Learn Dota 2 - How to be successful this patch (4.7k mmr)

How to be successful this patch (4.7k mmr)

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:49 PM PST

Last patch (pubs) was all about roamers, having a strong safelane carry who can (usually) solo his lane and resources could be put on winning mid.

This patch puts safelane carry firmly as the most important position in pubs with 4 protect 1 style of play being dominant.

-Creeps meet closer to safelane tower

-Lane creeps give more gold & more XP.

-Denies reduce XP gain dramatically for enemy and give you 25%

-Supports in lane reach lvl 2 quicker (more xp in lane & reduced xp required for level 2), meaning easier to zone and you dont get a situation where a Timbersaw can solo a trilane.

The above 4 points illustrate why a dominant safelane is more effective than before. This is why AM has a 59% winrate in Very High Skill, his level 15 talent has little to do with it, it will likely be nerfed but his main benefit from this patch is lane creeps giving more gold & xp, meaning faster BF timing and "safer" safelane. His actual laning ability is unchanged and if anything nerfed with no PMS.

The only heroes you need to play safelane carry currently are: AM (59.13% WR), Drow (56.24%), CK (55.53%), Medusa (55.53%), Terrorblade (53.68%), Sven (53.28%) PA (48.05%). Optional: Luna (55.39%), Huskar (53.70%). All above are VHS (http://dotamax.com/hero/rate/?skill=vh&time=v707).

These heroes simply allow you to hardcounter all of the meta heroes (above) and/or stomp the non-meta carries. Eg. AM should be your #1 pick, but if enemy picks PA, you pick CK for eg (CK is 2nd highest WR carry & has a 55% WR against PA, obviously other picks effect this also).

Melee cores should generally be very safe with regen, 2 sets of tangoes, 1 salve & stout shield to lane ensures you wont get bullied out, even vs difficult lanes. You need to be very aggressive level 1 with this kind of regen, dont passively farm and think lh/deny will win overall. Harass, harass, harass.

Aside from the carries, securing safelane is nearly always 100% priority. I just had a game AM(me) v Dusa and our roamer (SB) refused to start top with us vs a dual lane (tiny, doom) with just a rubick support. I got BF at 16minutes instead of 11-12 and thus the game dragged on for an additional 10-15minutes because of this decision. If you're safelane carry can outright win the game, you should put 100% emphasis on securing this lane in pubs to increase your chance of winning (Medusa has a 44% WR against AM in VHS, despite being top 5 carries for eg).

The meta will invariably change with hotfix nerfs over the next few weeks and the pro scene influencing metas, but for the time being the traditional hard carries are king and playing the stats game (hero overall WR + hero matchup WR) should see you have a lot more success as carry, or supports securing the lane. Remember, counter picking tools DO NOT WORK right now and are not recommended anyway. Check Dotabuff hero matchups (this week, it's 80% effective, will be 100% tuesday as 2 days still remain from last patch) and see winrates -> eg https://www.dotabuff.com/heroes/anti-mage/matchups?date=patch_7.07 (AM only has negative WR vs 2 heroes and his top 7 biggest counters include 4 of the meta heroes i suggested.)

Stats are EVERYTHING in pubs (5k and below). If AM has an AVERAGE 59% winrate, someone who has 100 games on the hero and is exceptional will have closer to 65%+ WR when picked in the correct games. Mastering the above heroes will result in minimum 60% WR on all of them, when picked correctly.

This is obviously all IMHO and does not necessarily reflect the pro scene (as our games have no similarity).

submitted by /u/darren565
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Does stout shield stack?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 10:43 AM PST

I'm watching the Liquid - VG game right now (game 3), and matumbaman went for 2 stout shields. Do they stack? And if so, in what way? Is it just that each shield has a 50% chance to proc, or something else?

submitted by /u/tejabean
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7.07 Techies Guide Quick and dirty edition!

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:44 AM PST

Is Riki still able to snipe a walking courier or is it too fast now?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

7.07: Ground Courier movement speed increased from 350 to 380

I'm not sure how to generate an enemy courier in a lobby. Does anyone know if Riki can sniper couriers still?


submitted by /u/blacklantern135
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My body is ready to learn Invoker

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 02:48 PM PST

Ive been playing dota for a year and a half and got from around 500 MMR at one point to 3K right now.

Ive learnt to play to a decent level simple heroes like Axe and what I would consider some of the tougher heroes like Puck and TA.

However I am not satisfied and am ready to take the next leap and start learning this monster of a hero Invoker.

My only experience is stupid bot games where I try to outlane morty bot or whatever.

But honestly I really wanna start learning this hero and I dont wanna delay learning him any longer cuz ive been making tonnes of excuses to not just finally start playing him.

