League of Legends - Welcome the new moderators of r/leagueoflegends from the Fall Applications!

Welcome the new moderators of r/leagueoflegends from the Fall Applications!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:17 AM PST

After going through last month's moderator applications, our team has selected five new moderators to join our team. As we received more than a thousand applications, many of which were excellent and many more which were not, the process of choosing new moderators was long and difficult. We encourage those of you who didn't make it this time to be on the lookout for the next application process.

These new moderators are:


Hi my name is xgen but you can call me anytime. If you've been on the discord you've probably seen me around. I'm from OCE so if you are going to make fun of me, make fun of that or whatever way the government is imploding this week. Feel free to ask me any questions you have.


Heya o/ I'm Paniro, though you can call me anything my name reminds you of (people do it anyway!). I've really started playing shortly after Nocturne release in March 2011 and since then have been addicted to enjoyed playing League. I actually like playing 3v3 so I must be a subhuman anyway, guess that means I'm ready to be a Mod. On the plus side, I'm always rooting for EU (EU > NA!). If you guys don't behave, you'll be smashed just like NA gets smashed by EU.


/r/leagueoflegends, /r/leagueoflegends, 🐻 what's good? 😂 👍 It's your boy /u/tsod 😎, what's going on? 😉 Just checking ✔✔ in on you 😁 Appreciate the love and support ♥♥ The wave 🌊 is here 💪 You a wavey 🌊 dude anyway, so you already know 💯 Ain't no ❌ problem, man, the game 🎤 ... You 🐻 already know how this game thing goes ⬆


How do you do, fellow kids? I'm Cahootie, and I've been stuck with this game since Season 1 (send help) without getting much better at it, so I decided it was time to go further down the rabbit hole and see what it's all about behind the scenes. If you don't hear from me in a couple of weeks they've probably got me locked up in a basement somewhere, reading reports Clockwork Orange style, so try to be nice to each other.


Hi everyone, I'm new. Holds up memes. My name is Dongsquad420BlazeIt, but you can call me the moderator of d00m. I'm 28 years old (mature for my age) and I like to browse League of Legends with my Teemo plushie (I'm a Teemo main, if you don't like it, you're a 5m). You've probably seen me memeing around but now I'm ready to enforce the rules and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

Please give the new nazi mods these friendly folks a warm welcome, and get to know them in the comments

submitted by /u/WindAeris
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Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:07 PM PST

If Lissandra uses an Ability with Mana Flow and passive active she loses both and I think it's senseless

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:49 AM PST

[Repost] Me and my friends decided to pick 5 invisibility champions and gank someone. This is the result. [NSFL]

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:21 AM PST

Had to repost due to the video being under 30 seconds and being submitted as a link post.

Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWJxFAQIfGM


submitted by /u/Prator123
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Imaqtpie isn't having that fun.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Not Useless Kindred

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:45 AM PST

Wrong lantern!

Posted: 11 Nov 2017 10:32 PM PST

I just hit level 40 and it turns our you need to spend blue essence to unlock the level (or "Legend") emotes

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:22 AM PST

So with all the talk of blue essence lately I had initially wanted to stay out of the debate and focus on grinding but after hitting level 40 and opening my "glorious champion capsule" (or similar name, I don't remember the exact title they use) I was rewarded with three champion shards and the "Legend 1" emote. In total the shards gave me 1980 blue essence and the "Legend 1" emote which costs 2500 blue essence to upgrade to an "emote permanent". I am not sure personally how to feel about this but if it remains the case I will probably never upgrade this emote because I already don't care much for them. Here is a link to the imgur album with screenshots to serve as proof. https://imgur.com/a/Tkpbw

Edit: To throw out an argument people have been making that goes against the main theme of the comments and response to this, for years people have been asking for an IP sink late game. I can at least acknowledge this as a possible route to help fix that. I have no opinion either way in this case but felt the need to put some sort of devils advocate response.

Edit 2: The_Cactopus came in and replied but it seems to be drowning in all the posts so I am going to link his comment here for those interested in reading it : https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7ceboc/i_just_hit_level_40_and_it_turns_our_you_need_to/dppndex/

submitted by /u/YumeLoL
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Removing 175 XP and replacing it with 50 BE ONCE per day seems like a band aid fix to make it look like riot are listening to us.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:09 AM PST

We are losing 175 xp from First win of the day, and its being replaced with 50 BE.

