League of Legends - Official Looking For Group Megathread

Official Looking For Group Megathread

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 12:03 PM PST

Please comment under your region following this exact format, off topic comments will be removed.

Summoner Name:


Main role/champs:

Time available to play:

Preferred method of communication (if applicable):

Hope you guy enjoy this new addition to the subreddit. If you're looking for people to play with and it's one of the days that this megathread isn't up, you can always try /r/teamredditteams, /r/leagueconnect or our discord server!

submitted by /u/Kadexe
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TCS Fall 2017 Announcement

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:52 AM PST

World's largest drug manufacturer, Riot Games, replaces old product, users are unhappy

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

Riot Games, manufacturer of the Insanely Potent drug, commonly known as IP, has completely discontinued its production. In it's place, Riot has begun producing a new, blue dust known as Blue Essence. This decision came about after a man only known by this picture approached Riot with the new product. We asked /u/The_Cactopus for more details: "We literally took IP and made it blue. It's the exact same thing".

Users, however, are not feeling the same highs as before. Distribution is slow, being shipped too infrequently, and too little at a time. This has caused demand to skyrocket, and users to lose their minds.

"This new shit is overpriced trash that takes way too much to get high. Riot is taking advantage of it's highly addicted users, by being a greedy, degenerate company without any morals!" says /u/Pm_Me_Zoe_Futanari.

Riot has begun investigating solutions to the BE epidemic. In the meantime, users have been suffering from withdrawal symptoms, most notably transforming into what Riot has termed, "damn homunculuses".

submitted by /u/Psymonthe2nd
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Stop using "well you don't have to buy runes anymore" as an excuse for the changes, many of us haven't bought runes in literally YEARS

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 09:50 AM PST

I haven't bought runes in years, i'm sure many are there with me because we had all the runes/rune pages we needed. So all of our IP gains were going directly to trying to buy off all champions. These changes do nothing but elongate how much you have to play in order to get champions, period. I'm missing 26 champions (almost all 6300) so still need 150,000 BE. With how much less BE you get per game ~800/10 @lvl 30 (outside of Riot's perfectly worded ideal situation of only maybe 2 games a day to get that FWoTD multiple times) that absolutely guts how many games I need to buy off all the champions. And I'm only talking about at lvl 30, it's only going to get MUCH MUCH worse

so no, "you don't have to buy runes anymore" is an absolutely bullshit excuse since they were a non factor for many of us that already were set with our runes

also stop with the "well you got a refund". sorry but 100 IP per rune is laughable compared to the 400-800 IP they costed. And no, don't give me the bullshit of "well you got to use them, you can't have everything free". No it wasn't an option to buy those runes, they were literally REQUIRED if you at all wanted to be competitive.

submitted by /u/FowD9
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Riot turned the rewards down from 'good' to 'bad'. They will turn them up to 'mediocre' sometime from now on. The 'mediocre' was their goal all along. Don't fall for the folksy 'they listened to us, we did it Reddit' PR play.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 04:12 AM PST

Some of You: /u/blueadmir you are just frustrated and looking for a scapegoat

Me: Yes, yes I am frustrated. I am a consumer and the decisions that end up hurting the consumer directly affect me in an adverse way.

I invite every reader to make arguments with their words besides just clicking an orange or blue arrow if what I say does or does not align with what you believe.

submitted by /u/BlueAdmir
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I spent 20 Hours to create Rune Pages for every Champion - with Notes, Explanations and Elaborations on Alternatives - AMA and ENJOY

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:32 AM PST

Hello, my name is David "Pest" Naußed and I spent the last 20 hours with creating valid rune pages for every champion.

Who am I? I coached players pretty much voluntary for around 2 years and lately I started to stream and publish some of my "work", besides that I play League of Legends :)

Why did I create this List? I was unsatisfied and actually disappointed by the way people tried to share their pages here, so I created this shit with a simple system to get through the runes easily

The System - Pretty simple - Primary side is separated in Line 1 (Keystone), Line 2, Line 3 and Line 4 and each line contains Left, Middle, Right. When I refer to other primary runes I put the short cut of the tree in front of the Line and direction (e.g. Dom Line 2 Left)

The secondary side is basically a numpad, just open the secondary tree and you will understand what I mean - when i refer to secondary runes from other trees I put a "Sec." in front of the tree short cut (e.g. Dom)

