Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-10]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-10]

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

Note: At this time, the Destiny 2 API does not provide any of the info below. We have put placeholder data until the API is available and it is grabbed automatically. In the meantime, please feel free to post in the comments and we'll update the thread.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Skillup's Review of the dlc

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:08 AM PST

Sad to see, but I think this really sums up many people's thoughts with the game atm.

submitted by /u/Maximus5991
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From Destiny 2's Eternally Bad Vault System Is Making Curse of Osiris Way Less Fun

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:32 AM PST

Age of Triumph was "free" and it was 5x more polished and fun to play than this 20$ DLC

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

"Free" as in they claimed their original MTX funds were responsible for funding it.

It was also the Live Team's creation if I'm not mistaken.

Yep... sad days

Edit: To everyone saying AoT had all of Destiny 1 to play off of... So did Destiny 2. They chose not to build off it.

submitted by /u/Of_Meeps_and_Men
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Bungie- Do yourself and the community a favor. Make The Dawning Armor accessible through Eva Lavante, quests, missions, or literally anything except Eververse.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:20 AM PST

So lets be cereal guys. Who else wants the OG weapon system back?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

  • Primary Weapon: Auto Rifle, Pulse Rifle, Scout Rifle, Hand Cannon, or SMG.

  • Special Weapon: Shotgun, Sniper Rifle, Fusion Rifle, Linear Fusion Rifle, or Sidearm.

  • Heavy Weapon: Rocket Launcher, Grenade Launcher, or Sword.

Right now the game is plagued by the hidden Juggler perk that prevents ammo of the weapon type from dropping while using the weapon. Like Origin Story? Sorry but it forces you to switch. Not because you want to switch but because you have to switch.

Old system gave us variety. I miss that variety. Now I just feel like I auto rifle everything and I never use a Shotgun or Fusion Rifle anymore because Rocket Launchers are just so damn superior. You let me seamlessly switch to a shotgun or fusion rifle in combat and I'm gonna use it. Gotta give the option at least though.

submitted by /u/bystander007
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The True Curse of Osiris? People STILL Don’t Know How to Trigger the Taken Blight Heroic Event

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:13 PM PST

Sure makes farming exotics and radiolarian super fun when 3 trigger happy captain blueberry's show up...

EDIT: For the benefit of those who don't know and /u/freesider:

To trigger the heroic event you need to step into the smaller blights and receive the 'blight receding' (?) buff. Once you have the buff (it lasts around 4 seconds) you can step out of the smaller blight and begin attacking the large blight. One of the best weapons for quickly reducing the large blights integrity to 0% is the Wardcliff Coil exotic rocket launcher.

Once sufficiently damaged the blight will 'open' and out pops a 'blight maker' yellow bar; thus, triggering the heroic event. Quickly off the big guy and revel in your sweet, sweet EDZ tokens, salt, and disappointment.

submitted by /u/DET_Archetype
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We need a "You're doing it wrong" emote for Public Events

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:24 AM PST

Can't count the number of posts on this subreddit that mentions blueberries and those new to Public Events not having the knowledge to activate heroic PE's. The Blight and the bottom vent on the Cabal Injection rig... I need that second blue and glimmer!

submitted by /u/cirquemedia
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These are the most painfully written lines I've ever encountered in a "AAA" game

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:51 AM PST

I know we all dislike how boring and simple Destiny 2's writing is, but this?

This is just bad. Someone thought this was acceptable, and their boss approved it. Jeepers.

submitted by /u/johngie
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( X-Post from r/gaming) Xbox Users, be aware that the Live support has a script trying to sell you the DLC

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

i think this might fit here, quoting directly the comment made by the redditor u/adub887 . It's funny to see how messed up this industry is turning out to be.

Not only are they refusing to refund. The support has a script trying to sell you the DLC. Shame on you Microsoft! *Edit Some people are saying this should be it's own thread. I'm not going to create one. If someone does create a new thread other folks who experienced MS support pushing the DLC should share the screen caps in the comments. I am not the only being told to buy the DLC instead of being refunded This is a script from microsoft and they are pushing the DLC.

submitted by /u/RashRashRashRashRash
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I feel like "we're listening" is the Destiny version of "a sense of pride and accomplishment."

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:14 AM PST

Except instead of a one time deal, they keep fucking saying it. I have to wonder, do people at Bungie have conversations by staring at someone and every once in a while say "I'm listening"?