Personally i really dislike this change and think that there is wayy too much emphasis put onto FWotD to the point where it just feels bad playing after you earn it.

I think that we should atleast recieve 15-20 BE per game we play. Im not sure if this would fix the issue of how bad it feels to play after FWotD but it would certainty help

Edit: Source: https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/hAaYMrEs-leveling-and-rewards-early-impressions-and-adjustments

Edit 2: I'd urge all of you to read through the boards post i linked above. There were some other changes (such as the leveling xp curve starting at 150 now instead of 50) that i haven't mentioned here which i believe to be a step in the right direction. Reading it may give you better insight into the overall picture.

submitted by /u/KILLERCRACK
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Riot Spiffy Effectively Communicating with the Filipino Playerbase

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:38 AM PST

https://imgur.com/a/XnHGr Context: this was a facebook post announcing the new wave of banned toxic players.


Riot Spiffy: Is your match history perfect? If we ban bad scoring players, then you might as well would have be banned since last year.


submitted by /u/HeyoTopher
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The real issue with runes. 'Electrocute' is such a shitty downgrade of a name from 'Thunderlord's Decree'

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:15 PM PST

Who cares about the stats

Its name has been downgraded so much,

Even something like Electro-Bolt or something generic like that would be better



seems like riot is a blunderlord

submitted by /u/TheSentinelsSorrow
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Has Riot adressed the performance issues on 7.22 yet?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:59 AM PST

The game runs like crap now for many people. Im currently not playing on the best setup but going from 80-40 fps to 60-15 is just unacceptable considering there havent been any major visual changes.

submitted by /u/empiik
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My mum made me this amazing bday cake for my 18th.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:04 AM PST

My mum made me this lol themed bday cake for my 18th. Wanted to share what my mum made, also a friend wanted me to share it. https://imgur.com/a/M8q1C EDIT: Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday and all the nice comments. It would just take too much time to reply to everyone so i'll say it here.

submitted by /u/Adolf-Viktor
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Pre-Season toplane tierlist with Alphari, Vizicsasci, Wickd and Bwipo

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PST

Cactopus regarding the orange essence rate change

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:35 PM PST

There is a problem with aram

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:01 AM PST

When Braum's poro explodes after being fed enough poro snax, why don't the baby poros also have mustaches?

Edit: Post was removed for not enough characters so I'll write more about how much I think all of these baby poros need mustaches to show off the manliness of Braum. Even if they are baby mustaches and not full supremo Braum staches that is fine too.

Even if mustache poros were implemented as apart of AURF only, :).

submitted by /u/MixFlix
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[Suggestion] Allow players to trade their pick order in champ select, instead of swapping champions at the end.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:47 AM PST

Not really a huge issue or anything, but I feel like this would solve a lot of solo queue issues around trading during the draft. I'm sure we've all played a game where people were supposed to trade but ended up tabbing out or didn't have the champ you wanted so they picked something random (or you didn't have theirs, etc). The current trading system makes it really hard to have someone pick you something early unless you own every champion. By switching pick order you can just let them grab their pick and then you get your own later on, which also eliminates the stress of having people lag/afk/whatever during the tiny window that trading is available at the end.

submitted by /u/CallMeBlitzkrieg
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kinda disapointed in the "meteor" rune animation

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:52 AM PST

Trick2g with the 1v4

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:52 AM PST

Considering how rare they are, I think that we should get at least a 3150+ shard from honor capsules

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:11 AM PST

Doesn't make too much sense that you could get a nunu shard, especially while we're getting drowned in those cheap shards already by champion capsules.

Getting a bit more BE value from them would improve things a bit I think, while making them all the way more exciting to look forward to.

submitted by /u/Quacking92
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I'm not sure if it's placebo or not, but the game feels worse for me with less early resistances.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:46 AM PST

I feel like, especially in the case of immobile/squishy/vulnerable champions, the fact that you have less resistances, coupled with the fact that the norm would be to build mostly damage items, means that you die to just about everything.