A little extra I did a lot of stuff with the runes and thought about them for different scenarios, about Riot Game's intentions for certain runes etc. I came to the conclusion that the current rune system is basically "Rock, Paper Scissor" with a small add-on, basically "Rock, Paper, Scissor, Lizard, Spock" from Big Bang Theory, if you can follow my thought process. Besides each rune tree are more vanilla "Rock, Paper, Scissor" elements and sometimes some "Champion specific" stuff for special champions which I simply call "Niche runes". Don't get me wrong, I love these changes and it's really enjoyable but it feels like they are scared to try something entirely new. Everything in these runes are items, flat stats for condition XY, or useless stuff. Well anyway, I still love the changes, I love the intention and the ideas but I don't understand why Riot Games is that scared.)

I actually don't know anything else to tell you besides that these runes are not entirely based on math, these are just really well-thought rune pages which are also based on a tier list in my head which I created while i did these pages (e.g. Celerity is useless, Demolish is niche as hell, movement speed stats are a mess in this rune system or these rune pages will be perfected by a Korean or Chinese in approx. 2 months, because the whole rune system is still so predictable that you can value each rune, make a rune tier list for every "Champion Class" and can predict which runes which champion will take in 9/10 games.

Enjoy the list and feel free to ask me whatever you want :)


Disclaimer: Sometimes the notes are a little short for some champions, I will explain it fully when you ask me in the comments. Typing that much was actually exhausting and I wanted to keep it short at certain moments thus some champions have more next and some have less

Edit: Some typos

Edit 2: GOOGLE DRIVE LINK! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YuV7vx-LYR9QoKT0l6HfBEnQxLLWL8LZ/view?usp=sharing

Edit 3: I just link my Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/pestxyz) and discord (https://discordapp.com/invite/ZPzHuT2) here cause i think i can have some nice conversations with some of you :)

Edit 4: Tune in my stream I answer the questions on stream :) Would help me a lot to so i don't have to do type that much

Edit 5: Stream is on, answering questions and trying out - i will answer all questions during the next week :)

Edit 6: Was a lot of fun to go through runes, ideas and balance ideas with you - I got a mad headache and didn't sleep for like 34 hours. Sorry for the bed vibes in my stream but i gave my best to give you content even though i felt kind of shit :D Anyway. Hope to get your support, I will go to bed and answer questions until i fall asleep. Hope for your support! :)

submitted by /u/Jukaio
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What's the point of nerfing Orange Essence too?

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:04 AM PST

I'm genuinely confused, what is the point of nerfing orange essence? I got a shard for Program Lissandra and I used to get happy to get these shards so I could get more essence but nope, only worth 270 now. I don't get the point of this change, orange essence isn't any easier to get as a result of the progression changes. Is there something I'm missing, or is this just very blatantly anti-consumer for no reason at all?

submitted by /u/lava172
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League just straight copied HOTS system but managed to make it worse

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:54 AM PST

If you're not familiar with HOTS, you get a very small amount of currency per game, and "large" payouts when you level up your champs. You also receive payouts when you level up your account. Your account level is just the sum of all champion levels. Every level up on your account also gives you capsules that reward you skins, champs, and other irrelevant stuff.

The new BE system is just like that, except you get no BE from leveling. You only receive capsules. It's horrible to play 8 games and get nothing. I just leveled to 31 and received an aurelion sol shard, How am I supposed to buy the champs I need to climb solo Queue?

I don't know why Riot chose to launch this BE system like they did, but I fear they're dangerously becoming more alike their competitors. This would be fine and all, except their competitors kinda succ.

Edit: Paying 3k BE for champ masteries. This is bullshit.

Edit2: I discovered the Aurelion Sol is the best possible shard type one can get. It's only downhill from here.

Edit3: To all that think the new BE system is an improvement, Here is a very thorough post explaining why that's not the case

Edit4: Let's not forget that players didn't get 100% of their IP spent on runes on the old system. My friend had every single rune and max runepages. He got 70k Blue essence.

submitted by /u/TheSpiceMustAirflow
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Advanced rune descriptions should always be active

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:40 AM PST

As everyone is learning the new runes, it is more helpful to know the exact value of things since it helps to see how strong they are. Having to press the small tick at the bottom every time you open a rune page or edit one is annoying.

