Pokémon GO - [Humor] Heaven forbid...

[Humor] Heaven forbid...

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:50 AM PST

[Complaint] Raids are becoming a miserable experience

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:41 PM PST

First off, i would like to say to Niantic thank you for making the raid rewards better. I'm sure the fanbase appreciates it. I know I do.

I hate the eggs. Loved it before when raids had 2 hour spawn times, but some people like them. Whatever. It's ridiculous that eggs last longer than raid spawns. I do not know who pitched the idea of 45 minute spawns, but it's a bad idea. Raid eggs should last no longer than 30 minutes. There is no need to wait for an hour for a raid egg to hatch. Raids should have a minimum of a 1 hour spawn time.

Why do ex raids have egg timers in the first place? The pass is sent out a week in advance. I don't see the point on that one at all.

In the summer, raids went until 930 pm CST. Then they stopped at 830 CST. As soon as daylight savings time switched to standard time, raids stopped at 730 pm CST. It still currently ends at 730 CST. People want to raid after work. No one gets up at 5 in the morning for raids.

Please make these changes so raids can be a fun experience again

submitted by /u/burkemm
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A man has priorities.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:49 AM PST

Niantic please fix the auto-lock bug on iOS

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:02 PM PST

So the update just got forced on both iOS and Android and it appears that on iOS your phone auto locks while playing Pokémon if you don't touch the screen for like 10 seconds. This is extremely annoying if you leave the game on and you try to hatch eggs while walking/driving around as it will shut down and nothing will count and not to mention having to unlock your phone every time.

Niantic please fix!

submitted by /u/Raizen42
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Niantic, PLEASE fix the raid times!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:29 AM PST

The second Ho Oh spawned here before 630am and people are not out to raid yet. It's just too early.

At 730pm last night, raids were done and people still wanted to raid (and spend money on raid passes!!).

Please shift the raid times or at least extend them.

submitted by /u/TheDreamWarrior
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Ho-Oh came back!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:45 AM PST

[Discussion] Researchers of a Spanish university studied why Pokemon GO failed and lost 96% of its users

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:02 PM PST

I want your advice in dealing with a player in my area.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:01 AM PST

To give you some background I am a level 38 legitimate player since day one. I am Mystic and am lucky enough to live in an apartment complex with a gym accessible from my living room. I am also lucky enough to be in a facebook chat with several other Mystics in my building and we coordinate raids and gym takeovers etc.

Over the past few months we have been dealing with a single Instinct player who is multi accounting. To confirm this this his trainer name is the same but has a different number as a suffix, lets call him TrainerName01 TrainerName02 etc. I have seen this player in person and he is always by himself and he has about 6 accounts. He says hello but I have watched him sit single handedly take down the gym and slot all of his accounts in with my own eyes.

Multiaccounting is a CLEAR violation of Niantic's trainer guidelines, but we tolerated him. Until he started creating mystic accounts using the same naming convention (TrainerName03 TrainerName04).

He uses his instinct accounts to shave myself and my wife off the first positions in gyms and places his mon (usually a pidgey or something crap) in. He basically controls the gym with his 7 or so accounts.

Recently our team co ordinated to berry camp the gym to prevent him from taking our gym. He has stooped to creating NEW mystic accounts with MYTRAINERNAME01 and MYWIFE'STRAINERNAME01 to mock us.

Whilst he isn't spoofing this isn't exactly fair play or is it proper competition. I find it petty, rude and actually offensive. I genuinely wish he was a legitimate group of instinct players in my apartment building but I know for a fact he is a single person with multiple accounts. Let me also say I get my coins elsewhere and am pretty satisfied with my coin gains per day I just can't stand an unfair style of play. How would you deal with this?

edit: added more detail

submitted by /u/FingerbangXIII
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[Art] "Sources indicate that the victim was decapitated by quick cuts in succession, as if by a RAPIDLY SPINNING helicopter blade..."

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:26 AM PST

Yesterday we got close. And while we weren't first, we do have the best time so far.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:38 PM PST

So we posted yesterday where there was no bar left but failed and promised we would get it done today. While we weren't first. We did get the better time. Orlando instinct pride.


submitted by /u/animeengineer
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[Idea] Swap countdown timers on Tier 4 raids and below... 45 mins for countdown, 1 hr for raid

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

As someone who has started raiding in an area that can be difficult to get around (i.e. it takes 30+ minutes to drive from one side of the city to the other), it would be nice to have a little time added on Tier 4 raids. Most folks don't feel like raiding Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Victreebell, etc., but there is still interest in Tyranitar and Golem for obvious reasons.

That means you are waiting for the egg to hatch to see what is available to raid. What ends up happening is no one can really prioritize the tier 4s because 45 minutes is not generally enough to organize and get folks to a raid. The 15 minutes would make a lot of difference, at least for where I am. Even in the last day when there have been both Ho-Oh and Suicune raids (and people only wanting Ho-Oh, predominantly), the 15 minutes has been quite helpful.

submitted by /u/AmusingToast
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The six oldest of your top 24 Pokémon

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:38 PM PST

Here's mine.

