Smite - [LOOONG Post] A detailed new player's guide to Shadows Over Hercopolis

[LOOONG Post] A detailed new player's guide to Shadows Over Hercopolis

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:56 AM PST

I see a lot of people still asking a lot of questions about this mode (And console just got it too), so I figured I'd give a bit of my own tips and strategies on the mode to help people out a bit. Warning, this WILL spoil pretty much the entire thing. This WILL end up being very long, because I plan on covering everything I can, from boss mechanics, strategies, to grinding items and the best God picks. I mainly aim this at newer players who don't know much about the mode, but others might also find some useful piece of information as well.

I'll start with the bosses and "puzzle" areas first:

1st area - Frozen Gate. This is also known as the "AFK for 4 minutes" section. Here, one player is supposed to carry a bomb to chains on each side of the gate in order to break them down and open the gate. The path to the chains are covered by ice paths, falling rocks and ice spikes that can damage you. You're supposed to slide through the middle of the ice path and bounce off a wall in order to get to the chain. The bomb has a timer before it explodes, so you have to hurry. While the person is delivering the bomb, the other 2 teammates have to fight waves of enemies. Failing to deliver the bomb will result in having to fight the same wave again. After each wave, the bomb and dead players will respawn alongside 3 potions. On Hard mode, you only get 1 potion and dead players won't respawn until the end of the section, so take care not to fall off. Finishing this section on Normal mode will give you 1 T1 item, while giving you 1 T1 or T2 item on Hard mode.

1st boss - Draugr. This boss is pretty simple once you figure it out, and there isn't actually anything too complex to it. When the fight starts, the Draugr will attack the nearest person. Every few attacks, it will do a special attack on someone who is standing away, doing a small amount of damage and pulling them towards it. If all alive members are within melee range of the Draugr, it will do an AoE explosion, doing medium damage and knocking all players back; Be sure to stay away to prevent it from doing this attack. Once the Draugr loses some HP, slimes will start spawning on the ground and moving towards the Draugr. If these slimes reach him, he heals for a decent chunk of HP, so you have to step on them to "kill" them. Stepping on a slime will root you and do a very small amount of damage. Once the Draugr drops to about 16K HP, it will retreat, and you'll enter phase 2. Here, the Draugr will put 4 of it's fingers around the ship, and you're supposed to kill them all. Killing a finger causes the Draugr to roar, which will do a large amount of unavoidable damage to all players, but this can be mitigated by killing multiple fingers during this. In addition to this, 2 waves will go through the ship regularly during this phase, and you're supposed to dodge them by getting to the gap within the 2 waves. The waves will do about 400~ true damage if it hits you, this damage does not increase on Hard mode. Once all fingers are defeated, the Draugr will return to fight you. The fight will resume as normal from phase 1, but when the Draugr drops to 8K HP, it will enter phase 3, by moving to the middle of the ship and spawning a very large whirlpool that does more damage the closer you are to it. This can be fully avoided by moving to the top of the ship (The narrow part.) It also does very little damage on the edge, so it's fine if you get caught there. From there, the Draugr will enter phase 3. The slimes will stop spawning and it's pull attack will be replaced by a "clap" where the Draugr will raise 2 blocks around you and try to catch you in between them. If you're the one tanking the boss, this can be easily avoided by simply moving to either side of him while staying as close as possible. The Draugr can drop a T1 item, T2 item, Ruby or Diamond on Normal, while also being able to drop T3 items on Hard mode. If you have all of the T1 / T2 or T3 items, the Draugr will instead drop 250 gold with a rare chance of Rubies or Diamonds.

