Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-16]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-16]

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

Note: At this time, the Destiny 2 API does not provide any of the info below. We have put placeholder data until the API is available and it is grabbed automatically. In the meantime, please feel free to post in the comments and we'll update the thread.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Do you think Destiny would benefit more if it embraced being more of an MMO?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST

Do you think Destiny would benefit more if it embraced being more of an MMO?

What I mean is that instead of a Destiny 3, 4, 5 and 6 (etc.) Do you feel Destiny would benefit more if it had a model like World of Warcraft? You have a core theme to each "major" expansion which releases every 18 – 24 months.

So instead of a Curse of Osiris "expansion", a Vex "expansion", a Taken "expansion" and a Fallen "expansion." Ghaul wasn't a very interesting villain for the main Destiny 2 campaign. What if throughout the 18 – 24 months of Destiny 2 you do Raids/Strikes/Quests to work towards Ghaul being the end goal and taking back the City, the Traveler and the Tower.

Imagine if there was a Raid specifically for the Almighty part of the story, or if you and five other guardians could take part in taking back the City from The Red Legion with Ghaul being the end boss of the "expansion". As I mentioned before – a model like World of Warcraft, and other MMO's of course. In World of Warcraft: Legion you did not defeat The Burning Legion within the questing of The Broken Isles. Instead you had Dungeons/Raids (which were released over time) with the themes of both the expansion zones and the core story.

The last two raids of Legion are great (in my opinion.) The Tomb of Sargeras has been in Warcraft lore for over 15 years. Players entered that raid and defeated Kil'jaeden, one of Sargeras main lieutenants. Then with Antorus, the Burning Throne we defeated Argus, the Titan who was corrupted by Sargeras and was the reason he had a endless army of demons.

I know what you're thinking – "Destiny isn't an MMO" and "Well, if you love World of Warcraft so much, why not just play that?" I just think Destiny could produce a lot more valuable content around a theme of the major expansion being released every 18 – 24 months, instead of these smaller "expansions" every 6 months which from my perspective are based on different themes and concepts.

So think of it like this:

• Destiny 2 (base game) - Ghaul takes the City and players go through campaign as is by getting the Vanguard back together to build up a resistance force. • Players then have 10 different Strike Missions to defeat different boss encounters. Perhaps half of these could explore themes of Vex, Hive/Taken and Fallen. While the others have players taking out key members of The Red Legion and gathering information into Ghaul's motivations and reasons behind taking the Traveler for The Red Legion. • Every 6 months players would get raid content with each raids theme leading up to the next raid. As I mentioned, the Almighty part of Destiny 2's campaign could be raid number three, with the 6 guardians defeating The Red Legion, but also destroying the Almighty. This then leads onto the next raid 6 months later with Ghaul being the end boss with multiple phases and a challenging encounter. Similar to what I mentioned before with players defeating Kil'jaeden in the Tomb of Sargeras and then going to Antorus, the Burning Throne to destroy the Burning Legion once and for all. • Bungie then could lead into the next MAJOR expansion with say the Taken/Hive being the big bad. During the events of Destiny 2's base game and raids the Taken/Hive build up a force to launch an assault on the Traveler. Imagine if Oryx, the Taken King was the big bad of that MAJOR expansion. Similar how it went from Illidan in The Burning Crusade, to The Lich King in The Wrath of the Lich King, to then Deathwing in Cataclysm (etc.)

I've also heard that players of Destiny would like to "grind" in Destiny 2. What if like in World of Warcraft (Base game) and then in The Burning Crusade expansion you had to do "attunement" quests within Destiny 2 to gain access to Raids/Strike Missions. So in-order to do the Almighty Raid you needed three items from two Strike Missions and the Raid before hand to do it. Then from the Almighty Raid you would need three items from that and other Strike Missions to gain access to the "Taking Back the Traveler" Raid.

Stuff like that really gave meaning to World of Warcraft and other MMO games back in the day. I believe Destiny 2 would benefit greatly from a system like that. Not only would it give players an insensitive to play, but it would also make the world of Destiny feel larger than it already is.

This can also fix problems people have with Eververse and Lootboxes within Destiny 2. Bosses/Encounters could drop certain loot which only drops from that boss. Imagine if Ghaul on Prestige difficulty would drop a certain Sparrow/Emote/Ornament for players to grind for each week. These of course would have % rates, and would be very hard to get. Similar to how some bosses in World of Warcraft will drop a rare mount.