My body is ready guys..help out a brother

submitted by /u/_Unleashedd_
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Agility carries lategame - no boots required?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PST

So I noticed that 6-slotted agility carries with SnY/Manta + travels have ridiculous movement speed now, like 460+. Even without boots its at least 350 which was what these carries had with threads in 7.06.

With butterfly flutter and anti-kitting item such as pike or skill such as blink feels fine to have something more slot efficient or helpful for team-fight swapped in.


submitted by /u/IndifferentEmpathy
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Which heroes need one of the new items for their core items?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 12:04 PM PST

I've been playing around with some combos on unranked, but none that have stood out massively so far. I'm probably wasting the potential on ranked without using these items.

submitted by /u/GetMoneySmokeWeed
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Help me understand: Item Builds

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 12:49 PM PST

So I was seeing earlier in /r/DotA2 someone was I guess talking shit about a melee hero who built Radiance.

So like, what's the problem with that? Radiance gives +damage + free aoe damage. If you're a melee hero and you're going to be up close and personal, isn't that something you want?

Sure there might be better options for your hero, but if you have an empty slot available, what's the big deal?

submitted by /u/moldykobold
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When to pick chaos knight vs terrorblade?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 11:53 AM PST

To me they seem to be similar heroes. They're both very strong if the enemy lacks aoe damage, but if they can clear the illusions quickly they aren't good picks anymore.

Chaos Knight has a stun, reality rift, crit/lifesteal, and is generally tankier.

Terrorblade can have his illusions up most of the time, makes illusions of the enemy, and can sunder, but has much lower strength.

Either way, they're both weak without their big ultimate, metamorphosis or phantasm.

Terrorbladed can probably split push better and CK team fight better, but the difference between them doesn't seem massive. When would you pick one over the other?

submitted by /u/ghostlistener
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How useful is Kaya

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 08:48 AM PST

It is hard (for me) to grasp how much regen an item really gives with the change this patch and even harder how much impact the new items have.

How would you evaluate Kaya? On which hero is it useful? Willow, Zeus, Skywrath? I imagine it replacing Aether Lens on Tinker.

submitted by /u/Durdel
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I have a friend coming from HotS, any advice or resources for me to give him?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 02:38 PM PST

I've played HotS briefly, but never got very into it. I know that there isn't items, most spells effect buildings, etc. but I don't know many specifics. He wanted to join after watching a pro game out of bordem and being like "Lol illidan (AM) is in this game, I should try it".

He's supposedly in the top 2 ranks of HotS consistently, so I assume he's at least accustomed to mobas, but I don't know how well that translates. What should I tell him to or not to do?

submitted by /u/Lavamites
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How does playing Clinkz change now?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:31 PM PST

From 1.2k to 2k

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:27 PM PST

People who have created cosmetics for the workshop - advice how to get into it?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 01:39 PM PST

I would like to spend my free time getting into 3D modelling and considered making some cosmetics for the workshop would be a good way to combine the useful with the pleasant.
Anyone has some useful resources to get started?
Any guidance beyond that is also very appreciated!
Thank you!

submitted by /u/kfijatass
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Correct response to Anti Mage?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 09:24 AM PST

Seems hard pushing against him and ganking him. Not entirely sure what's the best way to deal with him. Feels like he'll always out farm any carry on my team anyways.

submitted by /u/Babybean1201
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Have you ever wondered why tournaments end with a Best of 5?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 03:15 PM PST

The question

I was watching Dotapit today and wondered: why Bo5? Is that the amount of DotA that people can tolerate from two teams?

But then I was thinking about how random DotA is, and how being the favored team doesn't guarantee a win. These teams are really good, and even the best teams might only be favored 65%-35% on winning a single game.

That made me wonder: how does the number of games in a "set" impact the chance of the favored team winning?

Disclaimer: this is a fairly simple stats problem, I think, but I haven't had a stats class in a long time so that wasn't an option for me.


My statistics may be rusty, but my C is pretty sharp. Get it? So I wrote a little program to simulate millions of iterations based on difference win percentages and games per set.


My first sim was based on a team with a 65% win chance: https://imgur.com/QaNJ4r9

In particular, pay attention to the win rates for 1,3,5,7, and 9-game sets.

Games Per Set Chance of 65% Favored Team Winning Set
1 65%
3 83%
5 86%
7 91%
9 92%

If we assume that the favored (read: better) team should win sets, it's clear that the more games per set, the more likely the favored team is to win. As we (theoretically) approach an infinite number of games per set, we also approach a 100% likelihood of the favored team winning the set.

From this simple sim, it's clear why Bo3 & Bo5 are so popular. Going from Bo1 to Bo3 dramatically increases the chance so the favored team winning, and Bo3 to Bo5 has a small but meaningful impact. After that, the impact decreases rapidly. So unless we want to watch Bo99 series (which gives a 99.3% chance of the favored team winning a set), Bo3/Bo5 is the sweet spot for player endurance, viewer enjoyment, and giving the best team a chance to prove themselves.

