World of Warcraft - [Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

[Firepower Friday] Your weekly DPS Thread

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:37 AM PST

Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

Classes: Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

General DPS Questions

submitted by /u/Babylonius
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The Roleplayers are getting creative.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:46 AM PST

Me in 2008 Vs me in 2018

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:49 AM PST

Let's name a real life world after Azeroth

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:47 AM PST

it's been a while... just reinstalling

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:43 AM PST

The Lich King does not provide a scholarship

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:55 AM PST

Zappyboi is alive goddamnit.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

Now,I've seen a lot of people mistakenly believing that Zappyboi is dead after Anduin consecrated his ass with the sword.

This is wrong, THIS! is the guy that got wrecked by Anduin and THIS is our Zappyboi.

See the difference? Zappyboi has red hair and is wearing very little armor,the other troll is on full shadow-hunter gear and even has a shield.

And to top it off,you can see Zappyboi at the end of the cinematic,just behind Sylvanas,HERE

So yeah,he's alive,don't worry.

He is horde scum though so I hope I can kill him at the end of the scenario :)

submitted by /u/jhere
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So I heard Vol'Jin was getting back into the story...

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:17 AM PST

If we work together, I know we can do it!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:56 AM PST

The World's Most Useful Machine

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:05 PM PST

If there's one thing Blizzard has consistently gotten right, it's how to make a killer sky

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:06 AM PST

A Reason to Fight

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:51 AM PST

Sylvannas Statue is my most prized possession now

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Chart that shows how fucked up the some races backs are

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PST

When your disguise game is on point

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PST

Please save Azeroth's greatest hero. With the upcoming changes to Silithus we may lose a part of our history forever. Allow me to tell the story of how Azeroth was saved by Brann Bronzebeard's level 62 pet Ape named Glibb.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:46 PM PST

Anyone ever stop to think about the level 62 ape named "Glibb" who has been wandering abandoned in Silithus since the War of the Shifting Sands? No? What if I told you the actions of one heroic ape literally saved all of Azeroth from certain doom? We all know Silithus will change in a big way soon, and I hope this post can be a stepping stone into preserving part of Azeroth's rich history while that happens. This is the story of Glibb, Brann Bronzebeard's pet "monkey" (ape).

Prior to the events that gave us the Qiraji War, Brann Bronzebeard was keen on discovering what was going on in Silithus. From his encampment, Brann lead an expedition into Hive'Regal which at the time was considered the largest Silithid hive in Silithus. Brann's party consisted of Frankal Stonebridge, Rutgar Glyphshaper, Glibb, and Natalia Mar'alith. During the expedition, Natalia became afflicted by the whispering of C'thun and fell into a strange trance.

The party realized something was wrong right away, and Natalia was escorted back to Cenarion Hold. Druids of the Cenarion Circle attempted to heal Natalia of the affliction, and for a while she was thought to have made a full recovery. A few days later Natalia wandered back to the Bronzebeard encampment in southern Silithus demanding escort into Hive'Regal. Something was seriously off about her, she was whispering nonsense in languages no one in Brann's party could understand. (Which was fascinating at the time, as the party understood a combined 36 languages.) According to Rutgar, Natalia chanted to herself and appeared to be speaking to someone or something that clearly wasn't there. This went on for a while and she eventually attacked.

As Frankal tells you in his story, Natalia clearly had the upper hand. The trio were no match for a corrupted shadow priest who we later discovered to have been empowered by C'thun. Just before Natalia could deliver a lethal blow to Brann, who was face down in the dirt, Glibb intervened.

Glibb saved Brann Bronzebeard, Rutgar Glyphshaper, and Frankal Stonebridge from the corrupted Natalia Mar'alith. Both Rutgar and Frankal credit Glibb for saving the party from certain death. If not for Glibb, the aforementioned trio would have fallen during the Silithus war. Brann would have never went to lead the expedition into Ulduar, and Azeroth would have been destroyed on the orders of Algalon the Observer.

Glibb is a hero. His actions saved Azeroth from being completely destroyed. Yet there are no mentions of this in the history books, no one will remember him. The poor ape still wanders in Silithus to this day waiting for Brann Bronzebeard to return.