I won't go too far down the rabbit whole than I already have. I like Destiny 2, and I think as a game its an okay experience. I also enjoy playing World of Warcraft. However I don't think it's bad for both to be completely different while having similar elements. Which I've already listed some of them. Destiny has a lot going for it – I just believe it has an identity problem with not wanting to be an MMO and also wanting to be one.

I think if Destiny embraced being more of an MMO with its core FPS elements, it would be a perfect fit, because the ideas are already there.

I am by no means a veteran player, I am new to this series with Destiny 2 on PC, but I have always been interested in it. If all I mentioned above was in Destiny 1, please enlighten me, and I would fight to have it back in Destiny 2. Let me know your opinions about what I've said, and tell me whether you agree or if I'm an idiot who should unsubscribe from this subreddit and stick to World of Warcraft.

submitted by /u/Lothric
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At this point, as many of you are realizing, three of coins is almost certainly bugged. I wouldn't waste your shards on them. It took me nearly 16 hours to convince myself to be certain of this.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

So I did something I hadn't done in long time and played all day and all night yesterday. I went through 4 3oC timers with different buff combinations and each one yielded zero exotics.

1- I played the first one with the reset xp buff, a medallion and 3oC and got 0 exotics.

2- played the the second two with a medallion and a 3oC and got 0 exotics.

3- played one more time with just a 3oC and got zero exotics.

The only two exotics I received playing during this time were unbuffed and came from heroic strike chests. This is clearly bugged and there is no way the frequency would be this low or just flat out not there. I tried heroic and non heroic strikes, all of crucibles playlists, trials, and public events. Not one.

Im willing to bet there is actually a bug this time and. Ot just unclear numbers on Bungies part since they did just tinker with exotic drop rates in the update. Someone broke it.

The point is, save your shards for now if you weren't already.

submitted by /u/Brknsymtry
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We should be able to use Sparrows on Mercury.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:17 AM PST


I don't mean being able to take it and fly in the infinite forest because that defeats the purpose of it. But If you're going to have world bosses spawn across the map then we need a more efficient means of getting to said boss. Right now there's no reason, that I can readily think of, we cannot have our sparrows available to us. For the lack of content available on the planet itself outside of the Forge weapons and the one-off Flashpoint this week Bungie should at least let us have this. "Oh but there's interceptors you can use." No. We don't want giant and sluggish punching bags. We want the sparrows that we work hard for or spend our money for. It's the least you can do since you're not giving us SRL.

submitted by /u/EchoGGs
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Banshee is selling kinetic +5 mods right now

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:07 AM PST



submitted by /u/Joey141414
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Please set the timer for consumables to time spent playing in game, not time in real life.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:33 AM PST

It's so frustrating to pop a three of coins or fireteam medallion and be expected to put in 4 straight hours of play to get my shards worth. I have a family and full time job and I can only game for an hour here or there. In Battlefield 1 when you use a squad XP boost it only counts down for time in game, not time IRL like Bungie does. Can this be changed? Is there a good reason the system is currently the way it is?

Edit: Great to see this gaining traction. I was originally going to point out that it's not account wide as well but wanted to keep the post focused on one topic. However, many others are also pointing that out in the comments so I think it's appropriate to point it out here now. Another good solution suggested is cutting the time and cost for 3oC. Let's keep the discussion going!

Edit2: Thanks for keeping the salt off this thread! There have been great, constructive discussions from both sides.

submitted by /u/mikejc10
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I want the dark destiny back not this mario version

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:25 AM PST

Now I actually like D2. I have issues with it but I am mostly content. However one of my main gripes is this turning into a comedy.

Take next week for example. We will be throwing snowballs.... not just in the tower.... but we will be throwing them during strikes. Someone posted Destiny as a 90's sitcom today even and it kind of fit actually.

I know Rasputin is finished however... Make Xivu Arath actually scary. Also Nokris should be dark too.

submitted by /u/titan3845
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Just deleted 47 mod components mistaking them for 3 of coins. Why don't THOSE delete one at a time like useless trash shaders????

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:14 AM PST

And it happened in the blink of an eye as if I were deleting a blue piece of armor. It didn't take 5 minutes like activating a damn patrol.

