Heroes of the Storm - Tired of Junkrat loading screen?

Tired of Junkrat loading screen?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:28 PM PST

Anyone else tired of Junkrat's music and noise from his loading screen? I would pay gems/shards to buy old loading screens than to keep listening to his. Blizzard pls

submitted by /u/RiseofthePharmD
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My Alexstrasza fanart yipee!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:51 PM PST

I wonder why Blizz just not add a "Whats New" panel after a patch just like in Starcraft2

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

To be honest, the only source that I get new patch notes are from reddit or heroes blog, There is no way that I know what have been changed inside the game client.

In addition, all the heroes spotlight videos, new animation cannot be found in game. I feel it is a complete waste and people that never browse reddit or youtube for hots will never know these kind of content even exist.

Edit: I mean something like this if you never played starcraft: https://i.imgur.com/6XFHhMV.jpg

submitted by /u/jamiephan
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Alex and friends do a gank

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

Weird bug on Volskaya with Murky's egg

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:28 PM PST

If you put an egg on a conveyor belt, the egg will move but if you die you will spawn where you initially placed it, not where it ends up. Just a weird bug I noticed, not sure if it has any value.

submitted by /u/unitrooper7
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Cavalier Quest sums up how Hero League differs from Pro play.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:20 AM PST

Join "hotsmex" channel (players from Mexico)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:53 PM PST

Well, I'm from Mexico and I'd like to find players from my country to play with and be salty in spanish.

I'm sorry if this is againts rules, have a good day everyone.

submitted by /u/Zandatsux
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Which doctor? This doctor.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:30 PM PST


First time winning 12 in a row!

submitted by /u/vixsin520
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Why doesn't Kael have a skin of him all fel-corrupted

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:44 AM PST

Like when you fight him in Burning Crusade and farm for the Orb of the Sin'dorei

submitted by /u/HawlSera
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Invisible horse should get the new stealth mechanic

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:23 PM PST

Outline when moving. Completely invisible when standing still.

submitted by /u/D4rty
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Kyocha please....

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:06 PM PST

A digital portrait of Alexstrasza my girlfriend just finished to pump the hype up even more!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:53 AM PST

She uses Wacom Intuos Comic and Adobe Photoshop CC. Hope you like it! All comments will be appreciated greatly.


submitted by /u/cemtemeltas
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Back to the Basics: Pushing your advantage

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:26 AM PST

Why isn't there a score menu at the end of Brawl games ?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:18 PM PST

Yes, in some brawls it can be useless (Pull Party). But sometimes it can be nice to have the game statistics and talents without having to manually check by pressing TAB at the end of the game. Like in Checkpoint : Hanamura.

submitted by /u/Franckyi
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Sarah Kerrigan – Abilities, Quotes, and Skins Lore

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 09:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

It's that time again. Last Friday we did Kerrigan's long backstory in the StarCraft games, today we'll be doing her quotes, interactions and skins. Most of this stuff assumes this is Kerrigan during or after the events of Heart of the Swarm, so some references may be dated to the series. There will be more of these when we reach the Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan episode, which I'll be doing at a later date.

Sarah Kerrigan lore thread

All previous Lore Of episodes


Kerrigan's appearance is that of the Primal Queen of Blades, when she is remade as a primal zerg (like Dehaka) in Heart of the Swarm. All this does is make her look a bit more purple with a more human-looking face, but a lot of her abilities pull from her primal skillset.

  • Passive: Assimilation – The zerg consume the essence (biomass) of other races and creatures to evolve, and can assimilate it into themselves to improve them. Kerrigan is able to do this as well, and as a primal zerg she was able to collect essence from fallen primal pack leaders, adding to her power. In Co-op Missions, Kerrigan gains the Assimilation Aura ability, which lets her turn surrounding dead enemies into resources.

  • Q: Ravage – Operates like her Leaping Strike ability from Heart of the Swarm and Co-op Missions, where she leaps at a target with her back blades pointed at the enemy.

  • W: Primal Grasp – While not actually any ability from StarCraft, the name references her transformation into a primal zerg.

  • R1: Summon Ultralisk – Ultralisks are the battering ram siege creatures of the zerg, assimilated from the docile brontolith by the Overmind. These creatures have thick carapaces that can shrug off small arms fire and take on most high explosives. Their Kaiser Blades are honed to a molecular level, and can pierce most armor. The ultralisk we see in Heroes is the Second Great War variant, with two additional blades and more armored carapace plating. The ultralisk functions similar to how it does in-game, doing splash damage with its large blades.

