Fishing 101 By (AUD) Auto

General Knowledge

All places that all the different fish spawn can be found on the map below:
Warframe : Fishing 101

Red = Mortus Lungfish (Night), Yogwun, Khut-Khut (Day).

Blue = Goopolla (Day & Night), Tralok, (Day),

(Not including fish that can be obtained with bait)

Green = Charc Eel (Night), Mawfish (Day)

Black = Unavailable.

Fishing Spears +

There are 3 available fishing spears that can be purchased from Fisher Hai Luk.
(Lanzo fishing spear, Tulok fishing spear and Peram fishing spear.)
Some fishing spears only work effectively on certain fish. Here is a list on what works with what:

(Also includes standing gained from fish and Max Weight of the fish)

Mortus Lungfish = Peram or Lanzo Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S= 100 M= 125 L= 200

Khut Khut= Peram Spear (Max Weight = 20.0kg)
Standing: S= 25 M= 35 L= 50

Yogwun= Tulok Spear (Max Weight = 32.0kg)
Standing: S= 25 M= 35 L= 50

Goopolla= Tulok Spear (Max Weight = 20.0kg)
Standing: S= 25 M= 35 L= 50

Sharrac(B)= Tulok or Lanzo Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S= 100 M= 125 L= 200

Karkina(B)= Tulok Spear. (Max Weight = 30.0kg)
Standing: S= 100 M= 125 L= 200

Charc Eel= Tulok Spear (Max Weight = 20.0kg)
Standing: S=25 M=35 L=50

Mawfish= Tulok Spear (Max Weight = 30.0kg)
Standing: S= 25 M= 35 L= 50

Tralok= Tulok Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S=100 M=125 L=200

Murkray(B)= Lanzo Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S= 500 M= 625 L= 1000

Cuthol(B)= Peram Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S= 500 M= 625 L= 1000

Norg(B)= Peram Spear (Max Weight = 40.0kg)
Standing: S=500 M=625 L=1000

Glappid(B)= Peram Spear (Max Weight = 45.0kg)
Standing: S= 1200 M= 1500 L= 2000

Boot= Any spear, anywhere. (Max Weight = 4.0kg)
Standing: S= 0 M= 0 L= 0
(^^^ (B) = Bait, fish with (B) need or recommend bait to catch.)

Baited Fish

Baited fish are fish that can only be caught with bait, or be easier to catch with bait. There are 2 aquatic animals in PoE that don't require a specific bait (Karkina & Sharrac), easily caught with Twilight bait. Though, there are 4 fish that can only be caught with their respected bait:


Bait is better used in the hotspots of the fish, yielding 1-3 fish on avg.
Warframe : Fishing 101

^^^ This is a hotspot. It is shown as bubbles on the surface of the water, generally near the shore.
If you attempt to throw bait in it or near it, it will raise the spawn rate of the fish of the bait you used. Murkrays are found in Ocean hotspots, along with Karkinas, Sharracs and Glappids. Norgs are found in the hotspots in the large lake near the spawn, and Cuthol can be found in small, shallow lakes. All of these fish are better found at night, the only exception being the Murkray, found at any time of day.

Personal Favourite Fishing Hotspots & Locations.

Here's the places where I find the most hotspots, heavy fish, and frequent spawns.

(Red = Ponds, Green= Lakes, Blue= Ocean)Warframe : Fishing 101

Any better spots for me to try out? Comment them if you like any!

Final Words

Did you learn anything from this guide? Have anything you want me to add? Post any mistakes and things to add to the comments and I might change it. If you have any questions, also ask those in the comments and I'll be able to answer those. (and if you all could give it an upvote or downvote, that'd be great, thanks! :)

Tips worth knowing (Gotten by the comments)
.Smeeta Kavats increase the chance of rare fish spawning. (Credit: Dustfire)

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