Bungie, whoever comes up with these ideas... just do the opposite. The exact opposite of what that person says.

submitted by /u/MB22283
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the Colony is the perfect example of any Exotic weapon should aspire to be.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:17 AM PST

Just picked this up from an engram and it is such a fun gun. It feels powerful, it has a unique and interesting mechanic, it looks great, it sounds great, its viable in Pvp and Pve and to top it off it has s p i c y b o i s.

All in all, this is simply such a fun gun. Just running around and watching my minions seek out enemies is hilarious as well as effective. Well done bungie, use this gun as a model when making new weapons and armors!

submitted by /u/NiceGuyPreston
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Masterworks Orb generation is great for most weapons, but multikills on Sniper and Linear Fusion Rifles seems rough. How about Precision Kill = Orbs?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:41 AM PST

Destiny 2 would make a great 90s sitcom.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

I'm glad everyone's been talking more about the writing in D2. So much of the dialouge feels like obvious, low-effort jokes or just plain patronizing writing.

Like, all you need to do is literally add a laugh track to the game and we're pretty much there.

It's really a bummer such a great setting is wasted on a script like this.

submitted by /u/sabishiikouen
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This might be unpopular during this period of D2 unrest, but I'm actually enjoying the grind and adventures associated with the Lost Prophecy boxes.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:12 AM PST

I hadn't been reading to much into the DLC so it was a pleasant surprise to learn that the boxes would open up a few story missions as well. This is kind of what I want from destiny. I want to grind and adventure and the forgoing of the weapons at the lighthouse is a really decent payoff for me. I like almost every weapon I've created there so far. Just wanted to say that I do like something about the DLC.

submitted by /u/liamsnorthstar
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Like Masterwork Swords? It gets pretty nuts with Sentinel.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:33 AM PST

So I'm noticing a lot of love for MW Swords recently for thier mad orb generation capabilities. I just did a heroic strike earlier today where I popped 7 supers on Sentinel - except I wasn't using any masterworks and neither was my team.

I was merely using a skill that's been in the game since launch.

In the Trenches

Code of the Aggressor

Kills while surrounded reduce the cooldown of your super.

A lot of people might have overlooked this ability since it seems similar to the far weaker "Practice Makes Perfect" on Gunslinger and doesn't really do a good job of explaining what it actually does. What the hell does "surrounded" mean anyways?

For "In the Trenches" it means +3 enemies in your radar (not on the rim). At 3 enemies you get 5% of your super bar for a kill, at 4+ you get 10%. 10% is a lot. This is equivalent to the refund Voidwalkers get from Skull of Dire Ahamkara, except it's always on, all the time, with all your weapons as long as you get close and personal - you know, the thing you were doing with your MW Sword already.

Roughly speaking, you're going to see your super charge rate double from just using the MW Sword.

Just a suggestion, something Titans out there might want to try.

Shout out to the Bugler who put all the nuts and bolts info on his channel here:

Info on "In the Trenches" starts at 4:10, but there's a lot of other useful info like the surprising and peculiar way that "Second Shield" works (hint: it's more than just two).

submitted by /u/J_Keele
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rat king + graviton forfeit = endless smoke bombs.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:47 AM PST

I was honestly a bit underwhelmed with the graviton forfeit until I tried it with the rat king. to my pleasant surprise the invisibility effect from the rat king triggers the fast cool down of your smoke grenade.

enjoy your permanent invisibility hunters!

submitted by /u/Razor_Fox
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Can the Ward of Dawn get a duration buff? It doesn’t stick around very long at all!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:34 AM PST

I know it's like a side ability for the subclass but as it stands right now it's not much more useful than a towering barricade.

Edit: just as a side note, making it a little larger would also be nice

submitted by /u/Spyro_0
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(Curse of Osiris Lore Analysis/Dump/Conjecture) The Infinite Forest was Hinted at in the Grimoire of the Original Destiny & Osiris was right to stay in the Infinite Forest.

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 09:59 PM PST

A little prefacing:

With this subreddit recent discussions about the talk of Curse Of Osiris DLC for better or for worse (though based on my recent experience it seems to be the latter) I noticed talks about the Destiny's lore, Curse Of Osiris's campaign, and whether or not any of the writers at BUNGIE are respecting said things.

Certainly, the big hiccup with Lord Saladin not recognizing veteran Rise Of Iron players (along with his description of being the last Iron Lord) and the how the Cult Of Osiris and Brother Vance were way too heavily flanderized do cast doubt on how BUNGIE view the lore.

However, I've mentioned in different replies in the subreddit that most of the lore from the original Destiny has been followed up on quite well in Destiny 2 in my honest opinion.