A little extra

For more fun, here's the results of a sim with multiple win rates and game counts: https://imgur.com/bOUHYZv

And if you want to fool with this for yourself, here's a github link with the project: https://github.com/dipique/favored-win-chances.


submitted by /u/dipique
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Thoughts on offlane this patch?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 03:27 AM PST

Can someone provide their thoughts on offlane? Honestly, as a solo offlaner vs a tri lane level two is so easy to deny even in the lower level pubs (4.5k), idk what to do sometimes other then feed to make the wave push to me. Are aggro duo-lanes the way to go? Tried phoenix, brew, beast and cent. Furion seems really strong too, but I am pretty shit at him :D

Also bottle seems really strong if only one support goes for bounty and you can consistently contest it in my opinion. 4 charges every two minutes? yes pls. Even starts with 3 now

submitted by /u/Sneakyf0x
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Hotkeys for buying wards?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 07:31 AM PST

Sometimes while watching games on Dota 2 I see supports buying wards without even opening the shop menu. Is there a hotkey or bind + command for buying certain items (besides quickbuy)?
Edit: /u/TaxationIsTheft5 suggests that is actually a bug in dota's client while watching an online match. Even if the player opens the buy menu, it won't show, thus explaining why I thought it was a hotkey. That might be it.

submitted by /u/Yenko66
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Critical strike, does it affect spells?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 09:39 AM PST

Wondering if items like Crystalis or Bloodthorn cause spells to crit or not? Thanks

submitted by /u/jander05
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Trying to learn or perfect dota positioning? here are some core hero suggestions from a 5k player

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 10:25 PM PDT

this list is gonna have some heroes which I think have a high reliance on solid mobility skill mechanics and positioning, and for people trying to learn dota I'd recommend you jump into a Turbo mode game or Overthrow and practice them:

1 position (Safelane carry): Mirana - Her new 3-leap system is absolutely fantastic when used properly and can result in you constantly repositioning yourself while dealing a huge amount of damage. Having good mechanics with that will be the difference between your life and death, or getting the kill/not getting the kill, nearly every time. Also pro tip: bind "Directional move" to something and hold it down while moving to move while ignoring pathing... basically makes it easy to leap over cliffs without trying to path around them

Clinkz - he has an extremely high attack range and needs to be in position to actually maintain vision of his target while attacking them, and also avoiding a potential counter attack. Most of Clinkz's skill cap comes from properly positioning with his invis.

Drow Ranger - With Drow's new level 25 talent it's possible to become exceptionally elusive with her w./ hurricane pike and butterfly.

2 position (mid): Puck, queen of pain, Dark willow, Sniper, Storm spirit

What do all 4 of these heroes have in common? they are squishy (low HP, low armor), can deal significant damage from afar and/or have mobility skills to compensate. Proper positioning is key on all of them to avoid getting blown up. You're essentially walking on wire while playing these heroes so its imperative that you don't slip.

3 position: basically any blink initiator. Earthshaker, Centaur, Sand king, axe, doom, Magnus

The idea here is that it's imperative that your blink doesn't get cancelled as a fight breaks out. meaning you have to stay in a tactical position. We've all seen failfish RP's and echos, dont be the one casting them!

submitted by /u/Nitrates10
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How to successfully push high ground?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 06:43 AM PST

I'ma lowly 2K MMR player and in basically all my dota games high ground is always a large point where the state of the game can just change in an instant. I'm wondering what is the best course of action when all the enemies have turtled, and you want to breach high ground. Would it be a good idea to just skip them and farm their jungle or is there a good way to manually force a high ground fight without getting a pick off first. It feels as though whenever a 5v5 fight starts when one team pushes high ground, then they always lose the fight because if huge disadvantage. Is it designed to be this way (I imagine so to some extent) and if so what is the solution to this other than possibly throwing the game. Thanks I would appreciate any insight into the mysteries of high ground.

submitted by /u/rocky42410
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Hoping for a few thoughts on anything to do with this match, Lineup, Items, anything you can think of, this game seemed far harder than it should have been

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:27 AM PST

How to maximize PA's abilities

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:58 AM PST

How can I take advantage of all of PA's skills? What items maximize the coup de gras proc chance and her evasiveness?

submitted by /u/jslegacy85
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Magic Damage Viper ?

Posted: 05 Nov 2017 05:21 AM PST

With the recent changes, could it be viable to play Viper as a impossible to kill sustained magic damage caster?

Possible build would go like :

Veil of Discord, Aghanims Scepter, Rod of Atos, Radiance, Shivas Guard, and boots.

Talents would be :

8% Spell lifesteal, +6 Corrosive Skin damage, +100 Viper Strike DPS and LVL 25 depending on the situation.

submitted by /u/ZoldLyrok
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