I get that champions got increases on base stats but very few got the base increase in resists; and, even where they did, it wasnt as much as was lost through the removal of runes.

I'm really hoping this is just placebo, but it really, REALLY feels worse to play squishier champs at the moment for me....

submitted by /u/Redsafeg
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PSA: There is a daily limit on Blue Essence store. Don't postpone it to last day if you are gonna buy more than 20!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:29 AM PST

I just bought 20 Mystery Champion, now it says I can not buy more today. I must wait 24 hours. So if you are gonna buy more than 20 like me don't postpone it to last day. I couldn't find which day is the last day...

By the way results are 12x6300= 75.600 | 8x4800= 38.400 for 20x3950= 79.000 so it's 35.000 cheaper. I'm happy for getting them cheaper but I don't know how grindy will be to buy new champions...

submitted by /u/GameSpiritGS
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Rewards from lvl 1 to 20 - horrendous

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:18 AM PST

So I've been leveling a smurf playing normals with friends who just started playing league. I aggregated all the loot I've gotten the past few days since lvl 1, not using any BE/IP just playing using the free champ rotation. This is what I've gotten... This is an upgrade?

With the BE I have I could upgrade one of the two 4800 champs I've gotten. In 20 levels.. https://i.gyazo.com/b0ac91c9fa7bdde2a1992c05cc88441c.png

submitted by /u/stuntmanpilot
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Just as a heads up - Defensive Runes DO EXIST, stop complaining about dying all the time when you go glass cannon.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:51 PM PST

I swear to god, I think half the players don't realize defensive runes exist right now.

Almost every game I see people complaining about damage. Every second post on lol subreddits has people complaining about taking too much damage.

And yet, everyone keeps going offensive runes in every single slot - aka the full glass cannon build.

Like no shit bro, imagine if last season you went with AD reds, yellows and attack speed blues and quints, and without a single defensive mastery and started a D-blade as an ADC, and complained about dying too fast. Everyone would call you an idiot and advise you to take some resists and health and a defensive starting item.

There ARE DEFENSIVE RUNES in the game right now. There really are. So before you make another post complaining about how there are none, read this guide.

So here are some defensive runes you SHOULD TAKE if you want to die less right now:

Precision Tree:

This is for all you ADC players primarily.

  • FLEET FOOTWORK: Your next basic attack restores 5 - 50 (based on level) (+ 10% bonus AD) or (+ 20% AP) (Adaptive) health and grants 30% bonus movement speed for 1 second.

Basically the old Warlords. You know, the one almost every AD used to run for half the year because it offered such good lane sustain? Yeah. Take that shit if supports are poking you out. Why was it okay to take it a week ago, but suddenly it's no good? Don't be silly.

  • OVERHEAL - PASSIVE: Healing in excess of your maximum health is converted into a shield, up to 10 (+ 10% of maximum health). The shield will decay if you have not received healing, dealt damage or taken damage in the last 6 seconds.

Basically a Bloodthirster passive. Works with above mentioned Fleet Footwork and life steal in general. Good when your supports also have heals. Tell them to overheal you before an all-in.

  • TRIUMPH - PASSIVE: Champion takedowns, after a 0.5-second delay, restore 15% of your missing health and grant an additional 25 gold.

A new and improved Dangerous Game essentially. There's a delay, but the extra health is huge. Focus down a target in a fight and you'll have a bunch of health to continue attacking other targets.

  • LEGEND: BLOODLINE - PASSIVE: Gain (0.8% per Legend stack) life steal, up to 8% at 10 stacks.

A superior version of Vampirism and life steal runes for AD's.

Domination Tree:

For anyone.

  • TASTE OF BLOOD - PASSIVE: You heal for 18 - 35 (based on level) (+ 20% bonus AD) or (+ 10% AP) (Adaptive) the next time you damage an enemy champion. 20s CD.

It's like a secondary Warlords.

  • RAVENOUS HUNTER: Gain 2.5% (+ 2.5% per Bounty Hunter stack) spell vamp.

New and improved Vampirism for ability users.