Anyhow, I do think the title is an apt comparison because every time it comes up now the community sees right through it, and all it succeeds in doing is making everyone more angry.

What I want to know from you good people of r/DtG is, can Bungie say anything that will make us believe they actually are listening, or is it to the point where we need to see it to believe it?

submitted by /u/MasterLoc
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It is painfully obvious that D2's script is just awful but the worst written lines in the game are our guardian's.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:04 AM PST

The scripted dialogue in this game goes from bad to worse with every chance. I'm shocked someone got paid to put such a thing down on paper. But, throughout, what has made this the worst script in game I have ever played is the completely ridiculous silence of our guardian.

submitted by /u/jomiran
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More than anything else, Bungie needs a "this isn't a good idea" guy with some power and influence.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 08:38 AM PST

So many of their fuck ups are just obvious PR nightmares. In 2017 with social media and Reddit being so influential, how does Bungie not have a guy to make sure these flubs don't happen on the regular?

submitted by /u/turns31
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You can see the Traveler in all it's original glory hovering over the horizon in the past Mercury missions

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 02:14 AM PST

Has streaks that spin across it's surface.

submitted by /u/lukasu
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One way Bungo can lower development cost; GET RID OF FAMOUS VOICE ACTORS!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:21 AM PST

I honestly couldn't care less about what Hollywood actor voices the characters. My guess is that all the special XP promotions and Eververse money helps fund them.

Would love to hear more talented unknown voice actors instead.

submitted by /u/YoullReadThis
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In many ways Destiny 1 sounds like the sequel to D2 on Paper and in game.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:19 PM PST

Here is how I think they would sell it:

Strikes: You can now select each strike individual with a range of difficulties, as well as an expanded selection of playlists. Furthermore they will involve unique drops.

Guns: Random perk rolls for infinite possibilities, no longer restricted to rolls which make some guns redundant and others must haves.

Subclasses: No longer are you restricted to pre-made subclasses, you can pick and choose different perks and abilities to make your very own subclass

Loot: You will now be awarded for completing activities by recieving item drops at the end of the activity, rather than only through engrams and random tokens

Vendors: Vendors will now have a wide selection of armour and weapons which will rotate on a seasonal basis, no longer will you primarily gain rewards through tokens

Exp: Exp with factions and vendors will be earned by participating in their respective activities and rep-ing their armour/class items, not through tokens

Microtransactions: Eververse will only sell emotes, all other eververse items will be added to the loot pool to be recieved by completing activities. E.g. Raid ships/ghosts

Private matches: We now have private matches

Crucible: crucible now has a wider range of modes which can be selected individually, depending on what you feel like playing at the time. It also includes more diverse game modes 6v6, large scale 6v6 with vehicles and 3v3. No longer are you restricted to merely 4v4.

Raids: Raids will now be released with most DLC updates and will have their own loot pools. They will have multiple bosses each with their own mechanics and unique drops. No longer will you turn in tokens, but will receive rewards at the time of completion. Prestige modes and challenges will also have their own unique rewards.

Exotics: Exotics will now be unique and rarer. They will feel powerful and be worthy of their space in your inventory

These are just the downgrades in D2 that I can think of, off the top of my head. I'd appreciate any you can think of too. I get that some of these changes came late in D1 but not late enough that they could not have been incorperated into D2

submitted by /u/Duffman156
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Consumer Protection Laws Apply Regardless of Your EULA, Bungie.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:13 PM PST

I thought one Reddit user (RedditUserWho) summed it up very well. I will quote him below, his original comment can be found here

"All content available prior to CoO was marketed in order to sell copies of the game. This content that was marketed, purchased, and playable by consumers is no longer completely intact after an optional paid update was implemented. Regardless of their EULA, and the level of ownership we have, false advertising remains illegal. EULA's do not supersede established law for the protection of consumers. When they utilized content to make a sale, and then after the sale remove what made them the sale, that's false advertising. It's bait-and-switch, and there are volumes of legal precedents protecting consumers from these tactics.

If you're looking for a refund and haven't been able to get one, you can continue to be denied by customer support from wherever you purchased the game, or you can be productive and make a consumer report to:

For complaints against Bungie - The Washington State Attorney General's Consumer Protection Department here:

For complaints against Activision Blizzard - The LA County Attorney General Consumer Protection Department here:

It took me 5 minutes and they will open a case to work with you personally to resolve your individual dispute. If enough people submit a complaint there, the state will file suit. It doesn't matter where you are in the world, you can submit a complaint to these organizations."