Don't believe me? Here are some examples:

Lastly, this isn't to argue whether or not the story and campaign shown in Curse Of Osiris is good or not but rather me relaying some potential insights, lore information, and stuff from my own personal research that may of be interest of some folks and promote interesting discussion.

Also shout-out to the fine folks at Ishtar Collective, for compiling and continuing to compile all the relevant Lore for all the things Destiny! Please visit Ishtar Collective if you want to dig more into the Lore of Destiny.

Another shout to the fine-folks at Destinypedia as well! since I used Destinypedia to research these topics as well. Sorry for not including you folks sooner!

Anyways, let me get to it:

The Ishtar Collective's Findings

As my title suggests, The Infinite Forest seems have been hinted (or atleast writers at BUNGIE we're playing around with it) the Grimoire Of Destiny. Where and when exactly? Well in terms of the game's timeline, it would appear the discovery of the Vex's simulation abilities were discovered during the Golden Age by members of the Ishtar Collective who were studying the Vex.

For the lore buffs out there, I am sure you all know about these events quite well. 4 Scientists belonging to the Ishtar Collective: Dr. Shim, Maya Sundaresh, Chioma Esi, and Duane-McNiadh (who also are hinted to have given rise to the Future War Cult.) captured a lone Vex to study and learned how it ticked. What they found greatly upset them, because they found that the singular Vex Goblin had in fact created several coinciding simulations and predictions of the reality it was viewing. These simulations and predictions were incredibly precise and accurate to the point where the scientists themselves grew increasingly fearful that they were the ones being simulated by the Vex. They were able to conclude that the Vex couldn't simulate the vast intellect of a Warmind. Fortunately, they were right and were able to rescue 227 copies of their simulated selves.

What does this have to do with The Infinite Forest? Well, consider the fact that Infinite Forest according to Osiris is:

A planet-sized prediction engine, simulating trillions of realities in parallel, all geared toward a single Vex purpose.

Now, cross reference that and what we learn about the Infinite Forest in Curse of Osiris with the Grimoire entries I linked.

Based on this, I find it highly likely that those Ishtar Collective researchers who were researching the Vex unit they captured had inadvertently discovered the Infinite Forest (before it was named that) itself.

Yet how could one singular Vex have access to the whole of Infinite Forest? It's because all Vex units are linked together by an enormous networked intelligence and distribute information across seemingly countless units across varies points of time and space.

It's likely in my opinion, that the Vex Goblin captured by The Ishtar Collective was observing it's current situation all while broadcasting it's observations back to the Infinite Forest and the greater Vex Minds (perhaps Panoptes). Then, said Minds fed simulations and predictions back to the captured Vex Goblin instantaneously while it was still linked to the Vex Network.

This actually gives probable insight on what exactly the individual Vex units (Goblins, Hobgoblins) do. They are largely designed to observe and gather data about any given timeline/reality, transfer that back to the Infinite Forest for it to build it's models, and then have the data provided back from those models sent back to those Vex units in order to take the best course of action in any given circumstance.

Because of that, The Infinite Forest may the most important asset to the Vex (yes even more so then the Vault of Glass) and their goal.


So what is the Vex's goal exactly? Well Curse Of Osiris actually shows the player what it is, but going back to the original Destiny here's a quote from Praedyth :

"The Vex have no hope. No imagination, no drive, no fear. All they have is the Pattern. Everything must fit. If it can be made to fit, good. If it can't, it gets cut away."

and then there is this excerpt from Osiris found on the Lore Tabs of the Kairos Function Hunter Armor:

"But the Vex? The Vex seek neither Light nor Darkness. They seek Convergence, the reduction of all life to its simplest, most meaningless form. An entelechy of zeros and ones."

And then in the campaign of the Curse of Osiris, one of Osiris's Reflections showed our Guardians the reality the Vex were striving for: A reality where the only thing that exists is the Vex themselves and nothing else for all of eternity. A reality where the Vex themselves are integrated into the very laws of the universe.

Why? That is unclear (as with how the Vex came to be). Regardless of that, it's still quite a terrible outcome for everyone who is not a Vex and does not become a Vex (like in Asher's case.).

Osiris's Efforts and how he was protecting everyone all along.

At some point during his life and research into the Vex, the Warlock Osiris was able to determine what the Vex's endgoals were.

