Destiny - Daily Questions [2017-12-02]

Daily Questions [2017-12-02]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:00 AM PST

Welcome to the Daily Questions thread! Do you have a Destiny related question that needs answering? Can't find it anywhere else on the web? Well You're in luck! Simply ask your question down below, and the knowledgeable community of /r/DestinyTheGame will answer it to the best of their abilities!

Be sure to read the New Players Guide, the Destiny FAQ, or use the search in the top right before submitting a question, as it could have already been answered. Also be sure to check the thread itself.

Be sure to sort by new to see the latest questions!


  • Absolutely no down talking. You were all new to Destiny once, so there's no need to belittle anyone just because you might know more.

  • All hateful comments that derail conversation will be removed. This thread is a place of learning, so keep it civil.

You can find the full Daily Thread schedule here.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Did we collectively forget that Eververse was supposedly to support extra content...until it didn't?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:55 AM PST

As the title suggests, Bungie's rationale for implementing micro transactions into Destiny 1 was, according to them at the time, to fund extra free content in between the major content releases. Lets not forget that not only was SRL really the biggest culmination of that, but that the game did not need them to have made a profit to invest back into it, having made the full $500 million franchise investment back in the first week of Y1 after all. NOT ONLY THIS, but then Eververse is in D2 at launch, this time with no justification and certainly no extra content as of yet, and still no one ever seems to have mentioned this at all. Please say I have just missed a huge rant thread about this somewhere because it really troubles me that the developers are correct in that they can rely on consumer apathy to push shady shit into their games. D2 is getting blasted for a lot right now, and this should be on that hit list too, at least in my humble opinion.

EDIT: Wow. Suffice it to say this garnered a whole lot more attention than I was expecting it to. Thank you to everyone who engaged with it and actually had a discussion (as it was intended to be) rather than simply ripping each other's throats out.

To be clear: This discussion centres around the faux-justification Bungo made for introducing Eververse and question where the content that should, if you interpret the Bungie statement this way, have come along with it, primarily in Destiny 1 - I can't stress that enough. Those who say this is entirely invalidated by D2 having been out only 3 months (which I disagree with even in the case of that game too) are missing the point, somewhat; again, though, the conversation around this too is quite welcome.

This is NOT about whether Eververse is effectively Pay-to-Win or not, to be clear. Table that for other threads, please.

Again, though, thank you to the very very very many of you who have given good, polite debates and continue to do so.

submitted by /u/iheartbawkses
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I 100% support a “State Of Destiny 2” update once a month

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

"The State of Destiny 2" article was I believe an excellent update from the dev team for where we are and plan to go. I don't love not hate everything in it, as we all have our thoughts, but it's an excellent piece of communication. Let "This Week At Bungie" fill in details week to week, I completely support a State of Destiny 2 article published once a month.

For example:

The State of Destiny 2 - January: -The Dawning is in full swing -Here's when you'll be seeing the Prestige updates this month -Here's the feedback from Curse of Osiris, and how we're addressing it -Etc etc etc

The State of Destiny 2 - February -We just announced Expansion 2 -Here are our goals for February updates -Season 3 teases -Etc Etc Etc

tldr: I thoroughly enjoyed the "State of Destiny 2" article, and feel it becoming a monthly recurring piece would go a long way for improved communication with the community.

submitted by /u/MRX93
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Bungie, just to clarify, Hunters DO NOT want a nerf to the recovery stat. We just want more sets focused on recovery.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

As a Hunter main, I felt this post was necessary. In the past, Bungie seemed to nerf things like this when certain classes were at a disadvantage in some areas. Nobody wants that, and it wouldn't be fair. We Hunters just want more sets with recovery. At the very least, make mobility stat a bit more meaningful.

submitted by /u/Ralfufigus
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Constructive Feedback to buff the Subclasses.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:34 AM PST

I will try to keep the explanation as simple as I can. NO SALT.


Chaos Accelerant should not decrease Super energy when charging a Grenade.

Chaos Accelerant allows the Voidwalkers to charge their Grenades to increase their blast radius and duration at the cost of Super energy. It does not increase damage.

