Learn Dota 2 - can pangoliers swashbuckle hit phoenix ult?

can pangoliers swashbuckle hit phoenix ult?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:26 PM PST

does it count as 1 attack per hit or not? would be cool to easily counter phoenix with 1 swashbuckle + teammate auto attack. cant test it right now thanks.

submitted by /u/lester_pe
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Some good pace-setting heroes?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:21 AM PST

I've recently started playing with a stack that is a fair bit lower than my MMR (2k vs 3.3k) so I've transitioned from a pos 4 to a core, typically mid role. What are some good high impact pace-setting heroes to help me guide my team better? The only hero I have ever really played mid is skywrath and I do well but he can fall off as a core with good enemy itemization. Thanks.

submitted by /u/mcfanta
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Anyone else having trouble finding new ward spots since those cliffs were removed?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 06:14 AM PST

Not only am I having a hard time finding wards that cover a lot of area, but I also don't know common ward spots to try to deward. I'm looking more for early to mid game wards, as late game wards tend to be a lot more variable.

submitted by /u/Weastie37
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What could I have done in mid?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 07:51 AM PST


This was the game, I was Storm against Razor. Not sure what I could do in the mid lane, so I just tried to get up as much early mana Regen and head to the jungle and hopefully be relevant when the inevitable push comes.

submitted by /u/iFrisp
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With the changes to MKB, how does the game plan to counter PA change?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:57 AM PST

MKB is a totally different item now. In my opinion it's much weaker but I guess that's besides the point.

Is this still a must-have item against PA? As a carry is there anything else you would want before this to deal with pa?

submitted by /u/Cheeto717
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Best support to counter am?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 09:27 AM PST

Am is pretty powerful this patch. For my bracket, hes almost garenteed to be picked if he isnt banned. As a support, its no fun to get jumped by him. In fact, its no fun to get jumped by him in general. So the question would be: who would be the best support to either shut down am throughout the game or discourage an am pick?

submitted by /u/Frostbite999
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[Turbo Mode] Good DPS itemization for STR heroes? like DK/NS/Naix

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 03:24 PM PST

Hi guys,

Just forewarning, this is related to turbo mode. A mode where everyone gets 5/6 slots very easily by games end.

My issue is, I always go the similar build and am wondering If I could do better. I play str heroes and rarely am I "out tanked" but I always feel my item build could do more damage.

My builds:

  1. Dragon Knight: treads/Travels, bkb, Daedalus and silver edge, these 4 always take my first 4 slots. (I use silver more for countering BB/PA as well as early ganks/escapes. I keep it for the active break later). Then here is where I gets confusing. I get satanic and butterfly(which I think is better dps than HH, even for STR). Would it help if I get another Daedalus? Swap my daed for bloodthorn(though I can't guarantee active will always work due to mantas and multiple enemies etc). I considered MKB but found the new one quite weak. I also got ac/deso once but I wasn't too sure if it was effective. I also did get skadi once too but it was more just for slow stacks rather than doing anything. abbysal doesn't seem to give that much damage? Plus im ranged anyways?

  2. Nightstalker: I get phase/travels, bkb, Daedalus and AC. I feel AC does give ns the extra tankiness where as dk doesn't need it with his 40 freeking armour. I usually also get silver edge for the effect as well as deso. I don't see ns lifestealing as much as dk late game (he feels much weaker) so I don't get lifesteal.

  3. Naix: phase/travels + silver edge + ac + sny + butterfly + skadi/abbysal

What items would you recommend? In terms of emphasising dps output without resorting to divine. Out of all three heroes, I have the most experience with DK and his dragon cleave really helps increase dps but I wonder what other items should I get. From my understanding, new mkb is weak for dps, abbysal isn't that good on range (especially if I don't need the active) and daed stacking only sorta works?

submitted by /u/mreddit11
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What is the best way to send illusions to push a lane with minimum commands?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:33 AM PST

Currently, I use force attack on the minimap. In Bulldog and RTZ's stream, I have seen them just click once and it pushes a lane automatically?

Edit: Thank you for your replies. I will be trying them out in my games.

submitted by /u/HighenDrunk
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Zeus talents choice

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:10 PM PST

What's the proper talent pick for this hero?