  • R2: Maelstrom – Functions like one of Kerrigan's final abilities in Heart of the Swarm, Apocalypse, where she sends out a massive wave of psionic energy. Kerrigan herself is the most powerful psionic being in StarCraft, and can channel psionic energy through her body at will.

  • Psionic Pulse (Level 4) – Kerrigan is a the most powerful psionic in StarCraft (except for maybe some xel'naga), and over the course of the campaign has the ability to send out psionic pulses to destroy her enemies, including a direct target ability named Kinetic Blast.

  • Fury of the Swarm (Level 4) – The name of the 6th mission of the Brood War zerg campaign, where Kerrigan fights the UED's slave broods that invade her hive on Tarsonis.

  • Essence for Essence (Level 16) – A play on the talent "Blood for Blood," Kerrigan is able to assimilate the essence, or DNA, of other creatures and bring it into herself and her Swarm.

  • Torrasque (Level 20) – The Torrasque is an elite strain of ultralisk, initially made by cerebrates of the Overmind. Like the cerebrates, Torrasques could be reincarnated after being killed, and brought back against their enemies. They are much tougher and more heavily armored than regular ultralisks, but after the cerebrates were killed off the strain fell into obsolesce as nothing had the power to revive them. During the Battle of Korhal in the Second Great War, Abathur found a radioactive compound in experimental Dominion nukes that would function similar to that power, and reconstituted the Torrasque into Kerrigan's zerg.

  • Psionic Shift (Level 20) – An ability from Heart of the Swarm that Kerrigan gains upon becoming a primal zerg. In StarCraft II, it lets Kerrigan dash across the field, damaging any enemy she touches on the way. In Heroes, it functions as a Bolt of the Storm that deals damage.

Poke Quotes

"What is it?" – A callback to her SC1 and SC2 quote (when in human form) "what is it now?"

"Speak." – One of Kerrigan's SC2 select quotes while the Primal Queen of Blades.

"I like you, that's why I'm going to kill you last." – A reference to the 1985 Arnold Schwarzenegger film "Commando," where Arnold goes "You're a funny guy Sully, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last." Also a poke quote from her Wings of Liberty and terran queen Heart of the Swarm appearances.

"It's not easy being queen." – A reference to the Muppet song by Kermit the Frog "It's not Easy Being Green." Also one of Kerrigan's quote as terran queen in Heart of the Swarm.

"Yeah, I'm still the Queen Bitch of the Universe." – In the last mission of Brood War, when Char is surrounded by the fleets of the Terran Dominion, the protoss, and the United Earth Directorate, she tells Admiral Gerard DuGalle, "You see at this point, I'm pretty much the Queen Bitch of the Universe. And not all of your little soldiers or space ships will stand in my way again." This is also one of her poke quotes in Wings of Liberty.

"Still easily amused I see." – In StarCraft 1, as a terran one of Kerrigan's poke quotes is "easily amused, huh?" She also says has this as a poke quote when she's a ghost in Heart of the Swarm.

"Really? Are you staring at my thorax?" – Thorax is the center area on most insects, so this is basically asking "are you staring at my breasts?" Blizzard artist Phil Gonzo admitted that the bust was something they exaggerated on Kerrigan's unit model in the SC games to make her more immediately recognizable from a top down perspective, but said "I should just tell the truth and admit that I don't know what smaller breasts look like, and am incapable of designing them."

"Looks like those energy drinks actually do give you wings." – A reference to the Red Bull energy drink slogan "Red Bull gives you wings." Kerrigan is referring to her own bone wings.

"Wait, aren't I supposed to be human now? Make up your mind Blizzard. Human, zerg, human, zerg, pick one!" – Through the StarCraft series, Kerrigan starts as a human, becomes infested by the Overmind, becomes human again when Raynor uses the Keystone to purge her of infestation, then infests herself to become a primal zerg on Zerus. The Queen of Ghosts skin continues this quote by pointing out that after that she then becomes a xel'naga.

"The worst part about having a hive mind, is knowing exactly how many of your zerglings are licking themselves at any given moment." – Kerrigan is ruler of the Swarm, and has control over all of the creatures under her. Zerglings are the small swarming creatures of the zerg, who are weak in small numbers but can be massed. Kerrigan used to have a talent which would let her W spawn two zerglings, but it was removed. Now zerglings serve as part of the zerg waves on Braxis Holdout. While it's a joke, there's no indication any zerg has reproductive organs.

