Smite - [Console]Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread- "Passage to Egypt" 4.22

[Console]Patch Day Discussion/Bug Report Megathread- "Passage to Egypt" 4.22

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 05:16 AM PST


New God Skins

Skin Skin Type How To Obtain
Kunoichi Serqet Exclusive Odyssey Purchase
Druidstone Geb Exclusive Oydssey Purchase
Oni Musha Hachiman Exclusive Odyssey Reward
Snow Day Scylla Exclusive Holiday Chest
Ice Mage Agni Exclusive Holiday Chest
Serqet Mastery Skins Mastery Direct Purchase

Item Balances

  • Warrior's Bane

    • Decreased Physical Penetration from 22% to 15%
  • Titan's Bane

    • Increased Cost from 2150 to 2300
    • Decreased Physical Penetration from 33% to 30%
  • Spellbound Kusari

    • Decreased Magical Protection from 50 to 40
  • Shogun's Kusari

    • Decreased magical Protection from 50 to 40
  • Void Stone

    • Decreased Magical Protection from 70 to 60
  • Tiny Trinket

    • Increased Magical Power from 15 to 20
  • Lost Artifact

    • Decreased Cost from 600 to 550
    • Increased Magical Power from 15 to 20
  • Soul Trap

    • Decreased Cost from 1400 to 1350
  • Doom Orb

    • Increased Magical Power from 40 to 60
    • Increased MP5 from 7 to 10
    • Decreased Maximum Stacks from 50 to 40
  • Soul Eater

    • Reduced Cost from 2400 to 2300
    • Increased Power from 30 to 40
    • Reduced Evolved Power Bonus from +20 to +10

God Balances

  • Artio

    • Energy Surge(Maul Prey): Decreased Energy Surge Heal from 60/80/100/120/140 to 40/60/80/100/120 per enemy god hit, decreased Magical Power Scaling on Energy Surge Heal from 25% to 20%
    • Life Tap(Heavy Charge): Decreased Magical Power Scaling on Life Tap heal from 10% to 5% per tick
  • Cu Chulainn

    • Berserk: Reduced Bonus Shield from 20(+24 per level) to 10(+20 per level)
    • Vent Anger: Decreased Self Move Speed buff from 10% to 5%
  • Fenrir

    • Unbound Runes(Passive): This Passive no longer effects Seething Howel
    • Brutalize: Fenrir now gains bonus Physical and Magical Protections of 5 +1 per level while channeling this ability
    • Seething Howl: No Longer Consumes Runes from Unbound Runes, Increase Physical power from 10/25/40/55/70 to 20/25/50/65/80, increased Lifesteal from 30% to 35%
    • Ragnarok: Adjusted damage to be consistent increase per rank, Increase Attack Range from 12 to 15, Added Cone Targeter to this to more clearly show the range of the ability
  • Ymir

    • Shards of Ice: Frostbite Passive is now applied immediately to enemies in the area and is refreshed by detonate


submitted by /u/TripleCharged
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[MAGES] God Class Discussion Megathread - Week of November 27, 2017

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:50 AM PST

Welcome to /r/Smite's weekly God Class Discussion Megathread. This is a place for the community to get together and discuss, theorycraft, and ask for help on playing each class.

This week we are focusing on MAGES.

Some ideas to get you started might include:

  • Tips and advice for playing any or all Mages
  • Good builds, bad builds, and everything in between
  • What roles in each gamemode to play Mages in
  • Where Mages fit into the meta
  • Buffs or nerfs you would make and why
  • Questions about the gods or class as a whole

And anything else you can think of!

Please stick to gods that are MAGES. This includes:

  • Agni
  • Ah Puch
  • Anubis
  • Ao Kuang
  • Aphrodite
  • Chang'e
  • Chronos
  • Discordia
  • Freya
  • Hades
  • He Bo
  • Hel
  • Isis
  • Janus
  • Kukulkan
  • Nox
  • Nu Wa
  • Poseidon
  • Ra
  • Raijin
  • Scylla
  • Sol
  • The Morrigan
  • Thoth
  • Vulcan
  • Zeus
  • Zhong Kui

See here for an archive of all the previous Class Discussion Megathreads!

Check back next week when we'll be discussing Warriors!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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SMTIE needs harder punishments on leavers

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:43 AM PST

Leavers are ruining this game. In the past week i have played roughly 40 games and i can safely say that the majority has had someone leave. its not just someone on my team leaving, if someone on the enemy team leaves its just a boring match until 10 minutes where they can surrender. When people que no matter how badly they do in game, they are committing to however the long the match takes. But when someone leaves all they get is a 30 mins penalty, when that's just they can get into another game and leave that if they do bad yet they don't consider that they are ruining the game for 9 other people. 30 minutes is not enough to stop people leaving matches, they don't care, its only half an hour.

submitted by /u/Vorbidox
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Jingle All The Wei Skin Concept

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:29 PM PST

Am I missing something here Hi-Rez?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:41 AM PST

We are Entity Gaming, the representatives of Asia at the Smite World Champion! Ask Us Anything

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:57 PM PST

Hello everyone!