In the previous section, I quoted an excerpt from the Lore Tab found on the Kairos Function Hunter armor. Now here's the quote in full:

The unenlightened wonder at my so-called "fixation" upon the Vex. They believe our gravest existential threat is the Hive, for those beings have made a pact with the Darkness itself via the medium of the Worm Gods (according to Toland, at least, and I see no reason to doubt him in this).

But Darkness is not merely absence of Light. Darkness is an entity unto itself. Put simply, Darkness is not Nothing.

But the Vex? The Vex seek neither Light nor Darkness. They seek Convergence, the reduction of all life to its simplest, most meaningless form. An entelechy of zeros and ones.

"Evil" is a word for sentimentalists and fools. But, in the ontology of the sentimental, the Vex are more deserving of the term than the Hive.

Given a choice between Darkness and Convergence, I would choose Darkness. It is a logical choice.

Yet for this they banish me.

Osiris believed the Vex were the true threat to both mankind and all of existence. Shortly after his exile, it can be shortly be assumed that he and Sagira entered the Infinite Forest. Why?

While Osiris and Sagira may have done so to further his research into the Vex, he may have done it to protect everyone from the Vex's growing power.

This may well be conjecture but if Osiris knew about the significance of the Infinite Forest, he could infiltrate it and interfere with the Vex's simulations and predictions to make them less effective.

Yet how could one person, even someone as legendary a figure as Osiris cause any major issues for the Vex?

Fortunately for Osiris, he had 2 contributing advantages on his side that made him an effective wrench in the Vex's grand machinations:

  1. Osiris was a capable Warlock imbued with the Traveler's Light and paracausal powers. The Vex have incredible difficulty simulating and predicting powers like those of the Darkness or the Light. A Vex mind known as Quria, Blade transformed attempted to simulate Oryx the Taken King and utterly failed before it was taken. (Side Note: Also notice how the Taken themselves are never once simulated in the Infinite Forest).

  2. It is implied Osiris had spent a good deal of his life tediously researching the Vex and their technology. Because of this, he was able to infiltrate and manipulate aspects of the Infinite Forest as well as create "Reflections" of himself. These Reflections would essentially allow Osiris to pervade the myriad of Vex simulations being conducted in the Infinite Forest and disrupt them (as he has us to do in the Mercury Adventures.) Osiris and his Reflections were also to able to stop time in these simulations, alter the environments and geometry in these simulations, and

It can be argued that Osiris is the reason the Vex are not the dominant race in Sol. Ever wonder how the Vex can have trouble if not be defeated by technologically inferior races like the Cabal or Fallen/Eliksni? It's because Osiris and his reflections are effectively interfering with all their simulations and calculations that would ensure their victory. Ever wonder why the Vex don't just go back in time and wipe out humanity before the Traveller showed up? Osiris's efforts were likely why (That....or there is a timeline where the Vex succeed in doing so but by doing so they merely created an alternate timeline where that happened whilst the original timeline with humanity still existing remained.)

Indeed, perhaps Osiris seeked to destroy Panoptes, The Infinite Mind the very Vex Mind who seemingly ran the Infinite Forest. However, it seems that Osiris only managed to keep Panoptes at a stalemate (until he finally got back up from the Guardian(s) who had helped slain gods.)

However, there is a question someone raised elsewhere in this subreddit about Osiris's efforts.

To paraphrase, one of their questions was: " Osiris must've known about the dark future and goals of the Vex, so why was he so surprised and terrified by what he saw?"

This is a good and fair question, and it is one I may have an answer for (and this is largely conjecture so take an extra grain of salt with what I write here):

It's possible that although the Vex had an endpoint in mind and what they wanted from it, that because they could not properly simulate paracasual powers like the Light and Darkness they could properly create a perfectly accurate simulation of the victory that they could then apply to all of reality.

However, something changed. The Vex it seems were beginning to understand how these paracasual powers worked and therefore could begin simulating a future where their victory was eminent.

A (Near) Breakthrough For the Vex.

If you remember near the end of the Curse of Osiris's intro cinematic, a Vex (which by the shape of it seems to be Panoptes itself) is able to "see" Sagira's Light (though not Osiris's interestingly enough). Osiris says as much during the event:

"Sagira they can see your Light!"