2nd area - Boiler Room This area is basically a time attack of sorts. When you first enter the room, you'll have to fight a small group of enemies. After defeating them, the vent in the middle of the room will start emitting steam, and you have to stand on top of it. The room will then be filled with lava, which you need to avoid by standing on top of the vent. (Lava does about 200~ physical damage every .5 seconds or so. Yes, it does physical damage.) From then on, one of the water lines that go to the large vent will go dry; You have to follow the line to a dam, which you have to destroy. On the path to the dam, you'll see two waves of fire elementals, and 2 waves of spiderlings. The spiderlings' attacks will slow you. You actually have a decent amount of time to do this, so try to take your time to defeat some enemies rather than just rushing the dam. Doing so without proper items is a very easy way to get killed. After breaking the dam, try and rush back to the middle as fast as you can. Stand on top of the vent again to avoid lava, and repeat this 3 times to finish this room. IF you do not have the damage or items to properly defeat the enemies in time, a viable strategy is to have 2 members of your team, preferably the damage dealers, suicide dive the dam while the tank stays in the middle to survive. The Boiler room does not have any rewards. Additionally, enemies do not become more powerful on Hard mode, but the dams will get much more HP and protections. Same as the Frozen Gate, players who die here on Hard mode will not respawn until the area is cleared.

2nd Boss - Surtr This is more of a straight up fight than the Draugr. You're pretty much just supposed to dodge this stuff and slap him while doing so. Surtr has 3 phases, and the only thing that changes between them in that he has a different special attack in each phase. Surtr's attack pattern is simple: He will use basic attacks a couple of times, and then spawn a pool of lava on himself and on a random teammate. Sometimes he just spawns one on himself, rather than two. These lava pools do a huge amount of damage and you should avoid them at all costs. Additionally, Surtr gains a massive damage buff while he's standing over his lava pools, so move him out of there as soon as he leaves one. After leaving the lava pool, Surtr will attack a few times before performing his special attack. In phase 1, he will start sending out small, ranged fire waves. Stay far away from him in order to reliably dodge these. In phase 2, he will smash his weapon into the ground, sending out 4(?) lines of magma that slow you, do damage and then explode, similar to the FG's ground attack. The magma will stay around after the explosion and keep slowing and doing damage. I find this incredibly difficult to dodge at close range, but this attack will not at all hit behind him. In phase 3, he will do a spin-2-win attack that can only really be dodged by jumping away. It does a relatively large amount of damage but I honestly find it less lethal than his phase 2 attack. When Surtr drops to 38K HP, he will enter Phase 2; When changing phases, he moves to the middle of the map and sends out several big fireballs. Avoid these by moving to the edge of the map and moving in between the fireballs. (These do about 250 true damage on normal and 300 on Hard). He will also repeat this attack when going into Phase 3. And that is basically Surtr. On Normal, he drops 2 items, which can be a T1 item, T2 item, a Ruby, or Diamond. He also drops T3 items on Hard mode. If you have all items, Surtr can drop 250 Gold. (One stack; Getting 2 stacks of Gold means 500 Gold)

3rd Boss - Cancer Loki The path to Loki is basically fighting a bunch of enemies until you get to him, so there's not much to say about that. About Loki himself, contrary to Surtr, this is more of a puzzle / avoiding hazards fight. This fight has 5 "phases", although they are more or less the same. When you first enter the arena, Loki will spawn alone, and attack you. After a couple of basic attacks, he will do this ridiculous cone attack that does very high damage if you get caught in it, and will knock you back on each hit. Avoid this by keeping to his sides at all times; You DO NOT want to get caught in the middle of this. Once he loses about 20% HP, he will disappear, and teleport one player inside one of the cages in the arena. You have to attack and break the door to free the person (The cage will fall after the door is broken, so don't stay inside.). Loki will also spawn 3 undead soldiers that you have to fight. After a while, he will reappear and continue fighting you same as phase 1, except he'll spawn a decoy with a bunch of blades that spin in a circle around it, in the middle of the room. The blades will spin away from the decoy, and you want to keep Loki closer to the sides of the arena to avoid the blades and then move into the middle of the room once they are spread out. Again, once Loki loses another 20% HP, he will disappear again and teleport a player to another arena in the room. They have to fight a group of weak enemies and get back to the arena. Loki will also spawn 3 undead soldiers again, and reappear himself after a short while. This time, he will spawn 3 spinning circular saw blades that go through the arena. These seem to move randomly and you have to avoid them. From them on, he will repeat his previous 2 phases; Trap player in cage, spawn spinning blades, teleport player to island, spawn saw blades. On his final phase however, he will replace the cone attack with his ult, which doesn't actually do too much damage. Loki can drop either a Loki Trinket or a 250 Gold pile, in addition to a T1, T2, T3 item, Ruby or Diamond.