Chaos Accelerant Features:

  • Increases Grenade Effectiveness(small boost to Grenade duration and tracking for certain Grenades) // +1

  • Takes time to charge // -1

  • Decreases Super Energy when primed // -1

Yet, the Striker's Magnitude Perk grants more beneficial features without any downsides through:

  • An additional Grenade // +1

  • Extended Grenade Duration, which increases damage // +1

The Nightstalker's Lockdown Perk also freely increases the Grenades duration and Smoke Bomb effects has no downsides as well.

Therefore, charging Grenades should not decrease Super energy, as waiting 83 seconds and using 2 seconds to charge your Grenade is already the cost.


Replace Transcendence with Feedback

  • Feedback is a Stormcaller Perk from Destiny 1 that instantly recharges your Thunderstrike when the user gets hit by any Melee Attack, and it then makes their Melee Ability do more damage.

  • Feedback should replace Transcendence to allow the Stormcaller to use their Chain Lightning Melee more often. Transcendence is not really used much in D2 because of the long base cooldowns, so Feedback has more use to provide. For example, if Transcendence remains, the Stormcaller has to save his Melee and Grenade charge in order for it to work. This reduces the use of the Arc chaining abilities, and promotes the user to not use his abilities. Thus, the Attunement of Conduction will not be true to its word because because the Stormcaller is being selfish to save his Melee and Grenade Abilities, just to get a longer Super with full health on casting.

  • If Feedback is present, the Stormcaller will be motivated to use his Chain Lightning because he can instantly get it back when he is damaged by a Melee, making it more productive when compared to Transcendence. So Attunement of Conduction can have more conduction with Feedback recharging Chain Lightning, instead of people saving both Grenade and Melee Charges to make their Super last longer.

Change the cooldown of Rising Storm and Chain Lightning Melee to 1:23 from 1:34 to make it in line with the other Melee Abilities

  • There is no reason for those melee abilities to have an additional 11 seconds to their base cooldowns when the range boost is 1m and it is not really noticeable in game.


Fusion Grenade//Flux//Magnetic

  • Reduce the cooldown.

It needs a faster recharge rate since it is not as effective as the Solar and Firebolt. Solar Grenades have a built in Touch of Flame perk that delays health regeneration while Firebolt has a lower recharge rate. Fusion has nothing. The player has to use more concentration to aim their grenade to make it work and it takes about 1.5 seconds for the grenade to detonate. I liked that Sticky Grenades do not one hit kill anymore but at least increase their frequency to compensate.


  • As an intrinsic ability, Daybreak projectiles now launch a streak of deadly flames upon impact. A built in Fated for the Flame Perk.

  • Press [ Melee ] to use an average sword strike that does not reduce Super energy while Press [ Shoot weapon ] to cast the normal projectile.

  • During Daybreak, Grenade Ability recharge rate is rapidly increased so players can spread out their attack at the cost of damage. Does not drain Super energy.

  • Hold [ Crouch ] while airborne to descend and cause explosive damage.

During Sentinel Shield, players can:

  • shoulder charge

  • airborne dash

  • block attacks to generate Orbs of Light

  • throwable shields that bounce and track enemies

During Arc Staff, players have:

  • unlimited dodges

  • many combinations of moves

  • area slam attack

  • palm shock blast

While Dawnblades can only throw projectiles that travels slowly and drops straight downwards with limited range. Having a choice to throw a barrage of grenades or cast Daybreak projectiles, or slice with the sword will make Daybreak on par with the other new Supers. Daybreak projectiles are powerful but they cost a lot of energy to cast, players need another option to distribute more attacks that des not reduce Super energy at the cost of damage.

Attunement of Sky

Swift Strike

  • Increase the boost of the movement speed

Currently, the increase to reload speed is noticeable in-game, except for the movement speed boost. The movement speed should be as fast as the Assassin's Blade Perk on swords. Having a perk that only increases the reload speed that is locked to a 83 second cooldown is very inefficient when comparing to Gunslingers who can trigger an increase to reload speed on any precision kill.

Winged Sun

  • Remove the penalty to accuracy when airborne so players will air combat more. With the accuracy penalty, going airborne to shoot not is practical.

    • Glide is now Solar orange in color to indicate to the other players that the user can attack while Gliding.
  • While airborne, pressing [ Sprint ] will cancel the Winged Sun effect.

Winged Sun needs to remove the penalty to accuracy when airborne, so that shooting on the ground is similar to shooting in the air. At its current state, Winged Sun is very horrible that players would rather just shoot on the ground instead of the air due to inaccuracy. It really needs to have that accuracy penalty removed so people will air combat more, just like how Bungie intended Dawnblade to be.

