True Dota 2 - As offlaner, is it better to not block your lane at all anymore?

As offlaner, is it better to not block your lane at all anymore?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:42 PM PST

A couple of times I was too lazy to block or we went for a FB at rune, I notice that the offlane can meet literally at the enemy safelane's tower, if he blocks even a little bit. As a matter of lane equilibrium, isn't this like, kind of awesome? They get the first wave at the tower, which is harder to LH at lvl 1 and immediately pushes the lane towards you. You then hover just in front of your tower to prevent them from reaching, and boom, the first 3-4 waves are all in the best lane equilibrium position. Haven't toyed around with it too much, but just my first reaction to seeing it a handful of times.

submitted by /u/thesavant
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How viable is Rubick in 7.07?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:03 AM PST

As title states, I'm curious on people's thoughts on if Rubick is a good pick in this patch. I've always thought of him as one of those heroes that had a solid kit and could fit into nearly any lineup, but this patch has had a whole heap of changes and I wonder if that might not be the case anymore.

Any contribution is appreciated.

submitted by /u/samthenomad
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Can somebody please tell me how I am supposed to counter play Ghost Scepter now?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:43 PM PST

I've been playing a lot of Weaver lately with the changes to his talents and last night played a game where my safe lane went drow and my mid went puck.

So I did my usual thing targetting supports first and it was going well until about minute 30 where 4/5 enemy heroes had picked up ghost scepters to deal with me and I quickly fell off not being able to deal any damage.

I then got pretty upset once the enemy lion got level 25 aoe hex that goes through linkens for some reason.

It feels like supports got handed alot this patch and counterplay is getting less and less relevant in the game which is frustrating. What can I do?

Do I need to make sure my team always has a hero with purge if my core is exclusively right click damage?

submitted by /u/dalmathus
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Windranger Level 25 Talent Bugged?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 07:38 AM PST

Windranger has a level 25 talent "20% focus fire ministun", but it procced on her right clicks as well (happened in a bot match i was playing).

submitted by /u/SohanNimbus
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Vladimir's Offering

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:39 AM PST

I feel like this item has been very underwhelming for the last few patch. Most carries who've built this in the past were heroes who had Unique Attack Modifiers such as Ursa and AM. However since that was removed, there was no need for them to get this item. There are other items for core heroes to buy that helps them fight early (Drums, Aquila, Wand, Echo Saber etc.)

In the past a lot of support heroes have bought this item since it provided great stats and aura. However these days most support players usually prefer to have items that grants more utility (force staff, lotus orb etc.).

Do you guys think that this item need to be buffed or reworked?

submitted by /u/Bimpa
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Is mekansm worth getting?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:56 AM PST

When I was playing support like a year ago I got it because a lot of guides recommended mekansm but now I rarely get it. I feel like the regen isn't like all that much to be a game changer and most of the time if we're getting crushed by the team and I use mekansm it just delays our death.

submitted by /u/AwesomeAsian
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To all the 6k players out there

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:37 PM PST

Can you please give advice on what it takes to remain in 6k?

I've been 5k for years and I've dipped into 6k a few months ago only to fall back down to 5k. I really don't understand what it is I'm doing wrong as a 5k. I've tried many different strategies and I play pos 1,4,5 but I just can't seem to climb. I'm really trying my best to win and today I played 15 games and lost 50 mmr. It's kind of depressing because I've been playing the game religiously and have seen such small gains.

Can someone link to some comprehensive things to learn in order to get better at dota from 5k->6k? I really don't know what more I can do to improve. I'm trying to do literally everything possible but sometimes I get burned out.

Sorry this is probably a rant and I know that most of the things I've heard a million times before and I'd probably give the same advice to 3k but idk. It's just unreal how much you have to play imo. Can you guys share how much you've played dota? I feel like to stay in 6k u have to have played dota as a full time job for at least two years or something.

Here is my dotabuff:

I have some good winrate on certain heroes but the issue is that I can't always select those heroes. I play troll, jugg, sb, veno and ww. The issue I'm having is that I can't always get to play those heroes because the game is always changing. How many heroes can you guys who are solid 6k play? Do you learn new heroes every patch? How much do you consider counter picking the enemy. I feel it takes a while to really get to learn certain heroes and it's kind of depressing.

submitted by /u/ericjlima
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New Carry Morphling Build and Strategy

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:49 PM PST

Hi. So I've had success with this new playstyle at 4.6k, got a rather easy 6 win streak with morphling on Tuesday that actually placed me 74th at dotabuff's morphling ranks at the time (haven't played dota since).

The items I built are:

Start with wand, tangos and a faerie fire.

Early game items are aquila, treads and dragon lance.

If lane is easy go aquila first for max cs, if you're against tough offlaners go boots first, and if that's not enough you can get an early ring of health.

Core items are hurricane pike and mkb.

If they have a lot of summons or illusions, I'd consider going mjollnir before mkb.

Late game items are skadi/butterfly/mjollnir/bkb.


Go to lane with max agi. You are now a cs god, with 6 armor, +3.5 hp regen, wand charges, mana free shift str, and 5 tangos to boot. Your offlaners will have a very hard time zoning you out, and you can punish them with your great waveform kill potential.

With aquila, treads, dragon lance and waveform, your opponents will have a tough time protecting their tier 1, and very little kill potential on you if they try to punish your push.

