Pokémon GO - The power of an EX raid pass

The power of an EX raid pass

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 01:13 PM PST

Look who showed up to meet Hawaiian Diglett!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:40 PM PST

London has a new level 5 Raid boss - The Goose!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 06:27 PM PST

[News] Message from Niantic

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:39 PM PST

[Complaint]Half our raid group just got an EX invite. The other half did not.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:49 PM PST

We've had a group of eight Instincts raiding together since Raids became a thing in June. Tonight, four of us got an EX raid invite at a gym we raided at on Monday, and four of us did not. We have a married couple in our group. One of them got an invite, the other did not. The ones who didn't get an invite are happy for the people who got one. The people who got one just feel guilty about fighting Mewtwo without the rest of our group.

To make matters worse, we're not even sure if enough people were invited to complete the raid. No one else on our region's discord server has mentioned getting an invite to that location yet, and although there's still a week for more people to declare for it, the location and timing of the qualifying raid makes it seem unlikely many others will appear.

This EX Invite system flies in the face of everything Niantic says the game is supposed to be about. It doesn't reward comradery or friendship, it doesn't reward exploration or teamwork, and it certainly doesn't reward dedication to the game.

The name of this system is pretty appropriate though. It is, by definition, exclusionary. It excludes people at random and divides people into haves and have-nots.

In summary, I think the ridiculousness of the EX Raid invitation system is matched only by the ridiculousness that it continues to move forward unchanged and undefined.

There are plenty of suggestions out there for how to improve the system we know basically nothing about. I propose it be scrapped altogether and replaced by something far less arbitrary. Every X number of completed raids, give the player a generic Special Raid Pass. Announce locations and times of Special Raids a week in advance, and let players use their Special Raid Pass on whatever Special Raid they want. This would actively reward players who play together and who play regularly. This would not divide groups or rely on dumb luck.

I think our group is fairly representative of a lot of PoGo players, but I can only speak for my group when I say that if the EX Raid system continues to move forward as currently implemented, we'll just find a different game to play. One that doesn't actively try to split us apart.

submitted by /u/Wafflesorbust
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Got this guy after defeating my first raid boss singlehandedly

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 04:54 PM PST

Pokémon Go knows where I work?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:34 AM PST

Aghh i’m just so excited for Gen 3!

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:49 PM PST

Hoenn Pokémon are coming and i know this might get taken down but i just wanna express how excited i am to catch Mudkip, Lunatone, Kyogre, and Deoxys!! Who else's favorite Gen is Hoenn? I hope Niantic doesn't mess it up and ruining it for me by making it a gradual release though. I also hope they add Team Magma and Team Aqua shirts and hats to the customizable shop

submitted by /u/duskyxlops
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Follow up idea from my post about Team Aqua and Magma wear for Gen 3 release

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:48 PM PST

[Complaint] The belligerence of commons like Rattata really hold back Pokemon Go's potential as a fitness device

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:15 AM PST

Yesterday, I decided to brave the bitter cold and go for a jog while playing Pokemon Go. Despite maintaining a low jogging speed, eggs weren't getting distance very reliably... that's fine... I'm mostly here to catch pokemon and work on things like my Youngster badge.

I encounter a Rattata. CP 186. Yellowish-Greenish circle. As I'm jogging i quickly lob a straight throw which hits the circle, yielding a "Great!". The rattata breaks free. I repeat this process... it breaks free again. At this point, I'm frustrated, and my jog is being interrupted. I pause my jog to quickly focus on a curve ball.... BREAKS FREE!

This has happened to me before... and as before, Rattata all of a sudden gets stuck in this bizarre loop of blocking. Jumping. blocking. blocking. Jumping. With NO delay between subsequent animations. So while i'm watching this rat jump around like an idiot, my workout has quickly been ruined.

If PoGo is meant to be a game that encourages fitness, two changes need to occur:

  1. Increase the speed limit for egg hatching. it's ridiculous that my 5KM jog at a slow pace yields 1.3KM of egg distance.
  2. Make low level idiot commons like Rattata EASIER TO CATCH! How is it that catching actually good useful pokemon is easier than a mid-tier Rattata?

Fix your game Niantic

submitted by /u/NewtonPippin
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Started play PoGO again after a long hiatus

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 09:01 PM PST

[Complaint] Is it my imagination or has the potion drop rate dropped through the floor?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 10:10 AM PST

I won't deny Niantic the opportunity to make money, but I've been farming pokestops for three days probably representing about 25 hours. I have balls coming out of every orifice of my body, but barely enough potions to play the game. Is this a documented change in the drop percentage that is happening to EVERYBODY or does Niantic just hate ME? :-)

submitted by /u/petacanblowme
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Mass transform rare candy UI (fanmade)

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:14 PM PST

Pokemon GO level badges

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:04 AM PST

Since it's unlikely Australia will ever get the cool official level badges, i decided to go ahead and create a design as close as i could to the ingame level badges! Sent off the design to a company and they arrived today, pretty happy with them considering the cost.

I could only afford to get 50 and so only ordered for levels 20, 30 and 40. I wasn't a fan of having the word "level" on it like the official ones but getting some good interest for them! Just have to try and decide on the best way to give them out now...


submitted by /u/Zanzaid
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Niantic is NOT the developer of HP, just techs?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:10 AM PST

Tonight's dinner :)

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 02:14 PM PST

[Discussion] I miss being fully immersed in the world of PokemonGo.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 07:26 PM PST

I liked how it felt like the professor was informing me about the world of pokemon. I wish my team leaders told me more about gyms, that my pokemon have returned to me, and that they're hungry for berries. I wish the in game announcements/discoveries came from the professor/team leaders (Ooo, legendaries have taken control of gyms) and that I was addressed as a trainer. I feel the full immersion was super enjoyable and now it's a light sprinkle.

Non-playable characters would be sweet and help this out a little.

I do think that it's partially my fault. I haven't played in AR mode purposefully in a while.

I do appreciate how I can get badges at Sprint stores but, yeah, that's not quenching my thirst.

What about y'all?

submitted by /u/ryanadanderson
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Snow is staring to fall and it's currently 14 degrees in New York State. Getting extra hard to find people for raids and motivation to do mon catching.

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 03:35 PM PST

[Question] I have a 100IV Gloom. Should I evolve it to Vileplume or Bellossom?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 11:13 AM PST

As the question says. An FYI, I have 5 sun stones so I don't want that to be a factor for choosing Vileplume. Thanks!

As a discussion point, it would also be useful to know which evolution to choose for other Pokemon where you can choose eg. Slowpoke and Eevee (Random/Espeon/Umbreon)

submitted by /u/Absolute_Animal
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Pokemon go using more data than before ?

Posted: 10 Nov 2017 12:08 PM PST

A month ago i was playing pokemon go for like 4 hours and it only used like 20mb of internet now just playing for like an hour it uses way more than 20mb . Is anyone else having that issue ? Im on Ios by the way . The latest version

submitted by /u/chieffkeefsoda
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Posted: 10 Nov 2017 05:55 PM PST

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