True Dota 2 - I think Ursa's level 20 talent "25s Fury Swipes Reset Time" is really bad.

I think Ursa's level 20 talent "25s Fury Swipes Reset Time" is really bad.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:28 AM PST

I've always liked Ursa and thus played him quite alot and really feel like that you'd always take the extra second Enrage over 45 seconds reset timer because 20 seconds is more than enough, especially since it got buffed a couple of patches ago.

I've been thinking about it and why would he need a talent like this if really all you do is blow up enemies on the spot? It can be a nuisance but really nothing else imo. Do any of you get the swipes reset over the Enrage? And why? The Earth Shock AOE on 25 can be very good I think, especially with the possible 4 Second cooldown.

My suggestion for a better level 20 talent would be more Overpower attacks.


submitted by /u/The00Luk
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New Poison Touch

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:25 AM PST

I don't think I've seen a spell more useless than the new Poison Touch.

I get the theory, you're meant to throw it on an offlaner and keep hitting him to refresh the duration. But it just does NO DAMAGE. Level 1, it does 10 physical damage per second and lasts for 4 seconds. Let's be generous and say that you manage to prolong the spell to last 10 seconds, then you dealt 100 physical damage for 80 mana. That is NOTHING, you did more with your rightclicks when you prolonged the duration. I'm not even gonna compare it to some good zoning spells like liquid fire or ignite, it just gets sad. The slow amount is also laughable, 20% on max level. You might say, but at least it hits multiple targets, so you can push lanes! With 40 damage per second at max level? Yeah, that's not pushing anything, it barely speeds up killing jungle creeps.

I get that all spells don't have to be good for the hero to be good, etc. But this spell is just so bad, literally if I could take stats instead of it, I would. The previous poison touch was already pretty damn awful, and this one is decidedly worse.

submitted by /u/everythings_alright
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What are some good solo supports in this patch?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:58 AM PST

I'm quite new to the game(180 hours) and ,in the low MMR games that I play, noone plays support so I need to play the role alone 90% of the time . Can you suggest me some heroes to play support alone? I usually go for heroes that I find fun to play:Jakiro,Winter Wyvern,Crystal Maiden, Disruptor and Keeper of the Light. Are they decent picks? P.s: I usually pick first cause everyone locks a carry so can't really adapt to the enemy

submitted by /u/raff100
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Advanced Meepo players (spammers)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:08 AM PST

So I play a lot of Meepo - 500+ games at the low 3k bracket. I was wondering what my fellow Meepo spammers have been thinking about the new patch - his change in talents, the shifts in itemization patterns, timings, etc.

Particularly I want to hear some thoughts on Meepo Aghs. Aghs used to be absolutely 100% mandatory on Meeps but post 7.00 has really allowed him to option it out as a situational item. And I feel like most situations in which i decide to build it, it ends up not working out as well. I have the best luck with a scrappy, early fighting build (Treads, 2 Wraith bands, Blink, Hex, Eblade/Skadi) in which I can slam the game down throats at 25 mins.

I know Aghs is good if you can get it early, as it allows you farm the map much quicker and steepen your exponential curve. But I just don't know the situations in the current meta that allow me convince myself Aghs is a smart pickup rather than other, possible more useful items. Any thoughts/discussion welcome!

submitted by /u/Hvittneshorn
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Meteor Hammer Tinker ?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:29 AM PST

Does it refresh with ult. If yes i think like : splitpsuh with machines. Tp blink into trees next to tower and spam shit till its down. This would solve tinkers "relying on own creeps" tower push.

submitted by /u/Tactiicxx
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CM skill build after 7.07 regen changes

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:50 PM PST

So I've had the idea that maxing CM's aura by lvl 7 might not be optimal anymore. After the regen changes, the mana regen on aura scales up over time as your team gets more INT instead of being a flat amount. That means that it gives less mana regen in the early game but a lot more mana regen in the late game. Here are the relevant lines from the patch notes if you want to see the numbers:

Crystal Maiden Aura on Allies rescaled from 1/1.5/2/3 to 0.8/1.0/1.2/1.4

Crystal Maiden Aura on Self rescaled from 2/3/4/8 to 1/2/3/4

It's interesting to note that the 'Crystal Maiden Aura on Allies' now gets 60% of its max value with just one skill point. If you're leveling the aura for your allies, then you only need one skill point to get more than half of the total effect. The only reason to get additional levels in the early game is for your own mana regen, because the 'Crystal Maiden Aura on Self' now has equal scaling of 1 mana per level instead of reduced scaling at level 2 or 3. Also note that the self mana regen doesn't double from level 3->4 like it did in 7.06, so you don't have that strong incentive to max the aura ASAP anymore.

So my thought is that you should be putting more points into your nukes as CM, because they scale very well with additional skill points, whereas the CM aura doesn't gain very much from additional skill points. The CM aura scales very poorly for allies, and it has a flat 1/2/3/4 scaling for yourself. You definitely still need more than 1 point in your aura unless you want to buy a shitload of clarities (CM's mana costs are really high), but you don't need 4 points in it. I think that getting a second point in your aura at either level 3 or 4 is all you need, and then you'll have enough mana to max your nukes from there on. That would give you a skill build like W/E/Q/E/W/R/W/W/Q/Q/Q, or W/E/Q/E/Q/R/Q/Q/W/W/W. I think this kind of build is way stronger on CM than the old max aura build, because you can max your W early for escape heroes or max Q really early for AoE damage and slow. Now CM can finally feel like a real hero instead of a walking aura and ward dispenser!

submitted by /u/vvav
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Troll's +50 whirling axes damage talent and Level 25 talents

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:35 AM PST

Level 15: +3 Max Fervor Stacks OR +50 Whirling Axes Damage

Level 25: -6s Whirling Axes Cooldown OR Battle Trance Dispels (affects allies as well)

At level 15, his axes talent feels really bad to me, +50 damage for the axe nukes isn't going to do much, at most you might get slightly faster farm I guess but I do like more fervor stacks for hitting buildings/rosh/heroes more than 7 times.

And I don't really know what to think about his level 25 talents. I guess on paper 3s cd on both axes would be good, though bkb sure is a problem. On the other hand, battle trance dispelling your entire team can possibly be awesome depending on the enemy lineup. Bonus question: anyone still get diffusal now? I really dislike the 15s cd slow, even if the item is the same. And it doesn't even purge anymore. On the plus side, nullifier seems pretty good on him after your normal core items.

Also...anyone know why valve hasn't changed his bloody whirling axes keybind back to a single key?

submitted by /u/GalerionTheMystic
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What if Morphling could Attribute shift during his morph?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:32 AM PST

Title says half. One of the problems with New morphling is that his ult is somewhat crippling. You lose all your spells for someone elses, which honestly is kinda crap. What does the community think on giving Morphling attribute shift as well as the enemy's spells, so one could potentially keep the feel of morphling but with other spells? It would not only fit lore (which Is what the new morphling fits better into) but also lower the skill floor (you currently cannot shift during your morph ult). Im only 2k though so Im certainly not the best player, but this is me floating ideas around.

submitted by /u/TechieTubbies
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How to win with TA?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:29 PM PST

So like, i really want to learn how to win with TA more, because i can pretty consistently get what would be like standard high level play timings on my items (11-13 min deso, 15-17 min blink) and do well in mid, properly snipe enemy hero with psi-blades, stack ancients for myself, but i still have a sub 50% winrate as her. Am i drafting her wrong? doing things wrong after lane? What sort of itemization should i look towards after blink deso? PLS help i just want to win with purple lady

submitted by /u/carrot_cakke
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Best support to climb with at 3k?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:16 PM PST

Hi guys. I've recently started playing dota again and really enjoy the support role. What are the best roaming and hard supports for the patch or climbing in general? I can play Earth Spirit well and the likes so really any suggestions are helpful

submitted by /u/Craiglekinz
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