Icarus Dash

  • Does not decrease Super energy during Daybreak.

Just like Phoenix Dive, it should not decrease any Super energy during Daybreak since the duration is short.

Attunement of Flame

Igniting Touch

  • Reduce the cooldown.

This Perk in Destiny 1 has a cooldown of 8 seconds for compensation since the frequency of enemies being clustered together for the explosion to be effective is very situational. The reduce cooldown will play a huge part in this Attunement.

Everlasting Flame

  • Killing an enemy with any Solar Ability generates an Orb of Light.

  • Killing an enemy in Daybreak extends its duration.

Any Solar Ability kill through melee strikes, grenades or Super will generate an Orb of Light, making the Dawnblade as supportive as the Sunsinger. This perk will also allow Daybreak to always generate an Orb of Light per kill.

Add a new Perk, Song of Flame (Idea from DefiantMars)

  • Rift reduces all Ability cooldowns for you and your allies within it. Rift has a golden halo on its top to indicate its ability, just like the Stormcaller's Arc Soul at the top its Rift.

With Ability cooldowns taking so long to recharge, having a Rift to speed up the cooldowns for you and your allies will always be welcome.

Phoenix Flight (Idea from Faust_8)

  • While airborne, holding [ Crouch ] to quickly descend forward to restore a flat amount of health. The forward descend works similar to the Striker's Death From Above or the Halo 5 Ground Pound, without any damage of course.

  • While airborne, pressing [ Sprint ] will hold you in place for a short time. Pressing [ Sprint ] again will cancel the effect.

The Dive needs the addition of a forward momentum lunge, similar to the lunge from the Arc Staff's slam. The Dive needs more mobility for an incentive to be used often. Without the lunge, you are literally locking your mobility.

Instead of granting a certain amount of health with proportion to height, the Dive should grant a flat chunk of health regardless of height. This is because there are not many high cliffs or ledges to dive off in most Crucible maps.

Angel of Light(Wings of Sacred Dawn) works really well with the Phoenix Dive. Without combination of the two, it is useless. Jump in the air, stabilized in a fixed position and shoot. Get shot? Phoenix Dive down and recover some health. That should have been an intended way for this perk to work. Angel of Light is horrible in Destiny 1 because it is impossible to cancel the effect and Phoenix Dive being absent.


Reduce the beaconing red flare from planted Tripmine Grenades

Tripmines are meant to be used as traps so why does it emit a clear obvious cone of red light? Tripmines are not really used much in both PVE and PVP, as other grenade options have better results.


Gunslinger: Way of the Outlaw

  • Pressing the Super button will activate the Default 3 Shot Golden Gun Mode, while holding the Super button will activate the 6 Shot Golden Gun Mode with shorter duration.

Just like how the Sentinel: Code of the Protector can press the Super button activate the Default Sentinel Shield Mode, or hold the Super button activate the Ward of Dawn. This change will allow Players to happily have a choice to choose what they want instead of facing the penalty of forcing to use the 6 Shot Golden Gun with shorter duration.

Nightstalker: Way of the Pathfinder

  • Pressing the Super button will cast the Default Single Shadowshot, while holding the Super button will activate the 5 Shot Shadowshot Mode.

This change will allow Players to happily have a choice to choose what they want instead of facing the penalty of forcing to the Mobilus Quiver Perk.

Arcstrider's Arc Staff

  • Increase the Sprint speed and mobility by 10%.

Most of the time, many players are able to outrun a freshly casted Arc Staff at close range. Arc Staff supposed to be the fastest Super. Being outrun by Stormcaller's Ionic Blink and the Sentinel's Shield Dash is very unfair to the Arcstriders.

Voidwalker: Attunement of Chaos

  • Pressing the Super button will cast the Default Nova Bomb, while holding the Super button will cast the Slowva Bomb.

This change will allow Players to happily have a choice to choose what they want instead of facing the penalty of forcing to use the slow Nova Bomb.

Sunbreaker's Hammer of Sol

  • Add Suncharge, a default melee attack ability during Hammer of Sol.