Well, that took long, but I think that's literally everything there is about that. Probably a bit too detailed, but...Well, I kind of just have this tendency to mention every single little detail. Anyway, onward to: God picks!

God Picks

The God picks here vary depending on how far you're planning to go and what items you have. Generally, Hel, Cernunnos and Aphrodite are good at every point. Tyr is a pretty solid tank early on, and can throw enemies into holes in the 1st area, so it's a pretty good pick to quickly get through when you have barely any items. Sol is also a good pick for DPS, since she does more damage than hunters with very few items. Anhur is also a good pick and can hit pretty hard early on thanks to his passive and his 1. Cupid is a decent choice for heals and AoE damage as well. After getting some items and trying to move further on, look at those like Amaterasu or Nike to tank. These two can provide good buffs to your team and are generally decent at surviving. AMC also becomes a good option once you have some pen / lifesteal. (Although I prefer Cern due to his built-in pen, lifesteal and mobility.) Getting near full build, Fenrir suddenly show up out of nowhere and laughs maniacally at Ama and Nike as a tank. Build Bloodforge and Asi, and he becomes unkillable through sheer lifesteal, on top of dishing out stupid amounts of damage. While he doesn't provide the buffs Ama and Nike can provide, IMO he more than makes up for it with his ridiculous damage output. Seriously, this guy with church buffs can solo the entire dungeon on Hard mode, with Cern being the only other God who can reliably do so. (AMC has a tougher time due to his lack of built-in lifesteal.) Additional shoutout to Poseidon. He has the very useful aspect of having actual AA damage while his abilities are down in the way of his 2, while also providing strong AoE damage in the way of his 1, 3 and ult, which makes him actually good against bosses unlike a lot of other mages.

Early picks: Cernunnos, Anhur, Cupid, Tyr, Sol, Hel, Aphrodite, Amaterasu

Middle picks: Cernunnos, Anhur, Cupid, Sol, Hel, Aphrodite, AMC, Amaterasu, Nike

Full build picks: Cernunnos, Hel, Aphrodite, AMC, Amaterasu, Nike, Fenrir, Poseidon.

Aphro vs. Hel: IMO Aphro is the better one later on. She has way more reliable healing, her damage isn't bad, and her ult is a great panic button. Hel however is better without a full build / full CDR. Both of them have ridiculous mana issues until they have a decent few items.

Sidenote: Obviously there might be some other great Gods, but these guys are great picks from what I've seen so far.

Grinding Items

The one part a lot of people are probably gonna want to know about. The simple answer to this problem is: Hard mode. Period. Farming anything on Normal takes FOREVER. Your aim when playing Normal should be not to farm there, but to finish the final Church quest of beating Surtr ASAP, so you can unlock and play Hard mode. Admittedly, you will need 2 competent teammates in order to start grinding Hard mode as fast as possible, so...Yeah. We'll take this step by step:

Step 1 - First, you want to get some T1 items through the Frozen Gate. The map until this point is relatively potato difficulty, and so long as you don't get this as your teammate, you should be able to beat it with minimal items. Or just pick Tyr.

Step 2 - Now you want to start beating the Draugr. You should have completed some quests and obtained some Gold; Try to gather up enough for a T3 item and pray to RNGesus for a good item. If you get a good first roll, then that could make this a whole lot easier for you. (There's a world of difference between rolling Deathbringer on your first roll vs. Traveler's Shoes) You don't actually need too many items to defeat this guy, but bad teammates can make it much more difficult than it has to be. Ideally, 1 or 2 T2 items and some T1 items should be enough, with competent teammates.

