Heroes of the Storm - Dragons of the Nexus – BlizzCon 2017 Hero Trailer

Dragons of the Nexus – BlizzCon 2017 Hero Trailer

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:22 AM PDT

Blizzcon 2017 Announcements

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:26 AM PDT

Alexstrasza - Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:37 AM PDT

New Features in Shop - straight from Blizzcon

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PDT

New itens category in shop! I spoke to a blue and he said they'll be releasing more of those soon, including completly reworked skins instead of just recolors and every vehicle will receive them! They'll tell us more on Blizzcon.

submitted by /u/NotBelial
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Dragons of the Nexus Event

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:26 AM PDT

Hanzo - Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:38 AM PDT

'What's new?' HotS Panel summary

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PDT

0. Pre-banter

The panel began with showing some fun statistics.

1. Target (Hero) Info Panels

  • The game UI will introduce new Hero Info Panels visible to you throughout the game, much alike it's been in League of Legends for a long time.
  • They're still working out how and where to effectively place them during the match, so as not to clutter the screen needlessly.
  • Essentially, you can expect to see this or a slightly altered square containing all the information visible on your screen during gameplay, presumably once you click on an enemy or an allied Target.

2. QoL UI improvements

  • This mostly affects heroes residing inside Vehicles or enemy Hero abilities, as seen here, here, here and here.

3. Integrated Voice Chat

4. Performance based Matchmaking Rating

  • Essentially, the Matchmaking system has already been gathering such data, only it has not been taken into account until this future update goes live.

Here is an example of what the system takes into account for an Illidan player.

  • As we can immediatelly tell, several stats matter for a well-performing Illidan player, and in this character's case, the main difference will stem from numbers difference between an underperforming, average and a great Illidan player, such as Hero Damage, number of Mercenary Camps taken etc.

Here is an example of what the system takes into account for a Kerrigan player.

  • Devs stated there's not that much difference between an average and a great Kerrigan player in terms of sheer number values within most of the statistics listed there, however in her case, one that will likely have a higher influence on one's performance based Matchmaking Rating, will be how long can she keep enemy Heroes under Crowd Control effects, kind of similarly how you sometimes see that a Malfurion has Silenced enemy Heroes for X seconds at the MVP screen. This stat, among other listed in the image, will most likely serve to separate a great Kerrigan player from an average one, boosting your personal MMR.

  • What all this will lead to will essentially come down to reaching your actual MMR faster than before, requiring less games to get there. You will gain more points for winning and lose less for losing.

Here is a graph example of a Bronze players' MMR progression once his account has been taken over by a Master rank player.

  • Dashed line indicates the Master ranked player's MMR climb within the old Matchmaking system.
  • Regular line belongs to the same Master ranked player, except within the new, upcoming Matchmaking system.
  • Bronze players' MMR is low, and at around 40 games the account is taken over by the Master ranked player.
  • The Master rank player proceeds to take the account out of Bronze all the way to Masters, which takes him 251 games played within the current Matchmaking system.
  • The 131st game is where this Master rank player would be expected to hit Master rank within the new system, so in roughly twice as few games, all thanks to his new, personalized Matchmaking Rating.
  • Please do note that Blizzard does not condone 'account trading', and while they weren't the happiest to show this, this example clearly portrayed the difference between the current Matchmaking system and the new one that's coming mid-December, next Ranked Season.

--------------------------------------- The "2018 Gameplay Update" segment -----------------------------

1. Evaluating Camera Height

  • Brace yourselves for a camera elevation change, we will be able to see more and have a better graps on teamfights.
  • Devs have tinkered around to find the sweet spot that will allow us to see more of the battlefield while simultaneously not loosing too much focus or the details by being panned out more.
  • Example of the current camera height in game.
  • New camera height, showcasing Stitches being able to see Chromie in the back, allowing him to land the Hook and secure the kill.

2. Stealth Heroes - refining strategy

3. Laning Updates - refined impact

Quite a bit to cover here, we will be seeing fundamental changes to the core early-game gameplay and an increased emphasis on the laning phase.

Infinite Tower Ammunition

  • That's the first big one. Towers will have infinite ammunition, meaning that instead of just clearing the wave and moving away to do something else, we will now be encouraged to actually lay some siege damage on said Towers in order to make meaningful Structural damage progress, as a minion wave left on its own will be less efficient than before.

The Future of Fortifications

Regeneration Globes changes

  • Another quite important change is in store for our beloved Regen Globes.
  • Currently, they last 6 seconds and you can pick yours from the enemy minion wave, so can they from yours.
  • In the future, Globes will now last only 4 seconds, after which they'll become Neutral for another 4 seconds, meaning everyone will be able to pick up everyone's Regen Globes, and there will be a possibility to get two from each, your and enemy wave, as opposed to just one Globe.
  • This will add more dynamic to laning and encourage players to take more risks and zone their opponents out even better.