"Are we really supposed to believe that I evolved high heels?" – Infested Kerrigan's model started StarCraft 1 retaining her ghost boots but in StarCraft 2 her art was changed to be more organic, with her feet being shaped into bone high heels. It's been a common joke in the community how for a Swarm bent on perfection how silly the idea of organic high heels are, but you can just chock it up to Abathur being fashionable.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman swarmed." – A play on the saying "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Also one of Kerrigan's poke quotes from when she's human queen of the zerg in Heart of the Swarm.

"It takes forever to comb your hair when it keeps fighting you, literally." – Kerrigan's hair is strands of organic material (with StarCraft II's development name being "Medusa" after it). Even when deinfested, Kerrigan retained the zerg organic hair.

"It's never wise to poke the hive mind." – A joke at poke quotes, with Kerrigan being the center of the entire Zerg Swarm and their leading consciousness.

"Phenomenal psychic power! Icky sticky living space." – A reference to the Genie from the 1992 Disney film "Aladdin," "Phenomenal magic power! Itty bitty living space." Kerrigan commands from hive clusters and her command creature the leviathan, which all are made from organic materials and often covered in creep and slime.

"You will be assimilated, resistance is futile." – A reference to the Borg from Star Trek, who have the same quote. Kerrigan is often compared from the Borg Queen from "Star Trek: First Contact" and the Voyager series. Kerrigan assimilates creatures into her brood much like the Borg, and her treat in Heroes is assimilation.

"I'm a killer queen, guaranteed to blow your mind." – A reference to the "Queen" song Killer Queen. Kerrigan is a conqueror and murder of billions, and also a powerful psionic who has the ability "blow people's mind" with psionic powers (like she does to Arcturus Mengsk).

Interaction Quotes

Kerrigan: "Abathur." Abathur: "For the Swarm!" / Abathur: "Organism Abathur will serve queen." Kerrigan: "Good." – Abathur is Kerrigan's evolution master, responsible for shaping the various broods of the Swarm and uplifting them to make them as perfect as possible. Abathur was also the one who shaped Kerrigan into the Queen of Blades. "For the Swarm!" is a common battlecry among sentient zerg.

Alarak: "Oh, the Queen of Blades. I trust you will live up to your reputation." – Alarak has never directly met Kerrigan canonically, though they have fought in the same battles. Kerrigan has a reputation as a brutal murderer who slaughtered billions, something Alarak respects.

Kerrigan: "Artanis." Artanis: "We will settle this after the battle, abomination." – Artanis and Kerrigan have a long history of conflict, Kerrigan having killed Fenix, Raszagal, and millions of protoss, and partially responsible for the protoss losing Aiur to the zerg.

Artanis: "I must ally with the zerg? So be it." Kerrigan: "I am not your enemy Artanis. Not for this fight anyway." – As mentioned Artanis and Kerrigan have rarely been on good terms. Kerrigan says a similar quote to Artanis when they meet in the xel'naga temple of Ulnar in Legacy of the Void.

Kerrigan: "This will be just like the psi destroyer. Split and conquer." Dehaka: "Yes! Always much essence when fighting with you!" – During Heart of the Swarm in the final siege of Korhal, Arcturus Mengsk deployed a weapon named the psi destroyer that destroyed the zerg using their psionic hive mind connection. Dehaka, being unconnected to the hive mind, was immune, and Kerrigan and Dehaka did a two-way assault on the machine, Dehaka cutting its power while Kerrigan attacked.

Dehaka: "Queen of Blades! Looking forward to fighting with you again." Kerrigan: "Follow me and the essence keeps flowing, got it?" – Dehaka's entire alliance with Kerrigan was in order for him to obtain more essence. At the beginning, he tells her "You will bring more essence, and I will follow. When you do not, I will not."

Kerrigan: "Let's go tear them apart." D.Va: "Awww yeah! Zerg rush!" – A zerg rush is a strategy where a zerg player quickly builds zerg units and overwhelms an opponent before they can build defenses, common versions including the 6 pool or 12 pool (depending on the game). D.Va is a professional StarCraft player and is familiar with these tactics.