Step 3 - Getting past the Boiler Room. This step is pretty important because doing this quest gives you 2500 Gold which is effectively another T3 item. You can use the above info to try and beat it. Either try to take it slow, but if it's TOO slow, then send two people on a kamikaze run, have them delay the mobs as much as possible, and have your final member survive. That is the easiest way to get past it with lackluster items.

Step 4 - Now you want to beat Surtr. You could do this two ways: One, the boring, legit method, two, the TOPKEK method. The legit method will realistically require you to get a couple of T3 items, as well as T2 items, and considering how slow the grind is, nobody has time for that. So we do the #TOPKEK method. You know how Surtr moves to the middle of his arena in order to do his AoE attack when changing phases? WELL, you kind of can just...Cockblock him completely when he tries to do just that, but again...You'll need to work with your teammates. When he gets close to 38K HP, gather up, and stand towards the middle of the map (Although make sure he doesn't lave any lava pools where you want to stand to block him). Do your best Ymir wall impression, and if you're successful, Surtr should get stuck on your fat-asses, and you're free to slap him until he dies for an easy early kill and access to Hard mode. If you can manage to nail cheesing the Boiler Room and Surtr, you should get access to Hard mode very quickly, and start getting some actual items before you know it.

Step 5 - Hard mode! Your first aim here is to do the Frozen Gate for T2 items. Hard mode Draugr is really not that much more difficult than Easy mode Draugr, other than him doing a bit more damage and having a ton of health. Once you can start reliably beating Hard mode Draugr, that's basically job done. Keep killing it until you get good enough items to start farming Surtr, and that's pretty much exactly how you farm for T3 items.

Now, what items are you looking for you ask? Well, here are, IMO, the best builds by role that you should be looking to get:


Healer: Chronos Pendant, Pythagorem's Piece, Rod of Asclepius, Shogun's Kusari, Rod of Tahuti, Spear of the Magus (Aphrodite) / Obsidian Shard (Hel).

Mage: Book of Thoth, Chronos Pendant, Pythagorem's Piece / Book of the Dead, Spear of Desolation, Rod of Tahuti, Spear of the Magus / Obsidian Shard (For Poseidon, build Demonic Grip instead of Book of Thoth.)

Hunter: Bloodforge, Asi, Executioner, Wind Demon, Malice, Deathbringer. (Asi / Bloodforge or Malice can be replaced with OBow depending on your team comp / preferences. You can get away with 1 lifesteal item IF you have the Church defense buff.)

Melee: Bloodforge, Asi, Executioner, Stone Cutter, Wind Demon, Deathbringer. (This build is great for solo play, but if your teammates already have Exe, you should consider switching it out. Shogun's is a good option if your team doesn't have one.)

Few sidenotes about builds: Double lifesteal is essential for hunters to be able to tank groups of enemy mobs. If you're playing with competent teammates, then you can probably get away with one lifesteal item. Having Shogun's, Rod of Asclepius and Pythag's is very, VERY useful, especially if you're running double hunter. (Or hunter + Fenrir.) Each player should have at least one pen item, including the mage. Having Stone Cutter on a warrior / assassin and Executioner on a hunter (Or both on a warrior / assassin) is a great way to maximize your damage.

And...Yeah. If anybody actually bothered to read all of this, I mean...I do hope you learned something. I kind of just wanted to write it for fun, and I saw all those mini-guides and wanted to write this big-old one myself, lol. It probably ended up being a bit too long, but...I did cover everything, I think. Oh well. Enjoy.

submitted by /u/BurningFlareX
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Congratulations to Black Dragons on winning the BGL Championship and securing Brazil's Spot to the SCW!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:17 PM PST

Artemis is the perfect hunter

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

Now hear me out

Artemis has a terrible early game. Bad clear. Can be camped easily. Needs help getting into the late game. Her only real escape is her ult.

If you can make it to the end game she is a monster that can wipe an entire team.