I go first item pike always. The attack range and stats go a long way for making you a relevant right clicker, and the lack of linkens spell block (which most of the time would be popped by disposable spells) is more than made up for by the built in force staff. Use tread switch, shrines and clarities for mana.

The added ability to engage and disengage is extremely important, for three reasons:

  • It helps you chase.

  • It helps you live through a silence.

  • It can give you those peaceful seconds to shift everything into agi and then back some to str. With a wand pop in the middle, it's literally like you're coming fresh back to the fight, and you can do it even if you just soaked 3k damage with shift str. I like the +300 waveform talent for that reason as well. Note: when you get skadi this pretty much stops working, as your minimum max hp is still very high. I feel skadi is still good, because you apply aoe slow with waveform, 1vs1 carries better, and can play longer team fights with the big max mana.

Mkb is just very cost effective with dps, basically nullifies evasion and does pure damage for high armor targets. Don't think that you have a lot of attack speed because of your agility. You want to be able to dps decently even after a signifact shift to str.

Butterfly's dps for the cost isn't that great, but the evasion with shift str works wonders. If I see enemy mkb's I might preffer mjollnir or bkb. Mjollnir's static shield and attack speed synergizes with shift str. Bkb is not as good as you'd think because you want to be the one soaking damage and disables for your team. But on some games it's a must.

Also, very important to take the waveform attack targets talent. It speeds up your farming and really turns you into a teamfight beast.

For using shift strength, be very, very light on the trigger. Basically, use it every time you feel the enemy is going on the offensive for you. If you get it off before their black hole/duel/silence and you have your team around they can't kill you. It only takes a few seconds to return to a proper agility number, and you can throw in a stun while you're high on str.

For the adaptive strike stun, it's important to remember the stun and damage values are determined at projectile hit, not launched. So you cast it while you're still shifting str, and only shift back to agi after it hit

P.S. I hardly use the ult. I feel the time and mana are better spent with your basic spells (you do have 5 of them).

Here are the matches:

submitted by /u/Abusfad
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[Update] Discussion on what defines effort in dota2.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:48 AM PST

Around 8 months ago in the previous thread i asked for help from this community to define what they thought effort was in dota 2. The discussion helped motivate my honours thesis so i thought i should post an update for those that participated in the thread and wanted an update.

I didnt know how to notify zebrock. Does mentioning him work?


Previous thread:

Honours thesis link:

Thanks to the people in the previous thread for the discussions.

submitted by /u/justpraxingitout
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Morphling's new ult is actually pretty good

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:36 PM PST

Initially, I was pretty disappointed in the rework to Morphling, after seeing 25% winrate at 5k or some shit like that, but I think with his recent talent buffs and against the right heroes, Morphling can actually do a LOT of work.

First off, you can still run rat Morphling. It's weaker without Replicate, but with double Waveform at 25 and the increased range at 10, you can threaten stuff and still escape. Morphling still has the same amazing stat gain and great abilities that allow him to do a shit ton of damage.

Now onto what actually matters: the newish ult. I don't have a lot of experience with it, but it has the potential to really throw off people. At the same time, it has the potential to be really disappointing, but there are some easy ways to use it well. Terrorblade, for instance, is a great hero to become, since his illusions do a shit ton of damage and Meta isn't ever exactly bad. Spirit Breaker is surprisingly strong, as you can become him for a bit and literally just charge through the fight. Because you get Bash, the charge actually has huge impact, unlike how charge stolen by Rubick would work for instance. Any mobility spell (Mirana Leap gets 3 charges always I think? Blink, etc) is great. Because Morphling can use his items while Morphed, with a Manta, he actually ends up countering Antimage now, I think.

I dunno, maybe this change is for the best? Icefrog is kinda changing a lot of heroes that used to be known as "lategame farming heroes" to have good early impact (Spectre vision thing seems really neat, Medusa talents have spruced the hero up). Replicate was a cool ability, but was a kinda bullshit get-out-of-jail free card, speaking as an ex-Morphling spammer.

submitted by /u/TheAce_
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When do you pull the large camp as a safelane supp? On both radiant and dire

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:53 PM PST

Carry Nightstalker Discussion (7.07b)

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 08:49 PM PST

D2Bowie's video on carry NS.Seems to be a rise in carry NS in 5k+ bracket. IMO, the hero plays kinda like heavy midgame core, so I prefer a maelstrom instead of Battlefury and maybe an abyssal rush after that. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/thesanctimony
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Vanguard or no Vanguard as Pangolier?

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 05:48 PM PST

Just as the title says. I've been told some consider it core on the hero, but it also significantly delays your impact items (diffusal/blink/javelin[?]). But it does give him bulk which he really lacks early on, and it builds towards Abyssal which imo is a late game core item on him.

Thoughts? Is the Vanguard>Diffusal>Blink optimal? Or skip diffusal and go full tank?

submitted by /u/DBZFShill
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Courier Sniping Removed

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 08:25 PM PST

Why did IceFrog decide to remove courier sniping. I felt that it was a fundamental part of the game especially if your opponents were bounty hunter or nature's prophet and you would have to be extra cautious of the courier getting killed and give a boost in gold to the enemy. Now with the new courier shield it is next to impossible to snipe the courier. Thought?

submitted by /u/TotalNuisance
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