*Edit: A lot of people are saying that the client should remember whether you have ticked the box or not, which is a great point; imo both solutions work great.

submitted by /u/DanElH0mbre
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The new Blue Essence system is worse than a lottery

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:24 AM PST

We have all read about the problems that many of us have with the new currency model that Riot uses for League of Legends.

The system rewards you after every game of playing with EXP-Points that you use to level up your profile when you accumulated enough of them. When you level up you get 2 rewards:

  • The number on your profile goes up and you can show how much time you sunk into a single free-to-play game

  • You get a loot chest, that includes rewards:

A Leveling Capsule contains champ shards with a BE value of either 720, 900, 960, or 1,240. (The average value is 910 based on drop rates)

The biggest problem that I have with this system is not that many of us feel like it is not satisfying enough to basically gain nothing for playing a game. The problem is that Riot installed a system that can easily be screwed with, without anyone of us noticing! You can easily change the rate at which loot boxes include higher rewards and take things away from the community. It is basically a giant magic show that can be used to screw the player. I am not saying that this is Riot's intention, but I am saying that it could easily happen or be used in such a way.

The system needs to be improved, there is no question about that, but the playerbase should always be worried about mechanics that they have no insight of. It feels like it is worse than a lottery since there you at least know your (almost) impossible chance of winning. Here Riot could start cheating on us without us even noticing for a long time, since it is a hidden mechanism and we could all be shrugged off with the "bad luck"-excuse.

tl;dr: The playerbase needs to know that the new leveling-loot-box system is basically a system that is hidden from the playerbase and can be easily used to screw us and our free-currency gains over.

I am not saying that this is what Riot has in mind, I am just saying that we should all be careful of this possibility!

Edit: Changed the numbering because it showed 1. twice instead of the 1. & 2. I wrote...

Edit2: Hi frontpage wow. Sadly I reached frontpage without most of the users reading my post. The entire point was that with the new system Riot COULD change the odds for X BE without us even noticing. That was my entire point and the only reason why it is worse than a lottery, since there you usually know your odds. I am not accusing Riot of trying to do this in any way. It is just like they kept a door open to be able to do this.

submitted by /u/GA_Deathstalker
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You actually gain 14% less XP/BE than what Riot said because they made a false assumption about the amount of first wins you get

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:52 AM PST

In this board post Riot uses two examples to claim that you'll be making roughly the same amount of BE/IP as before. However in their Carl the Casual example they made a crucial mistake that inflates the amount of BE/XP you would get by playing two games a day.

In the post they assume that on average you'd have a 50% win rate. This makes sense, since every game has an equal amount of winners and losers. However, the mistake they make is that you would always win one game and lose the other one when you play two games in a day, which is unlikely to occur over long periods of time.

By doing some quick maffs we actually arrive at the result that 25% of the time you lose both games of the day. You also win both of the games 25% of the time, but you only get the win bonus for one of those games. Since you have a 50% chance of winning a game, this result is gained very simply by calculating the probability of losing two games in a given day, which is 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25 = 25%.

By using the numbers in the example Riot used (let's assume the numbers are trustworthy) you get 251 XP for a win in a 37 minute game and 205 XP for a loss. Over 6 games (the example they used) you would gain 1368 XP with a 50% winrate, and you'd get 3 first win bonuses worth 1725 XP for a total of 3093 XP.

In reality though it is unlikely to win one of the games each day. Instead, on average on 25% of the days you play you lose both of your games, meaning you don't get first win bonus from those days. To calculate how much XP you lose, we use a 4 day model with 8 games and 50% win ratio, since that means that on one day out of the 4 you don't get the first win bonus (on average).

8 games with 50% win ratio gives you 1824 XP. With 4 first win bonuses you get a total of 4124 XP. However, realistically, you only get 3 first win bonuses, which means you get 575 XP less, which is 14% less XP than what is represented in the original scenario.

This means that the scenario Riot used to calculate XP gains is actually not realistic and it's misrepresenting the total amount of XP and BE you gain by playing two games per day.

Tl;dr you actually make 14% less XP than Riot says you would by playing 2 games per day because they didn't account for the fact that 25% of the time you don't get a first win bonus.

submitted by /u/onequarterbritish
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The math behind the new blue essence changes and why unlocking champions just became 35% harder.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:25 AM PST

Full credit for this post goes to /u/herptydurr. The thread this comment came from was removed and I feel it's very important for the community to see his work.

I did some math...