Hammer of Sol currently feels too similar to the Daybreak. Our dearest Strikers can smash and shoulder charge, Sentinels can block, throw and bash with their Shield, and Sunbreakers can only throw Hammers. At close range, most Sunbreakers would just spam throwing hammers at the ground, hoping that the blast radius would kill any Guardians near by. With a built in Suncharge, they can at least aim with it for a more secured kill. This would promote less hammer spam at close combat.

Titan's Melee Ability

Titan's Hammer Strike, Sesimic Strike, and Shield Bash

  • Increase damage of these Melee Abilities to do as much damage as 2 default melee attacks

These Melee Abilities currently do as much damage as a single default melee strike, and has a delay of 1.5 seconds after using. It is much more productive to just use a normal melee instead, and this causes people to use this abilities as aerial dashes instead of their intended purposes.

All Melee abilities

Pressing the melee button to use the default Class Melee while holding it to use the Charged Melee.

Having more control over which melee to use is great! Gunslingers and Nightstalkers can truly use their throwing knife or bomb with more control. Players are tired of having to use their Swift Strike or Shocking Blow on a Thrall when they have no choice to punch it while reloading.

All Ability Cooldowns

What makes Destiny 1 so fun, satisfying, and 'powerful' is that Grenades and Melee Abilities recharge so much faster, making you feel like a god. In Destiny 2, Grenades and Melee Abilities takes so long to recharge, which makes most people relying more on their Guns instead. Abilities are like additional layer with grants the players more possibilities of combat, and it also makes the game more interesting.

Some Abilities in Destiny 1 were a problem such as:

  • One hit killing Sticky Grenades

  • The eternal seeking Skip Grenades

  • Firebolt Grenades being powered up with massive burn damage

  • Scorch: Flame Shield, which grants the user a strong overshield

  • One hit killing Shoulder Charge having no cooldown

Yes, they were a problem but most of the abilities are finally tuned in Destiny 2. All Abilities in Destiny 2 have their damaged lowered, which is fine for balance. Since the damage of these abilities are finally nerfed, why are they further destroy by increasing the cooldowns?

However, some people are worried because having the cooldowns lowered will lead to ability spam. I disagree. Since Abilities are weaker and do not one shot in D2, people will not spam them to get a kill, and will only use them when needed since there is no instant kill potential. For example, Sticky Grenades were spammed in D1 because they have a one hit kill potential. Since they are nerfed in D2, people will not spam them anymore and will only use them when needed. This also explains the lack of Sticky Grenades used in D2 Crucible.

Increasing the cooldowns of the Guardians abilities is like lowering the identity and minimizing the strengths of a Guardian. This problems greatly affects the Warlock Class as having less Spells to cast is like handicaping the abilities of a Wizard, when a Wizard is prime in those abilities.

Remember the Live Action Trailers of Destiny that attracted so many new people and hype up the veterans? It is because the Guardians in the trailers were showing their badass abilities to defeat their enemies:

Guardians are like soldiers infused with elemental powers that can heal from a fatal wound in seconds with the Light. Think of an immortal Captain America with solar/arc/void powers and Wolverine's healing, and the ability to revive. That is how powerful and amazing a Guardian is.

Ability Standard Cooldown Lowest Possible Cooldown
D1 Grenade/Melee 1 minute 25 seconds
D2 Grenade/Melee 1 minute and 23 seconds 1 minute and 9 seconds

Even with the maximum amount of Armor Mods, Destiny 2 still cannot have the cooldown time of the abilities in Destiny 1, which makes the game 'stale'.

Grenades and Melee abilities in Destiny 2 should have a similar cooldown to Destiny 1 to recapture the feeling of a god. Abilities are balanced in Destiny 2 but they are locked behind under a long cooldown. It is time to unlock it.


Add D1 Customisation Interface to D2

Simplify the customisation options for Subclasses just to cater to the casuals is pure stupid. Casuals are NOT stupid. The D1 Subclass Perk selection was very simple to understand and to select, even a child will know how it works after 1 minute of meddling.

Forcing us to choose either 2 options of play style that consists of fixed Perks destroys the player's freedom of choice.

Destiny is a game that makes us the Legend. "It does not matter who you are, only what you become." Is a quote that I will always remember from the D1 trailers. Remembered the quote "Become Legend." You craft and choose what you want for your Legend, not to follow some stupid Attunement, Code, or Way.

In Destiny 1:

  • Players are given a choice to choose any of the 3 Perks offered in 4 columns to cater to their play style. So if you do not like a Perk, you can freely choose another one.