Why can't Hi-rez make more hunters like this? Instead we get bloated kits with movement abilities and incredible early clear.

As it stands, there is no reason to play gods like Artemis because the meta won't allow it and with every new hunter comes a huge kit.

I'm not saying she is good or even viable, but this is how all hunters should be. Hunters should not be able to be left alone and be good at all stages of the game.

submitted by /u/TheDivisionAgent007
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Item category for anti-heal items?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:39 AM PST

There are a lot of times when I know I'm going to want to build anti-heal, but it takes me a few extra seconds to find where all the items are that are available and wish there was one category in the shop where I could see them. It would be helpful if we had a category in the shop for anti-heal just like we have categories for lifesteal, attack speed, magical defense, etc. I think it would be an easy improvement to make buying the items more efficient. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/H3llagoodtime
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Don't ever 1v1 Gucci

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:14 PM PST

I don't know what my plan was there. (Smite Adventures)

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 08:44 PM PST

Scarlet Coven Isis sketch

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

A little Discordia drawing I did. Hope you like it!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 02:25 PM PST

Adapting Motivational Speech

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PST

Why does Smite (and its community) hate Healers?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:50 PM PST

there hasn't been a pure healer (like aphro) in a long time, most characters with heals have had their heals nerfed/gutted. even HiRez apparently has said that they didn't want strong out of combat healing(before my time)

you see constant comments from the community how "aids" and "cancer" healing is.

and I don't understand why, other moba's don't have a problem with healing characters ... why in Smite?

submitted by /u/SortaSassy75
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Please Consider Moving Content to a Different Platform

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:27 PM PST

I have been playing Smite on a very low end PC for two years now. I recently got an Xbox One X and would love to play the game on Xbox with my friends. I can do that, but I have everything tied to my PC account. I have 25 diamond Gods, tons of skins and my achievements from ranked. I don't want to lose all those things and start from scratch.

If there was a way to transfer my PC content to my Xbox, that would be really swell.

submitted by /u/t3xas2cali
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Is this the norm??

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 05:39 AM PST

When I use Ganesha ult, am I supposed to aim to put the gods in the middle of the ult? Or try to put then on the outer lines for the damage?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:18 AM PST

Why no Hunters in the jungle?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:37 PM PST

It may be fairly obvious (not to me) but why don't we see hunters getting picked in the jungle role? There are two that spring to my mind that probably have the kit to do it - Izanami & Ullr - but it's nothing I've seen before.

My assumption is that hunters generally have pretty shit early clear and poor ability damage but I wanted your thoughts on it too.

submitted by /u/A_Rod84
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Osiris Black Knight skin code giveaway

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 11:29 AM PST

Also unlocks the god. More codes can be gotten through the gamespot giveaway, if you're quick. Cheers!


submitted by /u/NBecoming
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Drunk Pon vs the world

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 12:01 AM PST

My friend made me a pencil holder

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:04 AM PST

What's up with the Janus 2 delay now?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:30 PM PST


submitted by /u/AoIsDaddy
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EU Super Regionals: Winners and losers

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:16 AM PST

If you are going to insult someone at least do it with class lmao

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 04:23 PM PST

May I ask what is the point of this?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 01:00 PM PST

Whoever came up with this new start in ranked is an idiot

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 09:19 PM PST

Everything feels awkward now. Before, jungle and mid would start in the mid-lane and if everything goes as planned you get your speed and hit level 2. Support and carry would start at the buffs and hit level 2 by the time they hit the lane. And solo did their solo thing. Now with mid and support in the mid-lane, they won't hit level 2 until the second wave even if you go to the mid-harpies. On the Solo side you clear wave and after that everyone goes to the fire giant camp then back to the wave, and like I said before you take much longer to hit level 2. The only one who benefits at all from this start is the carry because they get two whole camps to themselves and the wave. The balance of all the experience becomes skewed towards the hunters and it's dumb. It's basically 4 characters sharing all the experience on one side of the map while the whole other side only goes to one character.

submitted by /u/chrisisbest197
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Has this ever happened to you?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 07:42 PM PST

You're playing smite, you meet some people, you party up, you get in voice coms, you have fun. This is day 1.