This to me implies that the Vex were on the cusp of a breakthrough; being able to understand the paracasual powers like those of the Light and Darkness. If that is the case, then any advantages Guardians had over the Vex (including Osiris) would essentially be nullified and the Vex would be unstoppable. It is unknown if all Vex units had this power of if it was unique to Panoptes alone (as during the campaign, Panoptes was able to pull out Sagira from our Ghost, and nearly delete our Guardian(s) and their Ghosts from the Infinite Forest.

The question is, how was Panoptes and the other Vex able to finally obtain this ability? Well, it might not have been just one singular cause but multiple:

1. Before Oryx took Quria and decimated the Vex it commanded, it was able to send vital information concerning the Taken King's power and the Power of The Darkness/The Deep. (Some have noticed that Panoptes bares a resemblance to Oryx himself)

2. The Vex were studying and worshiping the Heart of Black Garden, likely hoping to learn it's secrets in exchange for worship (This was something they learned from their data concerning Oryx's throne-world).

3. The conversion of the guardian Kabr, The Legionless and the ongoing conversion of Asher Mir.

4. Finally, the awakening of the Traveller itself and the waves of Light it sent off which the Vex were able to detect and analyze.

All of these events gave the Vex that additional bit of data they needed to begin understand the paracausal powers of the Light and Darkness. However, I would speculate that this power was incomplete because:

a. The Vex could not see or simulate or even see the Light of Osiris or other Guardians.

b. The Infinite Forest is incapable of simulating Taken, who were created by and utilize paracasual abilities.

So in the end, we helped Osiris beat Panoptes the Vex are no longer an issue, right?

Were it so easy.

Osiris Has To Stay Behind. His work isn't done.

As Osiris says at the end of the campaign:

"Many equations lead to the same answer."

and the Lore on the Weapon, [Null Calamity] 9 acts as a epilogue for the campaign:

"I've misplaced Osiris again," Sagira told a Goblin.

The Goblin, being a Goblin, shot at her.

She dodged with a sigh, and continued through the Forest.

"If I was Osiris, where would I go to celebrate Panoptes becoming scrap metal?"

The answer, when Sagira finally tracked him down, surprised her.

Osiris hovered, cross-legged, at the center of a ruined Lighthouse. A dead sun loomed in the lightless sky. Arrayed on the ground below to the horizon, yellow Vex eyes pierced the gloom.

Sagira zoomed straight to Osiris's side. "I thought we averted this future!"

Eyes closed, Osiris shook his head. "Many equations lead to this answer."

A sound like a drumbeat, but with the impact of an earthquake, shook the Lighthouse.

Sagira darted through the crumbling chamber. "What do we do?"

Another bone-rattling drumbeat kicked up clouds of dust.

Osiris floated to his feet. "We start over."

BOOM. Through the window, a shadow eclipsed the Vex eyes.

"But first," he said. "You'll have to rez me again, old friend."

Panoptes may have been the most immediate threat and the primary vex mind responsible for the Infinite Forest, but it wasn't the only one and the Vex whilst weakened are not completely defeated. In order to make sure a threat like Panoptes cannot rise again, to keep the Vex in check, and preparing for a new encroaching threat, Osiris and Sagira have to stay within the Infinite Forest and continue their work...perhaps for all of eternity.

Anyways, that's my lore analysis/dump on Curse Of Osiris and everything going into it. Obviously, feedback is welcomed and there is likely gaps in my analysis/speculation. If you disagree and feel I got something wrong, I'd like to know where, how, and/or why (I only ask we be civil when doing so).

Regardless, I hope this is informative overall. Thank you for reading it

[Edit(s)]: (Will go here should I make any.)

Edit #1: Some formatting, grammar, and thanks to those who read my whole blurb.

Edit #2: Added a shout out to Ishtar Collective

Edit #3: Fixed an issue where I put it was Quria who took Sagira's Light when I meant to put Panoptes. Thanks to everyone who pointed that out!

Edit #4: Added a shoutout and reference to Destinypedia too since I they also assisted in my research on this this. Sorry for my forgetfulness! Also made some minor Grammar and Formatting Corrections.

submitted by /u/Deedah-Doh
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The only reason we think certain boosts are bugged (Three of coins and etc) is because Bungie isn't transparent with the numbers. They could be bugged or not and it would be really easy for Bungie to clear things up by just telling us the numbers.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:59 AM PST

Three of coins could be bugged and it could be working as intended. I personally would like to see the numbers like we're used to in other games. (+10% to magic find or etc). I can then decide if they're worth purchasing or if something seems fishy.

submitted by /u/QuicksandGM
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Retouched screenshot from the first game. It's so beautiful!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:49 AM PST

I took this from the Dreadnought. It's one of the most stunning things I've ever seen in a game!

submitted by /u/Twigz2012
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Life After Destiny: Why Bungie's Next Franchise Is Already In The Works

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:10 AM PST

This morning I remembered this video published by BBC Click in October, in which they go behind the scenes at Bungie. Co-founder Jason Jones hints at Bungie's future: "We're starting in a very small way to think about what's beyond Destiny." Well that's exciting. It seems that they're starting look at what's next, as any company should be. Wonder what it will be? Then it hit me.