D.Va: "Kerrigan? You're real?!? I am such a huge fan!" Kerrigan: "Uhhh… Thanks?" – D.Va is a professional StarCraft player, and seems to really love Kerrigan as a character (StarCraft exists as a game in the Overwatch universe). Kerrigan isn't used to having fans, with most terrans hating her for slaughtering billions.

Garrosh: "I've heard a lot about how vicious you are. Time to see if the rumors are true." – Kerrigan, having conquered and killed billions, has the respect of Garrosh, who wanted the Horde to follow a similar path of conquest.

Lt. Morales: "The Queen of Blades…" – Morales was part of the UED Expeditionary Fleet, which was destroyed due to the manipulations of Kerrigan. It is because of Kerrigan that she's stranded in the Koprulu Sector with the majority of her old comrades dead.

(To Murky) Kerrigan: "Cute. Where's my real ally?" – Murky is small, cute and unassuming for being the horrific abomination that he is, so Kerrigan assumes he's weak.

(To Murky) Kerrigan: "I sense a lot of hatred in you for one so small" – Kerrigan is psionic, so she can read Murky's thoughts, seeing he's driven by a need for revenge against the adventurers who killed his family.

Kerrigan: "Ready to watch a real assassin at work?" Nova: "Whatever." – Both Kerrigan and Nova were ghost agents and assassins, but Kerrigan was the more powerful psionic. This may also be poking fun at the fact both have the assassin role in Heroes.

Nova: "Kerrigan…" Kerrigan: "That's me, and who are you again?" – Nova is often compared to Kerrigan, but Kerrigan is undoubtedly the more well-known StarCraft character, though both have similar backstories and roles as ghosts. Nova and Kerrigan never directly met, though she did try to capture her when Kerrigan was first uninfested, instead managing to capture Raynor.

Kerrigan: "You up for this, cowboy?" Raynor: "Always." – Kerrigan and Raynor at this point in their lives are lovers, Kerrigan having regained some of her humanity when Raynor purged her of zerg infestation. Cowboy is a common nickname Raynor's given since he was marshal of a fringe distant colony. The way Raynor says "Always" is also a callback to Brood War, where an infested Kerrigan asks Jim if he's still suspicious of her motives, and he replies "Always" in the same tone.

Stukov: "The Queen of Blades, this should prove an interesting diversion." – Stukov allied with Kerrigan in Heart of the Swarm in order to destroy the lab and creations of Samir Duran, a xel'naga who was torturing and experimenting on him to make protoss/zerg hybrids. Stukov followed Kerrigan not out of zerg loyalty, but because he had nowhere else to go as an infested terran.

Kerrigan: "I am not your enemy Tassadar. Things have changed." Tassadar: "Yes, you radiate a purple glow now. How very different." – Tassadar died when Kerrigan was still under the control of the Overmind, so he doesn't know that she regained some humanity. This is also poking fun at Kerrigan's primal zerg transformation, which was supposed to reshape her from the ground up into an entirely new being beyond a regular zerg and beyond what she was before, but artistically this was represented as "exactly the same as the old Queen of Blades except purple."

Tassadar: "It has been a long time, oh queen of the zerg." Tassadar: "Fifteen years at least." – Tassadar and Kerrigan only interacted in StarCraft 1, which was released in 1998. In-universe it has only been about five years since they interacted at that point. Tassadar's quote is also reminiscent of their first dialogue from StarCraft 1 "I know you well, oh queen of the zerg, for we have met before!"

Tychus: "I can't believe I got stuck babysitting you." Kerrigan: "Don't worry, you'll be left behind soon enough." – Tychus was killed by Raynor when he tried to kill Kerrigan due to a deal he made with Mengsk, and his body was abandoned in the zerg hive he was killed in.

Kerrigan: "You know who I am, yes? Good. Follow your queen." Infested Tychus: "I serve and obey! Ya jerk." / Infested Tychus: "For the Swarm!" Kerrigan: "No, for me!" – Tychus was released from prison by Mengsk, but had a bomb placed in his suit, which wouldn't be removed until he killed Kerrigan. Raynor killed Tychus when he tried to kill the uninfested Kerrigan at the end of Wings of Liberty. Now that Tychus is infested, he serves the very woman he died trying to kill, and Kerrigan is mocking him for it.