We made it to the SWC through the SEIL Regionals, beating TeamViral 3-2 in a reverse sweep!

All of our players are first timers to SWC, but we have all been playing SMITE for a while, even before the Southeast Asian servers were established.

Please do ask us some questions, for we look forward in getting some international fans, and hype up our SWC run! :)

Our roster is:

Solo - Paranjay "Parad1ddle" Agarwal (India) Twitter
Jungle - Brian "iApex" Lau (Hong Kong) Twitter
Mid - Ng "SirEclipse" We Choon (Singapore)
ADC - Lim "Kamiru" Zi Shu (Singapore) Twitter
Support - Sukhjinder "sikhsukh" Singh (India) Twitter

Here are the social medias of Entity Gaming:


NOTE: Take into consideration that we are from Asia, so we will answer your questions as soon as we find time :)

submitted by /u/Snufflebox
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DO NOT unlock all available content in the Odyssey (xbox)

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST

I downloaded the Smite update that released today on Xbox and went in game to purchase the new Geb skin and the Scarab jump stamp. I noticed a new option got added, the option to buy every released odyssey item. Knowing I didn't have enough gems, I clicked on it and "purchased" it (I didn't have the gems for it) because I expected it to take me to either the in game gem page or the marketplace where you can buy gems, like it would in the past. With the intention of seeing if there was still a sale going on.

To my surprise the game purchased the Ganesha Primal Shaman skin, the super chill announcer pack and the hindu pantheon recall.

Like I said I didn't intend to buy these items, and didn't know that this got changed. In the past if you purchased something you didn't have the gems for you would get sent to the gem page. Nowhere did I read anything about this and had no way of knowing this system changed and I would get these three items.

If a Hirez employee reads this, plz help. <3

submitted by /u/ValhallasWhorehouse
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Izanaustrallia Skin Concept

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

Would you play Smite on the Nintendo Switch?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

I feel like now that the Switch is starting to establish itself as a console with a lot of good games on it, and a console that is soon getting a MOBA(not even a 3rd person MOBA, a top down MOBA), I feel like now would be a good time to raise the question: would you play Smite on the Nintendo Switch?

I'd answer yes to that question. I play the Switch a lot when I'm not at home and I'd like to be able to play Smite when I'm not at home, so that would be a great combination.

submitted by /u/AsuraOroboros
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Face Request: Nox, Front & Side

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 03:33 PM PST

[Serious] What was the point of Olympus project ?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:53 AM PST

I know that the Olympus project was the performance patch we have been asking for on r/smite for ages and it did make the game run better but what was the point of all of that if everything goes to shit afterwards ?

I was quite pleased when they announced it and see that it actually made a difference coupled with the new changes/map coming in S5 and the fact that they will be paying SPL players it all was showing very good signs of the future of SMITE. It left me with the thought "maybe this game will finally rise to the gem it can be", but patch after patch it just gets worse and worse proving that all of the previous is just wishful thinking.

Just take a moment to think that the only thing that actually works as intended in this game (especially recent patches) are the bloody skins. It is quite clear what the priorities of Hi-Rez is.

Don't get me wrong I am not taking a piss at the programming team they do actually add new stuff and try to innovate on regular basis but we can clearly see the difference in quality between their finished product and the skin team's.

Take any given PTS patch for example, it usually has stuff about skins and game elements (bugs, .. ) that is not working as intended , but on patch day it is only the skins that mostly are fixed. That should tell you where the priories are.

As a fan of the game that wishes to play it years to come I say get your shit together Hi-Rez and stop focusing on the short term gains.

For a game that is releasing big patches every two weeks (FFS who does that ?) do one of the following:

  1. Funnel more resources into the programming team (increase the size of the team or hire competent ones )
  2. Drop the whole biweekly patch thing or at least divide them into small patches (big one monthly and small ones when needed) I honestly don't know or care how but just give the guys who maintain this game time to actually fucking maintain it.

DISCLAIMER : I absolutely have no idea how a game works, maybe Hi-Rez is just scummy all around but what I do know is I am a customer just like everyone reading this and I demand a quality product.

submitted by /u/Daibba
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After removing Nemis' face cover, the work that goes into skins/models is crazy cool

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 10:39 AM PST

Weekly Wisdom - Week of November 27

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:50 PM PST

Serqet fanart

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:24 AM PST

Love the Minimalist Look of the Fire and Ice HUD theme

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:32 AM PST

On behalf of PS4 players I'm sorry

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:15 PM PST

Gucci007 just got a PC and is probably moving to play competitive there, Good luck playing with that toxic piece of trash.

submitted by /u/kilokitomaster
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Smite God Concept: Heqet

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 02:58 PM PST

I got Lord Slashington first try!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:46 PM PST

Cross Platform with Xbox and PS4?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:35 PM PST

I think that this could be a way for Hi-Rez to fix long matchmaking times as well as stopping the useless fighting between Xbox players and ps4 players. However, there may be the issue of money for this to happen as well as different processes for patches to come out on each console. However, i think it would be great overall?