About a month ago I was listening to The 1099 podcast in which he interviews Marcus Lehto (Co-creator of the Halo universe and Bungie OG, now heading V1 Interactive working on a AAA sci-fi shooter). Marcus originally left Bungie around 2011, but was brought back in January of 2012 to work on a "secret project." To paraphrase the important part of the podcast:

This project was vastly different than Destiny. He worked on it for 6 months with a small team, and had a fully functional prototype which they presented to the studio. There was excitement, but it became very clear at the time that Destiny had some issues and needed all hands on deck, so they locked the project away. Shortly after he left the studio for good.

Note that at this time Destiny had not been officially announced. Many assumed the project he worked on was Destiny (or the fabled Marathon reboot), but as the podcast reveals, that was not the case. It's cool to hear some insight from Marcus on his time working on this secret game, but I was left wanting more. I was determined to find any info, so further down the rabbit hole I went.

After a bit of searching, I found this reply to Kakai Kotaki (ex-Guild Wars and Destiny concept artist) from Marcus on twitter:

From Statues to Demons #art

@KekaiKotaki These remind me of our secret project at Bungie. I wish all that work could be public.

Destiny originally started as a traditional fantasy game, which they then melded into sci-fi fantasy resulting in what we have now. The art by Kekai is very similar to Destiny's original vision. This got me thinking, what does Kekai's art, Destiny's original form, and current Destiny all have in common? Swords.

Destiny's sword gameplay is surprisingly very polished, to the point where it feels like an entirely different game. That goes for all third person aspects in Destiny. It makes sense as Destiny was originally third person only. From the relics, to sparrows and social spaces. These third person elements had no business being in an FPS, yet somehow they made it work.

This is my theory: A small team at Bungie (Marcus Lehto and crew) took Destiny's original third person elements and worked on a traditional fantasy RPG in tandem with Destiny in 2012. The project was locked away during Destiny's turbulent development, and has recently been revived. Jason Jones has stepped aside, and is now looking ahead to life after Destiny. He is spearheading a small team at Bungie developing the revived secret project. A Marathon reboot /s.

E: I know this theory is very out there, and that Destiny has a lot left in the tank, but it's always fun to speculate imo. My favorite time spent on the internet has always been speculating about what Bungie's doing next, since they tend to be secretive. This post was just me sharing the connections I found. :)

submitted by /u/Nezarec
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Dear Bungie, for the sake of colorblind guardians, please change the rear sight color on Crimson

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:25 AM PST

With the red color, it is impossible for me to reliably see it. It's excusable on a legendary, but not on such a great exotic. It's not affected by the colorblind setting either and it's really throwing off my game.

submitted by /u/o_kisutch
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Bungie PLZ DO NOT add the Dawning items into the already grossly overpopulated Illuminated Engram loot pool.

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

They need to have their own engram separate from regular Illuminated Engrams.

Edit: I stand corrected, looks like there will be Dawning Engrams.

Hopefully armor drop rates aren't horrible and the armor sets aren't mobility based.

submitted by /u/GhStRdR2k
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Used a Three of Coins and Fireteam Medallion at the same time. Zero exotics.

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 01:49 PM PST

Played heroic strikes for four hours straight. Got zero exotics.

Edit: Tried it again. Got one exotic, Transversive Steps. Which I got from Xur's engram earlier today.

submitted by /u/MattC42
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I would give two of my three testicles for SWAT game mode in the crucible.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:47 AM PST

So SWAT is/was a game mode in the Halo games where you had two weapons; either a Battle Rifle(Pulse rifle kind of) and a DMR(Scout rifle) aswell as a Magnum(Sidearm/Hand cannon)

Now the thing about this game mode was that you had no shields. One bullet to the dome and you're out. While it still took a a lot of bullets to the torso to kill due to an increased damage resistance. No radar/mini map was present either so no red blips for incoming enemies.