Kerrigan: "Zagara. There's no one I'd rather have as my second." Zagara: "Undoubtedly." – Kerrigan created Zagara as the first Broodmother, subcommanders for her Swarm that replaced the Overmind's cerebrates. Through Heart of the Swarm, she becomes Kerrigan's second in command, and Kerrigan modifies her to expand her critical thinking while teaching her "vision," or the ability to think in the long term. After Kerrigan ascends to a xel'naga, she leaves control of the entire Swarm to Zagara.

Zaagra: "My queen." Kerrigan: "Remember what I taught you about vision? Time to put it to practice." – The big lesson Kerrigan wanted to impart on Zagara was vision, or looking into the long term benefit of an action rather than the immediate victory. She had Abathur modify Zagara's brain chemistry in order to aid with this. This would finally come into play when Zagara took over the Swarm.

Kerrigan: "Ready for some fun, Zeratul." Zeratul: "You and I interpret this 'fun' very differently." / Zeratul: "Kerrigan, I hope your anger will not become a liability." Kerrigan: "Let your blade to the talking, Zeratul." – Kerrigan and Zeratul have a tenuous relationship, with her having forced him to kill his leader Raszagal. However, he was forced to manipulate events to keep her alive and help her become a primal zerg in order to stop the xel'naga Amon. Kerrigan enjoys fighting, while Zeratul sees it only as a necessity.

(To Zerg) Kerrigan: "It's time, come! Follow your queen!" – Kerrigan was the central ruler of the Swarm after the death of the Overmind, and the majority of the broods followed her command.

Kill Quotes

Abathur: "Playtime's over. Get back to work!" – Abathur's role in the Swarm is not a battlefield one, rather operating out of the Evolution Pit on Kerrigan's leviathan, where he modifies the Swarm. Kerrigan sees him on the field as playing around and not doing his actual job.

Arthas: "What's up with all these bratty princes anyway?" – Kerrigan is comparing Arthas to Valerian Mengsk, who was also a blonde, conceded prince who she was forced to work with when he organized the mission to uninfest her. Kerrigan would later help him come into power in the Terran Dominion after she killed his father Arcturus Mengsk.

Kerrigan: "There can only be one." – A reference to the 1986 film "Highlander." Much like the Highlanders, Kerrigan can absorb the essence and power of those she kills.

Leroic: "Take a rest, Leoric." – Leoric has been killed three times, but keeps coming back. Also a reference to his game mechanic where he keeps coming back as a ghost.

Nova: "Nice try blondie, you're still second best." – Kerrigan is the most powerful terran psionic to have ever lived, while Nova is a distant second.

Protoss: "Protoss. All talk." – Protoss are known for their long winded speeches before battles, taking a more philosophical view of war.

Raynor: "Weren't you supposed to kill me, Jim?" – During Brood War, Kerrigan betrays Raynor, Mengsk and Fenix after they help her drive the United Earth Directorate off of Korhal. After she kills Fenix, Raynor tells her, "I'll see you dead for this Kerrigan, for Fenix, and all who got caught between you and your mad quest for power!" He however gave up on this quest ~after Metzen wanted to have a love story~ after attempting to kill her between SC1 and SC2 and failing.

Sylvanas: "Long live the real queen." – Sylvanas and Kerrigan have similar character arcs, and are both unwilling queens of a race most other races find abominations.

Terran: "Never cross the Queen of Blades." – Through three wars (well two technically) Kerrigan ravaged the terran worlds, slaughtering billions. She became known to them only as the Queen of Blades, most unaware she was even a terran once.

Zeratul: "You never stood a chance, Zeratul." – Zeratul and Kerrigan have fought one-on-one on numerous occasions, with each battle either ending in a draw or Kerrigan winning.

Zerg: "How dare you disobey your queen." – Kerrigan is ruler of the zerg hive mind, and while feral zerg and renegade broods exist, most follow her.

Killing Kerrigan Quotes

Abathur: "Queen of Blades, can be improved. Will examine later." – Abathur was the one who designed Kerrigan's initial infested form, torturing her as he restructured her from the ground up. Abathur incorporated her terran DNA with ancient zerg strands, and if the semi-canon third party expansion Retribution is to be believed, may have used a xel'naga relic named the Argus Stone to empower her.

Alarak: "Queen, meet my blades." – A play on Kerrigan's title of "the Queen of Blades."

Artanis: "That was for Fenix!" – During the Brood War, Kerrigan allied with the protoss hero Fenix in order to defeat the United Earth Directorate. However, when they liberated the planet of Korhal, Kerrigan turned on her allies and killed Fenix. Artanis and Fenix were close friends, and he sent a fleet to Char to get revenge, but was defeated by her broods. The death of Fenix is still a sore spot for Raynor, the protoss, and many players.