Based on Riot Mortdog's post, the average value of a leveling capsule is 910 BE, and a Milestone Capsule (every 10 levels) has an average value of 2,120 BE. So let's just add all that up from level 30 to 175... 148890 BE. To go from level 30 to 175, you have enough BE for 23 full priced champions.

Clearly we are going to have to level waayyyyy beyond 175 or even 200 to actually unlock everything, which is fine. So what is the XP per level breakdown beyond level 175? Riot Mortdog's poost says "The highest amount of XP to level (from 174-175) is 4600xp." Does that mean XP/level caps at 4600? Maybe... Rito is being intentionally unclear here. Regardless, let's just assume this 4600 XP/level cap.

Again using Riot Mortdog's numbers, under the old system, a 50% win rate on Summoner's Rift game modes meant about 83.5 IP/game (100 for win, 67 for loss). First win of the day could thus be thought of as just under 2 games worth of IP (it's now worth a little bit over 2 games worth of XP, so not much of a difference and we can just ignore it). Anyway, at 83.5 IP/game, it used to take 76 games to earn enough IP to buy a 6300 champion. In addressing whether the new system is better or worse, all you need to do is ask how many games does it take to earn 6300 BE? Well given Riot Mortdog's numbers (2120 at milestone, 910 otherwise), 10 levels (including the milestone capsule) gives on average a total of 10310 BE. That's an average of 1031 BE/level. So to earn 6300 BE, we need on average 6.1 levels. At 4600 XP/level, that is 28109 XP. Again using the numbers Riot Mortdog gave of 250 XP/win and 205 XP/loss, that's 125 games to reach 28109 XP. Apparently, Mortdog gave a clarification that XP/level in the endgame averages out to 3840 XP/level, which means that 6.1 levels is 23424 XP, which means using his numbers of 250 XP/win and 205 XP/loss, it's 103 games to get 6.1 levels.

In other words, at ~level 175, it will take 125 103 summoner's rift games to have enough BE to buy a 6300 BE champion. And that is assuming the average XP/level caps at 175.

This means that gaining champions in the end game just got 35% harder.

tldr... see bold sentences.

submitted by /u/Krazyflipz
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Pants Are Dragon denied to Scouting Grounds

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 01:35 PM PST

Do NOT stockpile on Hextech Mystery Champions if you have all Champions.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:06 AM PST

A friend of mine recently sent me this image: in which the player support guy says that Mystery Champ shards are rolled from the purchase date instead of the opened date.

Sadly i bought 4 of those and warning people before they buy them to get Zoe or w/e newer.

EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/7bu8r1/do_not_stockpile_on_hextech_mystery_champions_if/dpku71l/

RiotCalad said he's looking into it. Everything's fine you can buy these. Wait these aren't shards anymore, you just buy Mystery Champs Directly. Fuck.

submitted by /u/GiantR
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How Riot is conditioning us to invest more time and money into the game

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 02:10 AM PST

Companies aren't stupid and they know and research consumers, trends, and other things so they can create successful products and maximize profit. Video game companies especially use the Sunk Cost Fallacy. When you invest time and resources into something, you become committed to it even if it would be negative to do so. Here's a quote from u/TheRazorX that explains how it applies to League.

You're a new player, you keep getting levels quickly and keep getting rewards quickly, and you think "this is awesome!" (The Hook)

Then it very gradually slows down until it's a crawl, but you've invested so much that you don't want to let go (Sunken Cost Fallacy), so you keep playing, get frustrated and start just shelling out cash to get similar enjoyment to what you had before.

Keep in mind, IP gains were never the same "Hook" because it basically mimics a monetary system so it doesn't trigger the same reward centers in your brain; With IP you feel you "earned" it and you're "spending it" , but with loot boxes and all that, even though you still "earned" it, there's more of a dopamine reward because of the gambler's aspect of it.

To make it worse this ties into the "Skinner Box" which has to do with influencing decision making using "operant conditioning" (explanation of it on this youtube video. Rewarding someone every time they do an action, isn't the best way to get them to continue or repeat an action. It's far more effective to reward someone every once in a while. Hence the new system that rewards you after every level up.