  • Situational - RELENTLESS HUNTER - PASSIVE: Gain 8 (+ 8 per Bounty Hunter stack) out-of-combat movement speed.

I'm a big fan of this because of how much easier it can make positioning and rotating in the mid-late game. Which can be considered a defensive skill in its own.

Sorcery Tree:

For anyone.

  • Situational - PHASE RUSH - PASSIVE: Basic attacks and abilities generate stacks on enemy champions hit (up to one per action). At 3 stacks, you gain 15% - 40% (based on level) movement speed for 3 seconds. Melee champions also gain 75% slow resist for the duration.

While many consider it offensive in nature, and it certainly can be, the defensive value, especially on melee champs cannot be underestimated. You can now proc it even on low damage champs without too much issue and the move speed and slow resist can make catching you during a gank or a dive, near impossible.

  • NULLIFYING ORB - PASSIVE: If you would take magic damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health, you first gain a shield that absorbs 40 - 120 (based on level) (+ 10% AP) or (+ 15% bonus AD) (Adaptive) magic damage for 4 seconds.

This is basically a hexdrinker passive with lower base values and duration, but a shorter cooldown and added AD/AP ratios.

Resolve Tree:

For anyone.

  • GRASP OF THE UNDYING - PASSIVE: If you have dealt or received damage in the last 2 seconds, you will generate stacks of Grasp of the Undying every second. At 4 stacks, your next attack against an enemy champion will deal 4% of your maximum health bonus magic damage, restore 2% of your maximum health, and permanently grants 5 bonus health. The empowered attack is primed for 6 seconds, refreshing whenever you deal or receive damage.

New and improved. Great for bruisers/tanks in match-ups where melee trading is common. Less effective for ranged champs.

  • AFTERSHOCK - PASSIVE: Immobilizing an enemy champion grants 20 (+ 30% armor) bonus armor and 20 (+ 30% magic resistance) bonus magic resistance for 2.5 seconds. After the duration, you release a shockwave that deals 40 - 140 (based on level) (+ 3.5% of your maximum health) magic damage to nearby enemies.

New and improved Fearless + CotC + Legendary Guardian. Gives insane levels of tankiness after applying CC and deals pretty disgusting AOE damage to boot. Perfect for any engage champs who want to go in and live to tell the story.

  • GUARDIAN - PASSIVE: While within 175 units of an allied champion, you raise your Guard. Allied champions you affect with unit-targeted abilities are also Guarded for 2.5 seconds, irrelevant of distance. If you or a Guarded ally would take damage from an enemy champion, you all first gain a shield for 60 - 150 (based on level) (+ 20% Guardian's AP) (+ 10% Guardian's bonus health) as well as 20% bonus Movement speed icon movement speed for 1.5 seconds. 45s CD.

A free Face of the Mountain shield.

  • UNFLINCHING - PASSIVE: You gain 15% slow resist and tenacity for 10 seconds whenever you cast a summoner spell. Additionally, you gain 10% slow resist and tenacity for each of your summoner spells on cooldown.

Irelia passives for everybody.

  • FONT OF LIFE - PASSIVE: Impairing the movement of an enemy champion marks them for 4 seconds. Allied champions who attack marked enemies heal for 5 (+ 1% of your maximum health).

The new Stoneborn. Mostly for supports and some top/jungle tanks.

  • IRON SKIN - PASSIVE: Gain 5 bonus armor. Additionally, you gain 5% armor for 3 seconds whenever you restore at least 20 health, restore health from a consumable or are shielded.

That's your free starting armor runes right there. Also a bonus incentive to remember to pop your pots when in a fight.

  • MIRROR SHELL - PASSIVE: Gain 5 bonus magic resistance. Additionally, you gain 5% magic resistance for 3 seconds whenever you restore at least 20 health, restore health from a consumable or are shielded.

And there's your MR runes.

  • CONDITIONING - PASSIVE: After 10 minutes gain 8 bonus armor and 8 bonus magic resistance and increases your total armor and magic resistance by 5%.

These are your scaling Armor and MR runes. For when you're not afraid of dying in lane, but want resists later.