Arthas: "King takes queen." – A chess joke. Arthas and Kerrigan have similar roles, both being humans in charge of an army of monstrous creatures and undead forces.

Crown Prince Arthas: "They made you a queen?" – In the human nations in Warcraft, royalty is usually regal and queens known for their beauty, something Kerrigan's organic look isn't.

Dehaka: "I followed you for essence. Now I have yours." – Dehaka followed Kerrigan because her essence was the strongest, especially after she absorbed the pack leaders of Dehaka's world Zerus. This is a comment that though he followed her to collect essence, he never expected to defeat her and gain hers.

Hammer: "Ding dong, the witch is dead." – A reference to the film "The Wizard of Oz." Kerrigan is responsible for the deaths of billions of terrans, and is fairly universally hated among them.

Kael'thas: "You? A queen? I've seen ogres more regal." – Blood Elves and High Elves are known for their fantastic magical architecture and their royalty are normally adorned with lavish robes and armor. Kerrigan meanwhile is an organic, icky creature. Ogres are a brutish race from the world of Draenor, and actually can sometimes be regal (some of their magi also wear fancy robes).

Morales: "Well, that's one cure for infestation." – According to conventional science, there is no cure for zerg infestation as the virus mutates too quickly. A protoss nanite cure was attempted on Stukov, which temporarily reverted the infestation, but the virus overcame the nanites and returned. The xel'naga relic named the Keystone was able to absorb Kerrigan's zerg essence, purging her of a lot of her initial infestation. Morales is saying the best cure is killing the subject.

Nova: "I never get tired of that." – Nova dislikes Kerrigan for slaughtering many in the Dominion, and for being the one psychic to surpass her. Nova attempted to capture Kerrigan at the beginning of Heart of the Swarm, but she escaped, and Nova captured Raynor instead.

Raynor: "Damn it Sarah, it didn't have to be like this!" – Raynor sacrificed a lot of lives, including his best friend Tychus, in order to bring his former lover Kerrigan back from infestation, so the fact he has to kill her in the Nexus doesn't sit well with him.

Stukov: "Consider this my resignation." – Stukov worked with Kerrigan as she destroyed the hybrid operations of Duran and Arcturus Mengsk, and fought against the xel'naga Amon. However, Kerrigan was responsible for engineering his assassination and destroying the UED fleet, as well as driving his best friend, Gerard DuGalle, to suicide.

Sylvanas: "There is only one queen on this battlefield, you are but a pawn." – Another chess reference. Sylvanas may be poking at the fact that Kerrigan has long been manipulated, even as uncontested ruler of the Swarm the xel'nagas Amon and Ouros both attempted to drive her toward their ends.

Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan: "Better you than me." – Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan is Kerrigan if the Keystone fully made her human, and Jim and her went off to fight the Dominion together. She has no love for her previous life as the Queen of Blades.

Tassadar: "To defeat a swarm, tear out its heart." – A play on the title of the SC2 zerg expansion Heart of the Swarm. Also saying that the best way to stop the zerg is to kill their command creature, something Tassadar died doing to the Overmind.

Tychus: "And there ain't nobody here to save you this time." – Tychus made a deal with Arcturus Mengsk where he would be freed and pardoned of all crimes if he killed Kerrigan, but if not a bomb in his suit would go off. When Kerrigan was deinfested by Raynor and the Keystone, Tychus tried to kill her, but Raynor stepped in and killed Tychus.

Infested Tychus: "Even death cannot stop me… FROM KILLING YOU!" – Though this is Tychus resurrected as an infested terran, he never forgot his mission to kill Kerrigan, and wants to do so even beyond death.

Uther: "Justice has come for you, Kerrigan!" – Kerrigan has betrayed her allies, killed billions and left a path of burning worlds and murdered innocents across the Kopurlu Sector. Uther, being a paladin devoted to justice, sees himself as the bringer of that justice for her crimes.

Zagara: "Now I am the heart of the swarm!" – Zagara staged an insurrection against Kerrigan, as she did not believe the deinfested Kerrigan was actually the Queen of Blades. Kerrigan subdued her, and Zagara then served her. Kerrigan told her that if she thought she was strong enough to take the Swarm she could try to kill Kerrigan, but the next time they fought would be to the death. Eventually she would become leader of the Swarm after Kerrigan became a xel'naga. This is also a play on the zerg expansion title Heart of the Swarm.