In Destiny 2:

  • Players have to choose any of the 2 Sets of Perks offered to cater to their play style. So if you do not like a Perk in either one of the Sets, you are forced to use it.

For example, if you love all of the Perks in the Gunslinger's Way of the Outlaw but hated the last Perk which grants you a very short Golden Gun duration with 6 shots? Too bad, Bungie forced you to use it. You cannot swap its corresponding Perk from the other Path. This destroys the player's freedom of choice. Bungie wanted the game to focus on our choices, yet they forced us to use a fixed system.


Yeah, this is f**king because all of the other Subclass Perks are weak as horse shit when compared to the other perks in the same column. Who would use Angel of Light over double more DPS Solar Grenades? Who would use Angry Magic over Annihilate when the blast radius for Nova Bomb is freaking big?

Maybe if Bungie buff those weak perks, people will use them...

All Armor Pieces should be reforgeable with Legendary Shards to change its intrinsic perk to your desired Stat

All Armor pieces should have a node that allows the user to swap/rerolled its instrinic perk at a cost of x Legendary Shards. This is done to boost the incentive to get all armor with your desired stat, especially for the Raid armor.

Wanted the Raid Hunter Armor Set but it is locked to Mobility and you grinded the Raid a lot? With rerollable Armor, you can get Recovery on it!


  • The Reforge Node can be called 'Relight', 'Retune', 'Rekindled' or 'Phase Shift (Because of Light)".

  • The cost to reroll an Armor piece can be 10 Legendary Shards with 100 Glimmer.

Give everyone their freedom back please.

Hunter's Cloaks and Helmets // Warlock Robes

Fix the graphical glitch in armor pieces that are made of cloth

Cloaks and robes sometimes have a graphical glitch where they flicker when you sprint and jump in game.


Reason for the camping and team shooting META

  • Ability cooldowns are damn long, which eliminates the confidence to flank or strike the enemy at the front lines. This cause players to hang back with their scout rifle and snipe instead of frontal assault. So people will just camp until they have their Abilities recharged.

    Solution: Buff cooldowns, making them the same as D1.

  • ADS speed is too slow in D2 which nerf the speed of the players to engaged the next enemy after killing the first. Noticed that Quickdraw Perk is missing?

    Solution: Increase ADS speed a little bit.

  • Radar takes too long to appear after ADS causes most people to use Mida Multi Tool or hug a wall to camp at the back of the map.

    Solution: Radar cooldown should be just like what it was in D1, faster recovery.

  • Weapon accuracy penalty while airborne is horrible, making your shots inconsistent. This removes the vertical space that players could have the potential to use to make combat more interesting. The vertical space was used much more in D1, which made the Crucible more fun.

    Solution: Increase/remove weapon accuracy penalty while Airborne.

  • Bad map spawns

    Solution: Fix map spawns.

  • Solo players should not match with a full team with communication.

    Solution: Reduce/remove chance for solo players to match with full teams.

Live Team and Chris Barrett, you all are the keys to make us Guardians again.

submitted by /u/The_Taken_Dick
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Release schedule & summary of changes for Curse of Osiris

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

December 5 release schedule

  • Maintenance starts: 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm GMT (UK) / 4pm CET (Europe)
  • Pre-load available: 8am PST / 11am EST / 4pm GMT (UK) / 5pm CET (Europe)
  • Maintenance ends: 10am PST / 1pm EST / 6pm GMT (UK) / 7pm CET (Europe)

Known changes & improvements

December 5

  • Armor Ornaments (for Vanguard/Crucible/Trials/Iron Banner/Factions/Raid Lair)
  • Rare mods dismantle into gunsmith materials + chance of mod components
  • Banshee sells legendary mods for mod components + legendary shards (selection rotates daily)
  • Rahool sells legendary engrams for legendary shards
  • Daily challenges and strikes reward an increased number of tokens
  • Cayde's chests will always reward at minimum some tokens of the destination
  • Resources nodes will always drop resources (100% drop rate)
  • Increased values of resources (+50% for common, +250% for rare)
  • Reputation required per reward engram will increase for destination factions (+37%) and gunsmith (+50%)
  • Leviathan raid tokens can be redeemed without needing to complete the raid once
  • Remaining raid keys will be wiped from the inventory on weekly reset
  • Daily and weekly resets time change: 9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT (UK) / 6pm CET(Europe)
  • 4K HDR support on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X

December 12

  • Masterwork weapons
  • Most vendors sell armor and weapons for tokens + legendary shards
  • Xur sells Fated Engrams & Three of Coins
  • Zavala and Shaxx sell Gift consumables for Legendary Shards (bonus rewards on strike or match completion)
  • Relaxed anti-farming cooldown on chests and resource nodes
  • Vendors don't blink on the map if you don't have enough tokens for an engram


Please tell me if I missed anything and I will update the list!