  • Vaporeon (CP 2811, level 33)
    from Eevee captured 18 Aug 2016
  • Rhydon (CP 2910 level 33)
    from Rhyhorn captured 3 Sep 2016
    Weak IVs but the best I had during the bad old days when coins required CP
  • Gyarados (CP 2731 level 30)
    from Magikarp hatched 26 Oct 2016
    Not my first G, not the G with the best IVs, but the only G worth powering up at all thanks to moveset and 15 ATK
  • Exeggutor (CP 2603 level 33)
    from Exeggcute captured 24 Nov 2016
    Caught at a low-level but evolved because IVs; the legacy Confusion/Psychic moveset prompted me to immediately level it up to whatever I could at the time
  • Espeon (CP 2599 level 31)
    from Eevee captured 12 Dec 2016
    Originally named Sakura
  • Snorlax (CP 2808 level 30)
    hatched 2 Jan 2017
    My first Snorlax, hatched with Zen Headbutt & Body Slam (another legacy move); the very last defender I placed in the old gym system
submitted by /u/kismetcow
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Ingress players get a weekly AMA with a Community Manager. Could we also get one for PoGo?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:51 AM PST

No items on level up (L26)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:02 PM PST

I find it really odd that I just leveled up and I didn't receive the standard, full screen "You leveled up!" notification. Glancing through my journal, there's no mention of my leveling up. And I didn't receive any items either.

Has anyone else experienced that and do we know why it happened?

My only clue is that I was really close to leveling up when I shut down the app yesterday. I didn't notice that I was L26 until a few minutes into playing today. But even if it somehow happened in the interim, it should be in my journal, right?

submitted by /u/Aemon_Targaryen
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Map update broke our city

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:50 PM PST

Eevee gen 1 evolutions

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:16 PM PST

It would be cool if you could decide the evolution by simply walk it for 5 or 10 km and evolve it in the range of a red gym for a flareon, a blue one for vaporeon and the yellow for jolteon

submitted by /u/boringlyme
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[Discussion] Ho-oh used Attract, Suicune used a repel

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:56 PM PST

It is the same everywhere else?

Now that Ho-oh raids are a thing while the legendary dogs are still out, whenever an Ho-oh hatches from a legendary raid egg, there is a huge crowd of people in a matter of minutes.

If Suicune ends up being the one that hatches, he can clear the area in a matter of seconds. Anybody who may have been standing there waiting for the raid egg to hatch, just up and leaves.

Is this the case with Ho-oh and the remaining legendary dog everywhere else in the world?

submitted by /u/Arceist_Justin
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Who here has randomly encountered a Unown?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 03:47 PM PST

According to what I see on Discord, there is usually one to three Unown spawns per day in the entire Metro Detroit area, something around 1,500 square miles. All seem to be in random areas, not at a Pokestop. With the rareness of the spawns, coupled with the fact that they're not appearing at Pokestops, I probably have a better chance of Taylor Swift knocking on my door than I do randomly stumbling across a Unown.

So, who here has won the Unown lottery?

submitted by /u/jz68
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Ho-Oh PoGo Push Notification

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:42 AM PST

The Problem with Legendary Raids

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:28 PM PST

So, Ho-oh is out. My reaction? "Whoopie... Yet another legendary I won't be able to catch because I don't live in the city."

And, before you go and say "Legendaries are supposed to be rare and hard to get", legendaries in Pokemon GO aren't difficult to obtain in the slightest... as long as you play in the city. City players can easily get a whole herd of legendaries while it's next to impossible for people playing in the suburbs and rural areas to obtain only one legendary. I have played this game nearly every day since I got back into it in early summer of 2017 and, yet, I have ONLY been able to complete and catch one legendary. I managed to complete a Raikou raid when I was in the city and got lucky enough to be able to catch him. His IVs aren't that good (only 78%), but you can bet that I've hung onto him and use him because he's likely the only legendary I'm ever going to get. The fact that Mewtwo is the legendary I have the best chance of catching is downright pathetic. I actually have attended one Mewtwo raid (though, it was for my sister because she wasn't able to go, so I do not have this Mewtwo) and enough people did show up for us to be able to beat Mewtwo and catch him. However, nobody shows up for legendary raids otherwise and most people simply don't have the time to sit around, wait for 45 minutes, and pray that somebody else shows up.

The current system for obtaining legendaries HIGHLY favors city players while completely screwing over suburban and rural players. For as annoying and broken as they are, there IS one thing I do like about the EX-Raid system and that's the fact that they're timed events. Mewtwo doesn't just spawn randomly like all of the other raid bosses. Everybody who receives an EX-Raid pass is notified a couple of weeks in advance of where and when the raid is going to be. As a result, players are able to plan their schedules out so that they're able to attend the raid, which results in enough people showing up to be able to take down Mewtwo, unlike any of the other raid bosses.

However, I don't like to point out a problem without offering a solution and I came up with a few:

Idea 1: When a player reaches level 40, they automatically get the chance to catch a legendary in the wild. The way this works would be exactly like how catching your starter works. The legendaries would appear right by you regardless of where you are, they would only appear in your game, and they would continue to spawn by you, even if you walked away from them. When tapped on, you would be given the Master Ball, with a guaranteed chance of catching the legendary. People who merely play the game casually likely aren't going to get up to level 40, meaning only dedicated players will be rewarded with a legendary. In terms of which legendary you're able to catch, either 1) you're presented with a choice or 2) the legendary you get depends on your team. Valor would get Moltres, Mystic would get Articuno, and Instinct would get Zapdos. While suburban and rural players wouldn't be able to catch the army of legendaries that city players would be able to this way, it would at least be a way to reward these players for their hard work and dedication to the game.

Idea 2: All raids have a button that allows players at that raid to "call" other players. When the call button is pressed, all nearby players would receive a push notification saying "(insert username here) needs help with a (insert Pokemon name here) raid at (insert gym name here)". While that wouldn't guarantee players' ability to complete raids, it would notify nearby players that somebody is trying to complete a raid, hopefully inciting more people to go and complete that raid, knowing that somebody is there trying to do it.

submitted by /u/jack0017
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[Art] I have but one thing to say... GOTCHA!!

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:11 AM PST

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