Dead by Daylight Weekend Tech Support - December 16, 2017

Weekend Tech Support - December 16, 2017

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:11 AM PST

Hello people of the fog! Here you can ask tech support questions, such as workarounds for certain errors and configuring the game for certain setups.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top level comments must contain a tech support request.
  • Don't spam the thread with requests; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your request hasn't been asked already.


submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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BHVR this Christmas

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:09 AM PST

This is love :)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:55 PM PST

Proof spamming 99% bell doesn't actually make the Wraith go discernibly faster at all

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:34 AM PST

Obviously this is impossible to test to a degree of 100% certainty but the small margin of error from this test should be sufficient proof that spamming the bell actually doesn't do anything and I don't know why people just randomly decided to believe it would in the first place.


Pay attention to the foreground and sync up the position of objects that pass through the camera, from the cement blocks to the headlights of each car. They line up the entire 15 seconds through most of the Haddonfield map.

Bottom line: if it does give a speed boost at all, its so incredibly minor and unnoticeable that its not worth risking accidentally cloaking from 99 to 100%.

So yeah, all those threads where people are eating that shit up, I don't know why you guys believe things with zero proof, but feel free to spam bongs or not; it makes no difference and Wraith still blows.

submitted by /u/DamnNoHtml
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I'm a survivor main...

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:04 AM PST

...and I just like playing this game to have a good time. I play SWF. I use Dead Hard. But what I really don't like is people who taunt their opponent. Theres no difference between a survivor who teabags the killer and a killer who camps the hatch (these are only random examples). I don't want to complain in this post. I only wanted to let people know that there are survivor mains out there that actually just try to do gens, get chased by the killer now and then and actually try to lose him, not just loop until he disconnects. Some of us just want to play this game to have fun, not to tilt others or to rage in post-game chat. In these 200hrs I played this game so far, I met a lot of chill people. What I'm trying to say is, be nice to each other. Everyone here will have people complain in post-game chat. Ignore it. This community needs to show respect to one another and even though I might sound stupid to some of you, I try to be a part of the nice community. I felt like posting this was neccessary. To me, it seems like posts here are 30% complaining about killers, 30% complaining about survivors, 20% we need another wraith buff and 20% why no 2x bp event.

Have a great day, gl hf dear survivors and killers (:

submitted by /u/meg_thomas
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Merry Saturday,To all!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:43 AM PST

Every Killer's Dream

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 11:25 PM PST

He is... a little different.. Don't make fun.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:23 AM PST

Brainless survivors

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:02 AM PST

I'm sorry, but I gotta get this off my chest. Almost every time I face a hag and someone gets hooked in the basement, the hag spends a lot of time setting up her traps before leaving. Fair enough I guess. I wait patiently until the hag leaves and what happens? Some idiot comes running, setting off every trap on the way and ends up hooked like the other one.. How are you this stupid!? This also happens when I crouch over hag traps to save a survivor and they start running away. Why the fuck do you think I just crouched all the way to you? Idiot!

submitted by /u/Obscurra
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New and improved Hooking

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:37 AM PST

Hey guy's i just heard BHVR are working on changes to improve hooking and make it more rewarding, don't worry they said they'll be implementing it Soon™ and for now they're removing all hooks in the game.

submitted by /u/UndeadPhysco
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Reddit is trying to tell the playerbase something

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:10 AM PST

Dear BHVR, if we aren't going to get 2x BP...

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:30 PM PST

Can we atleast get the old dailies back? They were really helpful with the grind without "ruining the game economy"

Even with the bloodweb changes, it still is a painful grind to lvl up.

submitted by /u/Error_X
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The Current State of r/DeadByDaylight

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:45 PM PST

i did it!!! next up, bing bong boo

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

the nicest man in this game

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:19 AM PST

New Shadowborn on Freddy -> Pretty good job so far.

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 08:59 PM PST

Suggestion on how to buff/rework Deja Vu

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:29 AM PST

Current Deja Vu:

  • 1/1/2 Generator Auras are revealed to you for 4/8/8 seconds when starting a trial.