Just wanted to put this out there.

submitted by /u/Popup4t4
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I've been taking selfies with random guardians

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:45 AM PST

I took a break from studying for finals yesterday and decided to get on destiny for a bit to knock out some weeklies on my Hunter. Long story short, I got the selfie emote from a bright engram and have been taking selfies (screenshots) with random guardians and sending it to them via psn messages. The results have been really fun and people usually respond pretty well to them.

Selfie 1

Selfie 2

Yeah it's kind of a pain but here's some tips I've found out through trial and error

  1. Crouching before emoting angles the camera upward a bit

  2. Look about a foot or so to the left of what you want to capture

  3. Looking all the way up before emoting zooms the camera out a little bit

  4. Looking towards your feet before emoting zooms the camera in

  5. If you get the angle wrong the first time, hit any other emote to cancel the selfie and then adjust accordingly

Hope this helps!

Edit: added tips for shooting selfies

submitted by /u/PoundThaSnooch
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Bungie, can you please please move quest items to the inventory and not have them block a weapon slot?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:40 PM PST

Pretty much what the title says. This was an odd design decision in the first place.

submitted by /u/Bearded_Dave
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[SPOILERS] IGN REVIEW Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris - 5.5 Mediocre

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:50 AM PST

Can't say I disagree with anything IGN are saying.. I may be one of the ones who has played more since the release of the new DLC. (I booked a few days off work) but I'm finding I've done most of the content already. Not sure how things are going to stretch until the next one.


Link below:

submitted by /u/NeedBlackupYo
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The Complete/Detailed Guide to Argos - map, pics, sample scenarios, and callouts for every phase

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:56 AM PST


Hello everyone. Just thought I'd share a complete guide for Argos to streamline the fight for all groups in general.

I'm on PS4 and currently have a couple of completions. First one was with an LFG group doing it blind and I was devising strats for the boss and optimizing it. Second one was also with an LFG group. Someone organized it and I accidentally ended up leading the team - first two attempts were consistently getting him below 50%, and we managed to beat him on the third try.

I know many players have beaten Argos by now, but as someone who has an inactive clan and has to rely on LFG groups, it is tough when you want to get people on the same page, no matter how experienced they are. The strat breaks down everything about the fight so that raid leaders (and those with experience) can be the sole voice in organizing and taking charge of everything that needs to be done.


Argos is a fairly complicated yet epic boss fight that requires coordination and proper leadership. Let the most experienced player lead the team so everyone is a cohesive unit.

The boss has three phases:

  • Charging Phase (where orbs/skulls need to be charged on plates depending on the color of the clouds that are called out)
  • DPS Phase (a short phase of around 30 seconds where you can do as much damage to the boss)
  • Platforming Phase (where you jump around platforms to shoot different body parts and prevent a wipe)

The boss will summon adds such as goblins and minotaurs for sections of the map where orbs are being charged; and those plus a lot of harpies at the section of the map where the Dps phase will take place in.

The boss is shielded. To break down the boss' shield, orbs need to be shot and locked into the center, making the shield explode. The other orbs will need to be used for DPS (since they do the highest damage).



  • Warlocks preferably Stormcaller (Crown of Tempests or Karnstein Armlets)
  • Titans preferably Striker (Actium War Rig)
  • Hunters preferably Gunslinger (Celestial Nighthawk) -> if no nighthawk, go Nightstalker (Orpheus Rig) -> if no orpheus, go Arcstrider


  • Generally everyone should have high velocity/cluster bomb rocket launchers (Sins of the Past, Curtain Call)
  • Coldheart for the energy weapon slot
  • Titans should have Sweet Business to maximize the use of Actium War Rig (if they have it); otherwise just stick to Coldheart as your exotic weapon of choice


Map Layout

Familiarize yourself with the map area as it is the same as Phase 1 (Barriers).

Look at the particular area you're on relative to where you spawned.

The orbs you're responsible for handling are clockwise (to the left) of your plate when facing the boss. Never handle the orb of another section.

ie. If you're assigned to void, then do not pick up the orbs on arc's area.


Split the team into three teams of two each - two at void area, two at arc area, two at solar area.

Tip: If you have multiple Gunslingers in the team, DO NOT place them in the same area as they may have a tough time clearing adds (due to no add-clearing supers).