Glibb today Can someone PLEASE have Brann retrieve his long lost friend and expedition partners from Silithus? I have a feeling they are no longer safe there.

submitted by /u/thinksammich_
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Instead of 110 boost, Can we have race change tokens?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

Title says it all. What if instead of a 110 boost that comes with BfA, we could choose to instead receive 2 or 3 tokens to Race/Faction change characters into the new allied races?

submitted by /u/_Vard_
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For the people starting / coming back to wow after awhile here's a great write up for lore

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:37 PM PST

I think I may have glitched Gluth...

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:51 AM PST

Little Sylvanas watercolour painting I made yesterday

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:03 AM PST

"Lets make a set of armor specifically for this race, no other race can equip it ever"

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:48 PM PST

No wonder Teldrassil got burned! Just look at the candle positioning!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:54 AM PST

That moment it almost got too dark

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:19 AM PST

Proof that Anduin finds Draenei women attractive.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:03 AM PST

Why the Horde and Alliance still fight.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:16 PM PST

I wish I had a nickel for each time someone tried to float the idea that the Horde and Alliance shouldn't fight anymore.

These people tend to forget that we as players with no true connection to the world have the big picture, but to the characters themselves the hatred makes complete sense.

I mean let's just draw some real world example before I go further.

  • China and Japan are in an endless dispute over who owns the uninhabited Senkaku Islands.

  • The United States had a civil war over 150 years ago and yet many people on both sides are STILL bitter about it to this very day.

  • The United States and the Soviet Union worked together to fight the Nazis in World War 2 but the second it was over both nations were at each other's throats.

  • India and Pakistan hate each other mostly due to centuries of the British constantly turning the Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs against each other to prevent them from organizing against them. They know this yet they still have nukes pointed at each other.

  • Israel and Palestine hate each other immensely and are having disputes over things as trivial as a single tree.

My point is that hatred is not a logical thing and certainly can't be repaired just by working together or having a few years of relative peace. People don't forget grievances just because something else was holding their immediate attention for a time.

Just to solidify my point let's go over everything both sides have to hate each other for:

  • Many Humans and Dwarves can still remember the Second War where they were driven from their homes by the marauding Orcs.

  • Most adult Orcs were slaves in the infamously abusive Human internment camps at some point in their lives. Many of them were actually born in the internment camps making the cruel guards their only point of reference when it comes to Humans.

  • When the Forsaken first regained their freedom they were rejected by their friends and family, the Alliance had no respect for their claim to Lordaeron which was their home in life, and up until the Forsaken campaign in Cataclysm many Forsaken civilians were being outright murdered by Humans in Hillsbrad.

  • The first encounter between Orcs and Night Elves began open hostility from both sides with neither trying to open a dialogue and ended with the Orcs killing Cenarius. The since named Warsong Gulch that borders Ashenvale and The Barrens has been disputed territory ever since.

  • The Tauren are sympathetic to their Orc and Undead allies and the Alliance has intruded on their territory repeatedly with Dwarves going so far as to start excavations in Mulgore and the Barrens.

  • Gnomes are heavily sympathetic to their Dwarven and Human allies and once one of the cartels of their hated Goblin rivals joined the Horde all bets were off.

  • The Darkspear like all Jungle Trolls bear heavy resentment to the Humans of Stormwind as well as just Humans in general. Even after Vol'jin was betrayed by Garrosh he says in one of his letters to the player that he still preferred Garrosh to the Alliance.

  • The Blood Elves faced general racism from the other races of the Alliance in the years following the Second War. Then were betrayed when Grand Marshal Garithos tried to have them executed and not a single human voiced an objection. Then in the time right before the expedition into Outland the Night Elves began sabotaging the Sanctums that the Blood Elves relied on to sate their mana addiction. Also although completely unfair to Humans the Blood Elves also feel that since Arthas was a Human the entire race bears responsibility. (Even a big picture person like Sylvanas believes this.)