  • If you are holding a Map, Generators revealed by Deja Vu are added to the Map.

Obviously, this perk is complete trash. It's not even good for newer players since it's random and they won't be able to memorize the location of the 2nd Gen.

My thought process was to make Deja Vu actually useful for every player. Sometimes you get to the end of a game and there's 2 Gens close to each other, easily camped by the Killer. In this scenario, sometimes you have no idea where the 3rd Gen is and you have to waste time wandering through the map until you find it. My suggestion is to change Deja Vu to be more like BBQ & Chili, except for Generators.

Reworked Deja Vu, suggested change:

  • Whenever a Generator is completed, reveal all Generators that are 65m/35m/Unlimited range away from you for 4/6/8 seconds.

  • If you are holding a Map, Generators revealed by Deja Vu are added to the Map. If you have a Crystal Bead add-on equipped (Every Survivor sees the Auras generated by your Map), every Survivor will also see the Auras generated by Deja Vu.

This change would allow newer players to find Gens easier since only the first one of the game needs to pop in order for them to see more. As the game goes on, whether they finish the gen or not, they'd always know where to go next. Teaching new players how to find Generators is always a starting challenge since they don't have maps memorized yet. This change would be of great assistance.

In addition, this change would help more experienced players who have access to Leader, Sprint Burst, Crystal Bead, and the like. The player with Leader could "lead" his team to the next Generator that he knows the closest location of. I don't think that knowing the exact locations of Generators is overpowered at all as most experienced players have memorized all the map layouts.

What do you all think about my supposed change?

submitted by /u/ASpicyStrawberry
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RPG Survivor Builds

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:52 PM PST

I wanted to have some fun with my survivor builds and make the gameplay a little more interesting so I came up with builds inspired by a list of core RPG classes. These are great for RPG fans or anyone looking to switch things up a bit. I've used every single perk that exists and only needed to repeat the use of one. Enjoy.




Fueled by their rage Barbarians take energy from their pain to further the cause.

  • Dead Hard
  • No Mither
  • This Is Not Happening
  • Resilience




The Bard inspires allies through the power of music and keeps them on their feet.

  • Leader
  • Open Handed
  • Up The Ante
  • Vigil




Specializing in healing tinctures and tactics makes the Cleric a necessary ally.

  • Adrenaline
  • Botany Knowledge
  • Empathy
  • Pharmacy




Drawing power from nature increases the insight of the Druid and their allies.

  • Bond
  • Calm Spirit
  • Kindred
  • Wake Up!




Escaping death by living on the front lines gives Fighters the ultimate strength.

  • Decisive Strike
  • Hope
  • Slippery Meat
  • Unbreakable




Years of practice around balance and speed make the Monk a worthy adversary.

  • Balanced Landing
  • Lithe
  • Object of Obsession
  • Sprint Burst




Protecting others fuels the Paladin with energy and wisdom to keep fighting.

  • Borrowed Time
  • No One Left Behind
  • We'll Make It
  • We're Gonna Live Forever




Being lucky by nature helps the Ranger discover items of delight and despair.

  • Ace In The Hole
  • Plunderer's Instinct
  • Streetwise
  • Small Game




Hiding in the shadows makes the Rogue quick, quiet and very hard to track.

  • Calm Spirit
  • Iron Will
  • Lightweight
  • Quick & Quiet




Pulling from within their innate self the Sorcerer produces skills to survive.

  • Premonition
  • Prove Thyself
  • Self-Care
  • Urban Evasion




Channeling strength from the misfortune of others gets the Warlock through the gates.

  • Alert
  • Dark Sense
  • Left Behind
  • Sole Survivor




Through years of studying books, the Wizard can complete any task with ease.