I love League and Riot but questionable psychological tactics are questionable and it seems I'm not the only one who is nervous about this new BE and leveling system, especially at later levels. From my observations, Riot is good with listening to community feedback so I'm not TOO worried.

submitted by /u/Shineui
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The reason games are so fast is because nobody has resistances in runes

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 09:40 PM PST

Tank supports got huge compensation buffs to their base armor because of losing the armor they would take in runes. However, almost all carry champions took armor or health/lvl seals and MR glyphs. Now squishy champs have no bonus armor and no bonus MR at the beginning at the game, which is a huge difference at early levels. Because everyone dies so much faster, games snowball harder than ever. This was a huge change this preseason that I think hasn't been talked about enough.

submitted by /u/WillDaBeast509
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We are talking about lvl 170 like it's super late state, but in reality it's only 28 6300 champions.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 10:03 AM PST

Using the average value of 910 BE per capsule, 2200 BE per milestone per 10 levels.

153910+220017 = 176630 176630/6300 = 28.03

I got all champs years ago so this won't affect me a bit, but sitting on 28/139 champs doesn't really sound like a comfortable champion pool. Granted there are champs that are easier, but you get my point.

submitted by /u/PercyXLee
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Airbus enters EU LCS

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 06:59 AM PST

The reason the new BE System seems so unrewarding is beacuse It needs to be supported by Missions and Achievments rewarding us with BE

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 05:16 AM PST

Sorry for text wall TL;DR: title ^

There are a lot of other Free to Play games with grinding currencies (Warframe, Paladins are the ones I play) and they have daily missions that reward their players.

Paladins has the usual ones:

Playing 3 games as a tank/supp

Playing 5 games with a party


And I think Riot's main idea for the new BE system was to include daily missions to reward casual players that want to progress towards earning champions faster.

I personally only play support in ranked games and a lot of aram games. So role specific missions would not be as fun to play. But I don't feel the need to buy/craft the champions I still don't have (about 20 of them) so I would mind not having enough BE unless a new support champion comes out.

They can also add aram missions or rotating mode missions to let players earn more BE.

They also mentioned the idea of adding Achievements to the client. This could mean a great opportunity to reward those who love the game and love to grind.

Giving 5 or 10k BE for playing 50 games for example

But I think they are holding to this idea because they don't know how to handle achievements for players that already have completed milestone of this style.

Imagine that they are giving BE for those achievements and now everyone has 50k+ BE from one day to another. Which would be good for us but maybe that would disrupt their RP earnings (this is just full speculation, don't read too much into it)

Whatever is the case we, the player base, need to stay being vocal about our concerns and Riot needs to start giving some fucking answers (just kiddin I love u guys)

submitted by /u/Lekijocds
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Explanations on why the BE system is a major downgrade to the IP system.

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 07:36 PM PST

Three threads for references

First one, Henrietta the hardcore situation


The second one, EXP gains at 150+ levels.


The third one for ARAM EXP gains. (Tested myself, got 131 EXP from a WIN with a 18:50 game...)


The talk

I'm sorry but there is no other way to describe it, it's terrible and here's why.

Right now Riot focuses on the fact that the new system is much better than the IP system. They've taken the best scenario, 31-40 were the gains are at their maximum. The lowest amount of XP to level (from 30-31) is 2500xp BUT one you hit 150+ the required EXP is almost DOUBLED and requires 4600XP. So in all their nice scenarios, multiply the number of games by 2. Is the new BE system MUCH better, I don't think so. Also, always remember, the amount of BE received at the end of BE is RNG based now. You can get in between 810 and 1240.

The system is great for early levels and months, but in the long term, once we plateau and are stuck with low BE gains, we will be forced into buying RP ...because unlocking the new champs would require an amount of 75-125 games before unlocking a 6300 BE champion. At 31-40, it's set for 15-25 games to get 6300 BE with the milestone rewards (lvl 40.)

Before we had IP and BE for two distinct usage. Now everything is tied into the IP system but now we have to add the BE features (masteries, shards). So the values of BE gains are diminished. Remember, don't waste that BE you just received in stupid emotes. You'll need it for rainy days in later levels.

Its really easy to accommodate players into fast rewards and big gains early...that's the core of all mobile games. Get them hooked, swamp them with loot boxes... One the habit and dependency is set, force them to buy later on. Read more on Sunken Cost Fallacy and the great description by u/TheRazorX.

We expressed so many concerns and all the answers we got from Riot on Reddit was "lol stop whining." and a couple "we'll answer your questions" ...and they never answer.