Edit: added GMT times (UK time)

Edit2: added reset time change + 4K HDR support for new consoles

submitted by /u/FinalStarfall
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Can't believe I'm actually saying this, but... can we have the Grimoire cards back?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:41 AM PST

Or at least something similar?

I know, all thing considered this is currently not exactly top prio, but please hear me out:

It hit me a few days ago when someone made a thread about possible story content in the Rasputin DLC (cheers, buddy). I really miss theorycrafting threads about the lore in Destiny. You know, those Chinese Walls of text put together from smallest scraps of info found in the cards that people used to post on regular basis? They were amazing. I loved reading them and have huge respect for people who put them together. Remember that thread on whether or not Rasputin shot down the Traveler during the Collapse? That shit was badass.

Grimoire cards were far from perfect. People were right with their complains, all this stuff should've been in the game. But if you take them for what they are, they are fuckin brilliant and sure as hell better than what we currently have. They started as pretty cool read in Vanilla Destiny and became absolutely incredible in Taken King. I adore the Books of Sorrow, despite having basically no clue wtf is going on there. Hell, as embarrassing as it is to admit, I even tried to write my own versions of them, because they were so frickin inspiring.

I'd love to see the theorycrafting community do their magic again. So yeah... maybe when the important gameplay related things are out of the way, can Bungie do something for the lore-starved people like me?

PS: sorry for mistakes, I'm not a native speaker.

submitted by /u/Andal_Brask
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Marty O'Donnell on MoTS release: "Activision has no stake in this since they don't own any Destiny IP. This is all up to Bungie."

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:02 PM PST


Really makes you think about the "developers v publishers" argument...

submitted by /u/isaiahpmarshall
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1AU has the best mission mechanics in Destiny

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:40 AM PST

In general I don't love Destiny's mission mechanics.

It's fun-ish but doesn't make sense why our enemies keep leaving plates and swords and balls of destructive energy lying about. On the other hand it makes sense but is flat-out boring waiting for ghost to hack into things. Plus why is ghost so good at this?

But the sun-side section on the Almighty? It's excellent.

It's immersive as all hell and instantly clicks; no-one needs a Byf video explaining why we might be burning out there and the visuals are gorgeous. Gameplay-wise the response is simple and rational - use shadows to protect yourself - but creates a fresh tactical experience.

Could do a lot more with that mechanic. Imagine a Crucible map on a spinning asteroid that goes from sun-side to dark-side and back. Radar disables when it's on the sun-side.

I don't think 1AU entirely ran out of great mechanics there, either. The rock vacuum tunnel was cool, though could have been even cooler bouncing around with Cabal bosses and bits of rock and whatnot, like a cross between Destiny and Asteroids. Even using a tank to drive around and blow up their cooling systems was fun and made sense in the context. From end to end, the mission makes sense, looks gorgeous and is a ton of fun to play.

Bungie: more like that, please!

Honorable mentions go to the "ambush Cabal" adventure in the EDZ (though let me place the charges), the drilling rig public events (but why the vex spires on the vex planets, or those locations for glimmer drills, or those mechanics for Taken Blights?), the disappearing floors in the beta strike, the rising lake of darkness in the PS4 strike, getting the tidal generators going on Titan and the cable car ride in ROI and climbing Felwinter's Peak. Everything else... well, you know about everything else.

submitted by /u/FakeBonaparte
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For being "good for new players" Destiny 2's lore is unfriendly as hell.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:31 AM PST

No explanation of the golden age, the darkness, fallen clans. Making references to areas in Destiny 1 that new players have never been to. I know this seems like a small complaint, but would removing a few voice lines and adding a few lines of text really hurt? You have an entire new platform and you can't explain what's even going on.

submitted by /u/cacatua242
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The Third Spire Wallpaper

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:33 AM PST

Screenshot Retouched in Photoshop

submitted by /u/Urinates_On_Puppies
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[D1] Tyra Karn has a beautifully rolled Memory of Gheleon in Stock

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:49 AM PST

It comes with an Intellect/Discipline roll of 38/45. That is a max Intellect value and a Discipline stat only 6 points shy of a perfectly rolled Artifact. As far as I can tell that is the best rolled Gheleon to date.

