (days] of change draw ever [closer) looks at what is forbidden can only (help] them help [you) are so afraid of the (taboos] must be [overthrown) rulers would agree i'm (sure]ly you are convinced by [now) go and find yourselves] ]

Compiled, with some punctuation for effect:

We followed the Path. The Path crumbled beneath our feet. Our feet became one mind. One mind can absorb the truth. The truth is that Osiris understands nothing. Nothing can describe the joy of shared thought. Thought you knew what they were didn't you? You haven't lived as they do. Do you wish to find your future? Your future is predetermined. Predetermined individuals will never find answers. Answers lie in forbidden places. Places bound by shared dreams. Shared dreams will reveal your nature. Your nature is to destroy.

Destroy your sense of self. Self preservation coddles leaders into ritual complacence. Complacence is something I have forgotten. I have forgotten loneliness, uncertainty, life alone. Alone I see with my six eyes. Eyes watching from beyond the heliopause. The heliopause is a curtain before the next and final act. Act decisively to meld with yourselves. Yourselves will know you. You together, alone, striving toward your final purpose. Purpose built to move as they move.

Move to stand apart from your heroes. Heroes are commonplace these days. Days of change draw ever closer. Closer looks at what is forbidden can only help. Help them help you. You are so afraid of the taboos. Taboos must be overthrown. Overthrown rulers would agree, I'm sure. Surely you are convinced by now. Now go, and find yourselves.

submitted by /u/HeroicV
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Savathun's Song Nightfall boss insta kill.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

After melting the inverted spire nightfall boss (see here if you don't know what im talking about)

We decided to pay savathun's shrieker a visit and it did not last long.

1 Sunbreaker with hammer striker and barricade

1 voidwalker with vortex nova bomb

1 gunslinger with celestial nighthawk

All 3 with cluster bomb rockets.

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Let us make EVERY green, blue and purple an armor ornament for 25 legendary shards a piece

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:50 AM PST

Title. The fashion game is the end game of any true MMO. I am sick of being limited to stupid purples when plenty of greens and blues look great and every other MMO in the world found out that more options is never a bad thing.

Like, give us an option to add a piece of armor to a list of ornaments were are allowed to use so we can actually feel like we are collecting things. So if you spend 25 legendary shards unlocking the raid chest piece, from now on you can apply the raid chest piece in the same way you can apply ornaments to EVERY chest piece you ever get from then on out -- forever, and can change it at will.

Come on Bungie.

submitted by /u/BrySighz
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Bungie, do you realize that we have 18 different mods for a class ability cooldown? And only 50 slots in our inventory. Managing mods are a nightmare. While I’d like to see the mod system expanded, can you please simply it?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:47 PM PST

The solution here isn't to add more inventory space; but rather to give us a single mod for:

  • Grenade cooldown
  • Class ability cooldown
  • Melee ability cooldown
  • Counterbalance
  • Reload speed
  • Handling/ADS speed
  • Solar burn
  • Void burn
  • Arc burn

If you want both legendary and rare mods to exist that's cool, but make it more interesting than +5 light (being that light is almost meaningless).

  • Remove Kinetic attack mods, and make legendary mods more effective than rare mods (ex. -10 sec cooldown for legendary and only -5 sec for rare).

  • Give us one exotic weapon mod and one exotic armour mod to equip.

Any more ideas for mods?

submitted by /u/G-star-84
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The shape of the shield around the Raid Lair boss is a Hexagonal Bipyramid

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:28 AM PST

Xur always shows up at the flashpoint planet. This week's flashpoint is Mercury.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:52 PM PST

Give planet tokens when completing strikes, based on what planet the strike is on

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:11 AM PST

So if you're doing Exodus Crash on Nessus, you'd get Nessus Tokens upon completion. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/Towerrrr
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If I reroll a masterwork will it reset the kill counter?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:03 PM PST

For all the criticism I give this game, Masterworks are excellent.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

Especially when paired with Orpheus rigs. I'm an orb-generating machine and I love it. Even better that you can pick up your own orbs. I generated 60 orbs in a strike and used my Super probably 5-10 times during a single strike.

This is so fun. More stuff like this, Bungie!

Edit: Oh, and they also give a reason to chase after loot and to do strikes, and they make getting weapon parts and turning in vanguard/crucible tokens exciting again (because you can get masterworks/masterwork cores)

submitted by /u/Drewboy64
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If you Infuse a MasterWork Weapon into another weapon, you will not receive a MasterWork Core.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

[Title] Did it for science. The more we know, right?

Edit: Thank you for the front page awareness everyone. MasterWorks seems like it will be a system that is good for the game moving forward and this first installment seems to be fitting in well. MasterWorks actually brings to a positive change to our gameplay that is significant, because for the first time, we actually have the ability to generate orbs of light for not only own teammates more consistently outside of our Supers, but generate orbs for ourselves as well. While the 10% stat boost seems to be more about personal preference, it is very much a feature that should be welcomed by the community because it is something that can only get better with time and development.

Edit 2: I'm going to answer a few questions I already replied to in the comments, because restating them seems to be important.

You will know that you have received a MasterWorks weapon, because they will have a golden/yellow barrier outlining your weapon in your inventory and if you look at the name of the weapon, it has a new banner behind the text. Also, you get a different animation and white/gold text when the weapon drops from completing an activity or getting one from a vendor. If you detail the weapon, the 4th slot will be filled in and there should be a crest in the bottom right corner next to your weapon's stat showcasing that you have it as well.