Day two roles by and, those same people now, dnd you when you try to chat with them, unfriend/block you when they finish their game, and even go as far as removing you from their discord server.

I'm at a loss for words how fickle some people are. I literally have no Idea what would have caused this as the only thing I did with those people was play and win the normal mode adventure. So aside from that, nothing makes rational sense to me as to why people do that to others. It's really disheartening because you want to surround yourself with people that like to play the game and then this happens out of nowhere and you can't really do anything about it except feel bad then move on...


Edit: Thank you to anyone that viewed this post or posted a response, it makes me happy :) . One of the players got back to me and told me that they didn't like the fact that I have a habit of shout calling what we should be doing, I.e. back away from the jailer, let me tank, need healing, etc. I like being efficient when doing runs of the adventure or playing in any of the game modes. It comes down to the fact that I never really have much time to play full games of smite right now, due to school, a busy work schedule, and parents that are doing construction around the house that need another able body. Over time I guess I developed a personality that plays games less for the fun, and more for the winning, which isn't a bad thing in my eyes as winning is a reason you play a competitive game. I just wish they were upfront with me from the get go so that I could adjust myself accordingly, instead of being alienated from after day one and not understanding the reason for the response they gave me.

submitted by /u/DisastermasterX
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Is There Really Anything Wrong With the Current "Tank Meta," in the Jungle?

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 03:57 AM PST

So, a lot of people have been claiming that guardian is synonymous with support, and the inclusion of warriors and guardians in the jungle is some sort unholy corruption within the sacred domain of assassins. And, at face value, those statements paint a dire picture of a 6 slotted hunter struggling for farm the whole game against an unkillable guardian who'll run them down and one-shot them from full hp, a jungle meta with no variety and no assassins whatsoever, and supports who have been forced to abandon their holy prerogative of changing the hunter's diapers to participate in fights. But, are we really in a meta that's so inflexible and static? Are we in some Ardent Censer-esque hell?

Looking at the most recent tournament results, the picks in the jungle were:

  • 5 Warriors: Chaac, Chu Chulainn, Nike, Odin, Ravana,

  • 4 Guardians: Artio, Athena, Cabrakan, Ymir

  • 10 Assassins: Bakasura, Camazotz, Hun Batz, Ne Zha, Nemesis, Ratatoskr, Serqet, Susano, Thanatos, Thor

For a total of 19 unique picks within the role.

Just for a bit of context, SWC 2017 had:

  • 8 Assassins: Awilix, Fenrir, Hun Batz, Mercury, Nemesis, Ratatoskr, Thanatos, Thor

  • 2 Warriors: Er Lang Shen, Nike

  • 1 Guardian: Cabrakan

  • 1 Mage: Chang'e

For a total of 12 unique picks within the role.

But, what about hunters?

SR had:

Ah Muzen Cab, Anhur, Hachiman, Hou Yi, Izanami, Jing Wei, Rama, Edit: Skadi as well and Ullr, for a total of 8 9 picks within the role, or 10 11 if you count AA mages

Plus Ah Muzen Cab, Anhur, and Hou Yi as midlane hunters and Chronos and Sol doing their thing.

SWC 2017 had:

Anhur, Artemis, Hou Yi, Izanami, Jing Wei, Rama, and Ullr + Sol, Freya and Chronos for a total of 7 picks within the role, up to 10 if you count AA mages.

So, imo, tanky junglers haven't magically made assassins impossible to use or hunters unplayable. Also, the meta isn't inherently ruined just because guardian isn't synonomous with support. Plus, this is a meta that allows for assassin supports like Raffer's Serqet, and mage supports like Dardez's Nox or Emilzy's Hel. So yea, this is a very fun and interesting meta, and Hi-Rez's balance has worked out nicely.

submitted by /u/Amonkira42
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