Memory of Gheleon: Grants a detailed radar and radar persists when adsing with primary weapons.


  • Void Catalyst: Void precision kills against minions of the darkness have the chance to produce an orb of light.

  • Fallen Piercer: Precision kills on fallen enemies have a chance to generate an orb of light.

submitted by /u/Ch40ssp4rt4n
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Bungie Plz Addition: increase the vault space and/or addition of kiosks

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:35 PM PST

Hello Guardians,

This change has been added to Bungie Plz.
Going forward, all posts suggesting this change will be removed and redirected to this Megathread.

Submitted by: /u/FakeBonaparte

Date approved: 2017-12-02

Why it Should be added:

There are many items to collect (e.g. weapons, shaders, Ghosts) and not enough vault space to keep them all. Too much time is spent micromanaging gear and not enough time spent punching aliens in the face.

Examples given: 1, 2, 3

Criteria Used:

"...3 examples (with links) of recent submissions (with at least 1 being over 5 days old), that have been well received (hundreds of upvotes on the front page of the sub - ex. 300+ upvotes)."

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Deck the Halls with Faction Rallies

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Merry Christmas Guardians! I wanted to share these Faction Christmas Stockings I made on Twitch this week. I can't wait to see what Xur is going to leave :D Handmade by: Nerd and Needle FactionStockings

submitted by /u/NerdandNeedle
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The Adventures in D2 are Great!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:48 AM PST

I plowed through the story campaign on PS4 and PC. Grinded out my gear to 305. Played trials and the raid. Got my quest exotics, and my iron banner emblem.

But in all of this I never touched the adventures. So, like a lot of you, I was looking for something to do and figured I'd start clearing these off the map. Holy crap! These adventures are dynamic, filled with lore, and some of the most fun and sometimes mildly challenging things I can currently find to do. They are amazing to do for pure enjoyment. I hope they can be repeatable or upped in difficulty coming up!

All I can say is, Bungie, more of this! And try to weave them into the story or make a logical pathway to entice people to complete them over pure enjoyment.

*edit phone post

submitted by /u/snowplusbrd
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I really miss pre-DLC launch events. Can we please get them back for DLC 2?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST

I loved how Wolves would invade the cosmodrome the week before HoW dropped. I wish we could have gotten some kind of Vex transmission public event type thing where they were causing trouble leading up to Curse of Osiris. Hopefully we will get some for the future!

PS: I don't know if this topic was already posted or not, I didn't see it so I thought I'd mention it. :)

submitted by /u/cottontyler
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It says a lot about the state of the game that the community is writing fan fiction of game-fixes instead of normal fan fiction.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:43 PM PST

It seems like every single day we've voted a thread to the front page that's a well-thought out fix to a problem in D2. Then there's also all of the threads with suggestions and minor tweaks and other adjustments that could improve the game. We really do want this game and franchise to be everything that it can be (and everything we were promised).

At this point in a franchise's life (3+ years into it) we should just be writing normal fan fiction (e.g. by now.

submitted by /u/Blukoi
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Over a year ago, Redditor accurately predicts destiny 2

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

Bring back scarves

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:06 AM PST

One cool thing about the Age of Triumph was that it made legendary versions of formerly rare-exclusive gear. On hunters, this meant shorter cloaks, and a hoodless, cloakless scarf were available.

Can we get more of these in the future bungie? Capes without hoods, hoods without capes, and scarves?

submitted by /u/VersusJordan
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Destiny Legal News 5.6

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:36 AM PST

Lawyer guardian here,

I have some crucially important legal news for you. Okay, maybe it's not important, but in a very sarcastic way it maybe kinda is important. Have Eververse's antics gone too far?