Already at Day 1, we see our real-life gains from BE are so bad (just check the thread about the ARAM gains). If the system was properly implemented with real comparisons, we would have been happy and none of this would have happened. Riot could have eased their greed progressively at later levels. The players who also play a lot and got all the champions will also defend this system because they have more BE sink now, but the casual player without all the champions are getting ripped off.

I'm a casual player and I love the game to death. I've been playing this game the BETA days and I've invested around 1400$ + in the game already but you know what, I was happy to spend that money. I've never been forced into paying for content. My thoughts were that I was happy to encourage my favorite developer and by purchasing RP, I was telling them "Keep up the good work". Jim Sterling even praised Riot and shown them as an example of Free to Play gaming. But with this system...I'm sorry but I can't feel the same. Looking at the bigger picture, it's terrible for your main player base.

I really hope Riot will see this thread and tweak it's system. Restoring BE gains per games would a first. Second would be to see the bigger picture at higher levels. I love your game, I'm just bringing out whats wrong with this system. It's a shame because I really love the new Runes Reforged. The game feels so fresh.

EDIT: Thanks for keeping this discussion rolling and being very civil. I'm not working at Riot, but it feels good to see many smart solutions to this problem. Interesting read all around

EDIT Another interesting note from Redditors, if you missing BE before leveling to acquire a champion, you can try your "luck" with those loot boxes hextech crates since you probably have tons of keys. Another sneaky way to get more money and forcing players to gamble into the chance of getting a champion shard. The cost is very low, so it's easy to sink RP fast. #LootCratesEra

submitted by /u/Waibashi
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Team Liquid's head coah, INTERNETHULK, has passed away

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 05:10 PM PST

Terrible news for the scene.

He had joined the LoL roster after his time with the Overwatch team and was getting ready to lead the TL squad for next season.

May he rest in peace, and condolences to his family and friends.

Info from TL's twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLiquid/status/928423446098296833

submitted by /u/nbesa
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This guy was in his last SoloQ promotion for diamond

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 11:46 AM PST


So I got bottom and was also in promotion for diamond, but this was only my second game in my promotion series (Although it was my 7th promotion...). He explains the situation and asks me for bottom so I lock Rakan. He thanks me and picks Xayah. Our team is struggling a bit but if I recall correctly he was 2/0/0 and I was 0/0/2. We play the game perfectly despite our Yasuo giving up hope. We literally dismantle the enemy team, but a little setback occurs and our Yasuo calls for surrender. We tell him to stay calm and this giy encourages the team by saying he'll gift us a 975 rp skin to each of us if we win the game. We end up winning.

He adds me and asks me what skin and we talk for a while. He can't gift right a way though. So the next day he doublechecks with me what skin I wanted and gifts me right away! He wrote something that made me we think that our community is pretty great sometimes too, so shoutout to this guy and everyone else chill in this community.

Edit: I remembered wrong, it wasn't Yasuo, it was Malzahar! Sorry.

submitted by /u/ATLAdde
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Ekko got a buff two patches ago to let him Jungle but now he can't

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 03:38 AM PST

Since ekko didn't get an attack speed buff, his jungle clear is now both slow and ridiculously dangerous. If riot wants him to jungle, he needs an attack speed buff.

EDIT: A lot of people are missing my point. I started blue with a double leash from my bot lane, went to wolves and then red with machete and talisman (two different games) and both times killed it with a sliver of health left. One of the games had a ward on the enemy udyr, who was done his 3 camps by the time I finished wolves. Obviously it'd "doable" but taking forever to clear your first 3 camps as well as without any health is not especially viable in higher elo or pro play. I also don't think its optimal to have to take precision for the attack speed, as domination and sorcery trees are what are meant for champions like him (assassin and ap, respectively) and are stronger.

submitted by /u/SpiritofSummer
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PSA: You can't stack boots anymore.

Posted: 08 Nov 2017 11:05 PM PST

no more accidental purchases

no more MagPen stacking from Sorcs

no more feeders with 6 boots

no more Elise roleplays

submitted by /u/IZER0I
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Teemo's response to allegations that Rito is trying to squeeze more $$$ from the players with recent changes to rewards.

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:17 AM PST

EU: What are you doing?! A real honest discussion on all-stars from MindGames Weldon

Posted: 09 Nov 2017 08:09 AM PST

Hey guys, Weldon here. Obviously biased!! post inc.


I'm wired up as a competitor. Don't know why, but I always turn everything into a competition and I always want to win.

