Pokémon GO - Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - November 2017

Weekly questions, bugs, and gameplay megathread - November 2017

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:10 AM PST

Temporary FAQ:

  • LEGENDARIES - Three Legendary Beasts (Raikou, Entei, and Suicune) available, rotating continents on 30 September, then finally rotating on 31 October.

  • LEGENDARIES - MewTwo available via invitation-only EX Raids.

  • Known Issues Page

  • Raids and Battles - open to all Gym-eligible Trainers (Level 5+) as of July 1st

Consider asking your question here, instead of making a post and have it buried!

Also, to prevent redundancy, do consider doing a CTRL+F in this thread or a subreddit search query for your question!


Please note: ONLY AR Screenshots are allowed as image posts. Any other screenshots MUST be submitted as text posts with a link to the image

Past Q&A Megathreads

Known bugs (some have possibly been fixed):

See here for Niantic-recognized bugs.

  • New: Shadow-Bans If you have ever used a third-party service (such as an IV checker) that required you to log into your Pokemon Go account, and/or you have ever received a warning message about unauthorized access, you may have recently been "shadow-banned". You can still play the game like normally, but only common Pokemon will show up and you will not see "rare" spawns while others will. You will need to remove any such services, revoke their authorizations, change your password, etc. Roughly a week after doing so, people have reported the shadow-bans being lifted for legitimate players.

  • New in 0.59.1 The Pokédex displays genders for Pokémon you have caught, if applicable. However, code for genders was only added sometime in December/January. Any Pokémon caught/evolved prior to that will have a (randomly assigned?) gender in the Inventory, but will not properly display the gender in the Pokédex.

  • Sometimes while the game is loading it will get stuck on a white screen. This seems to be due to an anti-bot "Captcha" screen that didn't load correctly, and can usually be fixed by restarting the app.

  • There is a bug with the GPS not connecting properly, which results in nearby Pokémon spawns disappearing for a few minutes.

  • The game will randomly crash sometimes. Having the most updated version of the app and the most updated version of your operating system tends to minimize this, but it still happens.

  • There are graphical glitches sometimes where a Pokémon will spawn as a "miniature" version of itself. If you restart the app and are still close enough, it should reappear normally and be clickable.

  • There is a bug sometimes while battling a gym if you don't have a great connection. If you dodge an attack that would otherwise kill you, sometimes the game won't register the dodge and your Pokémon will "faint". Then the game will sync with the server and undo the damage that you dodged, but your Pokémon still shows as fainted and you can't actually attack.

  • If phone time is not set to Automatic, Incense and Lures may not work properly. Fix this by setting time to Automatic (in your phone's Time/Date settings)

Instruction Manual

Useful Links

I'm sick of the memes here, I want the discussion posts!

try http://nr.reddit.com/r/pokemongo for desktop users or this for mobile/app users.

Niantic support : https://support.pokemongo.nianticlabs.com/hc/en-us

/r/PokemonGO FAQ: /r/PokemonGo/wiki/FAQ

There's this Pokéstop/Gym near me which seems inappropriate. Can I report it?

Use this link. However, Niantic seems to be preoccupied with other things now, so don't expect too much.

We have Niantic representatives on both here and /r/TheSilphRoad - please do not ping them for bugs which are in the known issues page unless you have found a niche yet gamebreaking issue/exploit.

Where can I find other players in my area?

Try our regional subreddits list! Also, see the related subreddits for more niche needs!

If you have any suggestions for FAQs to append to this thread or for meta questions, message the moderators or mention /u/PokemonGoMods!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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My hopes might be a bit too high for Christmas

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:18 AM PST

Met a New Friend at the Bills Game Today!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:46 PM PST

Blastoise needs to be buffed! One of the most popular and iconic Pokemon has a lower CP than Politoed and Tentacruel!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:56 PM PST

Niantic, if you're reading, please buff my main man Blastoise!

One of the most famous, popular and iconic Pokemon has a max CP of 2291! What gives Niantic?

Tentacruel is hardly a popular Pokemon and yet that gets a better deal than Blastoise. As one of many who picked Squirtle as their starter in Blue/Red/Yellow, Blastoise is very nostalgic for much of the Go players who grew up with Pokemon.