Enhancing Map-specific mechanics

  • Map-specific mechanics will be "pushed back" (e.g. how fast the first Tribute spawns on Cursed Hollow), to let us stay in lane a bit longer.
  • Simplified objective spawn timers; only two sets of 'rules' to learn and memorize. Maps that rely more on 'laning' (or where the objective is closer to a lane, broadly speaking, such as Dragonshire I'd assume) will have their objectives spawn at 1:30m, and those that encourage you to step outside of the lane a fair bit, will spawn at 3:00m.
  • Earlier objective notifications will also be unified, to 30s prior. In some cases, on some maps, there may even be additional (even earlier) notifiers showing where the next objective will spawn, even prior to the above mentioned 30s warning. Infernal Shrines was mentioned here specifically.
  • They still like to retain some objective spawn variation, so some of that will remain, except now you will be notified of it sooner.
  • The aim of all those changes is to not increase the game length specifically. We may see some increase, but it likely won't be anything dramatic; at least the devs didn't notice any such significant match length changes during internal testing so far.

5. Reinforcing Mercenary Camps

Knight Camp

  • The Knight 'Wizard' of the Knight Camp ('4 dudes') will now emit a Spell Armor Aura, increasing all minions, mercenaries and allied Heroes' Spell Armor within a certain range.

Hellbat Camp

  • Will decrease Armor on whomever they attack, stacking up to several times.

Giants Camp

  • Will have more telegraphed attacks, allowing you to kill them without essentially taking any damage in return, if you're good with dodging. It is possible now, but not well visualized, so they want to improve that.

That's it for now, I didn't quite catch everything at the end, since the live stream went down and it's not up yet for viewing, so I'll re-check this post tomorrow and add anything that's missing.

submitted by /u/azurevin
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New Zeratul Heroic: Might of the Nerazim

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:11 PM PDT

This should be all changes to Zeratul, except for number tweaks which I didn't notice. I may have missed something.

Might of the Nerazim (Level 10)

Mana: 30
Cooldown: 15 Seconds

Activate to cast an untalented version of Zeratul's most recently used Basic Ability.

Passive: After using an Ability, Zeratul's next Basic Attack within 6 seconds deals 40% more damage.

NOTE: The icon for your R button changes to show whatever Basic Ability you most recently used. It shows the Rewind icon, if none.

Rewind is gone. Replacement (upgrade to new ult):

Nerazim Fury (Level 20)

Might of the Nerazim resets the cooldown of all Basic Abilities.

Yes, that's a 15 second Rewind.

NOTE: The reset does not consume the copy-cast from Might. So, you can triple-cast Abilities, like: Q->R->Q would be triple Cleave.

Combo Slash is gone (now built in to Might of the Nerazim). A modified Shadow Assault is now on 4:

Shadow Assault (Level 4)

Cooldown: 30 Seconds

Activate to gain 40% Attack Speed for 5 seconds.

Grim Task is gone. Replacement:

Shadow Fury (Level 4)

Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes grant 15% Spell Power for 4 seconds, up to 45%.

Vorpal Blade now baseline, on your 1 key. New Level 1:

From the Shadows (Level 1)

Gain 25% Movement Speed while Stealthed.

Still has Nexus Blades. New, level 20:

Tipping Point (Level 20)

Vorpal Blade gains a 2nd charge.

There were lots of edits to this post. This is all based on DunkTrain's stream: https://go.twitch.tv/videos/187359717

submitted by /u/Unlucky_HOTS
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Stealth Rework Preview (2018 Gameplay Update)

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:34 AM PDT

Justice for Tyrael

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:04 PM PDT

Li Li rework: partial Patch Notes

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:01 PM PDT

All of this is taken from DunkTrain's stream. The Developer with him (Travis McGeathy?) stated that it's possible only part of her rework was included in the Blizzcon build. Quote: "I don't know if the whole thing is here." Also, some of the screens were blurry, so I may have copied some numbers incorrectly.

Base Kit Changes

Fast Feet (trait)

Upon taking damage, Li Li's Basic Ability cooldowns refresh 50% faster and she gains 10% Movement Speed for 1 second.