Remove any notion of "designated add control" or "designated runner" or whatever.

Technically everyone is expected to be doing orbs, and taking care of adds at any point in time it is needed. It's also additional practice for future prestige or challenge mechanics that everyone is familiar with any role.

What you need to assign:

  • the "main" orb carriers for each area (ie. main arc, main void, main solar)
  • the "alternate" orb carriers for each area (ie. alt arc, alt void, alt solar)

The main orb carriers are simply the guys who are expected to pick up the FIRST orb that spawns in their area.

The alt orb carriers are simply the guys who pick up the SECOND orb that spawns in their area.


When you see that Argos begins to charge, "clouds" of specific elements will appear around the boss.

TIP: Look at the TOP cloud - if you have a clear line of sight at it, this means you're at the area that EVERYONE needs to converge in during DPS phase.

This also means you need to call out the three cloud colors so everyone will know how to adjust.

ie. "Converging VOID - two arc, one solar!"; "Converging ARC - three solar!"; "Converging SOLAR - one of each!"


For reference (and due to my terrible MS Paint skills) we'll use VOID AREA as the convergence area for dps. The same applies if the convergence areas are in Arc or Solar, just adjust based on the callouts.

SAMPLE SCENARIO - Converging at Void - One of Each

Map Layout

One of each simply means that there's one void, one solar, one arc cloud.

  • Because we are converging at VOID, the two void players bring their orbs to void to charge them.
  • The main solar carrier charges at solar; his partner will take the extra orb and charge at void
  • The two arc players will charge theirs at arc

The reason why we want -three- orbs charged at void is because this is our convergence point, or where we dps from. Having three orbs charged at void means the extra orbs can be used for dps and they do a lot of damage (plus they can be readily picked up when the dps phase starts).

TIP 1: The number of adds that spawn is based on how many orbs are being charged in the same area; we have three orbs charging at void in this scenario, which means more adds will spawn here, however since we also have three guardians guarding it, this means it's a highly defensible spot.

TIP 2: When an orb is being charged, guardians are free to damage, shoot, use supers and so on. When a guardian picks up an orb, it is VERY RISKY to drop it since it disappears very quickly. If you're carrying an orb and you drop it to use a super, there's a good chance it will disappear before your super runs out.

TIP 3: This is why we want to have three guardians in the convergence/DPS area who are waiting for their orbs to charge; they don't need to pick up an orb -yet- which means they can just clear adds while waiting for everyone to be in position.

SAMPLE SCENARIO 2 - Converging at Void - Two arc, one void

Map Layout

  • Again, both void players charge at void
  • The two arc players charge their orbs at arc
  • One solar player charges at void; the other one charges at arc

Since solar wasn't needed, the solar players can charge their orbs at void and arc (since they have teammates there and can help out).

SAMPLE SCENARIO 3 - Converging at Void - Two arc, one solar

Map Layout

  • Again, both void players charge at void
  • The two arc players charge their orbs at arc
  • Main solar player charges at solar; the other one charges at void

One solar was needed, so the other solar charges at void to ensure there are three orbs being charged there for dps.

SAMPLE SCENARIO 4 - Converging at Void - Three Arc

Map Layout

  • Again, both void players charge at void
  • The two arc players charge at arc
  • One solar player charges at void, the other one charges at arc

This ensures that there are three being charged at void to ensure they're ready for dps; and the three required orbs are at arc ready to be brought in for breaking the shield.


Now, in those sample scenarios, we should have an idea who needs to shoot what.

  • Scenario 1 - one of each = the main orb carriers will be shooting their matching clouds

  • Scenario 2 - two arc, one void = the two arc players shoot the arc clouds (ie. "I will shoot top arc / I will shoot right arc"); the main void player shoots the void cloud

  • Scenario 3 - two arc, one solar = the two arc players shoot the arc clouds (ie. "I will shoot top arc / I will shoot right arc"); the main solar player shoots the solar cloud

  • Scenario 4 - three arc = the three players who charged at arc will call out which cloud they will shoot (ie. "I will shoot top arc / I will shoot right arc / I will shoot left arc)"

TIP 1: If you + other teammates are charging orbs and need to go to the convergence area, don't dash off once your orb is charged. Wait for your teammate and go together; help them with adds while their orb is still charging. There's literally no reason for you to rush off since, if you're holding an orb, you're not doing anything in the convergence area except standing around waiting for everyone else to get there anyway.