Does anyone know if Niantic are planning to re-balance CPs soon? Is anyone else annoyed like me?

submitted by /u/OhYayAnotherPidgey
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The outcome of a pathetic EX raid field test

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:15 PM PST

I am writing this post after a very disappointing day, to testimony what happened in Cambridge (UK) following one of the latest waves of EX raid invites. I will cut the story short and avoid all possible kind of whining to make the post as useful as possible for the community.

I am a level 34 player, half-way to level 35. I am not crazy-committed to the game but I still play every day since the game is out.

I got my EX raid invite on Thursday 9th November, around 11pm. It was my first EX ticket and clearly I was super-excited. The invite was for Saturday 11th November at 11am, in a gym I had raided in for a Raikou a few days earlier.

I posted on the Cambridge local chat which has more than 1000 subscriptions. I did not get any reply at that time of the day, therefore I went to bed, quite sure to have plenty of replies in the morning. The day after I was surprised to wake up and find that many of the people who had raided with me at the same gym in the same day had not gotten an EX invite. Also, only one other player, level 35, confirmed to also have received an invitation. This is unprecedented, I thought, considering that in the previous invite waves a huge amount of players was writing in the chat, confirming the invitation. Fair enough. Maybe the other trainers who got the invite are not in the chat, there is no way that Niantic can send invites for a Mewtwo to two people only, I thought.

The next day is already EX-raid day. I wake up, get dressed and go to the raid gym in a day as cold as a mid-Autumn day in UK can be. A few minutes before the raid another player arrives: surprise, surprise, he is a level 24 and unfortunately does not have many useful Pokémon for a Mewtwo battle. The level 35 player also joins and, a few minutes after the raid begins, another level "20-something" player arrives. That's it, 4 players. Well, since we are here we might as well try, I said. I had prepared to the battle maxing one Gengar, three Tyranitars and a few other good counters, but I soon realized we did not stand a chance against the raid boss. We tried many times to defeat it, but no luck.

I leave you to judge what happened today and think: how far can a field test go? As far as I am concerned, yesterday I felt like a lab rat. One of those who inevitably get sick in the first stage of a trial. My feedback is the following: everyone involved in a field test, as a minimum, should deserve a chance to defeat and try and catch the raid boss. In my opinion, playing with other people's time is way out of line for any company.

Clearly, writing to the Niantic support to raise questions does not help as they reply with automated or automated-like messages.

submitted by /u/Colonnellissimo
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Sabelye does not belong in the 10k egg group!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:30 AM PST

We can hatch Sabelye out of a 10k now?! Thats so frustrating walking 10k for a Sabelye that we just had a Halloween event for and it's even a raid boss! At least make him a 5k egg that would make more sense or even a 2k.

submitted by /u/PlayfulTitan18
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Today I did not play for the first time since release.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:24 PM PST

Today my pokestop streak was set to hit 7 days and my catch bonus at 3. I thought about it and literally had 0 motivation to do so. Keep in mind I have a Apple Watch and could have done so very easily. There's just no reason to play right now at all!

There needs to be weekly events. Some of the other games hold weekly events and I think that would help bring some much needed motivation to this game.

submitted by /u/Poodunk80
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[Discussion] Necessary Quality of Life Updates

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 04:52 PM PST

Let me preface this post by saying that not all of these ideas I came up with, some I saw here on the subreddit, but I merely wanted to compile them all into one location so that if we are blessed by a Niantic employee actually reading this everything is in one centralized location. Feel free to criticize or praise any ideas or even reply with your own. These suggestions are in no particular order.

I have created an image album of some of the suggestions to help better visualize what I am saying: https://imgur.com/a/Xkm1s

  1. Candies on Capture Screen Ever since Pinap berries were introduced nearly a year ago, people have been asking for some way to know if they should use one or not on a certain pokemon. One solution would be to know how many candies you have when you go to catch it. The only ways to know as of now are to either guess, try to remember, or look in your pokemon storage and see how many candies you have(if you currently have one in that family). An easier solution would be to have the candy count displayed at the start of the capture sequence much like how the types are. This would be very useful to know when you are going to catch a Pokemon, and would prevent any cases where the player would exit, check their candy count, and then return to the map to have had the Pokemon despawn.

  2. Critical Capture bonus Right now, the only way to know if you caught a Pokemon with a critical capture(or critical catch, whichever terminology is preferred) is to be actively looking at the screen. If you are in a group, which is one of the intentions of Pokemon GO, you probably won't be looking at your screen every second so you may miss it and not know if you critical'd a Pokemon or merely just caught it. A small XP bonus would be nice as well, because although critical captures are seemingly random, it still feels nice to be rewarded for it even with something so small. The whole game is based on random chance anyway.