  • Deja Vu
  • Saboteur
  • Spine Chill
  • Technician


submitted by /u/doitliketyler
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Look at my Dab

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

Be me

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:32 AM PST

Go into match with 1 perk rank 20 survivor After a 5 min loading screen get into the game. As the only survivor Killer makes me get points for him. But doesn't let me walk, but instead carries me. He was a freddy. Repairing was so slow Getting out of Iron grasp 3 took ages. After a long time i open the gate while he watches. Get down'd Get Mori'd

submitted by /u/Deepwater_Jode
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Killers: Do you ever hold grudges against certain players?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:01 PM PST

I ask because I'm not sure if my behaviour would be classified as tunneling or not. Or whatever it is devs called singling out a survivor over multiple games.

So I'm on Xbox, was rank 1 killer before the season reset. I play a game as Freddy. It was not a good game for me. My Ruin totem spawned right out in the open and was cleansed within 2 minutes. I rarely found anyone. By the time I had a good bead on a survivor, two gens were done. The survivor happened to be my obsession, and I was using Remember Me and maybe Dying Light as well, I don't remember. So I had incentive to hit him often.

He does a good job looping Freddy around the map, shocking, I know. Of course, he's constantly pointing and teabagging after every pallet, blinding me every time I break them. So I down him, he hits DS. I down him again and hook him. As I am kicking a nearby gen, he gets unhooked. So yeah, I tunnel him.

  1. The gens are now 3 done, 2 left.
  2. Obsession.
  3. Annoying ass flash light.

So he got downed again, and died on the hook as no one tried a rescue. They got the other gens and although I had IIRC 4 stacks of Remember Me, by the time I made it across to the door they were using, it was opening, and Fred was useless. In total I got 3 hooks and 3 escaped.

The guy floods my inbox after the game about how salty I am and what a complete loser I must be and how shit I am at the game and how tunneling is toxic and I should have let him get away. There's no point trying to reason with him, so, ignored.

A week or so later I come across him again. I have Doctor ready to go, and I have 18 mori's IIRC, so I decide to use one. I put them all into madness, chase this same guy down, and this time he doesn't loop me for an hour because I don't have Freddy. He does have one of his precious instant blind flashlights again. He's downed, he hits DS. Fuck. I chase and get him again, hooked. He has an idiot teammate who immediately unhooks him right in front of me. I hit him expecting BT to kick in... it doesn't. I mori the fuck out of him, he disconnects mid-mori. He floods my inbox again with nonsense. I'm garbage, a fat neck bearded loser, I only mori'd him because I'm mad, etc etc.

I got him again last night. Again I was using Doctor, again I burn a mori. He is the third person I find, is once again the obsession thanks to his perks. He misplays his moves while on one of the farm machines, a tractor, whatever the fuck they are, and ends up landing on a pedestal right beside me. He stands there pointing while I zap him into madness 3, I don't think he knows I can injure him there. I hit him, he runs off.

Props to the guy, he is very good at looping killers and extending chases. But he makes another mistake, a pallet, and gets down. Decisive strike. Mother fucker. I chase him. He has the firecracker this time and actually blinds me with it, but does go back down. I hook him and run off to where BBQ takes me. I end up chasing a Jake back to the hook, where all three of them are now circled. I put everyone into madness 3, then they unhook. I hit him, BT kicks in. I chase him down, mori. Disconnect again.

I don't care either way, but is what I am doing, wrong? If the guy is using a perk that makes him my obsession, and playing obnoxious with BM, and using OP items like the flashlight to constantly blind, shouldn't I want him out of the game?

I ask this because I think every time I see him now, I'm going to want to kill him first. Nothing personal, but it makes the most sense. Does anyone else experience this?

submitted by /u/stumphugelarge
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Nurse on Grim Pantry hurts my soul

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:27 AM PST

If you blink in the spooky skeletal section of the main building, you get teleported upstairs instead of forward.

I don't know why they still have the Nurse if they never test new maps with her.

submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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A locker idea...

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:22 AM PST

This would probably only work with hag, nurse or a new killer of the same size but...

Would be interesting if a killer could enter and hide in a locker (terror radius reduces to zero) and jump out on an unsuspecting survivor as they passed or as they tried to hide in it themselves.

Could be an offering that when burned let's you enter a locker once or twice per game..

submitted by /u/MoreElloe
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Trapper's secret hobby by Ashupawn

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:08 PM PST

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