TIP 2: All three clouds need to go to the center and explode at only a few seconds apart. If one is delayed by several seconds, the other two orbs respawn and it's a wipe since you wasted a dps phase. Do a COUNTDOWN - "3,2,1,shoot" - so everyone can shoot at the same time.


DO NOT shoot the orb/skull like a laser and hold the trigger button down. Don't do this. If you run out of ammo and screw up aiming, the cloud resets position, the shield will not break, and you may as well wipe.

Instead - treat your orb/skull LIKE A SIDEARM! This means tap, tap, tap, tap, tap - until the cloud locks in place.

Yes - firing your orb like a semi-automatic works. It saves you ammo, it ensures you can adjust your aim, and your extra ammo can be used for a bit of dps as well.



Maybe - because you need to CLEAR ADDS before you start the dps phase.

When everyone has gotten to position, have one player (in the convergence point, not holding an orb) use a super to quickly clear out adds. The others who are not holding orbs kill some harpies as well.

You want the area mostly cleared before starting dps so that everyone's free to do as much damage and it's not hectic.


Map Layout

The boss will have two new changes apart from summoning adds:

  • he will fire a "prism"/net that will trap players and carry them off
  • he will spawn homing floating harpies (or "mines") that will target one player, fly to him, and explode for massive aoe damage

Handing the Prism:

  • If caught in the prism, call out which side you are relative to your section (ie. "prism left/right/center/going front/behind) - at least give your teammates an idea where you are so they know where to shoot; DO NOT just say: "Prism! Help me!" - teammates should not waste time trying to find out where you are
  • Avoid staying at the left/right edges of the map since the prism can carry you off, and, even if you're freed - you might accidentally drop down to your death
  • The prism can also be team shot and destroyed
  • The prism can hit a wall and destroy itself
  • Argos will fire the first prism after the shield breaks, and after the first set of mines have flown out

TIP: When Argos' shield breaks, he will fire a prism a couple of seconds later. LOOK AT WHERE HIS HEAD IS FACING beforehand since that's where he will fire. Just sidestep and avoid it. The same also applies when he launches the mines - always watch his head, that's where he will fire the second prism.

Handling the Mines:

  • The mines can be shot down
  • The mines can explode when hitting pillars or walls
  • Argos will spawn the first set of mines after the first prism fires, and again when dps phase ends and his shield is restored

What Players Need To Do:

  • Drop an empowering rift
  • The players who did NOT shoot the clouds, pick up/use the extra orbs to shoot the boss' head. This will do massive damage especially when on an empowering rift
  • Gunslingers use golden gun as well when the boss' head shows up (and standing on an empowering rift) for lots of damage
  • A second later, Argos will fire his first prism - look at his head beforehand (this is where he will fire) and sidestep it.
  • Drop a rally barricade
  • Have some players who want to use it gather in it and spam rockets and/or shoot mines
  • Look at Argos' head again and sidestep the second prism that he will fire
  • If you have an extra Warlock, a healing rift would also help during the dps phase

TIP 1: Generally speaking, you want players to gather up for using the orbs and golden gun while standing on an empowering rift. You also want many of them using the rally barricade for spamming rockets.

TIP 2: However, it's also advisable to have some players not be too stacked. Prisms can be destroyed - but if they are not, and you have a lot of teamamtes close together and cannot avoid it, then everyone can get captured. This makes you lose dps (from captured players and those trying to free them).

TIP 3: There will still be goblins and minotaurs running around while you're dpsing, so just be aware of them. If you can kill them, do so, if not, avoid them or call them out so your teammates are aware.

TIP 4: After the DPS phase, check how much damage you did. If you were able to take out an entire 'bar' of his health, that's great! If it's a lot less than that, and your team barely did damage, just wipe. Ideally you want to be taking out 20-25% of his health each dps phase because the boss only has 4 phases before he enrages and wipes the team.


You will see a message: "void spiking" which means the phase is about to start. Argos will spawn numerous floating platforms surrounding him.

He will have SIX BODY PARTS/PANELS that can be destroyed. You need to destroy TWO BODY PARTS every platforming phase, otherwise the team will wipe.

The parts are Left Brain, Right Brain, Left Arm, Right Arm, Left Back Panel, Right Back Panel.

To ensure easily getting this phase done, have the entire team shoot a specific part at the same time then shooting the next one.