  3. Gym Badge Progress Currently there is no way to know how close you are to getting that silver or gold gym badge without estimating. It would definitely be more helpful to know how close we are exactly so we know how many more times we should interact with the gym to reach the next badge level.

  4. Improved Tracking UI Now when I say "Tracking UI" I mean the way that a Pokemon being tracked is displayed, not the Nearby or Sightings list. Currently when tracking a Pokemon, it just appears first on your Nearby/Sightings list in the corner of your screen. If there are 9 other Pokemon closer however, the Pokemon you are tracking will actually disappear from the Nearby/Sightings list itself, but not from the corner of your screen on the map. This can be quite irritating because if you decide to stop tracking it, there's nothing you can do to stop it from appearing in the bottom corner of your screen unless you start tracking another Pokemon and then stop tracking that one. What I suggest is that the Pokemon you are tracking will always be in the Nearby/Sightings list so that you may stop tracking it at any point. This would remove 3 slots from your nearby/sightings list, but would also prevent this issue. Additionally, the Pokemon being tracked would be removed from the 6 Pokemon being listed, as to free up a space for another Pokemon that is close by. To add onto this, adding a timer to tracked Pokemon would be a great addition as it would let trainers know if they will make it in time to the Pokemon they are tracking. Currently, you can track a Pokemon all you want, but if the "Pokemon has fled" UI pops up and you're still walking towards it, there's a good chance it disappears before you get there and you just wasted your time. Also, reintroducing the footprints for tracked Pokemon would be really helpful in addition to the ability to track Pokemon in the Sightings list again.

  5. Ditto Ran Away Currently if you are trying to catch a Pidgey or Rattata, are having a tough time, and then it suddenly flees, there is no way to know if you just had bad luck or if it was in fact a Ditto. To fix this, adding a "Ditto ran away" journal entry to replace "Pidgey ran away" would be really helpful in knowing this. Also when the Pokemon runs, changing it to say "The wild Ditto has fled" would be quite useful. This would also be a good time to make these sightings listed as "Ditto seen" in the Pokedex rather than adding to the rattata, pidgey, etc total.

  6. Lure Timers Lures currently run for half an hour and expire and the only way to know how long is left on one is to know when it was placed. Adding a simple timer to the Pokestop UI would be quite helpful so that trainers know how much longer a lure lasts. incense and lucky eggs have a timer on the side of the screen even though the trainer could easily look at the time to know when they end, so why doesn't a lure have a timer at all?

  7. Rare Candy Adding This has been asked for repeatedly, so I am surprised it has not been added or even considered by Niantic. Currently to use a rare candy, you have to do it one at a time so if you are trying to give your Mewtwo 100 rare candies, you have to tap your screen 200 times and this can take several minutes. Why not save us the time and add plus/minus buttons like there are for discarding items?

  8. Trainer Stats As of now, the only way to view your trainer stats are to click on yourself in a raid lobby or go through your many medals. An easier approach would be to add a "Stats" button to the trainer profile and allow the same stats page that is displayed in a raid lobby to be displayed on the screen. This would make it easier to view your trainer statistics.

  9. Search With String Compared This is a little more technical than the other suggestions. In the C coding languages, there is a function called string compare. What this does is determine if a string of characters is in another string of characters. What this could be used for is searching "100" in the Pokemon storage and displaying any Pokemon whose name contains "100." This could be "100%," "Dragonite100," etc. The way Pokemon GO currently searches without a specific term(such as "evolve" or "electric") is to display anything whose name starts with the search term. This could be improved to also list anything that contains the search term so that a trainer could pull up all of their 100% Pokemon at once rather than change the name of every 100% Pokemon to "100" plus the name.