  • The Draenei were driven to near extinction by the Orcs and although Velen came out and openly forgave the Orcs acknowledging that Kil'Jaeden was the true puppet master behind all of it, it'd be hard to imagine that there aren't groups of Draenei still resentful towards the Orcs. Meanwhile Kael'thas' Blood Elves attacked what remained of them on Outland and continued to harass them after they crashed on Azuremyst Isle. Although most Blood Elves renounced their loyalty to Kael'thas they were still Blood Elves.

  • The Gilneans are understandably furious that their home has been completely destroyed by the Forsaken and their Orcish allies along with the fact that the Greymane wall was built before Thrall founded the New Horde thus their main point of reference is still the Old Horde.

  • The Bilgewater Goblins who were fleeing their island that was erupting because of the Cataclysm were shipwrecked by the Alliance in a completely unprovoked attack which turned out to be because Varian wanted to capture Thrall and parade him around in Stormwind as a trophy.

  • Although it was because of a splinter cell among the Forsaken, Bolvar Fordragon a hero to the Alliance died at the Wrathgate in Northrend. Prompting the Alliance to declare war against the Horde who lost just as many in that incident.

  • Korm Blackscar attacked Alliance forces who were engaged in combat with the Scourge in Icecrown unprovoked and was only reprimanded.

  • The Night Elves placed an embargo on the Horde after the war in Northrend causing many Orcs and their children who relied on hunting in Ashenvale to starve. Then when Orc civilians retaliated (in an excessively brutal way) Varian had the audacity to demand they be tried in an Alliance court.

  • Although it's unknown if other outside forces were at play or not a group of Orcs sabotaged a peace gathering between Night Elf and Tauren druids.

  • The Alliance attacked Camp Taurajo in a cowardly attack while the hunters were gone and though General Hawthorne left an opening for civilians to escape most still died and his fellow Alliance officers criticized him for not taking prisoners.

  • Southshore was annihilated and countless Human citizens have been murdered then conscripted into the ranks of the Forsaken ever since the Forsaken began spreading their influence during the Cataclysm.

  • Krom'gar annihilated Thal'darah Grove with a massive bomb murdering countless innocent Night Elf Druids. Krom'gar was later executed by Garrosh for this but it was still the Horde's doing.

  • Garrosh mounted a massive offensive into Ashenvale that swept over half of the region and logged hundreds of trees that the Night Elves considered sacred.

  • Garrosh dropped a massive arcane payload on Human city of Theramore that was ruled over by Jaina who was trying for peace harder than anyone else in the Alliance. Then he set up a blockade around all of Kalimdor locking the Night Elves and Draenei in.

  • In the Jade Forest the Alliance shot at unarmed soldiers trying to surrender.

  • Jaina purged all of the Horde sympathetic Sunreavers from Dalaran simply because they helped the Horde steal a Pandaren artifact.

  • Garrosh attempted to kill Anduin who was actively seeking a peaceful end to the conflict.

  • Every skirmish and battle in Pandaria further deepened the resentment between the Alliance and Horde so just insert all of those here. (I'll even throw the Alliance a bone and admit the Horde were being the bigger dicks in the majority of them)

  • The Alliance and Horde fought over a powerful artifact in Ashran on Draenor

  • The Alliance believes that the Horde left the Alliance forces to die on the Broken Shore.

  • Vol'jin gave his life to protect the Alliance and the Horde thinks the Alliance returning with hostility is beyond insolent.

  • Greymane ambushed the Forsaken fleet in Stormheim without provocation. Then Greymane stopped Sylvanas from enslaving Eyir cutting off the future of Forsaken. (You can argue the morality of it until you're blue in the face but that's what happened as far as the characters are concerned.)

Now look at everything I just listed, then layer on top all of the minor skirmishes that I didn't mention and do you seriously still think the Horde and Alliance is ready to hug it out?

If your answer is "yes" then god bless you the world needs more optimistic idealists like you. However the rest of us sane realists out here should know that this all out conflict is the only realistic outcome when there is no substantial external threat to unite the two factions.


Somebody reminded me of Taran Zhu's quote on the Isle of Thunder which fits perfectly as to what I'm saying:

"Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal." -Taran Zhu

submitted by /u/Zezin96
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I made Anzu the Ravenlord (BC/mount version) out of clay

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:27 PM PST

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