TIP 1: Note that the boss will be facing ARC SECTION during the platforming phase so we refer to the left/right as the boss' "left" and "right" relative to his body

TIP 2: You will need to land CRIT SHOTS on the parts to make them go red and eventually explode, otherwise the parts will go white and heal. Don't use rockets since they don't do crits and you're just wasting them.

Map Layout

From VOID/ARC, hop the platforms until you're at the platform that's just below the top layer (between void and arc). You have a clear shot at the RIGHT BRAIN. Have the entire team shoot it until it explodes. Then, look down, you will see the RIGHT ARM, shoot it until it explodes. Then, shoot the boss' head and throw grenades to do some extra damage.

From SOLAR, hop the platforms until you're at the platform just below the top layer. You have a clear shot at the LEFT BRAIN. Have the entire team shoot it until it explodes. Then, look down, you will see the LEFT ARM, shoot it until it explodes. Then, shoot the boss' head and throw grenades to do some extra damage.

From VOID/SOLAR, hop the bottom platforms between Void and Solar; you will see the LEFT BACK PANEL and the RIGHT BACK PANEL. Team shoot them one at a time until they explode.

TIP 3: Ideally you want your leader to do a callout so everyone can follow and adjust. Let's say your first dps phase was at Void, then follow him to the correct platforms and shoot the RIGHT BRAIN/ARM. If you were dpsing at Solar, then get to the proper spot so you have line on sight on LEFT BRAIN/ARM.

TIP 4: The arm parts will also move slightly so make sure you're on a platform that can shoot it to wherever it rotates to.

TIP 5: The platforms disappear after some time when shooting the head, so just get back to position and kill adds to get some ammo back. Be ready for the next "Charging Phase" to do callouts.


Map Layout

Repeat the same mechanics until you reach the end.

After the fourth dps phase, the boss will "enrage" and do his final "platforming phase". Again, he will be facing ARC SECTION.

Have players go over to the Arc area, and make sure that teammates pick up 1-2 orbs/skulls beforehand. Charge them at the Arc plate.

Shoot the boss with everything you have, and use the orbs once they're charged to do a lot of damage as well.

Provided you've done a lot of damage per dps phase, you'll have him dead easily. If you were doing inconsistent damage as a team, it will be a close call.


It is possible to do two dps phases back to back by predicting the orb callout (based on a pattern) for the next phase:

  • Arc -> Void
  • Void -> Solar
  • Solar -> Arc

Example: "Converging Void - two arc, one void"

  • Have two arc players charge at arc
  • Have two void players charge at void
  • Have one solar player charge at void
  • Have one solar player charge at solar

The solar orb, and the two extra void orbs will NOT be picked up... yet.

The two arc players + one void player will break the shield for the first phase phase. Do damage and so on.

To force the second damage phase, pick up the solar/two extra void orbs, go to the new convergence point, shoot the orbs and break the shield.

However, 99% of the time, most LFG groups will be using orbs to do damage as opposed to forcing a second dps phase.

I do feel this will be a future mechanic for challenge mode, so feel free to try it out with some willing clanmates/groups.


That's all Guardians. Hopefully the guide helps out.

Remember that you'll want the raid leader to be the most experienced guy on the team, who can call for adjustments and give instructions on the fly. This allows everyone to be on the same page throughout the entire encounter.

Feel free to ask questions or make suggestions down below.

Good luck, Guardians!


submitted by /u/el2mador
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3-Man Argos Completion - Eater of Worlds

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST

Video Link:

Thanks to ModernTryhard and FleshCrunch for the strategy and first successfully completed 3-man run :)

Strategy and roles:

Modern - Primary DPS role. Modern supplied the Titan barricade for the team during each damage phase. He also focused strictly on DPS, with very minimal add control.

Flesh - Support DPS and flex player. Flesh supplied extra DPS with a Nighthawk, managed Harpies to an extent, and maintained control of stray craniums.

Gladd - Territory management. I supplied an Empowering Rift during DPS phases and primarily focused on enemy add control to allow for proper DPS from Flesh and Modern.

So... this run is actually a very bad example of the developed strategy. Ideally, you want to execute two damage phases per "cycle." A cycle could be described as the time that you have before you must stun Argos. It's possible to break his shield twice during this cycle by following the correct rotation pattern of the floating orbs.

What does this mean?