Please feel free to criticize, discuss, or suggest. I know there is much more I could have listed, but I only wanted to include things that already exist in the game and would not need much work in order to implement.

submitted by /u/FearMeIAmLag1
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[Art] Made the Articuno Mystic symbol in 3d, I think it came out pretty good.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:37 PM PST

[Idea] During the Olympics, have regional Pokémon "travel" to different continents

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:11 PM PST

This makes it a very rare occurrence (only every two years - winter and summer Olympics), plus it's a worldwide event so all continents can participate.


submitted by /u/speezo_mchenry
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Anybody else agree that the legendaries should not be raid exclusive?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:03 AM PST

Im really annoyed that the legendaries are raid exclusive and require a group of 10+ people. Im a rural player and so trying to find a time where a group of us are all free to travel to a raid is a nightmare and damn near impossible. If the legendaries were not raid exclusive and could be caught in the wild it would be much better.

submitted by /u/danbywinby
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Leading the troops

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 02:54 PM PST

[Complaint] Ex Raid selection getting out of hand? Players who are not selected should stop spending money to send a message

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 06:47 PM PST

Recently i found out there were 3 ex raids happening approximately 2km from my residence (in Asia). I have raided, spun the gyms, attacked and defended from all these gyms. I admit it, i'm salty AF for not being selected, but i felt that all these 'testings' on exclusive raids should be something out of beta. Yes, some apps despite being 'released' do have a section for beta testers - I know this being a beta tester for the FB app and other apps. However, the treatment of core players not being selected for ex raids, and not being informed how this selection is made is not acceptable.
I just feel that niantic isn't transparent on how players are being selected for ex raids. If they are keen to adopt a portion of the players for beta testing, please offer these players a beta version of the app to test the game in advance - I'm absolutely cool with that. But offering exclusive raids to a small portion of the general public, have poor communication on selection criteria, plus not having the willingness to invite players to be part of a dedicated beta testing group is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I spend close to 50usd per month on this game and I am beginning to feel that niantic does not deserve my money. I am urging all of you who feel the same, and who spend money in the game, to refrain from purchases until we get proper communications on ex raids (or better still, until you gain a pass in hand).

submitted by /u/randy_khoo
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Almost all the remaining players around me are cheating in one way or another...

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:57 AM PST

I'm using the definition of cheating as using any tools which are a violation of the terms of service and give the player an advantage over anyone that does not use these tools.

In the beginning, it was a casual and popular game where everyone would simply walk around, visit gyms, and catch Pokemon as they see them. No one really drove around to hunt for Pokemon or went out of their way to play the game. It was mostly something you played casually when you were already doing something else.

Now in our local Discord, we have bots which show:

  • 100% Pokemon.
  • Rare spawns, Unown spawns, Dragonite family spawns, Blissey family spawns, etc. The address/coordinates are always provided too.

And all of that information was collected by an army of level 30+ bots which constantly spoof around and capture Pokemon to then report the information back to Discord. You can claim you're not botting, but when you directly benefit from the information the bots return, is there really any difference?

Then there are the spoofers, which the Discord scanner/botting users believe are the real cheaters ruining the game. I'd argue the collection of dozens of near perfect Blisseys, Dragonites, etc. obtained from scanners and constantly being placed in gyms is another thing that's damaging the game for everyone else.

Then there are people who have multiple accounts of their own. I've met people who have 3 phones/accounts for themselves and shave off other people's Pokemon to put their own in. I've seen them use multiple phones to attack the same gym to knock it out faster. I've even seen one extreme cause where 1 person had 5 phones because they brought out their family members' phones while they weren't here themselves. That's essentially a poor man's spoofing method.

tl-dr: almost everyone is using Pokemon scanners powered by bots, using multiple accounts, spoofing, etc.

There's simply no way for legitimate players to come out on top now. At least locally, the game is dominated by all cheaters.

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[Story] Today I Managed to Solo my first Machamp Raid!

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:26 PM PST

I've always enjoyed reading stories how Trainers have soloed their first Machamp, and today I can add my own!

I'm lvl 33 and 3/4 on the way to 34.

The team I used was as follows:

Lvl 30 Alakazam (2443 CP) 91% IVs ( (Sta/Atk/Def) 13/15/13) C/FS

Lvl 30 Espeon (2494 CP) 77% IVs (11/13/11) C/P

Lvl 30 Espeon (2440 CP) 62% IVs (9/11/9) C/FS

Lvl 30 Espeon (2427 CP) 55% IVs (8/14/3) C/P

Lvl 30 Lugia (3057 CP) 80% IVs (10/15/11) Es/FS

Lvl 30 Dragonite (3011) 97% IVs (14/15/15) Dt/O

The Machamp I faced had C/HS

I managed to defeat it with 4 seconds left.

Building my team:

Alakazam, Dragonite & Lugia are all mons I evolved or caught while leveling up, each being my most powerful of respective species. My three Espeons are the top 3 out of 4 I evolved from my 4 Highest CP Eevees, something I did in order to conserve Stardust while building my party. (The four Eevees were originally lvl 27, 28, 28 & 29, so barely needed any power-ups in order to each lvl 30)

All and all I used 4 Fast TMs & 2 charge TMs to give my party the moves I used while Soloing.