Destiny Legal News 5.6

submitted by /u/ACbullman23
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Rogue Seven found the real friend game

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:38 AM PST

I made a post earlier in the week talking about how our clan was deleted and we lost our rank 6, I'll link it below for context. We didn't give up though and we created a bond of scrub daddy's and scrub carry's which comprised of 1 fully leveled guardian carrying the other 2. Someone in the clan came up with the idea of creating alt accounts letting them join the clan, running public events until we got 5K xp with a scrub daddy, deleting the character then rinsing and repeating until we hit rank 6 in just 4 days. We did a painful amount of heroic events and I think it's safe to say most of us never want to do the slow walk in the first mission ever again haha shout out to all the boys for being good bunch of lads getting in on the grind and that one salty leader who brought us all together by deleting our clan to help us find the real friendgame. Also thanks to all the guardians who offered us a place in their clan.

submitted by /u/Kanye_Mandela
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Orpheus Rigs recharges ANY Hunter Super, not just Shadowshot! You can triple the length of Arc Staff and Golden Gun!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:43 PM PST

Recently posted by Baken Gangsta, who's pretty amazing Destiny glitch finder. Check it out:

Also, inb4 "If only I could get them to drop for me..."

Edit: Sorry for the misleading title. I guess in my hype of seeing this in action, I didn't think to clarify the title. You still need to start out with Shadowshot, but once you've fired it off, you can switch subclasses it will refill that super...even during the actual super, extending the length.

submitted by /u/Ace_Of_Caydes
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Lost Sector Emblems

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:46 AM PST

I'll preface this by saying: The Lost Sectors in this game are amazing environments. I recommend everyone check them out if only for their beauty. The ones you haven't seen show up as brighter lost sector icons on the map.

So here's what I don't get : When you finish the first lost sector on a planet you get an emblem. When you finish the last lost sector on a planet you get nothing, and aren't sure if you've missed one. Why aren't those reversed? You should not get a lost sector emblem till you've completed all the lost sectors on that planet.

It's pretty minor in the grand scheme of things, but it bugs me.

submitted by /u/Berzercurmudgeon
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The lack of connection to our species long forgotten achievements is what hurts Destiny 2 the most for me.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:59 AM PST

Hi all.

Just wanted to add my two cents to the current conversation regarding the regretful differences between Destiny 1 and Destiny 2, apologies if this has already been raised by someone else.

Here goes... Whilst Destiny 1 struggled in a lot of respects to tell the history of its own universe, one aspect that absolutely succeeded, was the visual appearance of the environments we operated in.

As a rough example, early in Destiny 1, we are taken on what amounts to an introductory tour of the Cosmodrome. Whilst wandering through the rusting wasteland, your attention is pulled from multiple directions; abandoned escape ships stalled on their launch pads, huge arrays looming on the horizon, bits of technology that are just futuristic enough to appear foreign and familiar at the same time. In one defining moment, all of this visual stimulation is brilliantly punctuated by my favorite piece of audio so far in the franchise - Dinklebot saying,"You know, this place must have been amazing before the collapse. Thousands of humans boarding the colony ships, off to build cities beyond".

Visual and audio coming together in this manner jolted my imagination and curiosity, pulled me into the potential lore of the wider universe, in a way that is notably absent for the majority of Destiny 2.

On the surface, this may seem like an odd thing to say when you consider that the EDZ is the single largest playable space so far in the franchise, but nothing about this environment captures me in the way the Cosmodrome did. No real hints of the golden age to avert your gaze towards, no large expanses of rusting planes and ships-come-tombs, just an environment that appears more like a generic WW2 themed shooter, than a Destiny universe.

The same can be said for the other planets as well. Now, I know that a large part of this stems from the need to explain our enemies backstories, but this shift of focus was too heavy in my opinion. Brief moments aside (notably the Archology on Titan and the Exodus Black on Nessus), the lack of attention to our history, weakens my interest in the Destiny experience. Gone are the moments when you first set foot on the moon and look back at the earth, or the times you first venture onto Venus and Mars and realize the true extent of our development as a species, all this forgotten history waiting to be recovered.

Say what you want about Destiny 1's failings story and lore-wise, but the tone used, those moments of being visually blindsided by the sheer extent of our past achievements, are sorely lacking from Destiny 2.

I don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I know this is my biggest deterrent from losing myself in Destiny 2, the way I did in 1.

TL;DR: The environments in Destiny 2 do not engage the player's imagination on a human level the way those of Destiny 1 did.

submitted by /u/MuchoFrickinOro
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