When three orbs spawn in the air, they must be destroyed by the corresponding cranium. In order to do this, you must "cook" a cranium in its respective side (arc, void, solar). Each round, you will always have three extra craniums that won't need to be used. However, you can predetermine where these craniums need to be cooked.

The orbs spawn with a set rotation. The rotation is:


If a SOLAR orb spawns, next damage phase it will be an ARC one.. and so on. For example: if ARC, ARC, VOID spawns, next round it will be VOID, VOID, SOLAR. We were SUPPOSED to use this to our advantage during the completed run, however, this run was particularly sloppy and we couldn't optimize this strategy.

Instead, we took advantage of the extra time, set up, cleared all adds, and just damaged once per cycle. Mistakes were made, we didn't pay attention to a few details, but improvised each situation.

This fight CAN be 2-manned, but it will definitely be a grind. I'm sure we will see the 2-man completion soon.

This fight is wonderfully designed, very fun and chaotic, and I cannot commend Bungie enough for the encounter. I hope to see more hectic encounters like this in the near future.


submitted by /u/GladHeAteHer182
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Bungie can we stop pretending our guardian is the only guardian that can save the universe.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:11 AM PST

Outside of the poor/clunky writing of the Curse of Osiris, and our lack of input making every conversation with Sagira really awkward. My biggest gripe is one that's bothered me a lot.

Sure I know this is meant to be a solo campaign, yet if as I'm going through the campaign seeing other guardians when I go to Earth and Mercury. The same issue was with the main campaign and with every other DLC. It just feels false. Panoptes and Ghaul are made out to be these giant threats, where in the end are beaten by one guardian. Then after this we're thrown into a raid/raid lair that the story gives 0 context as to why these new bosses are important.

Sure it's not the biggest problem that Destiny 2 has story-wise. But I feel if we're going to do these world ending plots, stop pretending that we're the only ones that can save it. Even Master Cheif had help in the Halo franchise. Just tack onto the end of the story how this is just the precursor, that other guardians were in other simulations helping and now we have to do the lair to finish the job, or with Ghaul make the Main D2 villain actually be the end boss like Crota and Oryx were.

submitted by /u/TheSoulSheep
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This is what I miss about D1. 4 supers in three minutes.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:23 AM PST

I'm a casual gamer in the sense that I don't do trials, don't raid, and think I've only run nightfall in D2 3 times. In D1 it was the same except my buddy and I always looked forward to nightfalls and heroic strikes. I miss the awesome power I felt I could get if I figured out a good build and used DIM to find best armor pieces.

This is my Titan from D1. I'm in my mid 40s and was a tad baked so excuse the whiffed snipes and me running like a chump. Anyway I have a 5/2/5 build with thagomizers and a helmet with 'hands on' and inverse shadow. I run overload with transfusion and shoulder charge.

I made more orbs in this one room than I do in two strikes in D2. I could have run as a st-14 defender with AoL and made even more. I want this feeling again.

submitted by /u/DCbowlofcheerios
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The writing in D2 is painful. I'd rather have no writing and only grimoire style lore than this infantile mess.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST

I'm sorry if this is ranty but I have to vent.

I don't know if Bungie thinks that it's playerbase can't handle basic storytelling techniques or characters that have arcs and are more than one-dimensional cliches, but that is really what it seems.

It is beyond me how, with such rich lore, with limitless possibilities what we get is this lazy, uninspired, often painful writing that seems to exclusively cater to small kids that don't follow closely what they are playing.

D1 vanilla story was incocherent, barely even there and really not even very interesting, but the lore around it was mesmerizing. The main narratives of the DLCs were basic but through the grimoire we learnt so much more about the Destiny universe, things like the Book od Sorrows.

In D2 the grimoire has been eliminated with nothing to replace it. While hyping the game up before release Bungie said that there would be so much story that we would complain. Maybe they meant so many shitty Nolanbot one liners.

submitted by /u/loluz
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If we could have patrolled Mercury, the Infinite Forest, and the Simulant Past, Present, and Future, Mercury would have felt like a proper planet.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:36 PM PST

Right now Mercury Patrol is pathetic. It's varely the size of a crucible map, and only has one public event. Imagine if we could enter the Infinite forest and choose to go to Simulant past or future, where there would be more patrols and more public events and morelost sectors. It would make Mercury seem full, not barren.

submitted by /u/ThatTyedyeNarwhal
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