A Special thanks to PokéBattler for being an invaluable tool when preparing for my successful solo.

Attacking the boss:

The Machamp I ended up facing had C/HS, which definitely made the battle challenging.

I made sure to give myself plenty of time for trial-and-error and started my assault with 35 minutes left, and believe I used at least 25 of those before finally succeeding.

My 1st attempt I decided to try no-dodging to see how I would fair. I started at 174 seconds left on the timer and ended up running out of attackers. By the time I had revived and rejoined the battle I had spent too many seconds, leaving too little time to finish off the Machamp.

Dodging was a necessity.

It took a couple of tries getting the hang of dodging, and I frequently ended up over-dodging, where I tried to dodge preemptively and ended up wasting a lot of time not attacking. This resulted in me instead running out of time while on my last attacker. A thing to note is that I also started the battle at different times, one time as bad as at 170 seconds left on the timer.

Less dodging was needed to manage in-time...

But alas, I after several tries eventually got lucky with the timer, starting at 177 seconds left, and managed to successfully pull-off the correct balance between dodging and all-out attacking, and the Machamp fell with 4 seconds left.

Reflections for the future:

While Alakazam's potential DPS is rivaled only by Mewtwo, I never managed to utilize it to full effect, often only managing to land a single FS before falling due to inability to dodge properly. I might consider it worth it using a TM to change the Fast move to Psycho Cut in order to make dodging easier and more reliable.

I decided to go with my Dt/O Dragonite because Pokébattler showed it to have higher damage than my 4th, worst Espeon. I could have tried TMing it to Hurricane, but Didn't want to spend numerous TMs to change such an otherwise optimal moveset for Dragonite. I could have tried some TMs on other Dragonites, but instead opted to invest my resources into Espeons in order to save some stardust, and I believe it proved to be the right choice.

I were impressed by how durable my Espeons were in comparison to my frail Alakazam, and in the end I believe they overall brought more damage to battle despite having sub-par IVs. If you plan on taking down Machamps Solo, Invest in Espeons.

I am most likely going to invest some Stardust to power-up some better IV but currently lower CP Espeons for the future in order to take down Machamps more reliably.

I know posts like this are numerous, but I just wanted to post my own after finally managing to do it. I want to thank every single one of you that have posted your stories how you took down your first Machamp, as well as any and all guides how to Solo T3 bosses. They have, in addition to PokéBattler, been invaluable tools as well as motivation and encouragement, and I hope that my story can inspire others as well.

submitted by /u/DaoLei
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Why Gen 3 could be arriving December 1st

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:02 AM PST

So i decided to go back and do some research on Pokémon Go's Twitter account and looked at time gaps and dates from previous events. There's no doubt about it that we're having another Thanksgiving event. Back in February, Gen 2 was dropped a day after the Valentines event ended and last years Thanksgiving event started Nov. 23rd and ended November 30th. When Niantic says Gen 3 will be arriving "as early as December" i think of the earliest date in the month which is December 1st-a day after the Thanksgiving event would end. Not to mention that December 1st is a Friday. So my money is on a full release on december 1st (excluding oddballs and legendaries of course) Let me know what you guys think.

I rest my case! EDIT: Someone reminded me that December 1st is also the day the legendary beasts leave so that's also another +1 reason

submitted by /u/duskyxlops
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[discussion] Turf Wars and genuine beef in Pokemon Go

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 01:42 PM PST

So, here's a bit of contextual information for you: I live in a relatively run down part of Northern England and since the introduction of legendary raids, it has pulled a small town community together. The Facebook chat we have created is fantastic as it allows us to contact other 'Well known' players that you're accustomed to seeing on gyms nearby. For a time, it was great!

However, as time has progressed, it has actually spawned a genuine turf war as the three teams grapple for gym control. People actually air their views on players taking 'their' gyms and have actually written essays in the chat on an almost threatening level!

Speaking to someone else at a raid the other day, they commented that another nearby town has seen ACTUAL fights breaking out at raids over players dominating gyms and not allowing others the chance at coins!