AS one would expect the time to kill in this game mode would vary quite a bit due to the fact that one bullet can end a guy. It would be a more fast-paced game going away from all this team-shooting

No idea how well this would translate to Destiny 2 but it's one of the gamemodes I really loved in Halo. I will try to implement this in some way when private matches are released(after like 3-4 years)

submitted by /u/Byrdflave
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Bungie if you’re going to spawn me on the opposite side of Mercury when I’m trying to kill the Vex Hydra, let me use my Sparrow!

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 05:26 PM PST

I'm trying to kill this dude with the insanely short despawn timer and die alone, if I spawn across the map he's gone. I get that you're artificially making the map feel bigger, but no one is fooled and this isn't the dreadnaught. This is a wide open space with vehicle tracks. For cripes sake please give me my sparrow!

submitted by /u/Joybulb
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Osiris and his cult were mishandled. The mystique has been completely destroyed, and it didn't need to be

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Before Curse of Osiris, I had this mental image of Osiris as this guardian radiating with blinding Light, and speaking in riddles about the unimaginable things he has seen. I thought he must be a great leader with an inspiring vision to amass such a following. I thought of his cult as those privy to a great truth about the nature of the Light, and transcend what it means to be a guardian (back in the Destiny 1 Vestian Outpost, I remember Brother Vance saying he was once a warlock before joining Osiris). I remember Parables of the Allspring and Fractal Scrolls speaking of the sun dissolving one's body and letting one's soul flow with the river of time, suggesting the Cult of Osiris, or Osiris himself, has achieved higher levels of consciousness connected to all of time.

With Curse of Osiris, it's revealed that Osiris is not some transcendent guardian glowing with Light or "flowing with the river of time" for higher dimensional perceptions of reality, and he's not some great leader either (he doesn't even interact with his followers). Osiris is pretty much just like any other guardian, except he has a big reputation, and he knows how to work a big Vex simulation machine. He doesn't come off as someone with eons of wisdom and experience from being within the Vex space-time networks and simulations, but just some dude with a vague accent.

Brother Vance (and the cult) no longer seems like someone that has been enlightened to a great truth, but just a blind fanboy (see what I did there? lol) idolizing a man he's never even met. He has been made into a goofy caricature, and there are no signs of any great knowledge. On top of that, the lore of the Progeny scout rifle reveals that contrary to the dialogue in Destiny 1, Brother Vance never was a guardian.

I hate it. I really, REALLY hate it. Not just because these once interesting characters weren't handled well, but also because of what it means for other aspects of the lore. For example, will The Nine turn out to be just nine regular dudes and ladies sitting on a couch and drinking beers? Will Xur turn out to be just some guy wearing a mask?

I get that not seeing something or someone leads to imagining what that they might be like, and what one imagines is often just more exciting than what creators actually intended, but what I imagined was not unfounded or unreasonable. "Ghost Fragment: The Queen 2" Grimoire where Osiris and Eris Morn are implied to be meeting with the Queen Mara Sov suggests that his Light is very strong and blinding, and there are mentions of warlocks connected to Osiris that don't cast shadows (perhaps because they are so bright) in the "Osiris" Grimoire. It was because of the prophetic "Visions" card that I expected Osiris to speak and be a certain way. Even if my idea of Osiris was unfounded, it doesn't excuse turning Brother Vance into a joke. I just had to let this out.

submitted by /u/CrownedInFireflies
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The Farm social space certainly needs more than just chickens.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:12 AM PST

It needs quests to build it up! I was running a new character and you know that ship in the big barn and the lone mechanic trying to piece it together? What if we could run fetch quests for him and ultimately end up with that ship as a reward?


Same goes with the broken down computers in the house. The Vex have plenty of spare parts we can lend to those needing updated technology to keep operations running. And you know those Red Jacks being worked on outside the house? Let's do quests to get them up and running and perhaps see them on patrols wasting cabal and fallen alike?


I want to build up the farm. What if we gathered enough minerals to produce new buildings (aka Starcraft) and at the end of a week or two, it's finished and provides clan quarters and minigames, perhaps a shop or two?


I think a few of us can agree that Destiny needs a push into the MMO direction with a few more things to do other than just the standard shoot everything dead and needs more exploring and collecting lore artifacts. Because just having two chickens to chase around can get tiring sometimes.

submitted by /u/blue_13
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