  • REVITALIZE - PASSIVE: Grants 5% Heal and Shield Power. Versus targets below 40% health, your healing and shielding is increased by an additional 10% (multiplicative). Additionally, while below 40% of your maximum health, healing and shielding received, health regeneration and drain effects are increased by 10%.

New and improved Runic Armor + Windspeakers. Grants less when you're at full health, but significantly more when low health. Works with self-healing and life steal.

  • SECOND WIND - PASSIVE: After taking damage from an enemy champion, you heal for 6 (+ 4% of your missing health) over 10 seconds.

A free Doran's shield passive essentially. Couple it with the actual D-shield and laugh at poke.

Inspiration Tree:

For anyone.

  • Situational - GLACIAL AUGMENT - PASSIVE: Basic attacks Slow icon slow enemy champions for 1.5 seconds, which increases over the duration. This effect cannot occur on the same target more than once every few seconds. Melee role Melee champions: An initial 40% slow that increases to 50%. Ranged role Ranged champions: An initial 20% slow that increases to 40%.

A free Frozen Mallet light. Can be used defensively for good kiting.

  • Situational - KLEPTOMANCY - PASSIVE: After using an ability, your next basic attack within 10 seconds has 25 bonus range. If the attack is against a champion, you gain 5 Gold. Occasionally, you will gain a consumable item instead. If you gain a consumable item while your inventory is full, the consumable will instead be consumed.

If RNG is on your side you can gain health pots and elixirs of iron, as well as elixirs of wrath and the new total biscuits of everlasting will. All contributing to high sustain. Skill point elixirs can also be received for an early power spike.

  • BISCUIT DELIVERY - PASSIVE: Receive a Total Biscuit of Everlasting Will at 3:00, 6:00, 9:00 and 12:00. If the inventory is full while receiving a biscuit, the biscuit(s) will appear as soon as a place in the inventory is freed. Consume a Biscuit to restore 15% of your missing health and 15% of your missing mana over 15 seconds, as well as permanently increasing your maximum mana by 40.

Free health/mana pots. Great for increased lane sustain. Can be used with refillable pots.

  • Situational - PERFECT TIMING - PASSIVE: Receive a Replica Stopwatch at 6 minutes. The Replica Stopwatch is identical to the Stopwatch, except it has only half the value and so costs 300 more gold to upgrade. A cosmetic, Commencing Stopwatch, occupies one of your item slots before this time.

A free one time use Zhonyas. Great for all kinda of defensive and offensive plays at any point in the game.

  • CELESTIAL BODY PASSIVE: - Permanently gain 100 bonus health. Deal 10% less damage to enemy champions and monsters for the first 10 minutes.

Free health runes. Great for defensive and farm lanes where you never even intended to fight the enemy.


Resolve: +130 health.

Inspiration: +20% potion and elixir duration.

SPECIAL: Inspiration + Resolve = +20% potion and elixir duration + 145 bonus health.

So next time you get the urge of complaining about dying too much, take a moment and set yourself up with a more defensive rune page.

If you're in a hard match-up, don't try to play a hero. Go full farm/survival mode. Inspiration + Resolve tree can make you into an unkillable laner who can just chill and farm for 20 minutes and then emerge as a mid-late game monster who can 1vs9 the game.

There's a reason why high elo ADC's for example started D-shield and took resolve tree masteries fairly often, on top of running defensive runes - which had become all but standard for anyone, regardless of elo.

So why would you suddenly ignore defensive runes/masteries this new season? Makes no sense to me.

Thank you. Enjoy your games.

submitted by /u/Rolf_Dom
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What delightful agony my new tattoo is

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST


I got it yesterday and it's already healing pretty well. The chain wraps all the way around.

Edit: Didn't realize where my cat was when I took the picture.

submitted by /u/ADashOfRainbow
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Quiclky reminder that getting 50 BE instead of XP will make you level up slower

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:07 AM PST

You'll be hitting the big rewards (lvl 40, 50, etc.) later, so the big chuncks of BE will take more to come. Not saying if it's better or worse, just think about it.

Edit: I'm not complaining about the change, I just pointed out we were trading small daily BE for slower "big rewards", but it seems XP needed to level up is also going down so it's a win for everyone.

submitted by /u/xpepi
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