What do you guys think??

submitted by /u/camtheman469
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My Absolute favorite thing about toxic players!!

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 08:35 PM PST

So, my favorite thing about toxic players, is when they yell at you for having a bad build, but don't give you suggestions on what to build instead. It's just "WHY DID YOU BUILD THAT ITEM, YOU'RE TRASH, UNINSTALL THE GAME". Never any "Hey, instead of building that item, why don't you try building this item instead, it's better because XYZ".

@That Hercules, I hate you.

submitted by /u/Cowpro
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Are they going to fix console?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 04:03 AM PST

1: cant set any customizations to random or default 2: cant hide fantasy/odyssey points 3: odyssey frame doesn't show this seasons odyssey points 4: every game of assault freezes at 42s and jumps to 23s in god picks

Feel free to add any others i have missed, thank you.

submitted by /u/Dinosaur1994
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What god(s) do you hate that no one else seems to have a problem with?

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:35 AM PST

Nothing worse then when that enemy Bastet hits level 5!

submitted by /u/CeriseArt
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When i see loki posts

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PST

They make me feel do people see me this way too? I don't flame and i try to help in teamfights...

submitted by /u/Reality-dawn
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Lost my 2015 season ticket loading frame

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:02 PM PST

So I logged in and I had my gold season ticked loading frame that I've always used back from 2015 the cool looking one from completing all the season ticket rewards But now it's changed to silver anyone else have this issue??

submitted by /u/jokeey1234
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First Time going to HRX

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 11:59 AM PST

I love Smite and always wanted to go these Pro-gaming events. This is my first time going and wanted to ask the community what I should expect/look out for.

Looking forward to meeting some of my favorite pros too.

submitted by /u/ll1NF3RN0ll
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What needs to happen in season 5

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 01:22 PM PST

It's no surprise that Hi Rez is getting a lot of shit right now for how buggy and unreliable the game has been lately, I mean some people have even compared the current state of the game to the beta version (But then again, at least the beta had stable servers). So, as someone who's been playing since the beginning of season 2, I figured that I would give my 2 cents on what needs to be done in season 5 to actually make Smite feel like Smite again. This is gonna be split up into 5 sections: Servers, Quality of Life, Patch Cycles, ESports, and General fixes.


First and foremost, Hi Rez needs to fix the goddamned servers. 1 in 4 of my games has at least 1 afk, and after digging around and going back to league for a bit and trying a few other mobas I think I can safely say this is unique to pretty much only Smite. If they need to take the game down for a whole day just to transfer servers or to fix everything, then that's fine with me, but something needs to happen with the servers in order to want to keep new players coming in and old players from leaving.

Quality of Life-

Secondly, I think Hi Rez needs to go through every god and item in the game and fix and misspellings, misinformation, hitboxes, and textures glitches, as well as update item/ability art and audio/visual indications. I believe that if Hi Rez does this correctly, not only would it make the game feel a whole lot better to play, but it would also help in making new players to the game actually keep playing. They've already started doing this with project Olympus and the remaking of the mastery skins as well a the recent item icon updates, but they need to go a whole lot bigger than what they've already done.

Patch Cycles-

Here's what I believe is the biggest issue in Smite right now- The 2 week patch cycles. I think at this point it's pretty obvious that Hi Rez can't effectively keep up with it without seriously bugging out patches, and they really need change this. I propose a change from 2 weeks to maybe 3 weeks - a month. On top of this I also believe that god releases should be put on every 2 months, so6 a year. I think that in this time they would actually be able to effectively test out any changes and fix any bugs, and while I know that it might interfere with the Odyssey and SoS, quality needs to come before quality, whether the game is free to play or not.


I think that the biggest change Hi Rez needs to make next season is a focus on ESports. Personally, I don't watch very many all that often, but I recognize the fact that ESports not only help to bring in new players but also help to revitalize the game, whether it come to patching, balancing, or the ranked scene in general. If hi Rez doesn't do something about their lacking ESports scene in Smite soon, the game is just gonna hit a point where new players don't come in and the community stagnates.

General Fixes-

Lastly, I think Hi Rez needs to just have one patch where they sit down and don't release any skins or items or balance changes, but instead just go through and fix as many bugs as they can. The final patch for Project Olympus could just be servers and bug fixes, and honestly, I think that overall this would make a lot of players very happy with Hi Rez, and would help to bring Smite back to it's former glory of an actual, polished game. This also includes going through and fixing the non-existent matchmaking system.

Overall, I think Hi Rez has a lot that they need to do this upcoming season. I know it's going to be difficult, but in order for Smite to continue growing and for old players to actually stay with the game, serious changes need to happen. But in the end, I love Hi Rez. They have the most personality out of any company I've ever seen, and lately they've been listening to the players more and more, which gives me hope for the future of this game. But for all of their redeeming features they've got a lot to make up for, and I really do hope we can see them work on at least some of these things by the time Season 6 comes around.

submitted by /u/EpiNautCaleb
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I've heard reddit loves short videos and OPM

Posted: 27 Nov 2017 07:31 PM PST

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