+25% XP is really good but +6 armor feels by far the safest option for me. Why would you ever pick +1% static field damage over the +40 MS? And is it worth picking the 15% cooldown reduction and the arc lightning damage?

submitted by /u/TheWbarletta
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What should have I done to deal with the match?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 05:38 AM PST

Questions About Game Sense

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:50 AM PST

I am Struggling with Game Sense here -

Playing as a 5 stack, we ran an agro tri lane (safe)

  • Ogre Magi (me) 4 - Zoning/Ganking
  • Witch Doctor 5 - Pulling
  • Bloodseeker 1 - Farming loads

Mostly we were up against a solo Tide with some Chaos Knight early (he went top after 8 mins)

We had a Mid Jugg up against a Mirana Who was doing really well.

We won the game and I felt like we zoned the tide really well, and started rotating as a team.

However, the question I have relates to mid, I felt like as soon as I left bot the bloodseeker was getting harrassed a lot more. and I never really felt like there was a good opportunity to gank the mid lane.

How do you make these quick calls as a pos 4 on where to be to maximise potential and help the team?

In this case I didn't matter because we stomped the game but I know there will be games where this choice is make or break.

  • XPGLL92
submitted by /u/XPGLL92
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How Arteezy Plays Morphling - Patch 7.07

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:02 AM PST


I hope this video will help u to understand the way that artour plays Morphling

If u have any questions of suggestions please let me know

Link : https://youtu.be/37HR6xpWvGk

submitted by /u/Mericsama
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Buff Medusa?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:04 PM PST

It feels like this hero is too easily countered by multiple other hard carries and she doesn't really excel at anything in particular when compared to the rest of the roster. Simple cheap item builds like Manta Diffusal can shut down her mid game presence completely and she ends up getting bullied into base later on. She is certainly strong in the right situation but that's the problem she just feels too situational.

submitted by /u/snoops1230
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How could I have won this game?

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:28 AM PST


I was Medusa, I don't know if it was my item choice. There were clashes that I wanted to join but TP was always on cooldown so I couldn't help them. TIA

submitted by /u/notrius_
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[question] When to sell Desolator as PA

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 01:58 AM PST

Should PA sell desolator? What item should she get that replaces Deso?

submitted by /u/wheelour
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Critique my drafting? (Dire side)

Posted: 20 Nov 2017 12:40 AM PST

Who are the most stable mid heroes in the game?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 09:07 PM PST

I'm talking about the mid heroes that you can pretty much pick in any line-up. I rarely ever play mid because of how contested the role is. I just want a small list of heroes I can pick in the rare occasion that I have to play mid.

P.S. I can already play the Dragon Knight.

submitted by /u/ElderCat
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Need help for a viable Sven item build.

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:37 PM PST

Hello /r/learndota2 and good afternoon! I like the community around here and have linger here every now and then. This is my first post regarding learndota.

I want to understand what is the current viable sven item build. Previously I have been inactive from DotA2 for several patches. I used to build thread and HotD asap. With HotD I used it for stacking nc camps, flash farm and rush echo sabre with moon shard. With these items I normally kick ass and close the match as soon as possible. Matches are range from 2.5k up to 4.5k mmr. I used this build during my 2k~3k mmr smurfings but it is also viable in 4k mmr too. My question is around HotD. I googled its nerf 7.00, 7.02, 7.03. Is it now still viable if Luna and Sven build HotD in competitive MMR? If not, any replacement for it? Or playstyle for flash farms? I do understand teamfights getting head kills gain more gold income than just last hits now. Thank you for your time in advance.

submitted by /u/mynameisyouen
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How do I approach building a hero pool?

Posted: 19 Nov 2017 10:34 PM PST

In anticipation of the upcoming MMR recalibration, I was trying to build a solid hero pool which I could use when I start seriously playing ranked again (and I haven't done that in a long time tbh).

Thing is, I could just list a bunch of names and ask "how about these?" but that's not really enough. I think that there are multiple roles and playstyles to fill in which dictates what heroes I should be able to play. For example, I might say that I only play AM/Dusa/Spec/Naga in the safe lane, but all of those are heroes that require lots of farm meaning if I need to fight early I just won't be able to do it, but if I were to think that my safe lane hero pool should have, say, at least 1 late game hero, 1 early game hero, maybe 1 ranged and then settle on AM/Luna/PA then that sounds like something I can actually work with. Similar thing applies to supports - instead of just playing gankers like Pudge/CM/ES maybe I should throw in a healer like Dazzle/Omni, or a dedicated lane bully like Jakiro so that I actually have at least one hero for every situation.

Would this be the correct approach to building a good hero pool? Also, if anyone can give me more ideas about other roles that I would need to keep in mind (fighting offlaner, greedy offlaner, idk) that would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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