Zeratul: "For Raszagal!" – During the Brood War, Kerrigan psionically dominated Raszagal, the leader of Zeratul's people, making the leader her mind slave. She used her to manipulate the protoss into fighting Daggoth's renegade zerg and to help her kill the new Overmind, and when Zeratul tried to escape with her Kerrigan cornered him. With no other choice, Zeratul killed Raszagal to prevent her from living under Kerrigan's control. Kerrigan let him live as the fact he killed her would torture the protoss for the rest of his days. Despite this, Zeratul was forced to convince the powers of the sector to let Kerrigan live at the behest of the xel'naga Ouros, as she was the only one who Ouros could make into a new xel'naga to fight the fallen xel'naga Amon.

Other Quotes

"This world is mine." / "No prisoners." – Quotes from Kerrigan's terran queen of the zerg unit from Heart of the Swarm.

"You forced my hand." / "The Swarm is the instrument of my will." / "We are without limit." / "My conquest continues." / "Slay them all." / "You're in my way." / "No mercy." / "I can sense your fear." / "The Swarm consumes all." / "Make your peace." – Quotes from Kerrigan in her primal zerg form from Heart of the Swarm. This is the form Kerrigan takes in Heroes of the Storm.

"I'm waiting on you." – A select quote from her StarCraft 1 terran unit

"I am the Swarm." – Kerrigan's final quote in the Heart of the Swarm intro cinematic

"Saw this in a holo once." – Holos are the Kopurlu Sector terran equivalent of movies, with 3D holograms replacing the standard screen. Korhal, being the center of art and culture in the Dominion, served as sort of the Hollywood for the holo industry.

"If I wanted to stand around doing nothing, I would have stayed in my leviathan." – Kerrigan commands the Swarms from her leviathan, a supermassive zerg creature that functions as their capitol ships and transports. If you do stand around and do nothing in Kerrigan's leviathan in Heart of the Swarm, Izsha will start scolding Kerrigan.

  • Toxic – The green color scheme is similar to that of Kerrigan as the SC1 and Wings of Liberty Queen of Blades, which looked much the same except with more green rather than purple.

  • Char – Char was an old terran lava world that the zerg claimed upon arriving in terran space as their primary staging point. After the death of the Overmind, Kerrigan reclaimed it as the core planet of the Swarm. Char remained the center of the zerg's operations well into the reign of Zagara. This color scheme looks similar to the lava-like surface of Char.

  • Primal Queen – Primal zerg adapt and evolve depending on the essence they consume, drastically changing their physical appearance to better suit their combat abilities. Kerrigan however didn't do this as the Primal Queen of Blades (likely since making all those different models would be hard) but originally a mechanic of Heart of the Swarm would be Kerrigan gradually becoming reinfested as the campaign went on, gradually changing and becoming more zerg.

    • Ash – This is a variant of the Char color scheme of the first skin, and Char is described as an "ash world."
  • Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan – Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan takes place in an alternate timeline where the Keystone cured Kerrigan of all infestation as opposed to the majority of it, and the Raynor and Kerrigan united to fight Mengsk. Because it's a legendary skin with its own lore, quotes and interactions I'll be doing a separate thread on this.

  • Succubus Kerrigan / Legion Mistress Kerrigan – Both these skin changes Kerrigan to a Warcraft succubus, a race of seductive demons that serve either warlocks or the Burning Legion as torturers and manipulators. u/StuntedSlime has a thread going deeper into their lore here.

  • Countess Kerrigan – Part of the Raven Court themed skins, which take place in the Haunted Mines/Cursed Hallow/Towers of Doom battlegrounds, Countess Kerrigan is a vampire who fights against the vampire slayers of the realm (Valeeria's Vampire Slayer V and Valla's Vampire Hunter skin sets). The description of her themed mount says she doesn't turn into a vampire bat, but a fruit bat.

  • Cheerleader Kerrigan – Part of the sports set of skins, Cheerleader Kerrigan cheers for the Burning Courts (Azmodunk's realm) and is the team captain of the cheerleading squad. Her shirt says "QOB" which stands for "Queen of Blades."

    • Dorm –Likely a reference to one of the bigger Heroes of the Storm tournaments, Heroes of the Dorm, where this skin set was announced. The cheerleaders are often used in college sports, and Heroes of the Dorm is a collegiate tournament.