So, I guess the point of this point is to see if this is just a local problem or if it is actually happening on a bigger scale. I ask, redditers, share your stories of real world beef... or, hopefully, restore my faith in humanity by telling me it is just limited to my town?

submitted by /u/gamerboy84
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[Idea] Raid boss from gym defenders

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 07:09 AM PST

So I came to an idea that it would be fun if raid bosses appeared not randomly but from defenders list of a particular gym. Or not randomly but a defender with the most berries in general or during the egg time. So we would be able to somewhat choose a raid boss. Moreover the owner of this pokemon should be stated and should get some reward if the raid actually happened (like coins or etc.). Maybe there should be some restrictions for pokemon allowed to become a raid boss and legendary raids should happen aside this mechanics. What are your thoughts and additions to my idea?

submitted by /u/daybezb
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Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:49 PM PST

Mewtwo got away, and all I got were potions, revives, and 3 golden razz. I have one other mewtwo, so I already have a lot to be thankful for, but nothing in PoGo is as depressing as seeing a mewtwo run...

submitted by /u/ArkComet
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[discussion]Did Niantic deserve Harry Potter: Wizards Unite?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 03:14 AM PST

I feel like there should a conversation about this. When the concept of Pokemon Go was born, Niantic was the only big player in the AR world with an established game out already. It's easy to see why Nintendo preferred them.

But now, even though Niantic is still the biggest AR company, other developers, perhaps most recently Elyland, has shown that it's totally possible to make an AR game as an indie developer. Harry Potter is a HUGE franchise and I'm sure several massive gaming companies with strong infrastructure would have wanted to be the developers of HP:WU.

Niantic's track record with Pokemon Go so far has just been an unmitigated disaster, I'm sure we are all well aware of it. Yet, we find Niantic has been put in the driving seat for developing a game for yet another big-name franchise, on track to make millions more dollars and further crunching the AR genre under their feet.

Do you feel like Niantic deserved this opportunity to become the developers of HP:WU ? Do you think this game will turn into a disaster as well?

Personally, I really wish there was another developer for HP:WU. One of the few things that may make Niantic improve is solid competition to their work.

submitted by /u/gr3ymatter8055
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GPS Signal Not Found. (11)

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 05:41 AM PST

I haven't had any problems running PoGo inside a building until the past couple weeks. It started before I got my iPhone X and has now continued with the X. My friend with a different carrier is having the same issue. Any ideas on what is causing the issue and how to fix it? Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/redditsignin11
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[question] Has Niantic fixed the glitch that causes PoGo+ to be delayed when using iOS 11?

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 12:12 PM PST

Just as the title says.. there was a glitch when the new iOS came out that caused a several second delay for all actions using the PoGo+, essentially rendering it useless..

I ended up reverting my iPhone back to iOS 10 to fix the problem, but I was wondering if anybody knew if Niantic has fixed this issue yet so I can finally upgrade again?

submitted by /u/omnipeasant
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[idea] Don't mind me, just another "ideas I'd like implemented" thread.

Posted: 12 Nov 2017 10:35 AM PST

1. A 7 Day Raid reward system. Currently people play every other day and use their two passes in that one day. By giving us daily rewards, this would encourage playing every day and get people back into group raids. Currently a combination of the weather and loss of interest are making our numbers dwindle.

2. A Master Ball. One per trainer after a certain threshold is met, but more can be obtained in extremely rare situations for example the Lottery system from Gen II or something else more creative. Thrown like a pokeball, but the circle is so big it can't be missed.

3. Feed a Pokemon in a Gym with a golden razz and always are guaranteed a candy.

4. Ability to switch Pokemon in after defeating a Pokemon before facing the subsequent one. THIS IS A STAPLE OF THE GAME. I'm so sick of my Pokemon always taking an unnecessary hit because switching mechanics suck.

5. Daily Challenges. Catch 3 Rattata, Defeat 5 Gyms, Walk 10km, Spin 15 Pokestops, etc. Rewards vary.

6. Ability to plant berries in a gym, come back the next day and receive 3 of that same berry. Can be done once per day.

Bonus: Team Rocket attacking gyms. This is a far stretch, but would be so cool. Give us a system implemented where Team Rocket attacks a gym, with a countdown timer on it like a raid. If a certain amount of Raticate/Ekans/Koffing/etc pokemon aren't defeated, then the gym turns black and becomes unavailable to be spun or inserted with Pokemon for 24 hours. This gives incentive for people of all teams to come together and defeat a common enemy. Rewarded with a decent amount of experience and some stardust.

submitted by /u/MasterOfTheAsses
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