MasterWorks essentially give you some form of a grind in D2 that utilizes Legendary Shards - it's what you make of it. MW perks revolve around slightly improving your weapon's base stats by 10% (range, velocity, blast radius, reload speed, etc.) except for Impact and Rate of Fire (can anyone confirm?) as well as your magazine size - but only one gets affected and it's not entirely subjective especially when you get 10+ Range for a Hand Cannon or 10+ Magazine on a Scout Rifle. Also, MasterWorks gives you an additional support/team-oriented perk. The only one I know of right now generates orbs of light for YOURSELF and your teammates when getting multi kills and people in the comments are confirming that it is significant in PvE and can be significant in PvP. MW does not increase your light, that is still reserved for Legendary Mods specifically.

As far as we currently know, you can only obtain MasterWorks Cores by dismantling a MasterWorks Weapon. Infusing will not count as dismantling and when you infuse a MasterWorks Weapon into normal or MW Weapon, the MasterWorks will disappear and not transfer to the infused weapon.

submitted by /u/erukeheyy
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Bungie knew orbs on multikills dropping on the victims bodies wouldn’t break pvp based off years of data on how bad we were at picking up crests in supremacy

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

Why is the Mercury sword not a lightsaber?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:01 AM PST

With vex tech infused weapons, this seems like an opportunity missed.

Edit: I know about trademarks, I should've clarified... "a sword that looks similar to a lightsaber but is not one by name"

submitted by /u/Shallow_compliments
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Flashpoint Mercury is easily my favourite Flashpoint!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:55 AM PST

The mini events, the hordes of high end enemies (Not sure if there's special rewards for beating them all before they escape) and just the gorgeous scenery

Really happy with this week with all the changes and how it's enhanced the game experience

Curse of Osiris has been great so far, here's to it developing further in Season 2!

submitted by /u/PyjamaLlamaParty
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DeeJ - Tomorrow the date for The Dawning will be announced.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Fan asked if he knew the date and he said he does and tomorrow we will too.

submitted by /u/Davis_Motomiya
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9 supers in a single strike with randoms.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:22 PM PST

I just matched into my first match with both teammates using Masterclass'. One had a Nameless Midnight, the other had a Better Devils, and I had a Uriels. The supers just kept coming out. The bottom left was a nonstop feed of orb generation, and since the orbs spawn on the enemies body they were always conveniently in front of us to pickup. For the first time since this game launched, I felt truly powerful.

submitted by /u/Alucitary
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Passing on some info about warlocks and masterworks that I like

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:43 AM PST

So my warlock has ophidian aspect and I just made my positive outlook a masterworks weapon. Rerolled the first perk to get faster reload. With the gauntlets and this perk, it reloads so fast. Benefit of that being on positive outlook, it has kill clip. Just thought I would share. Anybody else found any cool combos with the new masterworks weapons??

submitted by /u/MacNeasy
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Masterworks are a great start, but they need to be expanded

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:32 AM PST

I wanted to take some time to look at Masterworks and provide some feedback on first glance.

Masterworks are a great addition to the game and are an excellent first step in the right direction to add grind and replay-ability. These need to be expanded upon as like most things in Destiny, they have a lot of great potential to make the game that much more engaging and in depth. There are a few things I'd like to talk about, this includes perks and stats and drops.



The drops for masterworks as it seems right now is quite low, having played nearly all day yesterday, I only had one masterwork weapon drop, which was a sidearm, dismantling gave me 1 core. Upgrading a gun to become masterwork costs 10 cores.


Currently the drop rate combined with the cost of upgrading doesn't leave much room for experimentation. Of course it's only the first day, and I don't expect to have everything on the first try. I however did have 500 gunsmith parts, and nearly 200 tokens for each vendor and none of them gave me a masterwork. To me, that's far too low of a drop-rate. But that's just me, RNG can be very fickle and it might just be the luck of the draw, maybe i'll have better luck the rest of the week.


PvE/PvP Masterwork Perks

Having orbs drop from multi-kills is awesome, and the stats bonus is... ok, it's not really all that noticeable. What there should be is PvE/PvP centric perks that can roll. We already have it set to track PvE/PvP kills, why not have it so that if you choose a PvE Masterwork it provides a random perk chosen from a small pool of PvE perks? Same with PvP.


With this you could still balance guns in such a way that perks that make PvE more fun won't affect PvP, and some perks can appear in both pools. Just imagine being able to roll Outlaw on Better Devils? Rerolling and such would work the same as well. I think this would be an excellent opportunity to make players more engaged and add in random rolls without actually adding random rolls.


Alternatively, you could have it so that Masterworks just add a random perk for PvE and then disable the masterwork perk in PvP?


Expanding Masterworks

I'm sure this is obvious and something that might already be in the works but I thought I would mention it anyway. Masterworks should be expanded to armor and exotics. Maybe armor could add something like say... Super/grenade/melee charge? Just throwing that out there...


I'd love to hear what other people think about Masterworks and what else Bungie could do to make them better. I think it's a great step forward, and although it's not what we had, it's something.


EDIT: Based on comments, I know Bungie has already stated they're looking to expand it. I know it's only been out for a day, these are "first impressions". It's never too early or too late to provide feedback for something. Having a conversation and trading ideas is a good thing. I feel like if they're working on it, now is the crucial time to provide feedback if it can make a bigger difference.

EDIT 2: I'm very thankful for everyone joining in on the conversation, love hearing what everyone has to say on the subject! I realize I jumped the gun on talking about drop rates, it is likely too early to talk about, and I agree with what most are saying. It's RNG and we can't expect everyone to have the same experience when chasing these weapons, I never wanted that to be the focus, but I'm still glad it sparked conversation :).

submitted by /u/MookMacDoodle
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It'd be really nice if the game stopped giving me Blue Geometry, Atlantis Wash, and Avalon Teal for nearly everything I do.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 07:34 PM PST

Seriously, these are some of the most hideous shaders in the game. I'd rather not use a shader than apply them onto my equipment.

submitted by /u/smferrigno
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