That's all for this week, one of the heavier lore characters with a book sized lore section but I hope you all got something out of it. Next up I'll either do a collectibles thread (all the mounts, banners, portraits and loot box things that have cool lore) or I'll do Lt. Morales, who has a ton of cool history for not actually being a canon SC character. That'll be next Friday, so I'll see you all then!

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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Been waiting for over 200 levels for this one!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:15 AM PST

Transitioning from LoL to HoTS, requesting some advice!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 08:02 PM PST

Hello I recently got shown HoTS by my girlfriend and I've been having a blast testing out a couple of the heroes and I really love the "to-the-point"ness of the games, very quick and just as satisfying.

However I do have a couple questions, if you can help it'd be truly appreciated.

  • 1.) Is there a way to turn on quick-cast?
  • 2.) How do you kite with someone like Vallah (weaving in auto attacks while moving away from target) successfully? I find myself walking toward what I'm targeting a lot.
  • 3.) Can you turn on auto attack to go from minion to minion?

  • 4.) What heroes do you recommend to learn on?

  • 5.) Is there a hero similar to Jax from League (if anyone is familiar with him).

  • 6.) I find a lot of games to be chaotic, with a lot going on. What is more valuable: pushing lanes/doing the side quests of killing/collecting things. I find if I'm doing one of the two, I get punished for not doing the other.

That's all I got for now - I'm definitely loving this Hallow's end rewards! I can't believe the game is so rewarding.

Also are the death timers intentionally VERY long?

submitted by /u/SpenceJax
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Managed to reach level 30 in a 45 minute game!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:14 AM PST

we had no real frontline and no way to push down keeps without minions but we won!


submitted by /u/Sky-todd
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Was there really a hidden nerf on 600/800 gold games daily quests?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:51 AM PST

As title says. I noticed I'm not the first one to report it here, but since the introduction of the Overwatch daily, it seems there was an undocumented "nerf" (in frequency) on the worthiest quests (600 and 800 gold quests). I hardly had one of each the past month, while it was once-a-week-ish previously. And as some already demonstrated with income curves, the average income (let's say per week, but it doesn't really matter) has decreased for them in a noticeable and abnormal fashion since that patch.

Are there actually other people who noticed it? Has Blizz maybe already aknowledged it as a bug, and announced working on a fix?

EDIT: I know I should have taken screenshots, didn't think on it on the go, sorry.

submitted by /u/cuivenen
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Emotes and too many color tints are bad for sure but you know what really annoys me? Voice lines

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 11:49 AM PST

What a waste of space in a loot chest. At least I see people using the emoticons sometimes and the skin tints have some value. Voice lines are literally 100% trash that I've never seen anyone use in the game ever. Would be better off putting in party hats or new dances into the crates instead.

submitted by /u/tarsn
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The Noob Mindset and why you should adopt it! err.. Some of it!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:47 PM PST

Hey guys I am making a mini-series on My Top 5 Tips to Improve at Heroes of the Storm. However, a lot of these things transcend the game, and apply in other games or life in general!

Here is the link if you want to check it out!

If you would rather read, then this first episode or tip covers The Noob Mindset. I think that there are some valuable aspects to the mindset of the Noob that we throw out the more time we spend with specific games.

1.) More Creative - I think that the more you play a game the more zoomed in your perspective comes. You have more experience, more knowledge, and thus you take more things as granted. A lot of the builds, principles, and gameplay philosophies are seen as, "This is the way things are." This can result in the sort of meta slave behavior we experience.

I'm going to quote Naveen Jain on this, "My funadmental belief is once you become an expert in any field, you become an incrementalist. You are only able to incrementally improve something by ten percent. If you want to make more change, you have to look at the industry you know very little about so you are able to challenge the foundation that the experts take for granted."

It is my belief that the people that push the META, or are at the forefront of finding new OP Heroes, or the new builds, are the ones that retain part of this Noob Mindset. They dare to dream, they dare to imagine, they oppose, and they continue to ask WHAT IF? They are willing to go against the grain and envision a new composition for a specific map. Or they see a small talent tweak that sets in motion a complete new build possibility.

submitted by /u/Izkimar
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ETC Mosh Edit [43s]

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:48 PM PST

saving Halloween loot boxes

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST

can you save your current Halloween loot boxes for next year's Halloween event?

submitted by /u/kaboom1315
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