For example. I knew that Bo3 would be worse for viewers years ago when I promoted it heavily, but as far as I see it was the only want to start closing the pro-player-pool population problem that EU had compared to Korea. There's just no way to bring up a rookie to speed as fast as Korean rookie, when they get 40+ stage games and we get 18. Of course we have to go back to Bo1, there's no way around it if we want to the scene to be sustainable, but hopefully Korea will have to follow suit :D

Now All-Stars is a hype event, and voting is always based on popularity, but in my opinion EU should still send our best players. Both because they will get exposed to other great players, and also because WE NEED EU TO WIN!

Right now, PoE and Ignar are winning in the popular vote compared to Perkz and Mithy.

Now I know that Misfits provided us a lot of fun for worlds. But I feel like people are voting for these players because they honestly believe they are a better option. And I need to disabuse that right now.


Perkz memes. He trash talks. He backs it up!! He destroyed Faker in 4 out of 4 laning phases at MSI. Literally 1v1 dominated every matchup. He practices guitar every night to improve his finger dexterity. He literally told me to my face that he didn't give a crap how much money NA offers him, he wants to win and that means EU. He BLEEDS Europe. He has personality. He's loud! He's so passionate that he won the hearts of an entire nation of Chinese fans. He CARRIES GAMES harder than any other EU mid laner. Raise your hand the number of times you have seen PoE drag his team 1v9 over the finish line? You don't want a role player at all-stars, you want a KING. Last and most important, PoE was happy with worlds. Perkz was a WRECK after MSI. You want somebody who hungry, and who doesn't settle for second place as your king. You don't want a happy-go-lucky who thinks he did decent and can go home and pat himself on the back. I VOTED WITH MY EMOTION FOR THE HEART OF EUROPEAN LEAGUE!!



HONESTLY what are you thinking. EU? Do you really, actually, even for a second believe your own voting? Wooooo ok Misfits advanced a bit in a tournament that doesn't even care about ranking teams in power level. Mithy has pizaz. He single-handedly coached and shot-called G2 to 4 national titles in a row. He DUMPSTERED Ignar and his entire team in the EU finals. He coached Fnatic for 2 days leading into week 2 AND LOOK WHAT FREAKING HAPPENED. TWO DAYS! That's all it took for him to magic-hand-of-GoD+10-strategy that team. SKT Wolf respected him so much after facing him he gave him his jacket. He trains mindfulness every single day, in order to improve at league. He works out every single day, in order to improve at league. He trains, does soloQ, studies vods, THEN on top of that goes and helps a teammate study because he wants. to. win. that. much. He overcomes his mental barriers. When he said "yeah I probably can't compete mechanically with XYZ" I said "bullshit tell yourself that and you've already lost" and then the entire year he put in so much training that his weakness became his strength. You only hear that about LEGENDS. You know that Misfits drafted around the fact that Ignar didn't think he was strong enough to compete on censor champs. Do you want a guy who already defeats himself mentally before the game even starts!! I GO WITH MY EMOTION FOR THE GUY WITH A FREAKING ROAD NAMED AFTER HIM THE SUPPORT KING OF EUROPE WITH 4 THRONES MADE OF HIS OPPONENTS BONES.


Tactics, that's all. There's this STUPID rule that you can only vote for 2 people from each team. Honestly coaches should be exempt from this rule, imo.

Perkz and Mithy should be shoe-ins but they are losing right now. Tactically it will be difficult for Zven to beat Rekkles, although he is obviously 100000000000 times better. Similar situation with Trick even though he is 100000000000 times the best Jungler in EU, it's hard to beat domestic votes for domestic fans. How is Jankos even winning above Maxlore after Maxlore dragged Misfits single-handedly out of groups?! And as for Expect, he literally bleeds EU blood. He told me that he thinks EU top laners are the best in the world, and that it's like "training camp hard mode" for top lane for all global regions. He thinks every Korean top should have to be counter-picked by carries every game just to feel what it's like to play in this freaking region. He loves it and thinks it made his already BEAST laning phase even better. You guys SHOULD send him but you probably won't. I think he will carry just as hard next year as he did this year and eventually win your hearts once you see him for his insane playmaking. BELIEVE ME!

G2 army 4 ever

p.s. - Love you PoE and Ignar. You guys are cool. :D But this is war


submitted by /u/mindgamesweldon
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