Pokémon GO - Every raid group right about now

Every raid group right about now

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:53 PM PST

Finally caught Suicune today jumping through that Ultrawormhole.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 04:53 PM PST

[Art] "It possesses seven-colored wings. It is said that those who see Ho-Oh are promised eternal happiness"... So look at Ho-Oh, everyone!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 02:12 AM PST

Daily reminder: Please make raids last two more hours

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

  • we can't raid due to work if raids stop at 7pm
  • there is no-one to raid with at 5am in the morning
  • we are (even more) unable to get an EX raid pass due to this limitation
  • why did raid timings get "screwed up" around daylight savings time? Is it harder to fix than we think?
  • may we just know why this problem is getting ignored? Is there a simple explanation?
  • ...
submitted by /u/AuronnBE
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Haters will say this is photoshopped.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:20 PM PST

Guardian Badge Complete!

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

This guy has been sitting there in the desert all alone since the summer. At least its cooling down though?

In hindsight, I should have put an Onix in there so I can say I got an Onyx Guardian... I'll see myself out.


submitted by /u/camroidv27
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[Art] You can see the sevel colors, you just have to look from the right angle.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:13 PM PST

43 Golden Razz+ 36 Excellents. 0 Ho-Ohs

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:22 PM PST

Something is making me believe that the update 0.8.3 made some bad change on the capture rate.

I updated the game four days ago and i noticed a severe drop on my legendary catch rate. Before i was getting the legendaries beasts with ridiculous easy using the combo of GB and excellents (with 14 in a row being my streak), but after i updated the game i had only bad luck.

In this timespan, i fought 8 Suicunes, and managed to cach only two. Again, only using GB and Excellents. Now i fought Ho Oh, and i decided to count my number of trows and GB used.

Ho Oh 1: 7 Balls. 6 Golden Razz + 1 Pinap. 6 Excellents. Ran Away

Ho Oh 2: 12 Balls. 12 Golden Razz. 9 excellents. Ran Away

Ho Oh 3: 11 Balls. 11 Golden Razz. 11 Excellents. Ran Away.

Ho Oh 4: 8 Balls. 8 Golden Razz. 7 Excellents. 1 Great. Ran Away.

Ho Oh 5: 6 Balls. 6 Golden Razz. 2 excellents. Ran Away

If this is RNG and i'm incredible unlucky, i have no idea what is is. I bought a bunch of passes from previous event, so you can say i was in luck to use them in Ho oh raids... sort... I'm inclined to believe that the newest update ( decreased the capture rate of either curve balls or excellent trows. Either way, better luck next time ( but one of them was 2211, that hurted).

submitted by /u/Frocharocha
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Our 3 man Ho-oh attempt.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:10 PM PST

today we tried 3 man ho-oh and got it down to where we couldnt see thr health. any ideas to get that last inch would be awesome


submitted by /u/animeengineer
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Haters will say its fake

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:45 AM PST

Another Ho-Oh Infographic. Shows the min and max CP for each unique IV%. [OC]

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

Noticed new circle animation on curve ball throw.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:44 AM PST

Does the app close quickly if you don’t touch the screen now?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:57 PM PST

If I'm just walking around for twenty seconds and don't touch the screen, it will shut down and my phone will go to lock screen. Is this some new battery saving thing?

With the insane load time, I can't get through the load screen sometimes without it closing.

submitted by /u/5iveby5ive
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What if people with goldem gym badges could place a legendary pokemon in that gym?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 12:40 AM PST

Make them not that common, still playable. Also, another way to incentive gym defending.

submitted by /u/cb130felix
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Trouble picking your Ho-oh's moveset? This might help.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:52 PM PST

Ho-oh has 2 quick move types (psychic/steel) and 3 charged move types (grass/fire/flying). Unfortunately, since no two quick/charged move combinations match in typing, it could be hard to pick which moves you want.

Personally, I prefer to have both moves do super effective damage, rather than just one or the other. Looking at the type effectiveness charts, there are 3 combinations that can accomplish this:

Psychic/Flying > Fighting

Steel/Grass > Rock

Steel/Fire > Ice

Personally, I'd take the first set and use Ho-oh primarily as a fighting counter, and avoid the second set as Ho-oh is 2x weak to rock.

Hopefully this helps someone out there!

submitted by /u/damangood
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Machamp raid damage break point chart

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 11:16 AM PST

I noticed that when I opened PoGo my music didn't get turned down.

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 06:07 AM PST

I don't know when this was implemented, like I said I just noticed this morning, but I think that it's good to recognise the technical improvements among the Ho-Oh and Farfetch'd excitement.

submitted by /u/delmastron
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[Story] Today was good, until it was GREAT

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 03:21 PM PST

In a certain borough of NYC we have a pretty giant raid group with a constant 20ish so players I hang out with regularly, so we met up for some Ho-Oh's, had some issues with people not waiting at the first raid of the day, but met up and proceded to do 4 Ho-Oh's today. Caught 3 of them until it was time to go home. Also managed to get a wild 91% Snorlax




On the way home there were two different Ho-Oh raids and originally we were going to go to a further one, but traffic diverted us closer to the other one so we decided to head there as they had more players anyways, and thankfully we did because I caught this, while trembling like an earthquake.


All in all it was a great, great day and I can't wait to do it again tomorrow.


Good luck to everyone else raiding, don't give up because you'll get greatness as well!

submitted by /u/teejayiscool
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Really wish the legendaries battle themes would play when battling them

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:58 PM PST

Legendary Pokémon have by far the best themes when battling them in the main series games and i don't see why Niantic can't just use the original themes from the game when your on the catch screen for those legendaries. Hopefully something like this is implemented with Gen 3 like with Kyogre and Groudons theme song or the Regi Trio. I always play with the sound on

submitted by /u/team_aqua_
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[Discussion]Linus on POGO and HP:WU

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 09:23 PM PST

Linus Tech Tips, a massive tech channel on youtube, recently talked about Pokemon go and Niantic getting 200 million for developing HP:WU on their weekly podcast the 'WAN show'.

On a personal note I feel that what Luke (the co-host) says about Pokemon Go is pretty accurate.


submitted by /u/gr3ymatter8055
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[Discussion] How raids should work

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:10 AM PST

I live in the heart of Phoenix Arizona, not an underpopulated area at all. I have fought numerous raids....all on my own. I have not once to this day ever seen another player assist in a raid.

My wife and I even took a trip to disneyland and I never saw a another soul in a raid with me there.

Point is, the raids need a rework. Expecting more than 1 person to show up during the 2 min window for the group to form is asinine.

This can all be fixed VERY EASILY.

Proposed change

Raid bosses have a fixed HP pool, players will chip away at it over the course of the hour the raid boss is up. The HP bar never regenerates after fights. If the HP bar reaches 0 the players win. All players who contributed would then get an alert inviting them to participate in the bonus round to catch the pokemon, this bonus round would not require the player to be near the gym any longer.

submitted by /u/gummby8
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What are the best Pokémon to use stardust on?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 01:04 PM PST

Just wondering what are the most important Pokémon to level up first thanks!

submitted by /u/XxThoughtSeizexX
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[Question] Pokemon Run in Singapore - What would the organisers have to do to make this a Safari-like event?

Posted: 28 Nov 2017 07:45 PM PST

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