Healing Brew (Q)

Mana: 30 -> 25
Cooldown: 3 -> 4 seconds
Range: 7 -> 6
Healing: 196 -> 177

Cloud Serpent (W)

Mana: 30 -> 35
Cooldown: 10 -> 12 seconds
Damage: 25 -> 27
Now heals:

Summon a Cloud Serpent on an allied Hero that attacks nearby enemies for 27 damage every second. 50% of the damage dealt by the Serpent is returned as health to the ally. Lasts 8 seconds.

Blinding Wind (E)

Mana: 35 -> 30
Cooldown: 10 -> 12 seconds
Blind duration: 2 -> 1.5 seconds

Jug of 1,000 Cups (R1)

Mana: 100 -> 110
Cooldown: 70 -> 20 seconds

Channel for up to 6 seconds, healing the lowest Health nearby allied Hero for 66 health every 0.25 seconds. Jug of 1,000 Cup's cooldown is increased the longer it is Channeled up to an additional 50 seconds.

NOTE: That 66 health could be "55" or something like it, too blurry for me. The live number is equivalent to 68 health per 0.25 seconds. Also, I'm assuming if Li Li is stunned/silenced during Jug, the cooldown is lower, but can't confirm.

Water Dragon (R2)

Appears to be 100% identical.

Complete Level 1 Tier

Pandaren Express (lol)

Healing Brew's cooldown is reduced by 1 second and its Mana cost is refunded if its target is under 50% Health.

Wind Serpent

Each Hero hit by Blinding Wing reduces the cooldown of Cloud Serpent by 3 seconds.


Increases Fast Feet's duration by 50% and increase Mana regeneration by 150% while Fast Feet is active.

Complete Level 4 Tier

Serpent Sickness

Cloud Serpent's duration is increased by 0.5 seconds every time it hits a Hero.

Hurricane Winds

Blinding Winds Slows Heroes hit by 30% for 2 seconds.

Safety Sprint

Activate to gain Fast Feet for 2 seconds and increase its Movement Speed bonus to 30% while active.
No cooldown listed.

Complete Level 7 Tier

The Good Stuff

Healing Brew heals for an additional 42 over 3 seconds. While Fast Feet is active, this heal amount is increased by 100%.

Lightning Serpent

Cloud Serpent attacks bounce to hit 2 additional Heroes for 50% damage.

To The Rescue (Cleanse replacement, same icon)
Cooldown: 40 seconds

Activate to heal an allied Hero for 140 and make them Unstoppable for 1 second. To The Rescue's cooldown is affected by Fast Feet. Cannot be used on Li Li.

Complete Level 13 Tier

Gale Force

Increase Blinding Wind's duration by 1 second. Li Li's Basic Attacks against Blinded Heroes deal 50% increased damage.

Surging Winds

If Blinding Winds hits 2 Heroes, its cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds and Li Li gains 10% Spell Power for 10 seconds.

Mass Vortex

Increase the number of enemies hit by Blinding Wind from 2 to 3. Blinding Wing deals 100% additional damage if all 3 enemies are Heroes.

I don't have Levels 16 or 20 ... anyone wanna help a redditor out?

submitted by /u/Unlucky_HOTS
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Nova skin for Widowmaker in Overwatch

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:26 PM PDT

Alexstrasza all Abilities and Talents

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:24 PM PDT

Chen, Zarya and Muradin are the sole survivors of a Zeppelin crash in the desert.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:44 AM PDT

Chen, Zarya and Muradin are the sole survivors of a Zeppelin crash in the desert. Though the ordeal has bonded them as close friends, the terrible heat has them all dying of thirst. It looks like it's all over until they find a magic lamp!

Chen picks the lamp up and gives it a rub and out pops a genie who proclaims herself as "Chromie"

"I'll give each of you two wishes" says Chromie.

Chen knows exactly what he wants. "I wish for a barrel of my famous Stormstout brew and to be back home in Pandaria where I belong!"

"Done!" Bellows Chromie, and the last thing Zarya and Muradin see is Chen taking a big swig from his barrel as he disappears.

"Alright, who's next?"

"Me!" Shouts Zarya . "I vant a bottle of Vodka and to be back home in mother Russia."

Chromie waves her hand and Zarya disappears while knocking back her bottle of Vodka.

"And yourself?" Asks Chromie to Muradin. Muradin thinks for a moment while stroking his beard.

"How about a Big Mug of ice cold beer?" And a Big mug appears before him almost instantaneously.

"And your second wish?"

"Agh bugger" Muradin says after swallowing a mouthful of beer.

"What's the matter?" Chromie enquires.

"It's just no good without company. I wish me two best friends were back to enjoy it with me. "

submitted by /u/Maskimus
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I know this is from Overwatch, but I found the Lost Vikings on the new map Blizzard World as the Confused/Lost Travolta meme.

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:15 PM PDT

Here it is in Blizzard World on Overwatch: https://imgur.com/WelAfQS

And Here is the Travolta Meme for comparison: https://media.giphy.com/media/gngO1gmBhS9na/giphy.gif

submitted by /u/lordbusiness7
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HGC Finals - Quarterfinal :: Ballistix vs Roll20 esports :: Discussion thread

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:50 PM PDT

Previous match thread: HGC Finals - Quarterfinal :: Fnatic vs Tempo Storm.

Remember to upvote this thread to make it visible after another one is stickied. Thanks!

Roll20 had an exceptionally impressive performance in Group C in their decider match against Tempest, when they were able to secure a 2:0 result. While it was North America's #1 seed against Korea's #3 seed– beating a Korean team is an achievement nonetheless for the US of A. While unlikely, it's possible that Roll20 Esports have this upset within them. They have made the proper adjustments needed after adding Francisco 'Goku' Avalos in June and have been relentlessly scrimming throughout Opening Week and in the time before heading to Anaheim, sizing up the competition.

Ballistix however have two new members since their win at BlizzCon last year, adding Hyun Tae 'SDE' Kim and Jong Hoon 'Hooligan' Park after MSB. It's clear to see that these two meshed quickly, with Ballistix taking home the trophy at the most recent Eastern Clash. This is a factor to take into consideration, as Roll20 did not even qualify for their most recent, respective Western Clash. The pace of assimilation for these rosters is important to consider with everything on the line now.

read more: Entering the Arena: First Round Matchups at the HGC Finals


The match should start at about 18:00 PDT / 21:00 EDT / 2:00 CET / 10 minutes from this post. Please note that this time might not include potential delays.

BlizzCon megathread

Match reports, VODs


Community challenges

HGC Finals

The HGC Finals is a 16-team, $1,000,000 tournament, serving as the culmination of the 2017 season of HGC. 8 teams were eliminated in the Opening Week, and other 8 teams now play at the BlizzCon stage in a single-elimination bracket to determine which team is the best in the world.


Ballistix vs Roll20 esports
Hooligan warrior - support buds
Jeongha melee - ranged/flex Glaurung
sCsC ranged/flex - melee/flex Goku
SDE flex - warrior Justing
Swoy support - ranged/flex Prismaticism

Match format

Quarterfinals of the HGC Finals are best-of-3 matches. Semifinals and the Grand Final will be best-of-5.

Battleground bans

  • Ballistix: Warhead Junction
  • Roll20 esports: Dragon Shire

Game version

HGC Finals are played on the Junkrat release patch, but teams are not allowed to pick Junkrat. Changes from the recent Junkrat balance patch are not applied on the tournament server.

Match threads for the HGC Finals are brought to you by /u/lerhond and /u/Suspected. Please PM /u/lerhond if you have any feedback.

submitted by /u/HeroesEsportsThreads
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Hanzo all Abilities and Talents

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 02:06 PM PDT

What was that last draft? [possible HGC spoiler]

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:02 PM PDT

I just do not understand Roll20's last draft whatsoever, outside of pure troll picks it's hard to imagine that draft going any worse for them. I'm just so confused right now. =(

edit: Just wracking my brain right now since I have really enjoyed Glaurung and Roll20's progression in the HGC. Muradin -> amazing at killing TLV, especially with his stun at 7 on jump, Kharazim -> best support at killing TLV, Greymane -> kills them in 2 ish autos and gets quest stacks, Zera/Dehaka -> traditional TLV hard counters. By all apparent logic TLV was legitimately the worst possible pick in that situation... what the hell went wrong?

submitted by /u/Persies
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New Hots crossover skins in Overwatch

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 04:35 PM PDT

Li Li Rework Incoming

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 01:09 PM PDT

Performance based rating?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 11:27 AM PDT

Wow!! Your rating will now change based upon your performance. That seems pretty awesome but could come with some problems. Obviously, some heroes put out better numbers than other. Hopefully it's not all about kills or siege damage.

submitted by /u/Volte
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BREAKING: Li Li Rework, Utter Madness, Complete Talent Breakdown by BBJ

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:58 PM PDT

BREAKING: Full Zeratul Rework Talent Breakdown -- McIntyre

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 03:21 PM PDT

Someone ask for Arthas Remodel tomorrow

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 08:00 PM PDT

To anyone at BLIZZCON please for the love of Heroes ask the head honchos where it's at! The fellows that tried to ask last year couldn't get up in the front of the lines to ask. PLEASE ASK!

submitted by /u/Squanchtheee
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Additional Stealth Change - Chu8 Stream

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:40 PM PDT

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